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Modern action Thai movies (หนังบู๊) vary themes. It is no more the hero against a whole bunch of local gangsters. The movies deal with the Thai contemporary world (corruption, Chinese and Thai mafia, bad boys, power, gunmen). Starting year 1987, Thai Action movie lost their popularity in Bangkok as the market was evolving towards romantic movies, teen, horror movies... But Thai action movies remained popular in Thai provinces. Most of the Thai action movies were then low budget movies as they were mainly targeted for Thai provinces. One of the most famous Thai movies director, Panna Rittikrai, started by releasing action movies for Thai provinces.

Year: 1986
Thai title: เกิดมาลุย
English title: Born to Fight
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata
Main actress:
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Thai movie เกิดมาลุย / Born to Fight was released in year 1986. It lasts 94 minutes. It is first movie directed by Panna Rittikrai. This movie was released under VCD format (unfortunately in 4:3 to match old TV format and not 16:9) in Thailand and blu-ray format in USA in 2016. Panna sold his home to finance his first movie เกิดมาลุย shot in years 1985~1986. Other actors have to pay also to be part of this movie! At the beginning, main actor was supposed to be Toon Hiransap and the main actress was supposed to be Suriwan Suriyong but finally Isan actors were used! Panna Rittikrai's first movie เกิดมาลุย was not successful in Bangkok. Sieng Fong is a Hong Kong lawyer fleeing from Hong Kong to Thailand as he has got important papers showing the corruption of his boss. He takes refuge in uncle Kosi's home. Five ninjas are chasing him and storm uncle Kosi's home. Two young teens, seen later in Panna movies (Krissanapong Rachata and yyy), are getting an art martial training from Thong (Panna Rittikrai). Five masked men come to defy Thong and to check his skills. Thong defeats them and is hired by a Hong Kong policeman to find back Sieng Fong. Sieng Fong and uncle Kosi's daughter are gone to Nong Khai. Uncle Jaem helps Thong to find them. Multiple fights and motorbike chases are featured as ruffians try to block Thong. A final fight again the five ninjas shows many skills (sword fighting, martial art...) and ideas (action sequence replayed a second time with a different angle, action sequence shown at slower speed...) that were reused in other famous Panna’s movies including Ong Bak and Tom Yam Goong. Panna’s movies remain famous for their action scenes genuineness.

Year: 1987
Thai title: เกิดมาลุย 2
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Sompop Wong Ko
Main actress: Vanessa Sriwichien
Thai movie เกิดมาลุย 2 was released in year 1987. Only 54 minutes and a 3 minutes trailer are left to be seen. Lung Saen Fong (ทนาย) and Panna Rittikrai go to Bangkok by bus. Lung (ลุง) Saen Fong has some important documents to give to Panna. He also gives him a watch. The bus is attacked on the way. Lung Saen Fong is kidnapped and Panna beaten. As Lung refuses to speak, they believe the documents should be with Panna. Three ruffians defeat Panna to steal the documents. Looking for Lung Saen Fong, Panna sells the watch to buy some food as his wallet was stolen by the ruffians. Lung is from Hong Kong and speaks Thai. His daughter is looking for him. Panna gets an additional colleague (Sompop Wong Ko) to work on this case as his boss is not so happy of his performance. In a club, Saen Fong’s daughter and his friends show Saen Fong’s picture in case something remembers him. On the following day, one of the friend is attacked by ruffians but policemen (ตำรวจสกล) Panna and Sompop chase them away. Meanwhile the ruffians decide to drug Saen Fong and to transport him away. A chase happens in tuk tuk and cart but they fail to catch the ruffians. Later on, Lung Saen Fong escapes while a ruffian is sleeping. This is trick to find where the real documents are hidden. Ruffians defeat again Panna and Sompop. They also kidnap Saen Fong’s daughter called Anna (วรรณิศา ศรีวิเชียร). They have 3 days to provide them the documents. The documents are stored in a microfilm hidden in the watch. But Panna sold it to a dwarf before. He gave it to his father, who is not willing to sell the watch below 10000 baht! Following fights with the thugs, Panna and Sompop get the watch back. Finally final epic fightings happen between Panna / Sompop and the strong ruffians in order to release Anna.

Year: 1987
Thai title: กระทิงเหล็ก
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Tanit Pongmanoo
Main actress:
Thai movie กระทิงเหล็ก was released in year 1987 and lasts 1h26mn. Movie director is กรพินิจ. Chen (Bin Banleurit) and Prang (Tanit Pongmanoon) are roommates. Chen is working in a factory (โรงงานเหล็ก). Prang is working in a print shop. Chen meets a young lady called Pat (วรรณศรี ศรีวรรณ) in a mall but first encounter is bad. A company owner wishes his daughter Pat to replace him as he is getting old. So, he asks Panthet, GM of company, to transfer knowledge to her. Panthet, through Saen, is doing illegal business as many products sent from the factory are not written in the bank accounts (บัญชี). Pisit, involved in the illegal business, is beaten to stay quiet. Pat asks to check accounts in full details. Saen causes an accident for Pat to be injured but Chen helps her on time. The ruffians try to kill Pat again. Chen helps her ontime gain. Pisit is killed as he stole important documents he gave to Chen. Before being killed, he tells ruffians that documents are with Chen. Pisit tells Saen name to Chen before dying. That night as Chen is not at home, Prang invites his girlfriend, but ruffians storm his flat and beat him. He is finally killed despite fierce resistance. Chen beats Saen but needs to stop as he has no proof. He drinks to forget his friend's death. Panthet's girlfriend sleeps with Chen while he is drunk in order to steal the documents. Panthet finalizes a deal related to diamonds. Expensive necklace is replaced by a fake one. During a catwalk, Chen recognises one of the models wearing the necklace as Panthep's girlfriend so fighting occurs between Saen, his men and Chen. Final fighting occurs with Panthep as Chen wishes to revenge his dead friend. After successful revenge, he ends up being arrested by the Thai police.

Year: 1987
Thai title: ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า
English title:
Rating: 4/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Pao Porapak
Main actress: Suriwan Suriyong
Thai movie ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า was released in year 1987 and lasts 1h35mn. It was released under VCD format. Four episodes were released, i.e. in year 1987, 1989, 1990, 1994. Panna Rittikrai had small budget for his movies but the result was extraordinary as Panna always made his movies through true feelings and dedication. Villagers capture Duang, an expert in black magic, who caused many troubles in the village. About to be lynched, they finally attach him to decide about his fate the next day. During the night, Duang succeeds to flee. Five years have passed. A group of travelling villagers is facing a weird young man played by Panna Rittikrai. He assaults them and kills most of them through extraordinary fighting skills. The village leader is worried as a group of Japanese visitors is coming to the village to see a sacred item. A group of Chinese visitors is also coming to the village for the sacred item, but they face Panna. Most of them are killed by Panna. The group of Japanese visitors, led by Suriwan Suriyong, faces ruffians (โจรร้าย) led by Pao Porapak. Ruffians are defeated. Learning that the Japanese group has arrived, the village leader sends his best two men to neutralise Panna. They also fail. All groups (Thai, Japanese, Chinese) gather to defeat Panna but they fail as he is like a ghost (blades don't hurt him). The village leader informs villagers and they decide to quit the village afraid to be killed by Panna. Duang, the former expert in black magic (หมอผี), enters the village. He was chased by the village leader five years ago and created fighter Panna through black magic incantations to take his revenge. Panna enters the village to chase the three groups. They cannot find any weak point. The black magic expert enters in the village again to see their defeat. The three groups try to defeat him in order to neutralize Panna. He seems also invincible (ฆ่าไม่ตาย). Only when he receives by accident a sarong (ผ้าถุง), feminine object, on his head then spike and blade can enter in his body, so he dies. Panna falls dead at the same time but then resurrects again. Only when a white magic expert gives holy weapons to Suriwan, then Panna can be defeated.

Year: 1987
Thai title: เพชร 7 เหลี่ยม
Rating: 3/5
Director: สมหมาย คำสอน
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Phairoj Jaising,Lak Apichat
Main actress: Thida Thidarat,Chutima Kawinla
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Thai movie เพชร 7 เหลี่ยม / OPERATION VIETNAM was released in year 1987 and lasts 1h29mn. It was released under VCD format by company Lepso. It is a transfer from VHS to VCD. It was also sold under name ตัดเหลี่ยมเพชร. Erotic scenes are not censored. Movie director is สมหมาย คำสอน. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Sorapong Chatree, นีรนุช อติพร, Thida Thidarat, Chutima Kawinla, ชาตรี มณีวรรณ, Phairoj Jaising, Lak Apichat, พิชิต, กนกพร, บรรพต, ทวน, ชีวิต, สมุย. Mercenaries Taisan and Tongchai are hired to bring back an expensive family lineage jewel from Vietnam to Thailand and to give it back to the owner in Bangkok. Young lady Venbin is joining them. They have to cross Cambodia and face dangers in the jungle. One morning, Tongchai disappears with the jewel. Taisan chases after Tongchai (คนทรยศ). Taisan dies during a fight with Tongchai. Venbin falls from a cliff to escape from Tongchai. Jewel owner, Prasong, is upset by this news. Sukit, his wife and his daughter Tida (Thida Thidarat) are also concerned as they were waiting for their family jewel. Sukit needs to involve Thai police. Meanwhile inmate Kritchai (Sorapong Chatree) is just released from prison. Young lady Nissa (Chutima Kawinla) picks him up. Kritchai meets Prasong (Phairoj Jaising) and is hired. Thai police assign Chatree (ชาตรี มณีวรรณ) to this case. Tongchai is inviting singer Saeng Dao to his table in a nightclub. Tongchai visits Sukit and asks for 20M THB to give back the jewel. Ruffians try to get rid of Tida but fail. Meanwhile Prasong stays with his lover Chutima. He is sending a ruffian, called Waew, to get rid of the family owning the jewel. It fails again. Tongchai is back to the bar to listen to Saeng Dao singing and offers a diamond ring to her. Kritchai and policeman Chatree are monitoring him. Chatree takes a picture of Tongchai to verify his identity first. Prasong's team includes Kritchai, Chot (Lak Apichat) and Nissa. Father, Tida and her friends go for a ride. The father is shot and killed. Prasong is suspected. Nissa tries to seduce Thongchai in order to get the family jewel. She proposes a meeting with her boss Prasong to organize a money exchange. Tongchai and Prasong's team meet but suddenly Thai police storms in. Heavy shooting occurs and ruffians are neutralized. Kritchai helps as he is on Thai police side. Thai government gives back the diamond to Tida. Romances happen between Chatree and Tida, between Kritchai and Saeng Dao.

Year: 1988
Thai title: ทะนง
English title: The Pride
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Likit Eakmongkol,Mum Jokmok,Panna Rittikrai
Main actress:
A soldier is coming back to the slum where he lived when he was younger. He learnt that his mother and sister have died during a fire. His father told him that a local influencial man is responsible of the fire in order to drive out people from the slum. His father is seen as a drunk man so the police doesn't believe him. The father is finally killed by a gunman. Having lost faith in police and in justice of the rich towards the poor, the soldier decides to enquiry by him-self. A traitor policeman is helping the influencial man.

Year: 1988
Thai title: เพชฌฆาตสีชมพู
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Manop Aussawathep
Main actress: Marsha
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Nin is a young lady coming from a rich family. At night time, she transforms herself in a mysterious executioner (เพชฌฆาต) to kill some mafia leaders (คนเลว). A rose is left as a signature (ดอกกุหลาบสีชมพู). The policeman Chatri is satisfied that bad ruffians (ผู้ร้าย) are neutralized but he needs to catch the executioner according to the Thai law. Nai Pratum is head of a big mafia ring (วงใหญ่) dealing with weapons trade (อาวุธสงคราม). Nin disrupts his activities. Chatri meets Nin but ignores that she is the mysterious executioner. Chot is Nin's best friend but he wishes to become her husband. Nin refuses as she values more Chatri (ผมจะขอวันนั้น). Nin gives hints to Chatri to stop the ruffians. Nai Pratum recruits two hitmen to kill Chatri. They only succeed to injure him. Nai Pratum takes his order from a mysterious boss (เจ้านาย). Nai Pratum orders to kill another mafia leader and accuse Nin by leaving a rose on the premises. By kidnapping Chatri, Nai Pratum forces Nin to reveal her real identify in order to save Chatri. The mysterious leader is Chot, the unlucky lover. As expected, bad ruffians are defeated. It is a typical 1980s action movie that is only worth due to a few stars acting (Sorapong, Marsha and Manop). Marsha is really a precursor of Thai modern actress Yanin Vismistananda in martial arts fight.

