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This movie serie "Mae Nak" (แม่นาค) has been shot more than 20 times over 50 years. Despite the evolution of Thai society over 50 years, "Mae Nak" story remains a popular topic for movies, cartoons and TV series. Famous versions include แม่นาคพระโขนง (1959) with Preeya Roongrueng, แม่นาคอาละวาด (1989) with Chutima Naiyana, สัญญาใจแม่นาคพระโขนง (1992) with Trirak Rakkarndee and นางนาก (1999) with Intira Jaroenpura. It is about a love beyond death from a woman towards her husband.

Year: 1959
Thai title: แม่นาคพระโขนง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Lor Tok,Surasit Sattayawong,Kokheng
Main actress: Preeya Roongrueng,Namgneun Boonnak
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Every man in the village loves a young lady called Nak. Young men Mak, Tit Man and the local subdistrict headman's son are part of the suitors but Nak loves Mak. Tit Man tries to forget his discomfiture with another lady called Lamchoon but to no avail so he leaves the village. During a temple festival (งานวัด), where Nak was making merit (ทำบุญ), the local subdistrict headman's son (ลูกกำนันเศรษฐี) fights over Nak with Mak. It turns to be a general fight. Mak promises to marry Nak. On the following day a wedding procession takes place. Similar to movie "The old scar" (แผลเก่า), this 1959 version highlights the rural life with fishing in rice fields and buffaloes. The main actor is the strong and muscular สุรสิทธิ์ สัตยวงษ์. When Nak is pregnant (แผลท้อง), Mak is so happy. But he does receive a letter as he has been selected by lottery to be a soldier in Bangkok. Pa is staying with Nak. The local subdistrict headman's son tries his chance again while Mak is away but Tit Man, going back from Bangkok, helps Nak to chase him. In Bangkok, a woman Chomanak tries to seduce Mak but he is faithful to Nak. Nak dies while giving birth. In this "Mae Nak" 1959 version, the part when Nak is still human is much longer (49 mn) than other "Mae Nak" movies focusing on the ghostly part. During funerals, strong wind and dog howlings happen. People are afraid of ghosts. A local master (อาจารย์) called Thong wishes to make magic filters (ยาเสน่ห์) with Nak's corpse oil (น้ำมันพราย) as it has strong power but he gets strangled while trying to get oil by putting a candle under Nak's chin. Nak is back home waiting for Mak. Nak is now a Phi Tai Hong Klom (ผีตายโหงทองกลม), powerful spirit as it is includes the spirit of unborn baby. The local subdistrict headman's son tries his chance again but this time he loses life. Lor Tok plays a dishonest sorcerer master again asking his acolytes to wear fake ghosts clothes but of course real Mae Nak ghost is coming and all flee. Mak is back home. While preparing food for Mak, a lemon falls on below floor. Mak sees Nak's arm streching out to get the lemon. His child has a demon face. The food is only made of salted fish (ปลาร้า). As he just drank alcohol, he believes his vision is altered. During night time, Nak takes appereance of an ugly ghost again. Mak flees to Tit Man's house. Tit Man confirms that Nak is now a ghost (วิญญาณแรง). Nak is unhappy with Mak's friends as she sees them as a hindrance to her love. A new master helps to neutralize Nak. She refuses to die and birth again (วิญญาณเกิดใหม่) because she loves Mak so much. Love is not possible between ghost and human. In this Mae Nak version, the master succeeds to neutralize Mae Nak and have her spirit emprisonned in an earthen jar closed by a sacred cloth. In other versions, only a Buddhist monk can stop Mae Nak as masters are always useless charlatans. Mae Nak Prakanong (1959) starred sexy actress Preeya Rungruang, while the more recent Nang Nak (1999) featured the actress Intira Jaroenpura, thus shifting the image of female ghosts to a more realistic and humanistic one. It is a typical 1960s movie with dog howling, sorcerer (หมอผี) used, rural background. The picture is decolored and as it is a former 16mm movie, it features a dubbed soundtrack. Mae Nak movie first version was played during Preeya Roongrueng's funerals as an ultimate homage.

Year: 1968
Thai title: แม่นาคคะนองรัก
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Choomporn Theppitak,Kokheng
Main actress: Preeya Roongrueng,Kaenjai Meenakanit
Thai movie แม่นาคคะนองรัก was released in year 1968. The movie is lost in Thailand but a mute sequence of 24 minutes with an image very damaged remains to be seen (probably the first reel). Two men come back by boat. Back from Bangkok, Mak (Choomporn Theppitak) meets his wife Nak (Preeya Roongrueng). Mak drinks alcohol until he gets quite drunk and is not able to discern true reality such as seeing a ghost instead of his baby and seeing Nak’s arm getting longer to catch a lemon, which falled from the first floor. The food is spoiled. Before sleeping, Mak wants to hold his child. He still doesn't realise that his wife is a ghost. He finally got concerns and discusses with comic actor Kokheng and other villagers. Actress Preeya Roongrueng has played three times in Mae Nak movies, once in 1959, 1968 and 1978. Movies where Choomporn Theppitak is the main actor are pretty rare. Other actors / actresses are ฤทธี นฤบาล, นุสรา แสงรัตน์, หยาดรุ้ง ระพี.

Year: 1970
Thai title: แม่นาคพระนคร
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha,Sompong Phonmitr,Sukon Koewliam,Op Boonthit,Songthong
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Mom Chan Phuangwan,Sisala Thongtara,Kingdao Daranee,Chosri Misommon,Yaowaret Nisakorn
Thai movie แม่นาคพระนคร was released in year 1970. The movie is lost in Thailand but the movie is still available at the Thai Film Archives in Nakhon Pathom. Main actor is Mitr Chaibancha and main actress is Aranya Namwong. Other actors and actresses are Sukon Koewliam, Sompong Phonmitr, Mom Chan Phuangwan, Sisala Thongtara, Kingdao Daranee Op Boonthit, Chosri Misommon, Yaowaret Nisakorn, Songthong. Most of them are comic actors / actresses. So this 1970 version is more comic oriented (หนังผีตลก) than horror oriented. In this 1970 version, Nak also extends her hand but not to catch a lemon falling from the kitchen but to save somebody falling froma building. Mitr is playing Mak (มาก) and Aranya is playing Nak (นาค). The movie is taking place nowadays. Nak is hurt by a car driven by Doctor Mak, who is the reincarnation of soldier Mak from last century! The movie is lasting 145 minutes. The story is still available through old Thai magazines also.

Year: 1978
Thai title: แม่นาคพระโขนง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sombat Methanee,Somphob Benjatikul,Dam Datsakorn,Lor Tok,Thep Thienchai,Uten Boonyong,Rong Kaomulkadee,Songthong
Main actress: Preeya Roongrueng,Naowarat Yooktanun,Chosri Misommon,Somjit Sapsamruey
Thai movie แม่นาคพระโขนง was released in year 1978 and lasts 1h50mn. Preeya Roongrueng already played Mae Nak role in year 1959. She remained the most famous actress for this role. The 1959 version was very successful. It made more than 1M Baht in 1959, i.e. a huge amount for that period. So for this 1978 version, the movie director reused Preeya Roongrueng again hoping for a similar success. But 19 years have passed. In 1959 Preeya was 19 years old. For 1978 version, she was 38 years old. Preeya mentioned she was getting fatter for the role but it didn't matter as she was playing a ghost! The 1978 movie trailer is also making a reference to the 1959 version. It is Thot Kathin festival (ทอดกฐิน) so lady Somjit Sapsamruey is coming with her two daughters, i.e. Nak and Jampee (ตรีสุคนธ์ ยุกตะนันท์). Phi Mak (Sombat Methanee) and his younger brother Man (Somphob Benjatikul) love the same woman Nak (Preeya Roongrueng). Tui (Rong Kaomulkadee) is playing comic role as usual. Man loves Nak despite she is older than him. Pleum, subdistrict headman’s son (ลูกกำนัน), has also interest into Nak. Mak asks Nak for wedding. Disappointed, his brother Man leaves for Bangkok to work there. Nak is pregnant since 2 months. Mak has to leave for Bangkok as he was selected to do his military duty as a soldier. Pleum (Dam Datsakorn) comes to harass Nak but Man is helping her. Naowarat Yooktanun, daughter of officer (นายทหาร), likes Mak but he misses his wife (ห่วงเมีย) and wishes to go home. While delivering, Nak dies (ตายทั้งกลม). Comic actor Thep Thienchai is present at the funerals. A master (อาจารย์) tries to get chin oil but he just makes Nak angry and gets strangled. Nak is upset that Naowarat has interest into Mak. Uten Boonyong wants to hire master Lor Tok to get rid of Nak. It is a complete failure as Lor Tok flees away. At nighttime, Pleum faces Nak. Mak is back home. Things get weird with Mak seeing Nak’s arm extension to reach a lemon fallen under the house, food having pla ra taste, baby having Songthong face... Realising she is a ghost (ผี), Mak flees from home and goes to Man's home. Man explains what happened to Mak. They take refuge in the village Buddhist temple. A new master is called and warns that Nak is very powerful (วิญญาณดู่มาก). To neutralize Nak, the master gives a sacred thread to put around her neck. The master captures her spirit into a pot sealed with a sacred cloth. She has to accept her death (หมดเวรหมดกรรม). Mak promises to meet her during next life. The pot is thrown away in the river.

