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In a Thai Buddhist monastery there is sometimes a
garden showing a Buddhist hell ("NAROK" - นรก).
It contains statues representing the
future of people, who misbehaved during their life. For example,
people who always think of food are likely to become ghosts that have a
small mouth and cannot swallow anything
("PRET" - เปรต). These statues tainted with blood
are really frightening. The goal is to warn people about what will
happen if they misbehave.
People committing sins are sent to hell. The bad sins are:
Killing animal
Stealing anything
Making wrong on sex
Inciting quarrels among allies
Speaking rude words
Revenging anyone
Mistaking evil of good
People, who are married but have a
mistress, are condemned to climb a tree with thorns. They try to climb it
and reach their mistress but cannot succeed. On the top, birds make
them fall and on the bottom, guardians stick them with forks.
During next life, they will be single.
People, who drink alcohol, are sent inside a hot and big saucepan.
Guardians force them to drink scorching potion.
During next life, whenever they will drink alcohol, they will be
sick immediately.
Liars get their tongue cut. During next life, whatever they say,
nobody will never believe or trust them.
People, who kill animals, are condemned to stay in hell
(That is why Buddhist people don't like working in abattoirs.
Mostly this job is reserved for foreign immigrants).
During next life, whenever people see them, people
immediately despise them.
People, who made sins such as robbing or bribing,
are condemned to stay in hell. Such sinners are
tortured by guardians. There are many giant dogs which bite and eat
the sinners. During next life, they will have a harsh and poor
life. Note that a policeman is being tortured...
Women, who are unfaithful to their husbands, are condemned to hell.
They are symbolized like fruits from a tree that whoever can pick up.
This tree is called นารีผล, which
is bearing fruits in the shape of women.
There are 8 major hells ("MAHA NAROK" -
มหานรก) and 128 minor hells.
The god Yama (พระยม) is supervising the hells.
ยักษ์ or "YAK" are sometimes
fearful monsters or half-gods.
This is a fearful Yak inside a garden showing a Buddhist hell.
The god Yama (พระยม) is supervising the hells.
When a Yak is very angry, his face is becoming green with revulsive red eyes.