Year: 1988
Thai title: เพชรพยัคฆราช
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sombat Methanee,Sorapong Chatree,Krailat Kriengkrai,Krung Srivilai,Tuanton Kammeesri
Main actress: Pumpuang Duangchan,Apiradee Pawaputanon
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Chat (Sorapong Chatree) and Thanong (Sombat Methanee) are mafia members (นักเลง) and friends. Thanong is a mafia head (เจ้าพ่อ). There are always internal fights with other mafia leaders. Nancy (Apiradee Pawaputanon) is Chat's girlfriend. Chat and Thanong are dressed like Chicago gangsters and are always smoking cigars. Thanong's younger brother, Rut, is a policeman but he is not fully aware about his brother’s activities. Pen (Pumpuang Duangchan) is a nurse. Thanong likes her a lot (นักรัก). Thanong wishes to change his job but he cannot leave his subordinates (ลูกน้อง). Thanong asks Pen for wedding. A shooting happens during the wedding but none is injured. Chat escapes to Shing, who is now a traitor and wishes to get rid of Thanong to take his position (บ้าอำนาจ). Thanong, through a Typical Rambo 2 scene with big guns, wishes to punish Shing. Thanong is captured by the police following a rampage at Shing’s home and sent to jail. Chat needs to send Nancy away so that he can handle the situation. She is finally killed. Chat wishes to revenge her. There is a famous scene featuring a killing rampage by Chat in a restaurant with guns hidden in each flower pot. Three years have passed. Thanong is released from prison but he doesn't want to return to underworld mafia. Chat was injured to the ankle so he cannot walk properly anymore. Chat is now a car glass washer. Without their boss, Thanong’s men are wrecked (กูรอมึง). Thanong is accused of Rut's sister murder. Rut is upset because his brother is a ruffian (เป็นพี่เป็นโจร) so his management doesn't trust him. Thanong’s men including Chat are disappointing that Thanong wants to be out of mafia business (วางมือจากวงการ) and doesn’t want to give a lesson to Shing. Shing wants Thanong to be back in business as partner but Thanong refuses. Shing’s men beat severely Chat and also threaten Rut to convince Thanong to change his mind. Chat succeeds to get proofs regarding Shing’s illegal activities. Those proofs are given to Rut. Before fleeing, Chat and Thanong wish to face Shing a last time for an ultimate revenge. It is the last movie where Sombat Methanee had the leading role. This Thai movie is based on the Hong Kong movie “A Better Tomorrow” (1986) shot by John Woo. The scenario is very similar. It involves strong action and some comedy. Sorapong Chatree plays same role as Chow Yun-Fat. The movie is entertaining but the realisation is not as good as the one from John Woo. The end of the movie is very weird. It stops abruptly when Thanong is going to face Shing. Thanong is expected to die. There is unfortunately a weird movie abrupt ending.

Year: 1988
Thai title: ลำพูนแดง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Rith Luecha,Choomporn Theppitak
Main actress: Duangdeuan Jithaisong
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Tongchai (Rith Luecha) is the leader of a ruffians team terrorizing the local district. Villager Tasuk is killed because he was on government side regarding illegal logging concessions instead of being on ruffians’ side. Tasuk and his family are killed except one of his daughter, Asunee. The subdistrict headman (กำนัน) Sit and the village headman (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) are also on the ruffians’ side. Sing is Tasuk’s son. He just gets released from prison and visits the Thai Buddhist temple abbot first before going back to his village. The abbot gives him a sacred Buddha amulet (Lamphun Daeng - ลำพูนแดง). But Sing needs to use it wisely. He goes back to his village but nobody dares to tell him the truth about his parents death (ไม่กล้า) as they are afraid of the ruffians. Before Sing had another sacred amulet (Lamphun Dam - ลำพูนดำ) but it was taken away when he was sentenced to jail. The ruffians decide to get rid of him but it fails as bullets cannot hurt him (ยืงไม่เข้า) thanks to the sacred amulet (ของดี). The ruffians visit the abbot to know if a sacred amulet has been given to Sing. Usanee is under the district officer’s (นายอำเภอ) protection. But proofs are missing to accuse the killers. The ruffians want to get rid of Asunee before she can meet her brother. They kidnap her. Police officer (ผู้กอง) and the district officer ask Sing to wait for more proofs but he decides to act first. He steps inside Sit's house and releases Asunee following a deadly fight with Sit. Asunee is shot and seriously injured. Sing now knows the truth about his parents' death. Police is now looking after Sing. They succeed to escape to the Police as the Buddha amulet makes them invisible. His sister dies as she lost too much blood. Sing wishes to seek revenge. Ruffians continue to terrorize the local population. Chiwin, daughter of district officer, and Sing love each other. He visits her for her birthday party and fails to shoot Tongchai. Sing takes revenge over the village headman. Tongchai starts to be worried for his own security. The ruffians capture Chiwin. While trying to release Chiwin, Sing is captured by Sing's ruffians. The police believes Tongchai is involved so enters his camp. Sing, thanks to the sacred amulet, takes profit to flee. Sing steps inside Tongchai's home, releases Chiwin and kills Tongchai. As promised to Chiwin, Sing surrenders to the police. Movie Lamphun Daeng - ลำพูนแดง was shot in 1988. Previous sequel Lamphun Dam - ลำพูนดำ was shot in 1983. This movie features sacred amulets. Most Thai people believe that wearing around the neck a Buddha holy amulet protects them from anything.

Year: 1988
Thai title: คู่แค้นปืนเดือด
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: สุวิชา มีแสงเงิน
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Krung Srivilai,Chat Mongkolchai,Paen Pleumsachai
Main actress: Duangdeuan Jithaisong
Don (Krung Srivilai) is always looking for troubles with ruffians (นักเลง) and hitmen. Most of the time he is drunk. Pot (Duangdeuan Jithaisong) is now Phayak's girlfriend (แฟน) but Don loved her before. Don is now married to Phaen. Phayak (Sorapong Chatree) (มือปราบที่จับตายทุกคน) is local subdistrict headman. Ruffian So is looking for revenge (คิดบัญชี) against Phayak as this latter put him in jail before. Amnat (Chat Mongkolchai) arrives with 20 ruffians in a restaurant. Phayak tries to stop their rampage. Don helps as the situation was getting tense. Don finds Phaen (อี๊สาวเลว) in bed with a ruffian. Ruffian So kidnaps Pot. It is a trick to kill Phayak but it fails. Ruffians see Don as a weak drunkard. Don also punches ruffians showing them that they shall not insult him too much (แมงดา). Phayak's responsibility now extends to cover territory from So. Amnat's ruffians storm Phayak's home and kill everybody (ครอบครัว) including Pot despite strong opposition. Pot is finally only injured. Phaen was aware but didn't warn Don. Amnat proposes a duel to Phayak but it will be 7 against 3. Don is severely sick due to alcohol but Phaen takes care of him. Amnat prepares a trick again. Don comes to give a hand. Don kills Amnat in a final duel but gets severely injured. He finally recovers. Don and Phaen are back together. Lepso VCD คู่แค้นปืนเดือด (1988) is only 1h16mn long so the movie was certainly cut a lot and so making the movie directing a bit awkward. Sorapong is wearing a north confederation hat.

Year: 1988
Thai title: พายุยางแดง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Lak Apichat,Chaiyan Sorakrai,Kanchit Kwanpracha,Rith Luecha,Chat Mongkolchai
Main actress:
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Thai movie พายุยางแดง lasts 1h26mn and was released in year 1988. It is available under VCD format. Captain (ผู้กอง) Phayu (Sorapong Chatree) meets Chiaw (Lak Apichat), a military instructor (ครูฝึก), and Priaw (Chaiyan Sorakrai), who is a pickpocket. Village leader Cheui refuses to sell his house to ruffians. Chiaw is his son but he didn't go back home for years. Palat (Kanchit Kwanpracha), subdistrict headman Chat Mongkolchai, Ai Saen (Rith Luecha), head of local ruffians, are working together. Ai Saen sends his men to teach village leader Cheui a lesson (สังสอน) but they finally kill him and his elder daughter. The younger daughter, being a teacher, promises to revenge. Priaw informs Chiaw that his father was killed. Chiaw steals some military weapons and flees to revenge his father. Informed by his management, Phayu has to bring him back and to silence this story. Chiaw steals (ปล้น) a car containing money belonging to Ai Saen. Palat (Kanchit Kwanpracha) has to get it back. In Thai movies, the mafia boss is often called Sia / เสี่ย. Ai Saen (Rith Luecha) requests help from corrupted police. The subdistrict headman is the one who killed village leader Cheui. Pen asks Priaw to stop gambling. Chiaw, Priaw, Pen and the subdistrict headman's stepdaughter forms a team together. Phayu asks Police head to give them time as he trusts Chiaw. Chiaw decides to get information from the subdistrict headman's girlfriend. This one starts to be very friendly with him (part censored or cut from VCD). The subdistrict headman Chat comes back and Chiaw is captured. He succeeds to flee by kidnapping Palat's daughter. Ai Saen is upset (อย่าประมาท). As Ai Saen orders to shoot the car despite there is Palat's daughter inside, it causes Ai Saen and Palat to become enemies. Chiaw hits Palat to revenge his father but Phayu and the daughter convince him to let Police do its duty. Palat tells them that Ai Saen a is preparing to betray his country. The team storms the ruffians’ den. Pen is used as hostage (ตัวประกัน). The movie ends up with fierce fightings. Palat and Priaw die. Ai Saen is killed. The two actresses are วาสนา วรรณวงศ์ and มาริษา อุดมพร.

Year: 1988
Thai title: สวย...เหี้ยม
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Chat Mongkolchai,White Padungkan,Paen Pleumsachai
Main actress: Jarunee Sooksawad
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Thai movie สวย...เหี้ยม was released in year 1988 and lasts 1h37mn. It was released under VCD (1h37mn) and VHS format (1h33mn). Movie director is เสนอ คราประยูร. Young lady Pat (Jarunee Sooksawad) is out for taekwondo training. A piece of land is sold by her mother to build a school. Three young men steal the money from the mother and stab her. White Padungkan, as policeman, is investigating. Leader Amphon flees while Pat kills the two other men as revenge. White is chasing two men involved in the robbery. One succeeds to flee. Pat decides to go to Chiang Mai to rest a while and also to chase the third man Amphon. She meets her old friend Kaew (สุนิสา คราประยูร), being Klong's sister (Sorapong Chatree). Ruffians' leader In (Chat Mongkolchai) has issues with Klong as he refuses to sell land to them. In is upset as Klong challenges his authority. Kaew promises to help Pat (ล้างแค้น). While wandering near a waterfall, three men belonging to In fail to kill them. Thanong, Kaew’s friend, tries to declare his love to Kaew. Amphon, being In's young brother, is seen by Pat in Chiang mai. Ruffians follow them also (ตามไป) but fail to catch them. Thanks to an indication from Thanong, Pat and her friends storm a house where three ruffians are resting. White arrives in Chiang Mai. They chase after In preparing a drug deal exchange involving Paen Pleumsachai. Police brought by White intervenes. Ruffians flee. Finally, they are killed or captured by Klong, White, Kaew and Pat. Kaew is injured. As expected, Klong is an undercover policeman! Such kind of action movies was reaching its end of popularity in 1988 being outperformed by thrilling action movies from Panna Rittikrai.

Year: 1989
Thai title: บ้าทะลุดิน
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Rith Luecha,Somsak Chaisongkram,Pao Porapak,Chat Mongkolchai,Paen Pleumsachai
Main actress: Duangdeuan Jithaisong
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Four men bloodily rob a bank and kill all guards and employees. They have long hairs. They are part of a mafia gang. Ayu (Sorapong Chatree), a former ranger, is arrested when buying medicine for his sick mother as he has also long hairs. He is accused without proofs and beaten by the Police to get his confession. He flees from the prison with another inmate Pao (Pao Porapak). They are chased by the police in the jungle. Two mafia groups also affront each other in the jungle. One group is lead by a young lady. She is injured but rescued by Ayu. Unfortunately Ayu arrives home too late. His mother is already dead. His teammate Pao is in fact a covered policeman who wants to trick the robbers. The mafia group kills Ayu's family members and catches him. The young lady is the daughter of the mafia group's boss that got killed recently. She spared Ayu's life. Ayu is rescued by the policeman Pao but he decides to take revenge over the mafia group. Similar to a a Thai copy of Rambo II, Ayu carries a huge machine gun with ammunitions over the shoulder. A butchery happens with heavy spurts of blood. All policemen are killed. Everybody dies including the mafia leaders and Ayu. Sorapong Chatree played in many serie B action movies in year 1989. In 1980s, action movies were still very popular and actors often carried machine guns in those films.

Year: 1989
Thai title: 7 สาวดินระเบิด
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Dam Datsakorn,Chat Mongkolchai
Main actress: Thida Thidarat
Thai movie 7 สาวดินระเบิด was released in year 1989 and lasts 1h30mn. It was released under VCD format and also VHS format. The former VHS release was migrated to VCD format. The image is pretty sharp. Ruffians led by Dam Datsakorn and Ko (Chat Mongkolchai) are shooting at Thai police led by Pukong Aki (Bin Banleurit). Ruffians succeed to flee. While fleeing through the forest, they storm a house, kill the father, rape his three daughters and then kill them. The fourth daughter, called Usa (Thida Thidarat), asks for Aki's support. She wishes to get revenge. She learns that Ko has a scar. She is selling insurance life in order to approach them. One of the men wishes to go out with Usa but she refuses. Upset, he goes with a young prostitute. The mamasan argues it is her first time. After having made love, she shoots him dead as a revenge of the three girls killed. Another of the ruffians is killed by a lady while repairing a car. Ruffians start to be more alert while Aki is also investigating those deaths. All those ladies are Usa’s friends helping for revenge (ล้างแค้น). Six ladies and Usa make a group of 7 ladies so giving the movie name as 7 สาวดินระเบิด (7 dynamite ladies). A third ruffian is killed by another lady (เด็กเวร). Ruffians start to be stressed and investigate on the relatives of the three previously killed ladies. One of the ruffians’ leaders sees their domestic helper called Wilai putting some special powder (ยาพิษ) in the food. Another lady helps Wilai on time. Aki suspects Usa to be involved (ความหวังดี) as all murders are related with women, who know Usa... One of the ladies, called Sawanee, injures one of the ruffians, who succeeds to flee. Dam and Ko are now aware it is linked to Usa. Usa is captured (เรามาใช้นามสกุลเดี่ยวกันดีกว่า) and the ruffians asks the six other ladies to surrender in order to spare Usa's life. Aki intervenes. Aki is captured by ruffians also. The six ladies storm the ruffians’ den but heavy shooting occurs. Ruffians are defeated but Sawanee dies by protecting Aki.