Year: 1978
Thai title: วิญญาณรักแม่นาคพระโขนง
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Sombat Methanee,Phirapon Piyawan
Main actress: Preeya Roongrueng
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The movie is the second opus of "Mae Nak" (แม่นาค) shot in the same year 1978. Life has finally regained after the first opus and Mak, former Mae Nak's husband, has new interest with one young lady. An old fisherman uncovers the pot made of clay, in which the Buddhist monk kept Mae Nak spirit. It was lying on the bottom of the river. As the fisherman opens it, the spirit is freed to roam again. Mae Nak is looking for her husband and remove roofs from village homes to check inside. Same as many 1970 Thai horror movies, Fx effects are poor. Such movie includes typical repetitive jokes about unaware villagers talking to ghosts and then fleeing when they discover they are talking to real ghosts, or a joke when many men can hide in a water jar and then flee when a ghost is entering also, or comical psychics (หมอผี) unable to chase away ghosts whatever they are Thai, Indian or Chinese. Finally only a Buddhist monk novice can stop Mae Nak. Once again Nak and Mak promise to love each other in next life (ถ้าชาติหน้ามีจริงให้เราไปเกิดใช้ชีวิตรวมกันอีก). Mae Nak movies are famous as more than 15 remakes have been done and Mae Nak story is part of Thai culture but this remake doesn't bring any added value despite the presence of Sombat Methanee.

Year: 1989
Thai title: แม่นาคอาละวาด
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: สุริยน ดวงทองดี
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Lak Apichat
Main actress: Chutima Naiyana
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Thai movie แม่นาคอาละวาด was released in year 1989 and lasts 1h32mn. It was released under VCD format. Thai movie แม่นาคอาละวาด is another movie based on Mae Nak story. Thai word อาละวาด means "act violently". Movie director is สุริยน ดวงทองดี. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Bin Banleurit, Chutima Naiyana, สุทิศา จันทวาด, Lak Apichat, สกรรฐ์ รามบุตร, จิตติมา บุญญากานต์, หมู คินโป. This film is a remake of previous movie แม่นาคอาละวาด shot in 1973. It is a mix of horror and comedy. Same as many Thai horror movies from 1980s-1990s decades, it includes the classic chases when people run away from ghosts. It also features traditional funny characters (ตัวตลก) such as the big friend. While her husband Mak (Bin Banleurit) is away, Nak (Chutima Naiyana) is going to deliver her baby. As the movie happens in the countryside, it is still the old way to deliver babies. Nak dies during childbed. Mak is in Bangkok. During the funeral ceremony, a black cat jumps on the coffin. It is a bad traditional omen. The coffin breaks and Nak opens her eyes. All villagers flee. Later on, Master Dap has arguments with Sin, son of the sub district headman. Master (อาจารย์) Waen is mandated by Sin to get corpse oil (น้ำมันพราย) to make magic filter (ยาเสน่ห์) to use as a weapon (อาวุธ) to fight Master Dap. The master tries to get corpse oil from Nak but she cuts his head. Mak is going back home. Nak is waiting for him. She makes delicious food for him. The food is in fact rotten (อาหารผี) with worms but Mak cannot see it. Mak realizes that Nak is a ghost as at night time her appearance changes to a putrefied body. He flees from home and takes refuge at Master Dap's home but Nak is chasing after him. Nak still loves Mak and was waiting for his return since her death. Lek and her father Bukan visit Pa Khanong district. Mak previously stayed in Bukan's house. Lek is fond of Mak. She is in competition with Soi, another village lady and previous friend of Nak. A new master tries to neutralize Nak and puts her in a pot closed with a cloth covered with sacred words. The pot is thrown in the river. Meanwhile Mak marries with Lek. A couple of fishermen catch the pot and free the spirit. Nak takes revenge over Sin and the master. Mak and Nak still love each other but cannot stay together (คนละโลก). Only next life, a new love could be possible. Mak is not happy with Lek’s hindrance. Finally Lek is too afraid and flees to Bangkok. Nak entrusts Mak with Soi. Nak leaves on her own decision. Compared to other movies, no monk or sorcerer (หมอผี) forces Nak to quit the earthly world.

Year: 1990
Thai title: แม่นาคคืนชีพ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Likit Eakmongkol
Main actress: Metta Roongrat,Marasri Bangchang
Thai movie แม่นาคคืนชีพ was released in year 1990. It lasts 1h46mn. Marut (Likit Eakmongkol), working in a newspaper as writer (นักเขียน), is investigating on ghosts (ผี). Veteran actress Metta Roongrat is the mother of Marut. Marut decides to write the real story about Mae Nak (แม่นาค). With a friend, he goes to Buddhist temple Mahabut. Nobody wishes to answer to him. Marut takes pictures of the dancers (ละครชาตรี) and remarks a lady identified as teacher (ครู) Nuan Monapa (ชุดาภา จันทเขตต์) on the picture. Relief character is called Mongkon (ธีรวัฒน์ ทองจิตติ). Nom is Nuan's younger sister. Marut meets the teacher face to face but she claims she is not the one on the pictures. A man called Boonme (จ้องไว้แล้ว) has arguments with Marut and Mongkon as he believes they come to seduce teacher Nuan. Bad words fuse (หมาหมู่) so better use polite language (ภาษาดอกไม้). After a diner, Marasri Bangchang mother of Nuan, Marut and Mongkon are aggressed by ruffians led by Boonme. Ghost Mae Nak having same face as teacher Nuan helps Marut. Her previous husband called Mak is reincarnated through Marut nowadays. Marut has disappeared and his parents, Mongkon and Nuan are worried. A woman called Apinya and claiming to be Marut's fiancee threatens to sue Nuan's family. Mae Nak wishes to go living in Marut's home. So she visits Nuan and warns her not to visit Marut to avoid bringing confusion. Apinya is unhappy of Nuan being in Marut's home and called her bumpkin teacher (ครูบ้านนอก). Apinya, being slapped, quits the home and promises to come back with a spirit doctor (หมอผี). She decides to hire some ghost busters. They fail. Apinya decides to hire a real master (อาจารย์). Brahma statue asks Mae Nak to forget her love and to rebirth (หมดเวร). Apinya puts a sacred neck on Nuan and she becomes Mae Nak. Marut is now aware of the reality. He chases away Apinya and removes the necklace hurting Mae Nak. Mae Nak asks Marut to marry the real Nuan. Nuan and Marut get engaged. During one night, Nuan is kidnapped. Boonme is suspected. Marut decides to get Mae Nak's help. Apinya is the one behind the kidnapping wishing Boonme to have Nuan becoming his wife. Mae Nak arrives on time to save Nuan. Apinya to save her life promises to stop bothering Nuan. Mae Nak can now leave this world to rebirth.

Year: 1992
Thai title: สัญญาใจแม่นาคพระโขนง
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Mum Jokmok
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
The movie starts in year 2411 / 1868. Lady Nak is married to Mak. Her husband Mak is away as a soldier in Bangkok. Nak dies when giving birth. The movie first part is shot in sepia color. Mak is back from Bangkok. A citrus falls on the ground while Nak is preparing food for her husband. As she extends her arm to get the citrus, Mak knows his wife is now a ghost and decides to flee from home. Villagers go to Buddhist temple to request help from the abbot. Nak's spirit is captured by the abbot, put in an earthen pot and thrown in the river. Later on a fishermen couple catches the pot in their net. By breaking the pot, they release Nak spirit. In parallel, following a sword fight, lady Champee takes refuge in Nak's house. Champee's brothers want to marry her to a rich man and not to Tui, Mak's friend. Tui is played by Mum Jokmok, famous Thai comic since the 2000s, who is starring in this movie before he becomes famous for his jokes and comic skills. Robbers kidnap Bunta, daughter of a rich merchant. As Mak is interfering, Nak protects Mak and helps him to defeat the robbers. Master Te's (อาจารย์) help is requested as news about Nak spirit is spreading fast. Nak puts him in an earthen pot as a revenge of her previous burden. Nak follows the robbers and makes them kill each other. Their leader becomes crazy. Bunta goes back to her home and invites Mak to visit her. A love story starts between Mak and Bunta. Nak comes to face Mak and Bunta. She comes to get back her husband so threathens to kill Bunta as she is now between her and Mak. Nak still remembers her love promise but not Mak. As Nak is dead, Mak believes the love promise is void. Phi Nak kinadps Bunta's father to force her to leave Mak. A Buddhist novice comes to the village and stops Nak. She finally listens to the Buddhist novice and leaves the human world. This is another typical Thai horror movies from the 1990s with the classic chase between ghosts and humans in accelerated motion with the Halloween horror movie music. In 1989 actor Ekapan Banleurit and actress Trirak Rakkarndee already played together in TV serie แม่นาคพระโขนง.

Year: 1999
Thai title: นางนาก
English title: Nang Nak
Rating: 5/5
Director: Nonzee Nimitbut
Main actor: Vinai Kraibutr
Main actress: Intira Jaroenpura
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Last century, during the reign of King Mongkut (1851-1868), a woman called "NAK" was married to a man called "TID MAK". They moved into a house in Bangkok's Phra Khanong district. After a while her husband was called off to war. Alas she was already pregnant. While her husband was away, she died with the baby still inside her body. So as Thai people believe, a woman who died with her baby creates a powerful spirit called "PHI TAI HONG THONG KLOM" (ผีตายโหงทองกลม). She became a ghost. As she still loved her husband deeply, she took a form of human being and waited for "Tid Mak" to return. Her husband didn't know anything about his wife's death. So when he came back home, his wife was waiting for him. Many persons did warn him that his wife was dead and that he was living with a ghost but he did not believe them. One day when "MAE NAK" was preparing the dinner and her husband bathing himself in the bathroom, a lemon fell from her hand. As the house was a Thai traditional house, it was built on piles and so the lemon fell on the ground 2 meters lower than the house's floor. So the ghost "MAE NAK" made her arm longer in order to get it. But her husband saw that, he understood that his wife was now a ghost. He managed to flee from the house and took refuge inside a Buddhist temple. "MAE NAK" terrorised the local population as an expression of her anger with them for helping her husband. Thanks to a monk, the spirit was imprisoned in an earthen pot and thrown in the river. It is one of the the biggest success in Thai cinema (it grossed more than 150 million baht in Thailand). It is the story of "MAE NAK PHRA KHANONG" (แม่นาคพระโขนง). The spirit "MAE NAK" (แม่นาก) is not a dreadful spirit. She kills only to keep her husband. The love of "MAE NAK" towards her husband is beyond death. Many scenes are shot at night time with no additional lighting so making an eerie atmosphere. This movie has won awards for the best director, best art director, and best sound at Asia-Pacific Film Festival in 1999. Since the beginning of the Thai movie industry in 1923, the story of "MAE NAK" has been made and remade 15 times over. It is a modern remaking of a traditional tale, which evokes nostalgia (traditional house, buffaloes in field, quiet river...). The Culture Ministry registers 25 Thai classic films each year at the National Film Heritage Registry. This movie is part of the 25 films heritage list announced on 04 October 2014, which is Thai Movies Conservation Day.

