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The 28th July is His Majesty the King Vajiralongkorn's Birthday's or วันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว in Thai language. This public holiday is celebrated nationwide as Father's Day ("WAN PHO HENG CHAT" - วันพ่อแห่งชาติ). The King is considered as the father of all Thai people.
Below text and pictures are related to the Birthday of the former Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej or RAMA IX. His birthday was on 05th December.

Born in 1927, His Majesty the King had captured the hearts of the Thai people through his devotion to improving the welfare and well-being of his subjects.

His H.M. the King Rama IX was highly recognised among Thai society because he always took care about his people. Each year he used to go up-country to visit villages and towns to talk to people and to know their problems. He was not a King far away from his people. He had created many foundations and had done many projects to improve the life of his people. He was responsible of projects which helped hill tribes to replace their opium culture with substitution cultures.

Each year in the evening of the 5th december, a free huge concert was organized in Sanam Luang, the area in front of Wat Phra Kaew in Bangkok. It was a great honour for singers to be invited to play one song in the concert dedicated to the King. Some of them sang songs composed by the King himself. Every kind of Thai music was played such as Molam, Thai country music, pop, Disco Dance and also every kind of singers from very old ones to teenagers in order to give satisfaction to the crowd.

The Avenue Ratchadamnoen Klang, which is containing many administrative building, was festooned with colorful lights. This street ends to Sanam Luang, the area in front of Wat Phra Kaew. In the middle of the avenue Ratchadamnoen Klang, many huge and beautiful portraits of the King were displayed.

In year 2007, Thailand had celebrated their King's 80th birthday with festivities and prayers. Almost all Thai citizen wore yellow shorts. This color symbolized devotion to the world's longest reigning monarch.

Each year, H.M. the King spoke about Thailand during his landmark birthday speech. During those speeches, the King provided opinions and reflections on the state of the nation. Government and officials may felt the heat through some indirect Royal blames.
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