Year: 1989
Thai title: หวยเถื่อน
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor:
Main actress:
A man wons the biggest price at the underground lottery. But mafia refuses to pay him. He complains so much that the local mafia boss get rid of him and his family. But the son is back and ready for revenge...

Year: 1989
Thai title: เหยี่ยวพระกาฬ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Rith Luecha
Main actress: Thida Thidarat,Chutima Kawinla
Thai movie เหยี่ยวพระกาฬ was released in year 1989 and lasts 1h23mn. Parts of the movie are censured. Some sexy scenes are present in the 35mm format release. It was released under VCD format by Lepso Studio company. Police decides to storm Arong's house knowing he is selling war weapons at the border. Following heavy fightings, Arong is injured but succeeds to flee. Young lady Feung Fa (Thida Thidarat) and her friend พี่ Tong are playing with knives when injured Arong arrives. Feung Fa is looking for a doctor. Meanwhile three ruffians shot her parents and Arong. One of the ruffians is injured. She wishes to find them and kill them as revenge. Ruffians continue their rampage as a lady is killed after a love scene. Feung Fa chases one of the three men and gets information on the two other men before killing him. Itti (Sorapong Chatree) wishes to help her but his motives are unclear. Ithit doesn't like such persecutors (รังแก) so he decided to help Feung Fa. Tong dreams of marrying with Feung Fa. He has the funny role (ตัวตลก) of supporting the leading actor Sorapong Chatree. Ruffian Seua Hin tries to neutralize Feung Fa but Ithit helps again. Feung Fa believes police cannot help as her village is in a remote place so it is lawless. Villagers needs to help themselves against the dark bad influence (อิทธิพล). A second killer is neutralized (ผีเฝ้าบ้าน). Feung Fa is still chasing Seua Hin, the third ruffian. Kham, the ruffians’ leader, supports him. Kham (Rith Luecha) likes Buatong, sister of Buakaew (Chutima Kawinla). It creates tension between the two sisters. Feung Fa tries to catch the third ruffian by herself. Ithit is in fact a police chief. Ithit finds where Kham is hiding and goes to get more help from police rangers. Meanwhile Feung Fa and Tong are captured. Ithit and the police rangers succeed to free Feung Fa following an usual gun fight. Kham and his ruffians are killed. Other actors and actresses featured are แอนด์นา, บรรพต, ทวน, พงษ์ไพร, ชีวิต,สกรรจ์, ทัศนีย์, โด้ง ลูกพ่อโต, เหม เวชยันต์ แสดงนำ.

Year: 1989
Thai title: เลือดแค้น เล็ก นกใน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: วิสันต์ สันติสุชา
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Kanchit Kwanpracha,Chaiyan Sorakrai,Krai Kanchit,Pao Porapak
Main actress: Pumpuang Duangchan
LepsoStudio also sells this movie but names it incorrectly as มือปืนสะท้านเมือง or 7 สิงห์แดนนรก. This movie is based on a real story. Life's circumstance changes Lek's existence and forces him to kill 12 men. A few village headmen (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) have a meeting to decide who will be the next subdistrict headman (กำนัน). Current subdistrict headman Liem wants to push his own son to be his successor. His son is a local police officer. They use bad influence (อิทธิพล) to control the subdistrict. Village headman Naparn tries to oppose. Naparn has two sons, Lek (Sorapong Chatree) and Porn. One night village headman Naparn and Porn are killed. Subdistrict headman Liem hire a hitman (มือปืนรับจ้าง) to kill also Lek. During the funeral (งานศพ), the police officer asks Lek to follow the law (หน้าที่ของกฎหมาย). Lek decides to do his own justice as it will be too difficult to find proofs against a subdistrict headman backed up by a policeman son. The subdistrict headman Liem and one of his son are killed by Lek, who has to flee. The subdistrict headman Liem's second son is not killed as he is a policeman. Liem's ruffians team asks support to subdistrict headman Sing (Kanchit Kwanpracha). Various intimidation and murders are performed by the ruffians team. Lek's family members or friends are killed one by one. They were innocent. Lek cannot remain neutral (เป็นคนดีไม่ได้). Lek has no choice than to exit from his retreat. He shoots a few ruffians. Then Lek quits the province to find a new job. He gets a job in a sawmill (โรงเลื่อย) in Saraburi. The boss is a lady (Pumpuang Duangchan). As he saves her from a log accident, they become sweethearts (แฟน). The ruffians find his retreat. A first murder tentative fails. Understanding that the ruffians will never let him safe, he decides to get rid of them (ต้องฆ่าให้หมด) to solve this endless situation. Lek prays every evening as life's circumstance forces him to kill ruffians to protect people he loves. Lek refuses to become an official hitman as he will not kill people who didn't hurt him. He attacks directly the ruffians' HQ. Sing and the ruffians are afraid for their lives. They ask help from another subdistrict headman. Lek and his remaining friends decide to raid his house to get rid of them. Police arrives to separate both groups. Believing that Lek is injured, his wife hurries up to go there and convince him to surrender (มอบตัว). After a trial, Lek and his friends are condemned to life imprisonment but are finally released after 12 years in jail. The real Lek was then killed by a hitman in 1993.

Year: 1989
Thai title: เหยียบเสือท้าสิงห์
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Dam Datsakorn,Chaiyan Sorakrai
Main actress:
Thieves (ผู้ร้าย) plan to rob a bank van. Pen (Sorapong Chatree) asks 40% of the gains. During the robbing, Pen is injured and left behind by his colleagues. He is captured by the police but other ruffians come back to shoot all of them to avoid leaving proofs behind. Mot (Chaiyan Sorakrai) is a policeman wishing to solve the bank robbers case. Pen flees from the hospital. Montri (Dam Datsakorn) is the ruffians leader. Pen has fight with his former colleagues and get support from Kum, his old friend. Later on, Kum gets beaten by Montri's ruffians. Kum is ready for revenge over Montri. Pen and Mot are brothers (สายเลือดเดียวกัน) so Mot is dismissed from this case by his superior. Mot wishes to catch his own brother. Pen did such job in order to pay studies for Mot, his younger brother. Pen didn't study high so he had to do such illegal activities to get money to pay for his young brother's education. Ruffians kill Pen's father as he refuses to disclose where his son is hiding. Police head uses a policewoman to make Montri fall. It is a failure and her life is saved thanks to Pen and Mot. Mot quits police. A mysterious informer keeps giving hints to the police woman. It is Mot pushing for this case to be solved. Surat is another ruffians leader behind. Pen protects Mot from behind. Montri is looking for fake money and contacts Surat. Police, ruffians, Mot and Pen all meet during the transaction. During final shootings, Pen sacrifices his life to save Mot. Mot finally understands that his brother was a good guy. This end of decade 1980s action movie is part of movies, where Sorapong Chatree getting older has to share the leading actor role with younger actors such as Chaiyan Sorakrai. Similar to Thai movie เพชรผ่าปืน (1990), Sorapong Chatree plays the bad guy forced by life circumstances and Chaiyan Sorakrai is his younger brother wishing to stop him.

Year: 1989
Thai title: พยัคฆ์ภูพาน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Pao Porapak,Pipop Pupinyo,White Padungkan
Main actress:
Thai movie พยัคฆ์ภูพาน was released in year 1989 and lasts 1h29mn. It was released under VHS and also under VCD by Lepso Ltd Company. Ruffians are blocking the road to the market and are asking for a passage fee (ค่าผ่าน). A black man, called Cha, is beaten as he refuses to pay. In (Pipop Pupinyo), as restaurant owner, is married to Da (ยีนส์ ศุภมาส). Da's sister, Saeng, stays with them (น้องเมียกู่). Klong (Sorapong Chatree) is stopping by In’s restaurant to have a drink based on 12 fresh eggs! He is selling coffins (ขายโลงศพ) because he heard many people are dying in this area! A fighting with ruffians happens as they ask him to leave the area. Local kingpin Nai Chawaen has bad business reputation. He is assisted by White Padungkan. Another ruffians' team is led Kraison and assisted by Pao Porapak. Nevertheless, both ruffians' teams meet for business. They suspect a third party is involved as business disruption is occurring. Saeng (มาริษา อุดมพร) is aggressed by ruffians asking for protection fee. Klong helps her. A romance starts between Saeng and Klong. One night, ruffians storm In's restaurant to kidnap his wife and sister in law. Klong helps again. Cha's uncle is shot by white's team. White puts the blame on Klong so that Cha wants to take revenge. Cha joins White's team. Paorak warns Klong proactively so Klong joins his team. Kraison is looking left-hand (มือซ้าย) to support him as he has already a right-hand (มือขวา) through Pao Porapak. Another money drugs exchange occurs between the two groups but it ends up with shootings again. Klong pushes them against each other. Nai Chawaen finally gets both money and drugs. Saeng and her sister Da are kidnapped to attract Klong. Meanwhile Kraison's team wishes to take profit to attack Chawaen's team. In brings additional support with policemen. Final battle occurs. Ruffians are all killed. Cha is also killed during the fightings. The area is now safe with both ruffians' team being neutralized.

Year: 1990
Thai title: เกิดมาลุย 3
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Sompop Wong Ko,Krissanapong Rachata,Jai Juntamooltree
Main actress: Suriwan Suriyong
Thai movie เกิดมาลุย 3 was released in year 1990. It lasts 1h24mn. The first four minutes start with Panna Rittikrai presenting all actors and actresses in his movie. Panna kills a lawyer as he refuses to give him a testament. Afong (Suriwan Suriyong) is back from Hong Kong where she worked as lawyer assistant. Her former boss is dead and she gets death threats as she refused to forge a testament. 80% of the heritage goes to the daughter called Naen. Her former boss' new wife called Yen Feui wishes to get the whole heritage instead of only 20%. Wassana is the mother’s name but she died already. A relative, subdistrict headman Jaem, brought the daughter to Tha Bo in Nong Khai province. Ruffians from Hong Kong led by Panna Rittikrai and accompanied by two tough bald guys are also looking for the lost daughter. All those people including local ruffians meet in Tha Bo. Subdistrict headman Jaem is upset with Vinai, local ruffian leader. The local ruffians led by Vinai decide to kidnap Naen (หลาน) to pressure him to sell his land. Panna and his two bodyguards interrupt as they are looking for the daughter also. Of course multiple fightings happen between all of the three groups as they have different interest. Afong’s four friends take care of the two bald bodyguards and defeat them. Afong herself faces Panna Rittikrai through a fighting in white costume. She gets defeated. The four friends face Panna but gets defeated also. United, they finally defeat Panna through a daring final. The original movie features "Beat It" song from Michael Jackson but finally replaced by another music in the VCD certainly due to copyright issue. The movie ends up with some failed action sequences similar to Jackie Chan’s movies. เกิดมาลุย movie franchise is a full action movies series. Other actors are สมภพ วงศ์ก่อ (Sompop Wong Ko), นริศรา, บรรลุ, สุรินทร์, น้อย, กิม.

Year: 1990
Thai title: มูเซอดำ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Manop Aussawathep,Kowit Wattanakul
Main actress: Thida Thidarat,Marisa Udomphon
Thai movie มูเซอดำ was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h36mn. It was released under VCD (Lepso update) and VHS format. Liso (Manop Aussawathep) succeed to steal old artifacts in a Buddhist temple in Burma. The temple guardians fail to stop them. Visitors from overseas come to buy heroin drugs at the Thai border. A mountain villagers' leader, called Prakhun, is selling illicit goods to them. Saen Kam, one of his girlfriends, wishes to have a child. Prakhun robs a bus and steals a young baby boy. Upset by his way of working, Liso breaks up with Prakhun. Meanwhile Liso's wife, Amiyo, is pregnant. A daughter is born. A few years have passed. A few inmates led by ruffian Win succeed to flee from forced work. They run through the jungle and reach Liso's house. Trying to rape Amiyo, they finally kill her. They are then captured by Prakhun's men. Prakhun hires them to work for him. Liso teaches fighting skills to his daughter Mio to be able to defend herself. The daughter Mio grows up and is played by Thida Thidarat as a young lady. Policeman Kowit Wattanakul (ตำรวจม้าป่า) is sent to the border area in order to capture back the inmates. Mio still wishes to get revenge (แก้แค้น) over those who killed her mother. Young man Sing Thiem (Bin Banleurit) meets Mio (นางฟ้า) while playing kite. Friendship happens. Kowit meets young lady Adee, Sing Thiem's sister. Sing Thiem is Prakhun's son, i.e. the child kidnapped many years ago. Sing Thiem disapproves his father's activities in drugs but has to help when his father asks him to do so. Some sequences remind of The Golden Triangle (สามเหลี่ยมทองคำ) movie in 1975. Former inmate Win loves Adee but love is not reciprocal. Mio finally sees Win in her village and recognises him as one of the killers. Kowit has arguments with Win and his men. Mio helps and is now aware that Kowit is a policeman looking for the inmates. This movie features hill tribes helping Thai government as they are Thai also. Sing Thiem has a talk with Kowit as he knows Kowit loves his sister Adee (Marisa Udomphon). A drug transport is stopped by the Thai soldiers. A traitor is suspected. Adee is suspected as she is seen speaking with Kowit. ชาวนาย wishes to get rid of Liso. His daughter Mio is captured and the Buddha statues are recovered. Sing Thiem and his sister know the truth about their father. Thai army is ready to storm. Heavy fighting occurs and ruffians have to retreat. Kowit is about to shoot Prakhun but shoots finally the wife Saen Kam as she makes a rampart. Sing Thiem is also injured. Mio also takes revenge over Win. Peace is back. Sing Thiem and Mio are going to marry.