Year: 2006
Thai title: นาค รักแท้ / วิญญาณ / ความตาย
English title: Ghost Of Mae Nak
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Kowit Wattanakul
Main actress: Marasri Isarangkul
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Nak and mak are a young couple that love each other deeply. Their trueness of their love wakes up the ghost Mae Nak. Mae Nak has been buried only and never had any proper funeral ceremony. Through terrific apparitions, she needs their help to rest in peace. Anybody who try to hinder their love is killed (the greedy estate agent who sold them the old house, the burglars). Mak, following a circulation accident, falls in a deep coma. Nak needs Mae Nak help to cure him. But Nak needs to find Mae Nak's body first to make proper Buddhist ceremony so that she can rest in peace. She also needs to give her back an old brooch made of her bones. Nak has to finish her task before an exorcism (ไล่ผี) is done on Mak. This is a modern and refreshing version based on Mae Nak ghost story that has inspired more than 15 Thai movies. The two main actors are coming from the Thai soap opera TV series. The director is English and the photography direction is really good.

Year: 2012
Thai title: แม่นาค 3D
English title: Mae Nak 3D
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Doo Dook Kradon,Rith Luecha,Choomporn Theppitak
Main actress: Bongkoj Kongmalai
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Thai movie แม่นาค 3D was released in year 2012. Veteran actor comic Doo Dook Kradon is playing relief character. During a temple fair (งานวัด), Mak is participating to a Thai boxing match. His opponent is Pleung, son of the subdistrict headman (พ่อกำนัน) (Rith Luecha). Pleung loses to Mak as Mak has the support of young lady Nak (Bongkoj Kongmalai). Mak and Nak wedding happens in the subdistrict headman's house making Pleung very upset (ให้นาคเป็นเมีย). Pleung uses a magician (หมอผี) to make a love philtre (น้ำมันพราย). The philtre touches Ploy instead of Nak. Ploy kills herself in Pleung's bedroom. Pleung wishes to use teacher (อาจารย์) Kong, who requires a foetus from a pregnant dead woman in order to create a child spirit (กุมารทอง). Unfortunately Nak, pregnant, dies while Mak is away. She is upset with Kong hurting her dead baby (นาคมา). Finally Phi Mak is back after being soldier (ไปรับราชการ) one year in Bangkok. He is not aware that Nak died already. Nobody dares to tell him the truth. He finds his house in bad shape. Finally Nak comes at nighttime but strangely her body is cold and has a strong smell. The famous scene when catching a lemon is impressive in 3D. Veteran actor Choomporn Theppitak is playing a monk. Kong promises to get rid of Nak but he finally dies. Nak takes revenge (ผีนาคอาละวาด) over those, who hurt her baby. Pleung’s life is spared but he becomes crazy. During her body cremation, Nak looks for Mak. Mak asks her to stop her killings and to accept her death. Mak plans to ordain permanently as a monk (บวชไม่ศึกตลอดชีวิต). Nak finally leaves for heaven (พบกันทุกชาติ). Mak wishes a good departure (อนุโมทนาสาธุ).

Year: 2013
Thai title: พี่มาก..พระโขนง
English title: Pee Mak
Rating: 5/5
Main actor: Mario Maurer
Main actress: Davika Hoorne
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While Phi Mak (Mario Maurer) is fighting as a soldier, his wife Nak dies during advanced pregnancy. Phi Mak is back with his four friends to Phra Khanong area. Mak doesn't know his wife is dead, neither his friends. People in the market refuses to sell to Mak anything. His friends understand the villagers are afraid of Nak, who is now a ghost. One of the friends, Chin, sees Nak extending her arm to catch a lemon fallen from the kitchen located on the first floor of the house. Mak's friends are trying to find stratagems to inform him without raising attention from Nak. Villagers who warned Mak are found dead. Upset by his friends behavior towards Nak, Mak is chasing them away. Friends want Mak to be aware. The four friends get confused and believe Mak is the ghost (ผี) and Nak is still an human. Finally realising their mistake, they end up in a Thai Buddhist temple but the monk is unable to protect them. Finally love is stronger (รักพี่มากมากๆ รักนากหนัก). Nak did nothing wrong as she just wants to stay with Mak but everybody tries to break their love. Nak and Mak stay together despite death showing that their love is stronger (รักไม่ธรรมดา). Thai movie Phi Mak (พี่มาก..พระโขนง) is a mix of light scary sequences, romance and comedy. It got the highest revenue in Thai movies history with more than 800M bath so making it the most ever popular Thai movie. It was even released in other Asian countries such as Hong Kong or Macau. Despite having been released for 15 times already, this new 2013 version features modern jokes, Mak as central character instead of Nak, Nak not being an evil spirit and a different ending. It is done as a movie for the whole family. The ending is more surprising and more romantic than the previous versions. Normally ghosts and humans cannot stay together so a monk always convinced Nak to rebirth in another life. Past reconstitution includes black teeth for actors.
This movie serie "BAAN PHI POP" (บ้านผีปอบ) is the Thai movie with the most sequels ever, i.e. 13 consecutive films from 1989 to 2011. This movie serie is grade B movie. This movie serie didn't get a lot of interest in Bangkok cinemas (หนังคนเมือง) but was very popular in rural northern and northeastern provinces of Thailand (หนังต่างจังหวัด). Some of the films had a very low quality and they just recycled old jokes over and over. Anyway everybody in Thailand knows "BAAN PHI PHOP" brand! Thai horror films in the past often mixed elements of comedy. "BAAN PHI PHOP" series succeeded in turning the ghost story into a farce. The most famous joke from "BAAN PHI PHOP" series is the scene of many people rushing into a water jar and exiting in another adjacent water jar.

Year: 1989
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
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A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person to eat his intestine while also forcing him to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at night-time. A birth happens in a village. Umbilical cord needs to be buried as "Phi Pop" ghost loves such fresh bloody food. The man, who was supposed to perform this task, is found dead. Villagers suspect a "Phi Pop" is responsible of the murder and they believe a "Phi Pop" is living inside the body of an old grandmother. The grandmother, called Thongkam (ทองคำ), is cured and helped by a young woman called Pla Pleung. Some medical students drop by villages and provide free caring for villagers. Khun Ret is the chief doctor. One night, while camping, they are attacked by the grandmother "Phi Pop". They are saved by Pla Pleung. The village head brings a sorcerer (หมอผี) to exorcise the grandmother. He hits her with a stick. Confrontation between the sorcerer and docter Ret happens. The sorcerer retreats. The same night the sorcerer is killed by the "Phi Pop". The village head's daughter has strong interest into doctor Ret and is jealous regarding other women being close to him, i.e. Pla Pleung and Ret's assistant. A hunter arrives in the village to get rid of "Phi Pop". Things get out of control as the villagers don't listen to doctor Ret anymore. Pla Pleung and the grandmother has to flee. The village head's daughter kills Ret's assistant as no ladies shall be between her and doctor Ret. The grandmother sees this and transfers her saliva to the village head's daughter, who now becomes a "Phi Pop". The grandmother dies but a new "Phi Pop" is now in the village and nobody knows it yet... This first opus includes a small budget (400 000 Baht), a mix of light horror, comedy and tint of erotism. The movie was shot in 7 days. Characters are similar to traditional theatre "Like" (ลิเก), i.e. the leading actor (พระเอก), the leading actress (นางเอก), the jealous girl (นางเอก), the funny and hilarious friends (ตัวตลก). There are always comic pursuits between ghost and actors in accelerated motion. This horror movie is dedicated for countryside spectators with a story happening in rural village. Bangkokian people are seen as outsiders and are not trust. They are well known to have seduce girls then dropped them. Pla Pleung had some concerns on doctor Ret. "Baan Phi Pop 1" was even shot in 16mm format so reduce the costs. Dubbing was done later in studio.

Year: 1990
Thai title: กระสือกัดปอบ
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Note Chernyim,Joomjim Khemlek,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
Dao (ดาว), a young lady, is living with her grandmother (ยาย), who is sick. They are poor. Pen, young man, just defrocked from monkhood. His father, village leader (ผู้ใหญ่), wishes to find a wife for him. Dao asks Pen to find a doctor as her grandmother is very sick. The grandmother gives Dao a ring, which is a family heritage. Em, Dao's friend, invites her to see an outdoor movie at the temple fair. It is a trick as another male villager called Chot wishes to meet Dao. Pen loves secretly Dao and is upset by other male villagers interest into Dao. Dao is feeling unwell and goes back home. She finds her grandmother died while sleeping. Due to the ring, Dao becomes a Kraseu (กระสือ), a filth-eating floating ghost with a head, a trailing heart and intestines. Kraseu steals the food from another ghost, a Phi Pop (ผีปอบ) who eats intestines. Villagers have now to flee two ghosts (ผีหลอก). Villagers identify Dao as the Kraseu ghost. The Phi Pop ghost has possessed (ถูกปอบเข้าสิง) another young villager lady called Raem (แรม). Her parents identify that she is a ghost as they saw her eating raw meat. Pen wishes to marry Dao as he doesn't know she has become a ghost. Chot finally wishes to marry with Raem so her parents are embarrassed as she is a ghost. Raem agrees to the wedding. On the wedding night, Chot wishes to reach the seventh paradise level (สวรรค์ 7) but it is a failure as his wife is a Phi Pop. Nevertheless Riem spares his life. Phi Kraseu and Phi Pop fight together. Riem's parents consult a master (อาจารย์). Within the first three months, the possessed can be saved (สุภาพเป็นคน) if the spirit is chased away. After it is too late. Another master is called as the first one failed. He recovers Dao successfully but the task is harder with Raem. Finally both ladies are safe but the love between Raem and Pen is stronger so Dao accepts Raem to become Pen’s minor wife. Basic Fx effects similar to 1970s / 1980s Thai horror movies are used such as the infamous howling dog during nighttime. It is “Baan Phi Pop” similar recipe mixing comedy and light horror. The soundtrack is a patchwork of other stolen soundtrack such as Friday 13.

