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Wat Yuen Long is located in Yuen Long District.
In Hong Kong, Thai people can celebrate mainly on Sundays due to work. There are
two main big Thai temples in Hong Kong, one near Yuen Long and one near Tai Wo.
Wat Yuen Long
Wat Yuen Long (วัดหยู่นหลอง) is a Thai Theravada
Buddhist Monastery. Its full address is Lot 501 DD 104, Sai wah Road, Ngau tam Mei,
Yuen Long.
Wat Yuen Long
This signboard shows the Buddhist temple's full name in Thai as วัดพุทธธรรมาราม
and in English "Wat Buddha Dhamaram".
Wat Yuen Long
Today is an important day, i.e. robes offering ceremony.
Local Thai people come early with some money donation.
Wat Yuen Long
Wat Yuen Long's official name in Thai is "Wat Buddha Dhamaram" (วัดพุทธธรรมาราม).
Local Chinese people also call it "THAI GWOK MIU" (Thai temple in Cantonese).
Events such as Visakabucha day (วันวิสาขบูชา)
in Hong Kong are celebrated at the Thai temple in Yuen Long. Other events such as Songkran or
Robes offering ceremony are also performed there.
Wat Yuen Long"TAK BAT" (ตักบาตร) event or giving alms to monks
is performed around 9AM to allow various Thai people to reach Yuen Long.
Wat Yuen Long
Around nine monks are present to receive food offerings from local people.
Some assistants are helping to empty the bowls full of food offerings.
Wat Yuen Long
Robes offering ceremonies ("THOT KATHIN" - ทอดกฐิน)
happen everywhere in Thailand. Thai people choose poor remote Buddhist temples and bring there
clothes, food for the monks.
Wat Yuen Long
The Robes offering ceremony (ทอดกฐิน)
is also celebrated in Thai Buddhist temples in Hong Kong.
Wat Yuen Long
A huge amount of food is given by the local Thai and Chinese people.
Food is given first to the monks.
Wat Yuen Long
Part of the food is also cooked on site. Some sponsors pay for the food to be
given free of charge to all local people visiting the Buddhist temple this morning.
Wat Yuen Long
Many volonteers are busy preparing dishes. it is also a good deed
to help for such important Buddhist events.
Wat Yuen Long
Food is brought hand by hand from the kitchen to the pavilion, where
Thai monks are receiving offerings. Good deeds are transferred to all those
Wat Yuen Long
Such activity enhances also the sense of belonging to the local
Thai community.
Wat Yuen Long
This tray is full of delicious Thai dishes including some local
Hong Kong egg tarts!
Wat Yuen Long
Monks robes to be offered can be purchased from special stands.
Wat Yuen Long
The Thai consul in Hong Kong as Thai authorities representative is also
offering robes to the monks living in Wat Yuen Long.
Wat Yuen Long
In year 2013, Wat Yuen Long has been selected by the
King of Thailand to receive specific award as an important and active overseas Thai
Buddhist temple.
Wat Yuen Long
The main highlight during "THOT KATHIN" festival is the "Robes offering ceremony"
to the monks.
Wat Yuen Long
Some local Buddhist Chinese societies are also joining today important event.
Wat Yuen Long
Wat Yuen Long or Wat Buddha Dhamaram has even their own website called
Wat Yuen Long
Local Thai people are listening to the Dharma speech told by the Buddhist temple abbot.
Wat Yuen Long
A handmade Naga representation made of banana leaves can be seen on this
auspicious day in Wat Yuen Long. The Naga is also a symbol of security and
comfort in Thailand.
Wat Yuen Long
Various Buddhist colorful statues offerings can be seen all around busy
Wat Yuen Long.
Wat Yuen Long
A statue of the Laughing Buddha is also present in Wat Yuen Long.
Chinese Buddhist traditions consider him as a bodhisattva.
Wat Yuen Long
To go to Wat Yuen Long in Ngau tam Mei village, it is advised to
take MTR until Yuen Long and then take a green taxi or mini bus.