Year: 1990
Thai title: ชาติสิงห์ไอ้ฟ้าผ่า
English title: Mountain lion
Rating: 2/5
Director: สมหมาย คำสอน
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Rith Luecha
Main actress: Thida Thidarat
Thai movie ชาติสิงห์ไอ้ฟ้าผ่า / Mountain lion was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h30mn. It was released under VCD format by EVS entertainment company and also by Lepso Company (It was released under wrong name สั่งมัจจุราช by Lepso company). It is a VHS release copied on VCD. Movie director is สมหมาย คำสอน. Actors are Sorapong Chatree, Rith Luecha, Thida Thidarat, สุวรรณา, ศิรดา, บรรพต, ทวน, พงษ์ไพร, ชีวิต โต้ง ลูกพ่อโต, เหม เวชยันต์. This Thai action movie was shot at a period where Hong Kong and foreign movies were very strong in Thailand. Many Thai actions had limited budget and were like type B movies. Mountain Lion is one of them. Decade 1990s was also the end of movie posters drawn by hand. Movie ชาติสิงห์ไอ้ฟ้าผ่า poster was one of the last ones to be hand painted. Shootings do occur in the forest. Sorapong Chatree is injured. Two young ladies including Yanee (Thida Thidarat) are chased by robbers (โจร). A few armed men, led by Phet, help Yanee. Phet and his men are looking for the cave Tantawan, which is said to contain jewelry. The robbers are also looking for the cave. Yanee brings her savers to the cave. They enter in the cave and find a hermit jade statue. Yanee brings them towards her village. They are attacked during nighttime. Two men are killed by arrows. Young lady Manoe meets Sorapong in the forest. She brings him to village Dok Mai Hom. On the way to the village, Phet and his men are attacked by ruffians led by Rith Luecha. Hopefully Sorapong helps them. Ruffians have to retreat. They arrive in the village Dok Mai Hom. Village leader’s right hand Bachi is unhappy to have strangers in the village. Romances occur between Sorapong and Yanee, between Phet (ชาตรี มณีวรรณ) and the village leader's daughter Takaew. Seeing Takaew and Phet together, Bachi tries to shoot him with a crossbow but he fails. Bachi pushes the village leader to give Takaew to him as wife. As village leader refuses, issues occur. Bachi quits the village to get additional help from Rith Luecha. Phet and his friends decide to stay in the village to help villagers against Bachi. Bachi knows Phet and his team have the jade statuette with them. Sorapong has to leave. Following an erotic dance, one of the men dies after visiting a villager lady at night time. He is killed by arrow. Bachi is suspected to be the shooter. The village leader asks Phet and his team to leave to avoid additional deaths. Bachi storms the village and follows Phet heading towards the forest. Phet and his team are all captured. Sorapong, feeling there is ongoing danger, goes back to the village and rescues Phet and his team. Rith and his team arrive also. Heavy shootings occur. Thai police also arrive. Ruffians are neutralized. The precious jade jewel, being a national heritage, is given to Thai police.

Year: 1990
Thai title: เชือดเชือดเหน่อๆ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Samart Payakaroon,Panna Rittikrai,Pao Porapak,White Padungkan,Sompop Wong Ko,Jai Juntamooltree
Main actress:
Thai movie เชือดเชือดเหน่อๆ was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h20mn. Panna Rittikrai is the movie director. Actors are Samart Payakaroon (สามารถ พยัคฆ์อรุณ - Thai boxer), Panna Rittikrai, อำนาจ อนุลักษณ์, เจริญ, Pao Porapak, White Padungkan, เฉลิมพร, Sompop Wong Ko, Jai Juntamooltree. The movie is shot in Khon Kaen district. A sacred black effigy is exchanged against money. Sompop (Sompop Wong Ko) and his boss become the new owners of the effigy. Ruffians (including Jai Juntamooltree) take back the money. Amnat (อำนาจ อนุลักษณ์) is shopping in a mall. Amnat, out of money, robs Sompop’s boss and steals the sacred effigy. Ruffians, led by Kop, want the dark effigy also but Sompop’s boss doesn't have it anymore. It is within Amnat's hands. The Khmer Rouge leader sends two members to Thailand as he doesn’t trust Kop. Back home, Amant finds two men (White Padungkan and เตี่ย แจ่วบอง) stealing his clothes. Ruffians are upset as they need the money linked to the black effigy to buy weapons. Meanwhile Panna and Pao Padungkan need to bring the sacred dark effigy back to their village. Multiple groups need the sacred effigy but for various reasons. Samat helps to release a young girl (ธัญลักษณ์ ราชธา) being kidnapped but he keeps the ransom money! Sompop hires Samat to get back the sacred effigy. Fighting occurs between ruffians, linked to Khmer rouge, and Amnat as they want the effigy back. Fighting occurs in front of former Prince cinema in Khon Kaen (โรงหนังปริ๊นซ์ ขอนแก่น). Amnat gets help from Panna and Pao. Later on, Amnat fights with Samat asking for the effigy. The effigy has disappeared as White and เตี่ย stole it. Multiple fights occur between the involved groups. Finally, Samat is the one to keep the effigy. He gives a copy to Sompop’s boss to get money and gives the original to Panna and Pao! Ruffians are neutralized.

Year: 1990
Thai title: ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า 3 ตอน จ๊ะเอ๋ผีหัวขาด
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: ประพนธ์ เพชรอินทร์
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Panna Rittikrai,Pao Porapak,Chat Mongkolchai,Sompop Wong Ko,Krissanapong Rachata,Jai Juntamooltree
Main actress:
Buy now:

Thai movie ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า 3 ตอน จ๊ะเอ๋ผีหัวขาด was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h27mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso Company and under VHS tape. Movie director is ประพนธ์ เพชรอินทร์. Thai actors and actresses featured are Bin Banleurit, Panna Rittikrai, นริศรา นามมงคล, Sompop Wong Ko, เผ่าไท พรพิสิฐ, Chat Mongkolchai, Pao Porapak, บรรลุ, สุพจน์, Krissanapong Rachata, Jai Juntamooltree. Thai movies serie ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า has four opus (1987, 1989, 1990, 1994) and focus on ghost (ผีดิบ) having strong fighting skills. Shaman (หมอผี) Bin Banleurit is performing a ceremony with a sacred black ginger root. Suddenly Chat Mongkolchai and Pao Porapak disrupt the ceremony. Bin is killed and beheaded. The sacred black ginger root (ขิงดำ) is stolen. Thanks to Kim (กิม), another strange shaman, Bin is resurrected and has to get back the black ginger root. Bin goes inside the city. A gang, led by young lady Sopha, is featuring a few members including เตี่ย แจ่วบอง and นริศรา นามมงคล. They steal Sompop’s money. As he fights back, Bin helps to defeat him as Sompop is wrongly accused of being a robber. A Japanese buyer is ready to pay 50M THB for the black ginger root. Chat agrees. The bigger ruffians’ group led by Chat wants to get rid of the small group led by Sopha. Chased by Chat and his ruffians, Sopha lies again to get help from Bin. Chat realizes that Bin is a ghost (ปีศาจ). Chat is waiting for his master Phao Tai (อาจารย์ เผ่าไท พรพิสิฐ) to fight against Bin. Kim helps Sompop. Sopha is in love with Bin (พี่ชาย) but it is an impossible love as he is dead already (ตายแล้ว). His friends are captured so it forces Bin to act again. Through mismatch, the sacred black ginger root (ขิงดำ) is finally inside Bin's bag. Bin cannot fight on holy day (วันพระ) so its opponents take advantage of this. Kim intervenes to help and Chat flees. Master Phao Tai sends a new ghost (Panna Rittikrai) to fight Bin. Master Phao Tai and his new ghost are defeated. Bin gets back the black ginger root and can leave with Kim.

Year: 1990
Thai title: บ้าแล้วต้องฆ่า
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: อำมตะ
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Panna Rittikrai,Pao Porapak,Chat Mongkolchai,Paen Pleumsachai
Main actress: Thida Thidarat,Marasri Bangchang
Thai movie บ้าแล้วต้องฆ่า was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h17mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Bin Banleurit, Panna Rittikrai, Thida Thidarat, Chat Mongkolchai, เพชร ดาราฉาย, ประกายมาศ หงษ์ทอง, พิศมัย ภุมมา, เพิด ภาราดร, Marasri Bangchang, Paen Pleumsachai, Pao Porapak. Movie director is อำมตะ. A teenage girl is aggressed by multiple ruffians but Panna (Panna Rittikrai) intervenes and knocks them down. Her mother (Marasri Bangchang) is sick so she had to buy medicine for her. Panna has dirty business with Pramat (Paen Pleumsachai). Thai Police, led by Charlie (Bin Banleurit), intervenes. Shooting occurs. Pramat is shot by Charlie. Charlie shoots multiple ruffians but Panna succeeds to flee. Roselin (Thida Thidarat) is a policewoman working with Charlie. Captain (ผู้กอง) Charlie disrupts mafia business. Cheut (Pao Porapak) is killed by Lin (พิศมัย ภุมมา) as he failed a drug exchange. Charlie's wife and son were killed by the mafia a few years ago. Charlie is suspended (พักราชการ) by his boss as he killed too many ruffians as revenge. Heum (Chat Mongkolchai) has to steal diamonds (ปล้นเพชร) per mafia leader Kampon's order. Four ruffians try to kidnap Saithip, Charlie's sister, per Sia's order but they fail thanks to firecrackers used to make them afraid of policemen shooting them. Charlie is just back to his village. Roselin and Thai police stop Panna and Lin transporting illicit goods in a truck. Foreigner John meets Vilod (Tanit Pongmanoon) to organize a diamond exchange. Diamond is stolen as ruffians shoot the foreigner John. Kampon is upset that Lin fails again. Heum gets money from Kampong but does not share it equally so Vilod is in trouble to cure his mother. Charlie chases away the ruffians harassing Saithip again. Charlie's boss calls him back to help with the diamond theft. Vilod has no money to cure his sick money so he steals a lady bag but gets chased by Charlie and Roselin. Being caught, he wishes to negotiate his freedom in order to cure his mother. He shares information related to the diamond theft. Vilod brings Charlie and Roselin to the ruffians' place. One of them succeeds to flee and informs Heum. Then Heum also flees to a new place. Ruffians kill Vilod's sister Vilai and his mother as retaliation. Kampon also prepares to move away. Vilod escapes from the Police and wishes to get revenge. He storms Kampon's house but gets shot. Charlie's sister is kidnapped so Charlie decides not to wait for orders and to storm Kampon's house. He gets help from Panna, who is an undercover policeman. Heavy fighting does occur. Ruffians are defeated but Charlie dies in his sister's arms. Panna saves Rosalin and shoots mafia leader Kampon.

Year: 1991
Thai title: เจ้าทรงปืน
English title: Gun of god
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Chat Mongkolchai,Pao Porapak
Main actress:
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Thai movie เจ้าทรงปืน was released in year 1991 and lasts 1h30mn. Hitman Tom (Pao Porapak) kills a man but then he is chased by people wishing to kill him. His boss is เจ้านาย Somkit (Chat Mongkolchai). Tom always supported Jao (Panna Rittikrai), a young mechanic (ช่างเทวดา). Following a killing where a child dies, Tom decides to stop being a hitman (มือปืน) and announced it to Somkit, who asks him to think again about it. Internal fightings happen between some local ruffians to control the area. Mongkol wishes to revenge against Somkit. Tom dies while protecting Somkit a last time. Jao arrives just when Tom is about to die. Before dying, Tom recommends Jao to take refuge in one of his friends’ home. Masked killers get rid of Somkit's opponents including Mongkol. They stop by the restaurant to shoot Tom’s friend and chase after Jao. Jao is shot but the bullets don't enter thanks to a holy Buddhist amulet provided by Tom before his death. He is rescued by Lung, who explained Tom’s past to him. Jao decides to chase Somkit. This one assures him he is innocent but masked men capture Jao. The mastermind is indeed Somkit. The movie ends up with multiple fights involving Jao and his friends versus Somkit and his ruffians. This movie mixes action and comic sequences including low level jokes such as flatulence noise, gay fighter...