Year: 1990
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 2
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee,Natanee Sitthisaman
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The second opus of บ้านผีปอบ continues with the same characters. The hunter is killed. New murders happen and intestines are always missing inside the bodies. Those murders are done by the village head's daughter, Kradeung (กระดึง), who is possessed by a "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) spirit. It takes appereance of Pla Pleung to accuse her. A second "Phi Pop" spirit is also hanging around. It has the apperance of a middle age woman, Ya Yip (หยิบ). The two "Phi Pop" are fighting together over the village territory possession. Villagers now know that Kradeung is a "Phi Pop". They organize a "Phi Pop" hunt that turns to a fiasco. A powerful sorcerer (หมอผี) comes to the village. It gets rid of Ya Yip "Phi Pop" first but fails with Kradeung. Finally the doctor Ret and Pla Pleung succeed to remove the "Phi Pop" ghost from Kradeung body but the second "Phi Pop" is still hanging around... Same as the first opus, this movie mixes horror, comic and a few salacious jokes in a rural context. "Phi Pop" is a traditional ghost in villages so many gags are based on rural life, i.e. men drinking together at night time and believing ghost visions are due to alcohol, woman wearing a tight traditional sarong (ผ้าถุง) and bathing in a pond with male villagers dreaming the sarong will slip down, classic gag when actors chased by a ghost enter water jars and exit from other jars... There are always comic pursuits between ghost and actors in accelerated motion. This opus contains bad cuts or maybe some censure. The first opus was shot in 7 days but the further opus were shot within 10 to 20 days.

Year: 1990
Thai title: ปอบผีเฮี้ยน
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee,Metta Roongrat
Same actors from "Baan Phi Pop 1 and 2" are playing in this Phi Pop movie. Rich trader people (คนเศรษฐี) want to buy land from grant-mother Chom but she refuses. She is living with her daughter Kaew (Trirak Rakkarndee). Ruffians are sent to expel them but they are killed by the grant-mother Chom, who is a "Phi Pop" ghost. Many deaths happen in the village due to the presence of a "Phi Pop" ghost. Villagers are fed up and decide to use a sorcerer (หมอผี) to exorcise the village. The grant-mother Chom is defeated by the sorcerer and dies. Before dying, the "Phi Pop" spirit is transferred from the grant-mother to Kaew. Phalat (Ekapan Banleurit), the new village headman (กำนัน), promises to take care of Kaew. The rich trader tries to abuse Kaew but he gets killed by the "Phi Pop" ghost also. The son of the rich family has a poor girlfriend, Plaew, from the village. She is now pregnant so the son forces her to abort and causes Plaew's death. Being pursued by villagers, the "Phi Pop" ghost transfers from Kaew to Plaew. Plaew kills her bad boyfriend. Phalat has difficulty to reason villagers wishing to exercise their law versus the official law. They use a sorcerer again but this time it fails. In a hurry ending, another master neutralizes the "Phi Pop", who transfers again to another lady from the village. This movie uses same recipe as "BAAN PHI POP" (บ้านผีปอบ) movie serie, i.e. a mix of horror, comedy, a tint of salacious jokes. It opposes the village world (Chinese rich trader unable to speak Thai properly, watching movie in temple...) versus the Bangkok world (stereotype and mannerism from ผู้ดีจากกรุงเทพ...). This B type movie uses strong side lights and smoke for night scary scenes. The poor editing jumps easily from the night scene to day scene in a same sequence.

Year: 1990
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 3
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Kiet Kijcharouen,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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"Phi pop spirit" is back! Some people are found dead without intestines. Is Kradeung really back to a normal human being or still possessed by the "Phi Pop" spirit? New characters are introduced as actors Trirak Rakkarndee and Ekapan Banleurit are no longer part of the story. The movie highlights the opposition of villagers cured by local sorcerer (หมอผีคล้าย) and villagers cured by Bangkok doctors (หมอฝรั่ง), who offer free service. The local sorcerer wants to kill Ya Yip (หยิบ), the Phi pop spirit" roaming inside the village. But the Bangkok doctors protect Ya Yip believing the local sorcerer is crazy and bring her back inside the village. There is conflict between the local sorcerer and Bangkok doctors. The local sorcerer wants to keep his influence on the villagers. The daughter of the local sorcerer helps the Bangkokian doctor. Her father has changed his behavior recently being easily angry. The local sorcerer gets issues with his own wife and daughter as he is doing more harm than good to villagers. He is diagnosing a malaria case as a spirit possession (ผีเข้า) that needs to be chased (ผีไล่). Finally the local sorcerer flees from the village after stabbing Ya Yip. He was finally also a "Phi pop spirit"... Recipes are same as the previous movies. Many continuous funny but tiring and repetitives chases happen between Ya Yip "phi pop" and the villagers. Single villagers prefer watching the lady in swimming suit than the lady in sarong. The movie is still targeted for rural audience but with more and more urban life and taste influence. Funny comedian Kiet Kijcharouen (เกียรติ กิจเจริญ) is now here. He also participated to the complete Boonchu (บุญชู) movies serie.

Year: 1991
Thai title: กะหัง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Mum Jokmok,Joomjim Khemlek,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
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Thai movie กะหัง was released in year 1991. It lasts 76 minutes. The picture quality is average. It was sold by two VCD companies under the name หม่ำต้มยำผี2. The highlight of this low budget comedy horror movie with limited Fx is to have two famous spirits from Thai folklore to meet (ผีปอบ and ผีกะหาง). Lom (Mum Jokmok) and Joomjim Khemlek are talking about a young lady called Fon. Doctor Klam (หมอกล่ำ) (Somsak Chaisongkram) is an herbal doctor (สมุนไพร). His daughter Oon, is pregnant since 2 months with Phi Mek but she didn't tell her father. A bit of light erotism suggestion is featured as such movie needs to accommodate many tastes in rural audience. Nobody talks to Sai Jai (Trirak Rakkarndee) or her mother in the village except Phi Mek. Sai Jai doesn't know that her mother is an ogress (ผีปอบ). Phi Mek decides to flee with Oon as they know Oon's father doesn't like Mek so he will not approve the wedding. Fon is Mek's younger sister. Mek asks his friends to take care of his father and his sister while he is away. Friends argue to be the one to take care of the beautiful Fon. Klam is very upset and threatens to kill both Mek and Oon. At nighttime in the forest, a demon (ผีกระหัง) attack them. Oon is killed. Sai Jai's mother, who was following Klam, eats her intestine. Phi Mek is back to the village. Nobody knows who the demon is. It is in fact doctor Klam! Sai Jai's mother forbids her daughter to see Mek and to marry only once she is dead. At nighttime, the mother becomes an ogress (ผีปอบ), female ghost eating intestines, and chases for preys. She is then attacked and killed by the demon. Before dying, the spirit is transferred from the mother to Sai Jai. Sai Jai then becomes an ogress. Klam is identified by villagers as the demon. A spirit doctor (หมอผี) is called. Finally as both ghosts are chasing villagers, the spirit doctor succeed to neutralize them. Klam becomes ashes and Sai Jai is safe after the spirit is removed from her body.

Year: 1991
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 4
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Kiet Kijcharouen
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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The fourth opus of "Baan Phi Pop" (บ้านผีปอบ) continues with the same characters. Some students come to stay in a countryside house taken care by Ya Yip (หยิบ) and the local sorcerer. The students almost get all killed except three who succeed to flee. In the village a lady called Mae Srinuan gets interest from a few old bachelors. She is seen as a "Phi Pop" ghost but some bachelors don't believe in it. Mae Srinuan kills a young girl, called Tien, who was waiting for her boyfriend at night time. The three remaining stranded students arrive in the village. One of the students has the same face as the young villager girl who just died so it creates confusion in the village. The students help the Bangkokian doctors coming to the village to treat local villagers. During a last fight between Mae Srinuan and the local sorcerer, the local sorcerer gets stabbed and is reduced to ashes. Nothing new in this fourth opus with similar recipes as previous movies. Old "Phi Pop" characters die and new "Phi Pop" appears. Only Ya Yip remains. Similar pursuits in accelerated motion with various gags still happen. Villagers wear armours to prevent "Phi pop" ghosts eating their intestines. Villagers also use guns loaded with syringe to put to sleep Ya Yip but they confuse anesthetic and methamphetamine (ยาบ้า) so making Ya Yip overexcited! Each movie opus brings modern items in the village such as skateboard. Sometimes the movie serie looks like a cartoon where "phi pop" ghosts chase and try to catch the villagers and Bangkokian doctors. The villagers and Bangkokian doctors have to use more and more clever tricks and technics to escape the ghosts. The ghosts also try various technics to catch them and even use modern vehicles (skateboard, flying bicycle...) to run faster.

Year: 1991
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 6
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Kiet Kijcharouen
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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This movie is Baan Phi Pop (บ้านผีปอบ) opus 6. Number 5 was skipped as another team made their own Baan Phi Pop serie. The first opus of the new serie was renamed from Baan Phi Pop 5 to พันธุ์ผีปอบ '34. Principal characters are still here in Baan Phi Pop 6. The district has gone through some modernisation as an hospital has been built. Ya Yip (หยิบ), the "Phi Pop" ghost, is resting at the hospital and performs a rampage with an axe. A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person to eat his intestine while also forcing him to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at night time. One of the hospital nurse, Kamthong, visits a village lady (Srinuan), who is sick and has the reputation to be a "Phi Pop" ghost (ปอบ) also. The village headman (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) wants to marry Srinuan (เราอยู่ได้เพราะว่าความหวัง). Following nuisances due to Ya Yip, the village headman is looking for a master (อาจารย์) to chase her (ไล่ปอบ). A charlatan arrives in the village. At night time Srinuan really becomes a "Phi Pop" ghost and kills some villagers to eat their intestine. As usual in Baan Phi Pop (บ้านผีปอบ) movies, there are continuous pursuits between Ya Yip, the "Phi Pop" ghost, and the villagers. This opus continues to mix gory horror and gags. New and old gags (Women in tight sarong - ผ้าถุง) spurt continuously. New weapons such as boomerang, ladder, flying bike, floating bike, flying ghost using fans as wings and a montgolfier are introduced. Many gags are similar to cartoon gags. There is good imagination from scenarists to find gags. Ya Yip is called ผีบ้า! The village headman refuses to believe that Srinuan is a "Phi Pop" ghost and continues to believe Ya Yip is responsible of the murders. Kamthong's boyfriend, Plung, is worried. Kamthong refuses Plung's request to stop visiting Srinuan as he is worried about a spirit (วิญญาณ) transfer between the two ladies. He decides to enquiry inside Srinuan house. The village headman chases the useless master as he couldn't stop Ya Yip. Plung brings one of the doctor to spy Srinuan at night time. Finally he decides to kidnap Kamthong to protect her. Srinuan tries to stop Plung causing Kamthong to be contaminated (ถูกวิญญาณปอบ) by the "Phi Pop" ghost.

Year: 1992
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 7
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Kiet Kijcharouen,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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Thai movie Baan Phi Pop / บ้านผีปอบ opus 7 was released in year 1992 and lasts 1h31mn (35mm film). A villager called Somsree is killed. The village headman (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) really wants to get rid of Ya Yip (ผีปอบหยิบ), the "Phi Pop" ghost. So, he announces a 10 000 baht reward to catch Yip (Natanee Sitthisaman). A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person and eating his intestine while also forcing him/her to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at night time. Bangkokian doctors and nurses come to the village to check villager’s health. Chat (Kiet Kijcharouen) is still the doctor helping villagers. It is his last participation in “Baan Phi Pop” movies serie. Mae Sri Nuan and another lady villager, Kam Thong, are Phi Pop ghosts but nobody is aware except Plung (จิระ แสงโชติ์), who is Kam Thong’s boyfriend. He wishes to find a solution for Kam Thong to be back as a normal person. It is happy time in the village. Tank (Tongchai Prasongsanti), the village headman’s son, is marrying Nong Oon. Many gags happen about his incapacity and unawareness about how doing marital duties. A beggar is wandering around the village and is mistaken as a Phi Pop ghost. Tank's father still continues to try seducing Mae Sri Nuan. Kam Thong's boyfriend, Plung, wishes to help her but cannot prevent her to eat raw intestines. Kam Thong flees and goes to mountain "Doi Phi Fa" (ดอยผีฟ้า). A search is organised to find her. The story goes outside the village for the first time and is shot in ‘Khao Phra Wiharn’ (เขาพระวิหาร) where is located the famous Khmer temple ‘Prasat Preah Vihear’ always under dispute between Cambodia and Thailand. A nun (แม่ชี) finds her and announces that only the local deity (เจ้าผีฟ้า) can help her. She goes to the old Khmer temple to pay respect to the deity. Ya Yip joins the villagers’ trip to search for Kam Thong and, as expected, brings troubles (สร้างความวุ่นวาย). Kam Thong has a vision under a waterfall. Her ghostly status remains unknown and will be disclosed in the next sequel “Baan Phi Pop 8”. This movie still features similar gags as previous “Baan Phi Pop” movies as it includes pursuits in accelerated motion. Such movies serie has its fans as 13 sequels were done. Latest gadgets used by Ya Yip include a stand-up- electric-scooter (ขี่มอเตอร์ไซค์). Such movies had small budget. Such movie was shot in 35mm format but still dubbed afterwards as it was cheaper and allows excessive funny voice dialogs and sound effects.

Year: 1992
Thai title: พันธุ์ผีปอบ 3
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor:
Main actress:
Oncle Je has a new wife. She is a Phi pop spirit (ผีปอบ). น้อง Tum is her beautiful daughter. Teacher (อาจารย์) brings his cinema students to Kanchanaburi for outdoor outing. The teacher is a nuisance as he is always complaining. This version features a slight higher budget as there are original songs. Students tease the teacher as they disguise themselves as ghosts (ผีหลอก). But the real spirit Phi pop is wandering around and possesses a woman teacher. Tum has a hidden lover so her mother kills him and eats his intestines (ไส้). Two students are then killed by the possessed teacher. Other students found their teacher eating raw bloody intestines! The two Phi pop spirits meet in the students' camp and fight together. Students need to find a way to fight back the Phi pop spirits. By using a bait, the students succeed to capture the two Phi pop spirits in a cage. A real shaman (หมอผี) is needed as two Phi pop spirits escape and support each other. Continuous chase pursuits between the students and the Phi pop spirits happen (จับๆ จับๆ). Phi pop spirits are finally killed savagely by the smart students. Part of the movie takes place in the famous Prasat Muang Sing Historical Park in Kanchanaburi. As usual the “Phi pop” (ผีปอบ) movies franchise deal with a rural background and low level jokes. Phi pop movies franchise deal with a succession of gags, traditional sexy bath sequences with sarong (ผ้าถุง) and cheap 1970s Fx like. Following the success of “Baan Phi Pop” movies (บ้านผีปอบ) franchise, another team created this serie but it only last 2 episodes.

Year: 1994
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 11
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Mum Jokmok
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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Thai movie บ้านผีปอบ 11 was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h26mn. it was released under VCD format. Movie director is อรุณสวัสดิ์. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are เมฆินทร์ ออกแมน, น้ำฝน ณ บางช้าง, น้อย โพธิ์งาม (comic actress), Mum Jokmok, ศุภกร อุดมชัย, ซานโต๊ส กลิ่นสี, ชลิต กลิ่นสี (comic actor), Natanee Sitthisaman, สุชาดา อีแมน, อู๊ดดี้ มาตามนัด, เอก สุขชัย, อิศราภรณ์ กรกนก, จ๊ะเอ๋ หาชา, บิลลี่ หงัด, จอห์นนี่ ผีเพื่อนรัก. Mum Jokmok asks a cartoonist to draw comics about ghoul ghost and provides him some sacred powder to be used in the drawing. The sacred powder and the drawing make the ghoul ghost (ผีปอบ) to be back. It is Pop Thong Kham – ปอบทองคำ - already present in บ้านผีปอบ 1. She brings Pop Yip - ปอบหยิบ (Natanee Sitthisaman) already present in other บ้านผีปอบ opus. Both try to catch four comic men in the village. They use various tactics, but it fails. They use the drawings from the artist and thanks to the powder, drawings become reality. They use two beautiful young ladies to attract the men. The team is going to a sacred mountain (ดอยผีฟ้า) to neutralise the ghoul ghosts. Mum Jokmok recognizes he was wrong to use powder from the sacred mountain for drawing. It has caused the ghoul ghosts to be back. Multiple chases are happening between ghost ghouls and the villagers. Many jokes are featured during those comic chases. They finally got rid of Pop Thong Kham.

Year: 2001
Thai title: ปอบ หวีด สยอง
English title: Body Jumper
Rating: 2/5
Main actor:
Main actress:
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A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person to eat his intestine while also forcing him to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at night-time. Young people are confronted to an evil spirit "PHI POP". This trendy movie is mixing comedy and horror styles. It is targeted for teenagers. It contains many Thai and International cinematographic cliches. It tries to upgrade the Thai folk legend of "PHI POP" into the Thai modern context. "PHI POP" is supposed to be a traditional ghost in villages and this movie transposes it to cityscape inside Bangkok. This movie is also an homage to "BAAN PHEE POP" (บ้านผีปอบ) grade B movies serie by using the same actress.

Year: 2008
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ 2008
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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Baan Phi Pop movies include many sequels. This the 2008 version! 13 previous sequels were shot during years 1989-1995. Actors have changed and famous Thai comics from decade 2000s are part of this movie. In a village there is a local shaman (หมอผี) curing villagers through tough ways (hitting people with stick and hot water to chase spirits). Some modern doctors, invited by the village leader, are coming also to cure villagers through western ways. The shaman’s daughter Shaba likes very much the modern doctor from Bangkok. Traditional village life is shown with Buddhist temple fair, respect for elders (ผู้ใหญ่), villagers meeting at evening time with alcohol (กินเหล้า) for adults... The shaman (อาจารย์) Krai sees the modern doctors as a threat to his business and influence in the village. He sells also various potions (น้ำมันพราย) to some gullible villagers wishing to seduce girls. Krai hits a woman having malaria trying to chase the spirit (ลายผี) as believing she is possessed (ผีเข้า). The modern doctor diagnostics malaria and provides medicine. Yip is Krai's wife. It is still the same actress, who became an iconic actress following these past "Baan Phi Pop" roles. She forgets she was a Phi Pop ghost in the past. Full moon is now coming. Krai wakes up the Phi pop ghost present in Yip’s body. Krai hopes it will make the modern doctors flee. But even Krai cannot control Yip anymore and ask help from the village leader. The last solution is to ask help for the temple abbot (หลวงพ่อ) but it fails also. There is a disappointing end but it lets the movie opened to another sequel! Similar recipes from previous sequels are used here such as the classic sexy scene of the young lady having a bath in a pond using the traditional tight sarong (ผ้าถุง). The 2008 version benefits from a higher budget and features modern countryside and dance music. It is as usual a mix of simple visual gags and light horror. The movie still features similar chasing pursuits in accelerated motion between Yip and the villagers. There are numerous references to the first 13 episodes and also to some western horror movies such as Freddy and Friday 13. The doctor played by Kiet Kijcharouen is now played by a similar fat doctor. Songthong’s son is also playing. A 2011 version is coming soon!