Year: 1991
Thai title: เจาะนรก 2 ตอน ดิบกระแทกดิบ
English title: Angel of death part 2
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Chat Mongkolchai
Main actress:
เจาะนรก 2 ตอน ดิบกระแทกดิบ (Angel of death part 2) movie was released on a VCD manufactured by Thai company Lepso. It is coming from a VHS copy. The image is not sharp and the sound is weak. It is lasting 1h24mn. A man is followed up by a group of heavily armed thugs wishing to kill him. They seem invulnerable. He gets defeated and his sword is left behind in a cave. Panna (Panna Rittikrai) is a police inspector (ผู้กอง). Three thugs attack an hospital. They have big tattoos on the body. They also don't die when got shot. So Panna has to use a car to smash them. After investigation, the thugs were officially dead for one week already... In the jungle, Supree (Chat Mongkolchai) is leading a team attacked by some ruffians as Supree gave orders to warn the police regarding those invulnerable men. Some amazones are playing in a river. They are attacked but saved by Supree. Panna follows up bank robbers and defeats them again with difficulty and discovers that the robbers are dead since one month. A colleague suggest they are zombies (ผีดิบ). A legend mentions a village near the border where shamans have special powers. Panna decides to go at the border to this village. Supree's grandfather made this potion but it is now used in a wrong way. Supree and his amazones including his daughter get attacked by the zombies. Panna helps Supree's daughter. Supree is injured and captured. While fleeing the zombies in a cave, Panna finds the special sword. Only Supree knows the special herbs (ยาสมุนไพร) and refuses to disclose the secret despite being beaten by the zombies leader. The leader wishes to use the potion in a wrong way to become rich. Panna helps to release Supree. Police is coming to help and planes are bombing the ghosts. Panna defeats their leader through a final sword fight. Supree and his daughter are reunited. Panna Rittikrai’s movies are always full of action. Some fights or ideas were reused later in famous “Ong Bak” movie. It is a low cost movie with stunts jumping just after the explosions but it is still quite well done.

Year: 1991
Thai title: มือปราบสองแผ่นดิน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,White Padungkan,Akara Amarttayakul
Main actress:
Thai movie มือปราบสองแผ่นดิน was released in year 1991 and lasts 1h25mn. This movie is typical action movie from decade 1990s directed by Panna Rittikrai. Such kind of movies were mainly released in Thai provinces, where action movies remained popular. In Bangkok, teen movies were booming. Main actors and actresses are พันนา ฤทธิไกร, มามารถ บาราสัน, Sonya Yip, เจนจิรา จันทิมา, รักษ์พงษ์ กมลวาทิน, White Padungkan, Akara Amarttayakul. Subdistrict headman Priu and village leader are threatened by ruffian leader Prasan and his men (including White Padungkan and Akara Amarttayakul). Meanwhile subdistrict headman Sing stops some robbers. Rit (Panna Rittikrai), being alcoholic, is attacked by two men and gets rid of them. Rit is living with Praew but there is no happiness. Ruffian So wishes to revenge (คิดบัญชี) against Sing as he spent many years in jail. Rit loved young lady Pim before but Sing won her heart, so he gets drunk often since that time. Akara Amarttayakul from movie ไชยา. Prasan and his men move to another jurisdiction to escape to subdistrict headman Sing. As this one becomes chief district officer, they fall back under his jurisdiction and they have to get rid of him. So, tries to kidnap Pim but he fails. Praew quits Rit for White as she is fed up that he is a drunkard. Seeing Rit beaten heavily and insulted (ตัวเมีย) by White and his teammates, she has pity of him and gets back to him. As he has alcohol crisis, she takes care of him. Sing and his friends including Pim and Praew decide to storm the ruffians' den (บ้านเมืองจะเป็นสุข). Heavy fighting occurs but Prasan and his men are all killed. Sing loses a man during the fightings.

Year: 1991
Thai title: เพชฌฆาตโหดสิงห์ป่าซุง
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Panna Rittikrai,White Padungkan,Chaiyan Sorakrai
Main actress:
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Thai movie เพชฌฆาตโหดสิงห์ป่าซุง was released in year 1991 and lasts 1h11mn. This movie was released under VCD format. Actors and actresses include Ekapan Banleurit, Panna Rittikrai, Chaiyan Sorakrai, White Padungkan, กิตติ ดัสกร, โอดา อาบทิพย์, ชาติ เจ้าพระยา... This pure action movie, featuring multiple shootings and fightings, was probably targeting Isan province as it features Panna Rittikrai. Panna (Panna Rittikrai) and White Padungkan are travelling with Sing (Ekapan Banleurit). Sing's father, Sek, was killed because of land issue. Three businessmen including Kunsan (Chaiyan Sorakrai) and Sia are celebrating together. Kunsan ordered to kill Sek. Kunsan has to be worried (ตายหมดแน่) as Sing is back. Sia refuses to meet Kunsan anymore as he learnt about his involvement in Sek’s murder. Sia and his men are killed by Kunsan's hitmen. Sing enquiries on Kunsan’s activities. Shooting occurs between Sing and Kunsan’s men. Kunsan asks local police for help. Local police promise to investigate and asks Kunsan not to handle by himself (หน้าที่ของกฏหมาย). Sing and his men surprise Kunsan’s men in the forest. Multiple shootings and grenades launch occur. Panna and White are injured. Pong, one of the domestic helpers, working for Kunsan, informs Sing. He is uncovered and gets beaten. Multiple shootings keep happening between the two groups. Kunsan complains that police head cannot succeed to catch Sing. Looking for a final blow, Sing wishes to storm Kunsan's home. His friends try to discourage him, but Sing doesn't listen and goes by himself. Heavy fighting does occur, and Pong helps Sing, being injured. Ruffians are all shot but Thai Police kill Pong as they mistaken him as a thug.

Year: 1991
Thai title: พยัคฆ์ภูผา
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: สมหมาย คำสอน
Main actor: Samart Payakaroon,Dam Datsakorn
Main actress: Thida Thidarat
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Thai movie พยัคฆ์ภูผา was released in year 1991 and lasts 1h22mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso Company. Movie director is สมหมาย คำสอน. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are two new actors บรรจง พงษ์ษา and วิทยา กลิ่นขจร, ทวน, เหม, เซอร์ปิโก้, ธรรมศักดิ์, ภัคคิณี, เพชร, ลิม, พล, จรัญ, new actress ปัทมา ทิพย์ดารา. Maew hill tribe Pitip (Samart Payakaroon) is chased by members of another hill tribe. He gets help from two Thai villagers (Buri and Piano), coming from Bangkok and doing cultivation (ทำไร). The attackers retreat and give feedback to their leader Pho Tao (Dam Datsakorn). Mayee (Thida Thidarat) is Pho Tao's daughter. They attack again Pitip and the two men but then retreat unwilling to enter deeply the jungle knowing Pitip's skills. Hill tribes Maew Dam (แมวดำ) and Maew Daeng (แมวแดง) are enemies for many years. Vida is Pitip's sister. Pitip meets Mayee, his girlfriend. Young lady Nam Fong is accompanying her. Long Li defies Pitip as he is upset that Mayee prefers Pitip to him. He is defeated and promises revenge. Buri is injured. Lam Fong, fond of Buri, visits him at nighttime. The next day Long Li agresses Lam Fong but Mayee helps her. Lam Fong goes with Vida to accompany the two Bangkokian guys back to their home. Pho Tao is upset and is looking for his daughters. Pitip helps the Bangkokian guys so Pho Tao must retreat. His daughters refuse to go back (ไม่ยอมกลับ). Pitip's father, head of the village, is shot by Long Li. A villager, called Bai, kidnaps Vida to abuse her but he gets killed by Long Li. Being evil, Long Li also tries to abuse Vida but hopefully Pitip is helping her. Meanwhile Pho Tao's men capture Buri and his friend. Following a winning duel against a hill tribe villager, Buri and his friend Piano are released. Pitip gets grenades sold by a local shaman. Pho Tao forbids his daughters to go to the opposite village anymore and prepare to attack it. The two villagers’ groups fight against each other. Pho Tao's wife releases her two daughters following advice of the local shaman (หมอผี) that only her daughters can stop the killing. Grenades help to neutralize Pho Tao's men. Pitip is about to defeat Pho Tao and revenges his father but Mayee stops him announcing that Long Li was the mastermind. Long Li is killed. Peace is back between the two villages and Pho Tao does not prevent the love between Pitip and Mayee anymore. Romance also happens between Buri and Lam Fong, between Piano and Vida.

Year: 1992
Thai title: สิงห์สยาม
English title: King of the ring
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata,Christoph Klüppel
Main actress:
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Thai movie King of the ring / สิงห์สยาม was released in year 1992. The Filmark version, released under VHS format, lasts around 1h22mn. Thai boxing fightings festival is happening in local subdistrict. Ken Kiat is joining and accepts to face The Duke, the defending champion. Ryan (Panna Rittikrai) is his trainer. A sponsor believing in Ken pays the 2000 USD fee. Despite a difficult beginning, Ken defeats The Duke. The sponsor impressed by Ken suggests him to join a real Thai boxing school led by master Hunger. The Duke's trainer called Charles sends ruffians to beat them and to get back his money but to no avail. Ken meets Nancy by bumping in her bicycle. Ryan meets singer Ann thanks to Krissanapong Rachata’s (กฤษณพงษ์ ราชธา) introduction. Ryan likes drinking alcohol. As another ruffian leader sends his men to kidnap Ann, Ryan is helping her. Ken wins 10 consecutive fights so causing Charles to lose a lot of money. Charles contacts a tall foreigner (Christoph Klüppel) and asks him to find a good fighter. He finds Chiba, a Japanese fighter. Charles claims that best Thai boxing fighters are now found overseas. To save Thai boxing honor, Ken accepts to fight against him. One day before the match, Charles' ruffians beat Ken on the head. Ken asks Nancy to keep this secret as he believes it is minor. But Ken is wiped out by Chiba and falls unconscious. Ryan wishes to get revenge immediately so master Hunger has to calm him down. While Ken is recovering, Ryan decides to get heavily trained to become a fighter in order to revenge Ken and to defeat Chiba. Ryan challenges Chiba. Charles accepts and he believes there is easy money to gain. Ryan finally defeats Chiba after an epic fight.

Year: 1992
Thai title: ล้างเมืองคนดุ
English title: Dangercity
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai
Main actress:
Rise and fall of a local Thai mafia chief

Year: 1992
Thai title: เจ้าพ่อทรหด
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,White Padungkan
Main actress:
Thai movie เจ้าพ่อทรหด was released in year 1992 and lasts 1h22mn. It was released under VHS format. It was produced by outdoor cinema Company Charoen (บริการหนังกลางแปลง เจริญการช่างภาพยนตร์) in Sri Saket. Owner was Mr Hom (คุณพ่อหอม โสระเวช). His company projected movies in outdoor places (Buddhist temple annual fair, family events...) and also produced movies for standalone theaters. They even produced a movie about Mr Hom, i.e. เจ้าพ่อทรหด featuring Sorapong Chatree and ดวงเดือน. At the end of the remaining 35mn film, there is a sequence featuring the real Hom (นายหอม โสระเวช) and his cinema company. The sequence is showing Mr Hom’s family, the vehicles projecting films, the huge projection screens... Mr Hom died on 14 October 2012. Hom started as a kid having a dream. With only 12 baht he started washing dishes in a noodle soup shop. Hom kept money until he could open a small business of repairing watches. Finally, he opened an outdoor cinema business. Unfortunately, business conflicts erupted and Hom was shot in the back. But he was not killed. He ended managing one of the most famous outdoor movies company in Isan region. Hom has a watch repair small business and outdoor cinema company in Sri Saket. Ruffians led by Padung are bringing trouble in the city. Minibus owners (รถสองแถว) have to pay an illegal fee (ค่าคิว) requested by ruffians but drivers refuse. Hom (ดวงเดือน) found Padung is involved in many illegal businesses. When Hom plays dice, he realizes game is tricked. Fighting happens as Hom accuses ruffians of cheating. Manit (Sorapong Chatree) helps Hom being outnumbered. Manit and Hom sympathize as Manit also has an outdoor movie company in Bangkok called Kulab Tip movies. Village Chom refuses to sell his land to ruffians. Padung (White Padungkan) intervenes and shoots him. Hom accuses Padung's ruffians to have killed Chom. Padung tries to recruit him and asks for a protection fee. Hom refuses and so becomes a troublemaker for Padung. A Molam orchestra event is organised by Hom. Drunken ruffians bring troubles. Hom is shot by Padung. Hom may not be able to walk again. He has to use wheelchair. Hom has a family. Bosom is Hom’s wife younger sister. Pradum decides to get rid of Hom by hurting his wife Rat. She is shot by a hitman during outdoor cinema performance. Manit comes to the funeral. Padung also comes to defy Hom. Padung's ruffian tries to kill Manit but he fails. Hom thinks about marrying Bosom. Padung hires Hom's outdoor cinema to perform in a Chinese cemetery to pay respect to ancestors. It is a trick as ruffians capture Bosom. Hom and Manit storm Padung’s place. Heavy shootings occur. Both Manit and Hom are seriously injured but ruffians are all killed. Hom and Bosom finally marry.