Year: 2009
Thai title: กระสือฟัดปอบ
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Phairoj Jaising,Akom Preedakul
Main actress: Intira Jaroenpura,Naowarat Yooktanun,Prangwalai Thepsatorn
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A teacher brings his art students on the country-side to go for camping. Every day people die in the village. Some people believe some ghosts "Phi Kraseu" and "Phi Pop" reside in the village. The spirit ("Phi Kraseu" - ผีกระสือ) is a malicious and very dangerous spirit which manifests itself as a beautiful woman. It floats through the air because it has no lower body. It appears as a length of intestines suspended from a lovely woman face. A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person to eat his intestine while also forcing him to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at night-time. A medium master (อาจารย์) try to chase villagers away in order that a foreign developer can build a resort. The medium master use two ladies ghosts to frighten the villagers. The "Phi Pop" ghost performs many killings. The role is played by sexy actress Prangwalai Thepsatorn. As the medium master fails to chase the villages, the developer gives him a last chance. So he launches ghosts in daytime to deter the villagers. The art students need to flee ghosts. The Phi Kraseu fights with Phi Pop to stop the killings. The village head (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) decides to use a sorcerer (หมอผี) to chase the ghosts from the village. Finally the students with the help of "Phi Kraseu" get rid of the "Phi Pop" and the developer. There are heavy gags characteristic of modern horror comedies. The fat student is treated as an elephant. Naowarat Yooktanun is still as beautiful as 30 years ago. Some sequences are a homage to old classic Thai movies.

Year: 2011
Thai title: บ้านผีปอบ REFORMATION
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
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Thai movie บ้านผีปอบ / Reformation was released in year 2012. It lasts 1h34mn. It is another sequel of the famous บ้านผีปอบ movies series in decade 1990s. As usual, it is mixing scary horror sequences and comedy sequences. Its famous funny chase sequences remain the series trademark. Twenty years have passed, aunt Yip is back as ogre (ผีปอบ) again. Students, doing excavation archaeological study, have to flee as one of them is found dead. Some of them take refuge in an adjacent village. In the morning, three additional corpses without intestines are found. The village leader (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) welcomes the students in his home. His wife, young and beautiful, is always looking for young men. Pa Yip (Natanee Sitthisaman) is suspected despite she takes herbal medicine (สมุนไพร) since years in order to lose her appetite for intestines. She is fed up of eating vegetables. Villagers believe she is dead. Another student is found dead. Villagers call a master (อาจารย์) to chase the evil ogre spirit. Kwan’s grandmother is accused by the village leader. He fails as young lady Kwan chase all those crazy people harming her grandma. Later the master and his two assistants are found dead. The village leader tries to get rid of Kwan as she protects her grandma and wishes to get their land. The village leader and his wife are finally both identified to be ogres but they succeed to flee.
Many horror movies are based on เจ้าแม่ตะเคียนทอง or "Chao Mae Takhian Thong" belief. Mae Takhian is a famous spirit supposed to live in hopea odorata trees. The tree shall not be cut without warning the spirit in order to let him find another tree. Mae Takhian Thong gives out dreadful crying sound if proper homage is not paid to her.

Year: 1940
Thai title: พรายตะเคียน
English title: Prai Takian
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
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This short mute horror movie (หนังผี) called Prai Takian / พรายตะเคียน and released in year 1940 is about Mae Takian spirit (ผีนางพรายตะเคียน). As of today (year 2014), it is the oldest Thai horror movie known. A sequence of eight minutes remains to be seen. It was an add on sequence to a longer movie. In the past, night sequences were often shot during the day for better convenience and then through a filter, it was transformed into a night sequence. Sometimes it just remains as a day sequence! This movie features many comic scenes (people running away from spirit...) that remind of movies such as Baan Phi Pop (บ้านผีปอบ) in 1990s or horror movies in the 1960s. Some of the funny gags didn't change over decades. The Culture Ministry registers 25 Thai classic films each year at the National Film Heritage Registry. This movie is part of the 25 films heritage list announced on 04 October 2014, which is Thai Movies Conservation Day.

Year: 1951
Thai title: เดชปีศาจ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
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Thai movie เดชปีศาจ was released in year 1951. The movie is lost in Thailand, but a sequence lasting 14 minutes is still left. It was dubbed in 2020 and shown in Thai Film Archives. หมออรุณ ทิพย์สุคนธ์ was the movie producer and owner of outdoor cinema company called อรุณทิพย์ภาพยนตร์. The producer used family relatives and friends to act in his movie. It was shot in the SuphanBuri area. The movie is a mix of comedy and horror sequences. Two men are looking for fishes in the river in SuphanBuri area. A husband Chat and his wife Chom are attacked by robbers. The wife is killed. Chat gets help from the two fishermen. The three men wish to get revenge. Three drunk village men see a beautiful lady sitting alone. She is Lady Chom now being a ghost. The three men flee. Multiple sequences show men fleeing when they realize a beautiful lady becomes a ghost.

Year: 1966
Thai title: เจ้าแม่ตะเคียนทอง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chaiya Suriyun,Lor Tok
Main actress: Sopha Sataporn,Preeya Roongrueng
This movie takes place in 1905. Yod is a slave. His girlfriend is called Khun. The master beats Yod because he finds his new wife with Yod. The master's wife, called Nang Neuan, accuses Yod of trying to seduce her but she is the seductress offering sweets (ขนมหวาน). The daughter, called Kalong, tries to protect Yod and asks for forgiveness. Kalong's father wants his daughter to marry a noble man called Bouleut but she doesn't love him. This is the old traditional Thai way, i.e. marry first, be together and then love will come later. The daughter is not willing. Yod and Khun may have bad sins (กรรม) in their previous life as they cannot have happiness together. They have a promise of forever love in front of a Takhian tree. Nang Neuan sends a ruffian to try to rape Khun but Yod protects her. The ruffian is killed so Yod has to flee. Still wishing to hurt Yod, Nang Peuan suggests that Khun becomes the master's mistress (เมียน้อย). Nang Peuan pays mercenaries to catch Yod. They succeed to overcome him. As the next day is end of slavery in Thailand so the master wants to beat him until death today. Khun accepts to become the master's mistress in order to save Yod's life. Later on Yod rejects Khun and breaks up with her accusing her of being unfaithful (หลายใจ). Disappointed and sad over Yod's reaction, Khun hangs up herself at the Takhian tree. Once Yod understands Khun's body sacrifice to save his life, it is unfortunately too late. Kalong puts money in her hands to spend in the death world. She is buried by Yod under the Takhian tree and is not cremated. Some people hear a woman crying near the Takhian tree. Khun is back as a ghost. Villagers get tricked (โดนผีหลอก) by the ghost. The master decides to cut the Takhian tree but the ghost prevents this to happen. The master decides to use a sorcerer (อาจารย์) to cut the tree. He settles a ceremony to call for the ghost (วิธีเรียกผี) but the ghost chases them away and terrorize the master, who has a serious fever. In almost old Thai horror movies, sorcerers are useless comical characters that always fail to chase ghosts. Kalong decides to call a westerner doctor (หมอฝรั่ง) to cure her father as Thai sorcerers (หมอผี) are useless. Yod works now for the westerner doctor and has been trained to be a doctor also. He cures the master and it is a satisfaction as the slave cures his former master. But the master still hates Yod. Another sorcerer is used but he is a charlatan. He tries to catch a fake spirit (ลงหม้อ). The real ghost chases the fake one. Traditional chase in accelerated motion happens between ghost and humans. This is typical from Thai horror movies from 1960s to 1990s. The master defies Khun but gets strangulated and dies. Nang Peuan decides to kill Kalong to get full heritage but Khun protects Kalong and strangulates Nang Peuan. Bouleut is in fact a bad guy that is already married but wants to marry Kalong because she is coming from a rich family. Love story happens between Kalong and Yod. The ghost Khun is now angry with Kalong accusing her to take away Yod from her. They cannot stay together (คนละโลก). A sorcerer helps to chase the ghost by performing a ceremony (พิธีสะกดวิญญาณ) and neutralizing the tree spirit. This two hours length old movie has a new soundtrack including music from Ennio Morricone. Many 1960s movies were shot in 16mm without synchronised sound. The image is damaged but still fine even if some colors are gone. As many horror movies from 1960s to 1990s, it mixes horror and comedy gags.

Year: 1979
Thai title: ตะเคียนคะนอง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Lor Tok,Lak Apichat,Chao Klaewklong,Lor Tok,Tawan Siriwat
Main actress: Ampha Pusit,Anchalee Chaisiri,Chosri Misommon
A young woman is coming to her village to see her father. She announces him that you will soon marry with a Bangkok teacher (ปริญญา มิตรสุวรรณ). A tough guy, who is fond of her, rapes her and she dies. But her spirit is back and threatens villagers. The spirit looks for justice and wants to stay with the Bangkok teacher forever...

Year: 1987
Thai title: พรายตะเคียน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Kowit Wattanakul,Tuanton Kammeesri,Pipop Pupinyo
Main actress:
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Thai movie พรายตะเคียน was released in year 1987 and it lasts 1h31mn. Young lady Lam Duan (จุติมา ดาวจรัส) wants to marry with พี่ Tien (Kowit Wattanakul) but he is poor, so her parents push her towards another wedding with Leut. Leut (Tuanton Kammeesri) fights with Tien as he asked for her hand so he cannot bear that she keeps seeing Tien. A one to one fighting happens and Tien defeats Leut. Leut has to cancel his wedding with Lam Duan. A few months later, while Lam Duan is pregnant, Leut and his ruffians see her buying groceries. They kidnap her and rape her. Ashamed, she hangs herself (ผูกคอตาย) in front of a Takhian tree. Lam Duan is dead but her spirit still wants to stay with Tien. As usual, such Thai old movies feature comic sequences to relief from scary sequences. Comic roles are played by various second roles. Uncle Hin (Pipop Pupinyo) is a spirit doctor (หมอผี). He has to stop Lam Duan (ผีตะเคียน) before she becomes too dangerous (ออกอาละวาด). Lam Duan threatens to kill anybody, who would disclose her secret to Tien. As she was pregnant, Lam Duan has become a fearful spirit (ผีตายโหง). Tien is finally aware as his friends disclose the secret. She gets revenge over Leut and his ruffians by killing them. Uncle Hin builds a new spirit house (ศาลพรายตะเคียน) so she accepts to stop her killings and also to accept her death. Lam Duan accepts Oi, daughter of uncle Hin, to take care of Tien. The movie was also sold under the name “อภินิหาร เจ้าแม่ตะเคียน".