Year: 1992
Thai title: ไอ้เพชร บขส. 2
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: ประพนธ์ เพชรอินทร์
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Chat Mongkolchai,Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata,Sompop Wong Ko,Rith Luecha,Pao Porapak
Main actress:
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Thai movie ไอ้เพชร บขส. 2 was released in year 1992 and lasts 1h19mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company and VHS format. Thai actors and actresses featured are Bin Banleurit, Chat Mongkolchai, Panna Rittikrai, Krissanapong Rachata, กิม , เตี่ย แจ่วบอง, Sompop Wong Ko, Rith Luecha, อุดมพร, โอดา, Pao Porapak, น้อย, เจริญ. Movie director is ประพนธ์ เพชรอินทร์. This movie is an action movie with comedy sequences. Panna's team is fully present, and each team member has a role. Rith Luecha is the ruffian’s leader. Rith wants to dominate the songthaew and motorbike (รับจ้าง) markets in Khon Kaen. His idea is to request a protection fee from all drivers as he would oversee the whole market (ดูแลคิ้ว). Phet (Bin Banleurit), a young strong man, is always helping other drivers. เจริญ สาดา refuses to sell his business to Sia Rith but he is forced. Ruffians threaten and hit drivers. Pao Porapak is the owner of a local restaurant. Friends fight back the ruffians so Rith decides to bring a hitman (มือปืน) (Sompop Wong Ko) to get rid of Phet. There is even a sequence happening in a Buddhist temple fair featuring Chinese opera. Chat claims he can handle by himself so there is no need for the professional hitman to intervene. He shoots Phet but only injures him but young lady Wan, part of Phet’s friends, is shot dead. Her brother, Pao, promises to take revenge. As Chat failed, Rith sends Sompop to kill Phet. Phet neutralizes Sompop and spares his life so Sompop owns one life to Phet. Panna's younger sister is kidnapped by ruffians. Pao kills Chat but gets shot by Rith. Panna succeeds in releasing his sister from the ruffians. Meanwhile Phet blocks the road with a bus to prevent Rith from fleeing. Rith shoots Phet first but Sompop shoots Rith as Sompop owns one life to Phet. Then as he has no more debt towards Phet, Sompop can finish his job…

Year: 1992
Thai title: เพชฌฆาตดำ 2 ตอนล่าสาวพันธุ์ดุ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: เพชรอินทร์
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata,Sompop Wong Ko
Main actress: Suriwan Suriyong
Thai movie เพชฌฆาตดำ 2 ตอนล่าสาวพันธุ์ดุ was released in year 1992 and lasts 1h25mn. It was released under VCD format by APS company and Lepso company. Movie director is เพชรอินทร์. Father Khun Songsit is travelling with his daughter Rose. A van, placed in the middle of the road forces them to stop. Inside, young lady Lai Fong and three ninjas have come to kill Songsit. Songsit’s younger brother wants the whole heritage. Khun Songsit is killed but his daughter Rose succeeds to flee. Songsit’s younger brother orders Lai Fong to kill the missing daughter. In Khon Kaen, young lady Yupin (Suriwan Suriyong) is keeping glass bottles and plastic bottles (ของเก่า) to earn a living. Yupin’s uncle is sick. Meeting Rose in Khon Kaen, Yot (Krissanapong Rachata), a mechanic, has pity over her and helps as she has nowhere to go. Meanwhile Yot has arguments with Tia (เตี่ย แจ่วบอง). Tia complains to his boss Khieng that he was beaten. Khieng (Sompop Wong Ko) is a Thai boxing team owner and has to protect his disciples (ลูกศิษย์). Tia is dishonest with Yupin and steals her money as she comes to the Thai boxing camp to buy old bottles. He gets beaten by Yupin. Yot belongs to another Thai boxing team. Khieng and the Thai boxing team’s leader have arguments regarding Tia and Yot so they agree to settle through multiple fights including lady fights. Yupin needs to find 30,000 THB for her uncle's hospital fee. So she accepts to fight for Khieng's team. Yupin is the first lady in the Thai boxing school. On the other side, Rose accepts to fight to thank Yot for his kindness. Uncle Pat needs to teach Rose and Yot. Both teams train in parallel but training is very different. The ruffians learn that the daughter Rose was seen in the Khon Kaen area. Ruffians arrive in the village and disrupt the competition between the two Thai boxing teams. Panna Rittikrai is among the ruffians. The two boxing teams unify to defeat the ruffians.

Year: 1992
Thai title: จอมคาถา
English title: Magic man
Rating: 2/5
Director: ยืนยง คงกระพัน
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Chat Mongkolchai
Main actress:
Thai movie จอมคาถา / Magic man was released in year 1993 and lasts 1h38mn. Movie director is ยืนยง คงกระพัน. The movie was released under VCD format by Lepso company. This movie is a mix of action, light horror and comedy. A master and his wife Yiu are attacked by a demon (ปีศาจ) Panna Rittikrai). Yiu is killed. The demon flees but before dying the master transfers his power to his young baby. Master Tak, passing by, takes care of the baby and names it Oon. Tak (Chat Mongkolchai) is a local master (อาจารย์). He resurrects two spirits (ผีดิบ) and teach them Thai boxing. Tak is satisfied by the progress of his favorite disciple Oon (เผ่าพันธ์ พรพิสิฐ). Panna (Panna Rittikrai), a fierce vampire (ผีดิบ ปีศาจ), asks Tak's support but he refuses. A fight occurs and Panna has to retreat. Tak's vampires have disappeared. Oon and Tak have to find them before they do any harm to the villagers. A young lady Maen is assaulted by four ruffians. Hopefully Oon and Tak help her. The two ruffians, who stole the two vampires, use them to rob valuables from travelers. A teacher has a group of fighters but they are out of a job. He simulates being a vampire to steal goods from travelers. The teacher is a former disciple of Tak. The two ruffians have a good life by using the two vampires. One of the ruffians loves lady Maen but it is not reciprocal. As revenge, the two ruffians launch the two vampires on Maen and the village leader. They have to flee. Tak, Oon and the disciples are resting in a small street restaurant but they get attacked by the two vampires launched by the two ruffians. Oon stops the vampires by putting a mystical drawing (ยันต์) on their face. The two ruffians flee. They meet Panna (ผีบ้า ผีลามก), who bites them so they become real vampires. A final fighting occurs between the vampires and Tak, Oon, the disciples.

Year: 1993
Thai title: ฑูตมรณะ มันส์เต็มพิกัด
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata,Sompop Wong Ko
Main actress:
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Thai movie ฑูตมรณะ มันส์เต็มพิกัด was released in year 1993 and lasts 1h18mn. It was released on VCD by Lepso (1h19mn) and of course on 35mm film (1h18mn). A man gives instruction to a hitman (มือปืน) by leaving a paper in a jar in a disaffected building. The hitman, wearing a mask, kills a few people in a house. Despite being busy with his girlfriend, Sia (เสี่ย) Manit has to meet Arun. Sia Manit uses Arun (Sompop Wong Ko) to convince villagers to sell their land as he plans to resell it to Japanese investors planning to build factories. Arun uses the local village leader (ผู้ใหญ่) to convince villagers. Each time, another buyer called Kamnoon had proposed more money than Arun, i.e. 150 000 baht for one rai so Arun is very upset. Some villagers such as Thaem (Panna Rittikrai) are not interested to sell (ไม่ขาย). Normally the land is only 40 000 baht per rai so there is certainly a hidden plan behind this offer. Sia Manit agrees to increase the price to 200 000 baht per rai. He calls his favorite hitman, i.e. his own girlfriend, for help also. Meanwhile Arun gathers his men including Jackie (Krissanapong Rachata). Arun sends his men to give a lesson to Kamnoon and to ask him to stop trying to buy the land. As a revenge, Kamnoon hires his usual masked hitman. Thaem and his friend Kon are facing Arun's ruffians but push them back. Kamnon’s hitman starts to kill a few men linked to Arun. Sia Manit is very upset as Arun and his team always fail. Kamnoon proposes a deal to Sia Manit to share benefits but Sia Manit plans to trick him. Kamnoon asks his hitman to get rid of Sia Manit and Arun. Kot is killed. Sia Manit, his girlfriend, Kamnoon end up in the disaffected building and shoot at each other. The masked hitman intervenes and is in fact Arun! He shots Sia Manit, his girlfriend and Kamnoon hoping to get the whole deal for him. Thaem has called the Thai police. Refusing to surrender to Police, Arun gets shot. Such movie is precursor of Ong Bak movies with Tony Jaa. Panna Rittikrai is former B grade movies maestro and stunt choreographer of Ong-Bak. A Thai TV serie on Channel 7 with same title “ทูตมรณะ” was released in 1990 with Sorapong Chatree, Sombat Methanee, Rith Luecha, Suchao Pongwilai and Jarunee Sooksawad.

Year: 1993
Thai title: เจ้าพ่อ
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Kowit Wattanakul,Krung Srivilai
Main actress: Thida Thidarat
Subdistrict headman (กำนัน) Chom and businessman Anoon are in trouble as the former local head of the police is replaced by an incorruptible new police inspector (สารวัตร) Cheutchai (Bin Banleurit). Chom’s business is disrupted by this new police inspector, who shot some robbers (ปล้นตลาด). Thuan and Wet (Kowit Wattanakul) are local villagers facing Chom and its thugs led by Chat. Chom is coming from Phetburi and has an alliance with Chot (Krung Srivilai), his counterpart in Chonburi province. Both subdistricts headmen are also local godfathers (เจ้าพ่อ). Noot and Raem are the daughters of subdistrict headman Chot. Romance and nice songs are happening between them and Wet / Thuan. Chom uses bad influence (อิทธิพล) to buy land and houses through coercion. Chom wants to force Thuan to sell his land but he refuses. Cheutchai helps him on time to exit a difficult situation as Chat and his men were beating him. Sairong, Thuan's sister, asks for the police inspector’s help (ศัตรูกัน). Businessman Anoon often meets Chom and Ming (ผู้ใหญ่). Anoon needs to stop business with Ming as his ruffians hurt his own daughter, Tanya (Thida Thidarat), while trying to kill Cheutchai. Chom and Ming recruit hitmen to get rid of Cheutchai but it fails. Tanya and her friend Sairong are kidnapped by Chom's team led by Chat. Cheutchai is also captured while going to Chom’s house to know the truth about Tanya whereabouts. Thuan and Wet then attack the house. Following various fightings and shootings, all ruffians and corrupted subdistricts headmen are killed. As usual 16:9 movie put in VCD format cut the movie edges leaving a weird feeling sometimes when watching the film.

Year: 1993
Thai title: อสูรกาย คนไม่ใช่คน
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata,Sompop Wong Ko,Kim
Main actress:
Thai movie อสูรกาย คนไม่ใช่คน was released in year 1993 and lasts 1h22mn. It was released under VHS format. Kam and Panna Rittikrai are both novices (ลูกศิษ) of deceased master (อาจานร์). Panna and Kam have a fight as Kam claims Panna and the master were always unfair to him. Kam is defeated and flees. He is helped by an uncle and his daughter. He claims to have been attacked by robbers (โจรป่า) to get pity from them. The uncle provides him a methodology to become invincible, but he needs to spend one year in meditation. Meanwhile a group of friends including Krissanapong Rachata decides to spend good time in Loei area. Krissanapong meets there his uncle (Sompop Wong Ko). They cannot enter in the forest as it is deemed as a dangerous place. Finally, they convince the village leader (นายเจริญ สาดา) to let them go there. They are doing camping in the forest. They face another group led by Kim (กิม) trying to rob them. There is extensive comedy part in this action movie. The father is killed as Kam wakes up one year later after meditation. He has become an invincible monster with a green face. Her daughter wishes to revenge. Fighting occurs with the robbers. A few friends and robbers are killed by the monster (ผีดิบ). As they cannot defeat him, the first advice is to flee (หนีไป! Finally, they unite together to defeat the monster (ตัวปิศาส) but it fails. Panna comes back and brainstorms with the lady to find a solution. Krissanapong reuses the same herbal plants to become invincible and be able to fight again the green monster. He finally succeeds to defeat him.

Year: 1994
Thai title: เพชรพันล้าน
English title: The Diamond
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Dam Datsakorn,Chat Mongkolchai
Main actress:
Thai movie เพชรพันล้าน / The Diamond was released in year 1994. It lasts 1h20mn. In the opening sequence, Sorapong Chatree name is translated as Robert Cha Tree! Ruffians leaders are having a meeting (Phi Pat - Dam Datsakorn with no moustache, Chat Mongkolchai, Pracha) about sharing the profit of a 1000 diamonds traffic. The plan fails as the diamonds are stolen (เพชรพันล้านถูกปล้น). Each leader suspects the other groups. Chat tells Phi Pat that Pracha is involved. Meanwhile, Chit (Sorapong Chatree) gives a letter to Pracha’s younger sister as he is not at home. Pracha is kidnapped. The sister suspects Chit. Chit promised to his mother to be a good guy as taxi driver and quits Pat's team. Phi Pat kidnaps his mother to force him to work for him. The sister visits Chit but she gets molested as he is drunk. He promises to take responsability of everything. Meanwhile Phi Pat’s business is failing again as some diamonds are stolen again. Phi Pat suspects Chat this time as Pracha is out of action. Meanwhile the sister storms Phi Pat’s house to release her brother Pracha but it fails. Phi Pat gets proof that Chat is a traitor so he storms his house but Chat succeeds to flee. Both Pat and Chat wish to get rid of each other. Phi Pat uses Chit to transport and exchange diamonds. Chat brings the mess and steals the diamonds thanks to a traitor (หักหลัง). The sister finally frees her brother Pracha. Pat asks Chit to get back the diamonds and to kill the traitor in order to get his mother released. Pracha and his sister succeed to release the mother and all together get rid of Pat and Chat. During decade 1990s Sorapong Chatree was still the main actor of some action movies targeted for countryside. Being 45 years old already, most of action scenes are played by other actors.

Year: 1994
Thai title: ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า 4
English title: Spirited Killer
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Krissanapong Rachata,Jai Juntamooltree
Main actress:
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Thai movie ปลุกมันขึ้นมาฆ่า 4 was released in year 1994 and it lasts 86 minutes. In a village, a local shaman (หมอผี), called Duang, makes a ceremony (พิธี) to do a special medicine (ยาศักสิท) allowing old ladies to be young again (อมตะ) and young lads to be invincible. Two elderly people die by drinking the potion. As the others wish to inform the village leader (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน), Duan kills them also. Only Piek (Jai Juntamooltree) succeeds to flee. The village headman (นายเจริญ สาดา) asks villagers to gather blades to get rid of shaman Duang. They catch him before he can cross the Mekong to Laos. Villagers hit him many times and his body falls in the river. Five years have passed. Farmers listening to Molam songs are attacked by a sole thief (โจร)(Panna Rittikrai) very strong in martial arts and blade fighting. Most of farmers are killed. Meanwhile Piek is listening Molam (หมอลำ) song by beautiful singer Fa. Piek claims he can handle this robber himself. Meanwhile some students from Japan and Thailand interested by the remote village are attacked by robbers. Krissanapong Rachata and a young lady push them away. The robbers are later killed by Panna. In parallel, a group of men are looking for special holy artifact in the village. They are attacked by Panna. Among them, Tony Jaa offers an unfortunate heroic resistance against Panna but this latter seems invincible as blades cannot hurt him. They believe he is an evil spirit (ผีดิบ). Later on, Piek tries to stop Panna but to no avail. A group of 20 people go outside the village to fight against the evil spirit and to identify his weaknesses. The evil spirit is in fact piloted by Duang, looking for revenge. All strong fighters unite against Duang and Panna. Finally a wise man gives a magic blade to Piek allowing to defeat and kill Duang. Without special powers, Panna is also defeated. In the second part of his actor career, Panna Rittikrai was often playing the bad guy.

Year: 1994
Thai title: อินทรีแดนเถื่อน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,White Padungkan
Main actress:
Thai movie อินทรีแดนเถื่อน was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h25mn. It is available under VCD format with an average picture quality. Lepso company released it but changed the name to โคตรนักเลง. Movie director is ศักดิ์มรกต. Actresses and actors featured in this movie are Bin Banleurit, สรัญญา สัมพันธ์สุวรรณ, ทรรศนีย์ ศรีพิจิตร, White Padungkan, โอดา อาบทิพย์. An expedition occurs in the jungle and is led by Tot Ton (White Padungkan). A single man Dong, used to jungle fighting, attack them and kills them one by one. Injured, Tot Ton is rescued by a lady, called Kratae, living in a village located in the jungle. Strangers are not welcome in the village (คนแปลกหน้า). Tot Ton finds children playing with pure gold stones (ทองคำบริสุทธิ์). He must leave the village but promises to come back. Later, young strong man Lio Daeng (Bin Banleurit) defeats Dong. He is Kratae's husband and is also the village leader. Lio Daeng is a strong fighter (วิญญาณนักสู้). Tot Ton and other teammates (Ita, Fan...) are back for the gold. Ruffians kill villagers to get their gold. Ruffians wish to know where the gold is coming from. Lio Daeng is aware that the village was attacked. Only Lio Daeng knows where the mine is. Ruffians try to kill him but to no avail. Lio Daeng is captured by Ita following a fight with White. Dong helps him to flee but gets killed. Ruffians head to the gold mine and keep Kratae as hostage. Lio Daeng attack them. Ita uses Kratae as a bait to attract Lio Daeng. An earthquake occurs and gold falls from the small hills surrounding the mine. Ita and Fan kill each other as they don’t want to share the gold. Lio Daeng gets rid of White but it is late for his wife...

Year: 1994
Thai title: กำนันเสือบางนกแขวก
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Pao Porapak
Main actress:
Thai movie กำนันเสือบางนกแขวก was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h28mn. It was released under cable TV. This movie is part of the last movies where Sorapong Chatree was still the main actor in Thai action movies. He was 45 years old already so Thai directors also tried to introduce new younger actors such as เผ่าพันธ์ พรพิสิฐ. Four ruffians commit a deadly robbery and flee by speed boat. Subdistrict headman Seua (Sorapong Chatree) chases them and shoots them. Young lady Manao is aggressed by Sia Lek. The village leader, her father, chases him. Teacher Rataya is also aggressed by Sia Lek and his teammates. New deputy district office (ปลัดอำเภอ) Han (เผ่าพันธ์ พรพิสิฐ) is nominated in this area. Surapon is a local leader. Boats have to pay a regular fee to him in order to be able to run business. A new bridge is going to be built so Sia Surapon tries to make it failed as it will jeopardize his business. Most of the villagers have debt with Sia Surapon (อิธิพลคุม). Han and Seua join to get rid of Sia Surapon. Subdistrict headman Seua forbids such illegal business. As retaliation, ruffians try to shoot him at nighttime. Sia Lek tries again to aggress Manao and the teacher Rataya but luckily Han and Seua help. Cheut and Phi Chit (Pao Porapak) have debts to Sia Surapon linked to their parents, who lost their land title, as they couldn't read the paper they sign. Sia Surapon hires Cheut to bomb the bridge. About to press the detonator, Cheut refuses as the teacher Rataya and children are crossing the bridge. Fighting erupts between Cheut and Sia Surapon's ruffians so Cheut has to flee. Cheut shares information about Sia Surapon’s dirty business with Han. Cheut is shot by Surapon’s ruffians and Han is captured but he refuses to join Sia Surapon. Sia Lek captures the teacher Rataya and Manao. Subdistrict headman Seua is aware. Subdistrict headman Seua and the village leader storm the hangar. The village leader is shot. Subdistrict headman Seua releases Han and then the two ladies. Subdistrict headman Seua and Han then face Sia Surapon's ruffians. Heavy shootings occur. Ruffians are neutralized.

Year: 1994
Thai title: สารวัตรใหญ่ ของเขมราฐ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: ก้อง ภูตวัน
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Pao Porapak
Main actress:
Thai movie สารวัตรใหญ่ ของเขมราฐ was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h17mn. Fighting scenes are played in accelerated motion. Actresses and actors include Sorapong Chatree, ระวิน ชุมเกษียร, เผ่าไท พรพิสิฐ, ระวิน ชุมเกษียร, ทัดดาว สกาวเดือน, ฝากฝัน บุญถนอม, Pao Porapak, กุสุมา หทัยทิพย์, ชุมพร อุดมศักดิ์, น้อย วังมะนาว. Movie director is ก้อง ภูตวัน. Police catch ruffians dealing with war weapons. Policemen, who caught ruffians, are then killed by hitmen. Police inspector Tak (เผ่าไท พรพิสิฐ) is killed. Village is waiting for a new Police inspector. Three ruffians attack a lady merchant and his brother. Luckily Sorapong, passing by, helps them. He is looking for a job and is recommended to policeman Jakinsak. Chinese big businessman Hong is looking to buy the school land from headmaster (ครู) Yai but Yai refuses. Hong is involved in many dirty businesses (drugs, gold smuggling...). Sorapong is the new Police inspector but he doesn't disclose his identity. Jakinsak (ระวิน ชุมเกษียร) is suspected to divulge information to ruffians so Sorapong has to investigate on him. Sorapong befriends with Jakinsak and his sister. Kanya (ทัดดาว สกาวเดือน), Chinese big businessman’s daughter, is aggressed by two thugs working for her father but a young lad, called Sai and also working for her father, helps her. Later on, Sorapong helps Kanya as a thug steals her necklace. Sai betrays his regular associates and gives the drugs to Pao (Pao Porapak). Sorapong catches a thug selling drugs (ขายยา) and has to shoot him. Phi Eum is leading the ruffians' team and reports to Hong. Kanya proposes to Sorapong to work for her father Hong. Knowing that ruffians saw him, Sorapong declined the offer. Eum’s team plans to burn the school but it fails. Pao buys gold and resells it to Hong. Phi Eum’s men try to kill Sorapong (คนแปลกหน้า) but fail. Things turn worse when Eum kills Pao and Hong (เถ้าแก่) to steal the gold. Kanya is kidnapped. Sai tries to help but gets shot. Meanwhile Eum's ruffians shoot the headmaster Yai and kidnap Jakinsak's sister being a teacher. Alerted, Jakinsak and Sorapong follow ruffians and succeed to release the teacher. They force a ruffian to bring them to the ruffians’ campement. Seeing Kanya being captured, Sorapong tries to release her but ruffians see him. Shooting occurs between ruffians and Thai police. Sorapong and Kanya are injured but they succeed in getting rid of Eum. It is disclosed that Sorapong is the new police inspector (สารวัตรใหญ่) and Sai is also a policeman.

Year: 1994
Thai title: นักฆ่าหน้าหยก
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: ประพนธ์ เพชรอินทร์
Main actor: Krissanapong Rachata,Panna Rittikrai,Jai Juntamooltree
Main actress:
Thai movie นักฆ่าหน้าหยก was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h20mn. The movie was released under VCD format by APS company and under VHS format by CVD International company. Thai actors and actresses are Krissanapong Rachata, Panna Rittikrai, ธัญญลักษณ์, ทวี, เกมส์, คนึ่งชาย, เตี้ย. Movie director is ประพนธ์ เพชรอินทร์. Impossible mission soundtrack is used. A hitman on a motorbike kills a man. During normal time, the hitman, called Lit (Krissanapong Rachata), is working as an air conditioning repairman. He receives a new target to kill. He is working with a motorbike taxi driver. His boss Sang promises 200 000 THB. The new target is well protected. Lit wishes to stop and to live an ordinary life but he needs to spare money first. Kim, เตี่ย แจ่วบอง and Jai Juntamooltree are in the house of the new target. They are all killed. Somebody sees Lit and takes a picture. Some killers are then chasing Lit. Lit wants his money back from Sang. Sang worries that Thai police could find him if they catch Lit. A trick is prepared to get rid of Lit. Lit is injured and his friend, the motorbike taxi driver, is killed. Lit succeeds to flee and takes refuge in a short time hotel. He meets Om. She helps him as he is a nice guy. Ruffians are still looking for him. They go through the young girl Om, believed to be his girlfriend. As they have to flee, Lit explains his life background to Om. Om had a hardship life also. O, her brother, is disabled. Her parents are dead. Both of them have to do things they didn't want but had to do due to life circumstances. Lit and Om take refuge in the countryside, but ruffians find them. Lit neutralizes the hitman sent by Sang but spares his life. Unable to explain his failure to Sang, the hitman is shot by Panna, being a new hitman hired by Sang. Lit has no choice but to get rid of Sang. Sang promises him no money but death. Shooting happens. Sang and Lit and injured. Panna is shot dead. Before Thai police arrive, Lit gives the 200 000 THB to Om. Thai police arrest him, and it is time to pay for his bad deeds (ชดใช้กรรม).

Year: 1994
Thai title: พยัคฆ์ร้ายเชี่ยงชุน 2
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Krissanapong Rachata,Panna Rittikrai,Jai Juntamooltree,Tony Jaa
Main actress:
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Thai movie พยัคฆ์ร้ายเชี่ยงชุน 2 was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h24mn. Multiple songs are featured. It was released under VCD format (Lepso company) and VHS format. Movie director is Panna Rittikrai. Santi (Panna Rittikrai) is playing a drunken fighter. Tony Jaa has a small role in this movie. Dao (ธัญลักษณ์ ราชธา), a young lady, is managing a small bar and has issues with the village leader's son (เตี่ย แจ่วบอง) always refusing to pay. Her boyfriend, Jai Juntamooltree, helps to push back the village leader's son and his acolytes. A businessman, visiting the village, promises a monthly salary of 100 000 THB in Japan for young ladies below 25 years old accepting to go there to work. Fa (ศรีฟ้า ดารณี) and Dao are interested. Santi is back to the village and punches the village leader’s son harassing his younger brother Tia and Fa. Fa is considering the job as she needs money to cure her mother's eyes. Four ruffians, including Japanese leader and Krissanapong Rachata, arrive in the village to meet the village leader Kan (เผ่าไท พรพิสิฐ). They face issues with the villager leader's son, being a small nuisance, and Kim (กิม). Fighting occurs and the village leader Kan apologizes on behalf of his son. Panna and Jai fight following misunderstanding. The ruffians hire Fa and give 50,000 THB in advance to her father (เจริญ สาดา). Fa’s friends ask her not to trust village leader Kan. His friends warn Jai as many girls end up in prostitution rings in Japan (ขายตัว). Tia decides to act and to stop the Japanese yakuza but he gets stabbed. Tia dies but warns the village leader before dying. Upset, Santi and other young men including Jai chase after ruffians before they can leave the village. Following multiple breathtaking chases and fights, Dao and Fa are released. Ruffians are killed.