Year: 1992
Thai title: ตะเคียนคู่
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Kowit Wattanakul
Main actress:
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Thai movie ตะเคียนคู่ was released in year 1992. The movie lasts 1h23mn. Young lady Champee (มยุรฉัตร สุทธินี) kills herself as she has been raped by some ruffians. Her close friend was Lampoo (นวพร ภิญโญ), daughter of village headman. At nighttime Champee is back to kill the ruffian Pajom, who is responsible of her death, but he has a talisman to protect him (ของดีป้องกันตัว). Pajom decides to hire Master (อาจารย์) Paen. Paen does a philter (ยาแฟด). The philter ends up in a failure and all protagonists are running all over (ตัวใคร ตัวมัน). Master Paen is killed. Phi Kaew (Kowit Wattanakul) is back from abroad. Kaew is looking for Champee. Young lady Booliaw keeps following Kaew. Kaew finally learns that Champee hanged herself. At nighttime Booliaw tries to seduce Phi Kaew but she is chased away by Champee ghost (ผีหลอก). Kaew wishes Champee to stop being a ghost and to be born again so he asks a master to manage it but it is also a failure. Champee is upset with Kaew and mentions she will leave only when she has finished to take revenge over those who hurt her. There is no additional bad karma for ghosts. Kaew now wishes to marry Lampoo. He cannot stay with a ghost (ผิดธรรมชาติ). Booliaw succeeds to seduce Kaew while he is drunk. Lampoo requests help from Champee. The ruffians use another master but it fails again. Champee kills all of the ruffians one by one. Finally Champee leaves and asks Kaew’s father to organise a wedding between Kaew and Lampoo. As typical standards in Thai horror movies, the ghost lady is wearing white clothes and there is strong wind as a symbol that the ghost is coming.

Year: 2003
Thai title: ตะเคียน
English title: Takean
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree
Main actress:
Kamnan (กำนัน) Witaya has his best friend killed by Mae Takean, a female spirit inhabiting in hopea odorata trees. He has to take care of his friend's young son. After a few years, a dam is under construction and all trees shall fall, including the Mae Takean's tree. The spirit won't let the dam built without any problem...

Year: 2010
Thai title: นางตะเคียน
English title: Takien : The Haunted Tree
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sahat Piempongsan
Main actress:
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Bua, young female factoring worker, has a boyfriend, Pichan, who takes a video with his phone while they are making love. He shows it to his friends. One of them makes a copy while Pichan is not aware. He threathens Bua to release widely the movie if she doesn't give him some favors. Following a dispute with her boyfriend, they stop seeing each other. Bua loses her job as the bad friend shares widely the video. Disappointed by her boyfriend's behavior, Bua goes back to her village. Her parents' house is empty. They both died following a train accident. A villager called Samrit is having strong interest into Bua and tries to use a local sorcerer (หมอผี) to seduce her. Bua decides to kill herself as she has no hope after losing her parents, her job and boyfriend. She hangs herself under a Takien tree (ตะเคียน). She is reunited with her family and learns that their death is not accidental... A burying ceremony is performed. A few days later Bua ghost is back and frightens villagers. She kills one of the ruffians responsible of her parents' death. The Buddhist abbot is contacted for help. The sorcerer would like to control Bua in order to create powerful filters (ยาเสน่ห์), which could be even more powerful than corpse oil (น้ำมันพราย). Bua's boyfriend comes back to her village to find her and excuse himself (คนกรุงเทพใจแห้ง,). Same as Nang Nak ghost story he stays with her. She eats food offering laid down in front of spirit house. Pichan can see her but not the villagers. The friend who shared the video on internet is also here. One of the friends is killed as they try to abuse Bua. The other stays in the temple chapel (โบสถ์) and refuses to exit. Pichan still refuses to believe that Bua is a ghost already. Finally confronted to proofs he acknowledges. But it is late to flee. Bua doesn't want to let him go anymore. Bua is upset with the monk and Samrit who revealed her death to Pichan. Bua killed both Pichan and the friend, who released the video. The sorcerer decides to fight Bua despite the abbot request. He tortures the Takien tree and uses voodoo pupet to force her to be his slave (เป็นขี้ข้า). Pichan breaks the charm and the sorcerer finally dies due to his greed. Bua finally listens to the monk and accepts her death (ต้องยอมรับความตาย). Bua (บัว) means lotus, i.e. the Buddhism symbol. This movie reminds of 1990s Thai horror movies scenario but it features a more beautiful picture shooting (many wide angle shootings are used). The scenario is also inspired of Nang Nak (นางนาก) famous story.
This four movies serie is related to love potion (น้ำมันพราย). Some sorcerers use the oil of buried corpse, called "Nam Man Phrai" to make love filters (ยาเสน่ห์), which are told to be the best. The four movies are อาถรรพณ์น้ำมันพราย (1983), อภินิหารน้ำมันพราย (1984), อิทธิฤทธิ์น้ำมันพราย (1984) and แม่หมอน้ำมันพราย (1985).

Year: 1983
Thai title: อาถรรพณ์น้ำมันพราย
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Joomjim Khemlek
Main actress:
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Thai movie อาถรรพณ์น้ำมันพราย was released in year 1983 and lasts 1h53mn. It was released under VHS format. Later on, it was released under VCD format but reduced to 1h43mn as the erotic scenes were censored. Main actors and actresses are พยัคฆ์ รามวาทิน, ใจกานต์ จิตปฏิมา, กิตติ ดัสกร, Tanit Pongmanoon, วัลนา ณ ระนอง. Five young ladies are killed in the village. A local master is requested for help. Jim (Joomjim Khemlek) doesn't believe in the local master (อาจารย์) but he believes in a local witch (แม่หมอ) called Jintana. Men like to request love oil filter to witch Jintana. Nit (Tanit Pongmanoon) and Loi, wandering by, are helping young lady Pim, aggressed by two men, i.e. Cheut and Yong. Cheut and Yong are then suspected of the five murders. Cheut has a conflict with Loi as he wanted to marry Pim. Witch Jintana helps villagers. Her assistants keep the big amount of money donated to her. Witch Jintana prepares to resurrect her deceased daughter Jit. Jit is back as a ghost and wishes to meet Nit. She is disappointed that Nit has new girl friends. Cheut kills Loi's father and kidnaps Pim to rape her. Meanwhile Loi is neutralized by Yong. Nit realises that Jit is a ghost. While Nit was away, Cheut took advantage of Jit and raped her. She then suicided herself. As a ghost, she takes revenge over Cheut. Jit doesn't want to be reborn as she believes she lost Nit's love. So Witch Jintana prepares a love philter for her. Jintana is having an affair with one of her assistants named Chao Mek. Witch Jintana needs blood to stay young and beautiful. Her assistant and lover Chao Mek gets blood by killing young ladies. Mae Mo asks Chao Mek to kidnap Kanchana, Nit’s friend. Loi and Nit try to stop him but to no avail. Finally a master breaks the spell. He neutralizes Jit and the witch Jintana. Having lost the witch, Chao Mek becomes crazy.

Year: 1984
Thai title: อิทธิฤทธิ์น้ำมันพราย
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Joomjim Khemlek,Somsak Chaisongkram,Supakorn Srisawat
Main actress: Praew Mardmarud
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Thai movie อิทธิฤทธิ์น้ำมันพราย was released in year 1984. The VCD released by Solar Marketing Ltd lasts 1h52mn. A previous version released on VHS lasts 1h47mn. The movie mixes comedy, scary, sexy sequences. An Indian master imprisons a sorcerer, called Mae Mo (แม่มด), in a pot believing she is neutralized. Phi Chim (Somsak Chaisongkram) and Yupin are having a baby. She is pregnant for three months. An old grandmother gives a ring and transmits some power (มรดก) to young lady Yupin. At nighttime, Yupin becomes a fearful spirit (ผีกระสือ). Some animals are killed, and their blood was suck. Jim (Tanit Pongmanoon) and Nit (Joomjim Khemlek) are requested by a monk (อาจารย์) to investigate. Meanwhile a new fake master (Supakorn Srisawat) arrives in the village. Villagers ask for his help (ผีออกอาละวาด) to neutralise the spirit (ปล้ำผี). Of course, he completely fails. Mae Mo wishes Yupin to open the pot (กระบอก) in which she is held prisoner. As Yupin refuses, Mae Mo forces her and threatens to disclose the truth to her husband Chim. Only Nit can open the pot so Yupin needs to convince him. Jim and Nit meet a young lady, called Saree, at a waterfall. Nit and Jim promise to find her real father. Funny chasing sequences happen between fierceful spirit Yupin and villagers as she wishes to suck their blood. Yupin succeeds to convince Nit to open the pot and Mae Mo is released. Magical fights happen between Nit, Jim and Mae Mo. Mae Mo is finally defeated and Yupin becomes human again.

Year: 1985
Thai title: แม่หมอน้ำมันพราย
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Joomjim Khemlek,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress: Praew Mardmarud
A young girl is found abandoned. She is rescued and adopted by a policeman called Wichai. The policeman is a widower and has two daughters, called Sari and Yupin. Nit is Sari's boyfriend. Nit and his friend Jem are killed by local mafia but are still alive as they have magic skills (วิชา). Local mafia was hired by a witch (แม่หมอ), who is looking to get rid of Nit. She uses the body of the young girl to spy inside the house. She needs more force (พลัง) and is trying to get Nit's heart and body. An entertainment girl, called Waddee, is in love with the father Wichai and convinces him to play big money in an underground casino. Wichai, as a policeman, is using government money to play cards. He loses everything. The dictrict officer (นายอำเภอ) gives Wichai one month to get back the money. Nit and his friend decide to help the policeman and go to play in the underground casino. Thanks to magic skills, they can see inside the dice cup. They get back one million baht. Meanwhile the witch possesses (ถูกผีเข้า) the maid Tawin and then Jin, boyfriend of Yupin. Nit has protective amulets (ของดี) so can chase the witch from their bodies. It is a typical horror movie from the 1980s with a mix of horror, a joke and a slight salacious content. Jem provides a love filter (น้ำมันพราย) for a lady to get back her husband but the thrown bottle reaches a car so creating a crazy situation where the car is in love with the woman. The witch also possesses Yupin. During a final battle with Nit, the witch is defeated.
This four movies serie is related to widow ghost (ผืแม่ม่าย).

Year: 1990
Thai title: ผีแม่ม้าย
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress:
Thai movie ผีแม่ม่าย 1 was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h41mn. ผีแม่ม่าย serie include 4 movies (Part 1, 2, 3, 5). Actors and actresses featured in this movie are Ekapan Banleurit, ปภัสรา ชุตานุพงษ์, Tongchai Prasongsanti, วสันต์ อุตมะโยธิน, สมพล กง สุวรรณ, ชูศรี เชิญยิ้ม. ผีแม่ม่าย 1 movie is a mix of comedy, action, horror, light erotism and a few songs such ขอให้เจ้าภาพสูดชะเริเจริญ sung by Tongchai Prasongsanti. Mina and her husband Pop are having happiness, but Pop needs to go to Bangkok. Vina (Ekapan Banleurit) accompanies him but needs to go back as his mum is sick. Pop is aggressed and killed by three ruffians as he stole Mina's love from the subdistrict headman's son. His dead body is found later. The subdistrict headman's son Wanchai tries to kidnap Mina but hopefully Vina protects her. Comic characters are played by katoey such as Tung. Wanchai and his men take opportunity at nighttime to kidnap and rape Mina. She dies. Hell guardian ยมบาล allows her to go back to human world as ผีแม่ม่าย. A ordination ceremony is under preparation. Two ghosts ladies take Tung's spirit (วิญญาณ) with them. The Queen wants a real man and not a katoey so Tung is sent back to human world. He wakes up during his own funeral ceremony so bringing a big mess! Following story that happened to Tung, one elder หมอผี suggested that all young men shall wear women clothes to avoid being kidnapped by ผีแม่ม่าย and to wear a "PALAT KLIK" – ปลัดขลิก in front of each house. They are just trying to abuse people credibility and do quick business. Vina and her friends find Mina's body and also some shoes belonging to subdistrict headman's teammates. So, two of them are arrested. Mina, as a ghost, is back. She kills one of ruffians being imprisoned in jail. The subdistrict headman is also killed. Villagers are worried about those sudden unexpected deaths (โรคไหลตาย). A modern doctor tries to convince the villagers that the deaths are related to their way of living (No vitamin B1, hard work, overstressed, junk food) and not due to ghost widow (ผีแม่ม่าย). Mina continues her revenge. Wanchai asks help from the local shaman (หมอผี) as Mina makes a rampage (อาละวาด). Vira asks Mina to stop her killings but she cannot stop as she must get revenge. She anyway warns Vira that some widow ghosts (ผีแม่ม่าย) try to kidnap some male villagers. Mina finally stops her killing when Wanchai apologies and promises to ordain during his whole life as a monk to bring peace to her spirit. Villagers are now also convinced that the sudden unexpected death syndrome has a scientific explanation and is not linked to ghost widow.

Year: 1991
Thai title: ผีแม่ม้าย 2
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Tongchai Prasongsanti,Kiet Kijcharouen,Apichat Halamjiak
Main actress: Metta Roongrat
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Thai movie ผีแม่ม่าย 2 เต้ยไหลตาย was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h14mn only. Some scenes are probably cut or censored. ผีแม่ม่าย serie includes 4 movies (Part 1, 2, 3, 5). Actors and actresses featured in this movie are Ekapan Banleurit, Tongchai Prasongsanti, Kiet Kijcharouen, ปภัสรา ชุตานุพงษ์ and a few cameo appearances by Metta Roongrat and Apichat Halamjiak. ผีแม่ม่าย 2 movie is a mix of comedy, action, horror, light erotism and a few songs such ฟ้าร้องไห้ sung by Tongchai Prasongsanti. The village is calm now. Young lady Choompu arrives in the village and meets Vina (Ekapan Banleurit). She stays with Tung, the funny katoey. Tongchai Prasongsanti is back and is wearing woman clothes as he is still worried about ghost widow (ผีแม่ม่าย). Tongchai is fond of Choompu. Romantic song ฟ้าร้องไห้ is performed by Tongchai to seduce Choompu. Kiet Kijcharouen arrives in the village and is looking for Choompu. He asks Choompu to go back with him. Four ghost widow ladies are sent to the village to bring men for their queen, who is living in เมืองผีแม่ม่าย. They possess bodies of village ladies (เข้าสิง) and tries to capture men by tiring them in bed. Sad sequence features the Hell guardian ยมบาล, who sentences the Phetburi Road driver to hell (in year 1990, a liquid petroleum gas tanker truck crashed at Phetchaburi Road, causing large explosion. 90 people died). Funny sequences of villagers chased by ghost widow ladies occur. Mina comes back and warns Vina about the ghost widow ladies. Pranee, head of ghost widow ladies, complains to Hell guardia (ท่านพี่), that men are now more wary of ghost widow so it is hard to capture them. A doctor (Apichat Halamjiak) is coming to cure people in the village but he is the first one to get sick! Pranee decides to send all her ghost widow ladies in the village. Choompu is possessed by a ghost widow but Mina intervenes to prevent she kills Vina. Villagers decide to fight (สู้ๆ) against the ghosts. Part of the movie is probably missing as the movie ends up with villagers organising a fireball contest (บั้งไฟ).

Year: 1993
Thai title: ผีแม่ม้าย 3
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: จรินทร์ พรหมรังสี
Main actor: Tongchai Prasongsanti,Mum Jokmok
Main actress: Lisa Tiruk
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Thai movie ผีแม่ม้าย 3 was released in year 1993 and lasts 1h38mn. It was released under VHS format and VCD format. Two songs are featured. Movie director is จรินทร์ พรหมรังสี. Thai actresses include ลิซ่า ธิรัก and แอน โอศิริ. Tan Tao and Mida love each other but the elder sister, Queen of the kingdom, rejects this love. An earthquake happens. They all die but the Queen curses her younger sister accusing her to be responsible for the city's demise due to her incorrect behavior. Back to modern times, two men in an Isaan village die due to a widow spirit (ผีแม่ม้าย). Boon Leua (Tongchai Prasongsanti) is concerned. The local spirit doctor (หมอผี) warn villagers. The news reached Tai Tan (Mum Jokmok) in Bangkok. Boon Leua has to wear ladies’ clothes in order that widow spirits ignore him. At nighttime, the widow spirits are back to catch men. Despite Boon Leua wearing women's clothes, the widow spirits recognize him as a man and try to catch him. He succeeds to flee. Men cause her kingdom to disappear, so the Queen takes vengeance over all men. All men's souls (วิญญาณ) are tortured. Boon Leua wishes to marry young lady Pen. Yotin is a doctor from Bangkok and he doesn't believe in widow spirits. For him, deaths are natural. Boon Leua is jealous as Pen is showing interest in Yotin. Tai Tan is back in the village. He also refuses to believe but finally meets widow spirits in the forest. Typical comic chase sequences happen as people try avoiding ghosts, but they finally get caught! The four friends are condemned to be tortured by the widow spirits Queen. They flee so the Queen sends all her girls to chase them. They get help from Mida, who promises to send back their souls on the next day before their corpses are cremated. Five corpses (ศพ), including the village leader, are about to be cremated. Yoti recognises he was wrong and wishes to ordain to give them good deeds. They are back on time before the cremation (เข้าราง). Yotin, being Tan Tao in a previous life, and Mida (นางทรยศ) recognize each other. The Queen tries to break this love again, but it fails. Villagers use big lingams (ลิงค์) to chase away the widow spirits. Pen knows she has no more chance with Yotin so Boon Leua reiterates his love to Pen and succeeds.

Year: 1994
Thai title: ผีแม่ม้าย 5
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress:
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ผืแม่ม่าย 5 movie lasts 1h23mn. It was released in year 1994 and is available under VCD format. Similar to "BAAN PHI POP" (บ้านผีปอบ) serie, this movie is a mix of comedy and horror. The comedy takes a bigger part that the horror part. A young lady called Kun is aggressed in her house. The rapist is masked. The young lady fights back with a knife but finally gets stabbed. Plaew is her younger sister. Kun is accused by villagers of being now a ผืแม่ม่าย (widow ghost) as a young man is found stabbed. A group of Bangkokians led by Plaew return to a countryside village. This group features students enjoying party and เล่นผี. There are various characters in the group, ie the big comic, the small comic, the bad mouth mischievous comic, the playboy, the sexy girl... Plaew decides to go back to her village to understand what happened to her sister. She is welcomed by the local subdistrict headman, who is handicapped. Her friends (คนกรุงเทพ) follow her. Ceremony สะเดาะเคราะห์ is performed to chase away the widow ghost. One of the young villagers (Tongchai Prasongsanti) verifies that lady Throngsi is not a ghost (มีของดี เป็นคนดี). Plaew and Warut decide to dig to find the body. They are aggressed (จับตัวไป). Finally the responsible is the subdistrict headman, who simulates being handicapped. Plaew simulates being a ghost to reveal the subdistrict headman’s fault but it is not enough. The real ghost frightens the subdistrict headman, who suddenly can walk. While fleeing, he falls and breaks his neck on a rock.
This Thai Horror movie page 2 contains 42 records.
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