Year: 1995
Thai title: ปีนเกลียว 2
English title:
Rating: 4/5
Main actor: Krissanapong Rachata,Jai Juntamooltree,Sompop Wong Ko
Main actress:
ปีนเกลียว 2 is a Thai movie released in year 1995. This movie is a full packed action film. It was filmed in Khon Kaen area. The movie lasts 1h32mn. Such action movies were very popular in Isan area. Such movies are coming from Panna Rittikrai's trend. Action scenes are always real such as big jars broken on heads. Wut (Krissanapong Rachata / กฤษณะพงษ์ ราชธา) kills a ruffian per accident in a factory. His colleagues are chasing him by motorbikes and pickup car. Meanwhile the factory owner lies to the police telling them that Wut is a man addicted to drugs (ยาบ้า) so being a dangerous man. The chase starts in the forest and ends up in a market (หนีไม่รอด). Despite a rampage with shot guns, ruffians fail to kill him. Finally Wut surrenders to the police, who believes he is crazy with drugs. But the factory is in fact the one selling drugs! Wut finally flees by taking a policeman (สุรินทร์ สุขศีล / พัชรวัชร์ สุขศีล) in hostage. Wut tells the policeman that the factory ruffians have killed his friend and now want to get rid of him. He frees the policeman. Ruffians decide to follow Pom, Wut's girlfriend (ธัญญาลักษณ์ ราชธา), as Wut may takes refuge with her. Wut meets his girlfriend in a discotheque but ruffians led by Tom (Jai Juntamooltree) fail to kill him (ตามฆ่ากู) inside the discotheque. Some action even takes place in a theater (โรงภาพยนตร์แก่นคำ). The policeman follows them but the girlfriend helps Wut to neutralize him. Wut asks the policeman to check the factory as he is saying the truth. In fact Wut discovered that the factory where he was a truck driver was transporting drugs. Wishing to resign, the boss ordered to kill him but he succeeded to flee. Wut wishes to surrender (มอบตัว) but Tom tries to kill him. Tom kills Wut's girlfriend. Looking for revenge, Wut does a rampage in the factory and meets the policeman there. They are chasing the leader Sia (สมภพ วงศ์ก่อ) in his factory. The movie ends up with multiple shootings and hand-to-hand combats. Sia wishes to corrupt them through money but they are looking for justice (ความยุติธรรม). Sia ends being captured by the policeman and Wut doesn't do self justice.

Year: 1995
Thai title: คู่รัก คู่กรรม
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Darin Kornsakoon
Two friends in love with two ladies are confronting to bad tough guys who have interest in the two ladies also. This movie features three songs of the singer "Nipon Yunipan" (นิพนธ์ ยูนิพันธ์)

Year: 1995
Thai title: โพธิ์หัก
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress:
Thai movie โพธิ์หัก was released in year 1995. The movie lasts 1h26mn. Pliaw (Sorapong Chatree) is a poor farmer married to Bua. They have a young boy. Bua is the daughter of Pho Kamnan, who has always rejected this wedding. Pho Kamnan finally finds back Pliaw and Bua. Unfortunately Bua, sick of pneumonia, dies and Pliaw is accused by Pho Kamnan of having neglected his wife. Pliaw and his son flee. They find a shelter in Phujai Ming's house (Somsak Chaisongkram). Pho Kamnan knows that Ming hides Pliaw but two friends of Pliaw chase the ruffians away. Sri Prai is the daughter of Phujai. She likes Pliaw. Pho Kamnan hires fighters to storm Ming's house. Despite resistance, Ming and Pliaw's friends are outnumbered and defeated. Pliaw decides to fight back (จะลุย) as he has no choice (พีไม่มีทางเลือก). Pliaw and his friends storm Pho Kamnan's house but he succeeds to escape. As often in Isan movie, some additional funny words or jokes are added in the soundtrack background. Crossed romance and jealousy happen with Pliaw’s best friend, who loves secretly Sri Prai. Pho Kamnan decides to get rid of Pliaw (ปิดบัญชี) and kidnaps Sri Prai to be used as a bait. The movie ends up with fightings involving Pliaw, his friends and Ming’s family versus Pho Kamnan and his ruffians. Ruffians are all killed. Pliaw can now enjoy a new freedom. This is a small movie (หนังฟอร์มเล็กๆ) from Isan area with Sorapong Chatree still being a main actor. Sorapong was the main actor of many Thai movies during 3 decades! This movie is certainly one of the last movies where Sorapong still has the main role.

Year: 1996
Thai title: สามสาวตะวันเพลิง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,White Padungkan
Main actress: Darin Kornsakoon
Thai movie สามสาวตะวันเพลิง was released in year 1996 and lasts 1h18mn. It was released under VHS and VCD versions. It was released on VCD by company APS. Hot scenes are censored so the remaining movie part lasts only 1h18mn. Border police led by Peuk (Sorapong Chatree) tries to catch traffickers led by Ton (ไวท์ ผดุงการ - White Padungkan) but they succeed to flee. Head of the police is upset with Peuk as he always fails. Three young ladies (Darin Kornsakoon, วิภาวดี รพีพันธ์, แสงดาว พรรณมณี) arrive in the remote city. They have issues with local ruffians. During a fight, one of the ruffians die accidently (รังแคผู้หญิง). Local subdistrict headman follows them (ตามไป) and asks Peuk to catch them. As their car is damaged, the three ladies flee through the forest. Peuk's leader is in fact helping the ruffians by providing insider information so no wonder that Pleuk's missions always fail. Ton wishes to get rid of the police leader as he shares only 60% with them. The three ladies plan to take refuge in a remote area and wait that the situation gets calm. Peuk arrests them. They meet Ton and shootings happen. Peuk escapes but the three ladies are captured by ruffians. Noi (Darin Kornsakoon) is Ton's former girlfriend. She broke up with him two years ago as he didn't want to stop being a ruffian. Local subdistrict headman is following behind. The three ladies need to escape from Ton but also need to escape from local subdistrict headman. During the escape, only two ladies Noi and Neui succeed to escape. The third one Noui is recaptured by the ruffians. The two ladies are back to release Noui (เป็นเพื่อนรัก). Peuk's boss is confirmed to be a corrupted policeman by the district sub headman. The ladies want to get justice, get back their money to start a new life and revenge (แก้แค้น) as Noui raped by the ruffians. The movie ends up in multiple shootings between Ton's ruffians, the three ladies, the subdistrict headman and his men, Peuk and his boss. Only Peuk and the three ladies survive. This is a grade B action movie targeted for Thai provinces and featuring action, a bit of erotism, a bit of humour.

Year: 1996
Thai title: แรงเป็นไฟ ละลายแค่เธอ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
Main actress:
Pon and his friend are continually annoyed by some bad boys due to a debt. When the bad boys abducted Pon's girlfiend, a bloody confrontation happened.

Year: 1996
Thai title: กอดคอวัดใจ นายกับเรา
English title: Tack Team Hearts
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
Main actress:
It is about the life of two brothers. One is a honest guy helping poor children. The other one is a cheater, who is always stealing and betting. During a fight, the bad brother stabs a gangster, who is now seeking revenge. Problems are rising when both brothers love the same girl. The gangster kidnaps the girl. Are the two brothers going to help each other?

Year: 1996
Thai title: มือปราบปืนโหด
English title: Hard Gun
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Tony Jaa,Jai Juntamooltree
Main actress:
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Thai movie มือปราบปืนโหด (Hard Gun) was released in year 1996. It lasts 1h22mn. A group of four ruffians led by พี่ Biaw (Panna Rittikrai) needs to stay in a house until the police stops looking for them following a robbery. It shall be their last job. Nom is always complaining. Police led by inspector Phitak (Jai Juntamooltree) finds them and surrounds the house. Two ruffians get shot by Phitak including Nom, who is Biaw's younger brother. Upset that Nom is dead, Biaw shots Phitak but only injures him and flees. Phitak recovers and goes back to his uncle's home (พ่อบุญธรรม). His uncle is a local policeman. The uncle, following the death of his wife, keeps drinking alcohol. He fails to save his wife used as hostage by a ruffian. Biaw still wishes to get revenge over Phitak. He goes with Tony (Tony Jaa) up to the small city to kill Phitak. Once he finds Phitak, he shots without hurting him and kidnaps the uncle's daughter, Ann. The movie ends up with art martial fightings between Tony and Phitak as Phitak tries to release Ann. Biaw is so sure that Tony cannot be defeated but Phitak succeeds. The uncle this time doesn't fail and saves his daughter threatened by Biaw. The uncle starts a new life with confidence recovered and stops drinking alcohol. There is a mix of action and humour as Phitak is also facing local ruffians in the city. There are gags reminding Baan Phi Pop movies serie and such movies were targeted for Isan area, Northeast of Thailand.

Year: 1996
Thai title: หนุ่มห้าว สาวร้อน
English title: Die Hard in Pattaya
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
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Thai movie หนุ่มห้าว สาวร้อน / Die Hard in Pattaya was released in year 1996 and lasts 1h10mn. Part of the movie is probably cut or censored. It was released under VCD format by Lepso Company. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are สมิต กฤษณะโชค, หยาดรุ้ง อร่ามเรือง, วิภาวี แววตะวัน, ยุทธนา เดือนแจ่ม, บี๋ นัยนา, ภัทราพร พิมพ์จันทร์, หม่า ออน, ยงค์ อยุธยา, คมกฤษณ์ สิทธิพร, อ.สมชาย เขื่อนขุนทด, น้อย-ออย. A lady named Nancy steals a jeep from two ruffians. She refuses to give back the car despite the ruffians call her on the mobile phone left in the jeep. She talks to a man called Taksin and asks him for help (คู่บารมี) to neutralize a drug gang. Romance starts between them. Drug exchange occurs but ruffians keep both the money and drugs. Taksin is looking for her sister. Chat is introduced as policeman. Ruffians try to threaten a cafe. Chat and Taksin help but head of ruffians (เจ้านาย) is upset that some people resist to his bad influence. Ying is kidnapped. She is the cafe owner’s daughter. Ruffians ask for 2M Baht ransom. Taksin accepts to help Nancy in order to clean Pattaya and to find his sister. The big boss is looking for young girls. They get drugged to be docile. Taksin finds Yot, who is responsible of the kidnapping of his sister. Taksin is aware that his sister is located in Pattaya Tai. Yot succeeds to flee and brings Ying to his boss. Ying is beaten and imprisoned with another lady. The ruffians find the car and kidnap Nancy despite fierce resistance. She is imprisoned with Ying and another woman named Bee. Taksin is worried as Nancy is not back. Taksin and Chat drive around Pattaya. While the boss is away, the girls succeed to flee thanks to Nancy. They hit the ruffians remaining behind. Ruffians have to change house. Policeman Chat tries to capture them, but they left the house already. Luckily, they see the jeep and follow it. They disrupt a drug exchange in a dockyard. Ruffians are shot. Thai society gets a respite as ruffians have been neutralized. Nancy disappears as mysteriously as she arrived.

Year: 1996
Thai title: คนดิบเหล็กน้ําพี้
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: บรรลุ ศรีแสง
Main actor: Krissanapong Rachata,Panna Rittikrai,Jai Juntamooltree,Tony Jaa,Kim Zaa
Main actress:
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Thai movie คนดิบเหล็กน้ําพี้ was released in year 1996 and lasts 1h15mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso Company. Movie director is บรรลุ ศรีแสง. As usual with Panna movies, it features impressive action scenes and comic sequences. Fights are shot in pure Panna style, featuring slow motion replay of impressive action sequences, real action sequences without stuntmen, dubbed sequences to make the movie more entertaining... All Panna’s teammates (ทีมงาน) are playing (Krissanapong, เตี่ย, กิม, Tony, Jai...). It was Tony Jaa’s first official important role. In previous movies, Tony Jaa just had minor roles. Krissanapong Rachata is married to young lady Molee (วิภาวี แววตะวัน). Their Isan village is remote and lacks electricity, running water and a proper school. As there is no progress, villagers have to go to Thai administration to complain. Meanwhile six armed men (โจร) led by Panna Rittikrai and including Jai Juntamooltree and Tony Jaa (พนม ดงรัก / จา พนม) enter the village. They want to control this local area. They perform a rampage and kill all villagers. Molee is raped and killed by one ruffian. Krissanapong is looking for revenge. Ruffians cannot be killed as blades cannot hurt them due to mystical tattoos. Another village sends men to help but they are all killed by Panna. Villagers have the choice between surrender (ยอมมัน) or die. Two villagers (including Kim Zaa / กิม) have the mission to alert Thai police. They are killed by Tony and Jai. Krissanapong is about to defeat the ruffian, who killed his wife, but Tony intervenes and kills Krissanapong. A holy Brahmin priest, wandering around and aware of the murders, decides to intervene. He resurrects Krissanapong and gives him a magic weapon able to hurt the six ruffians. He provides two assistants (including เตี่ย แจ่วบอง) to Krissanapong. Krissanapong and his two assistants challenge the six ruffians. Following epic fights, ruffians are defeated. The village leader asks Krissanapong to replace him as new village leader, but he refuses as he has to leave this world to rebirth.

Year: 1996
Thai title: ตัณหาสาวพันธุ์โหด
English title: Sexy Savage Woman
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Darin Kornsakoon
Thai movie ตัณหาสาวพันธุ์โหด / "Sexy Savage Woman" was released in year 1996 and lasts 1h16mn. It was released under VCD format by company APS. It is probably censored. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Darin Kornsakoon, นิพนธ์ ยูนิพันธ์, หยาดฝน ชลธิดา, วีระ ระรื่นรมย์, พยัคฆ์ รามวาทิน, พงษ์ไพร เพชรดำเนิน, สุริโย มโนรมย์, ศรีประภา วงศ์สาโรจน์, พงษ์ยศ อรัณยปาล, บิลลี่ หงัด, กวง มาเก๊า, ไชว์ ช้างไทร. A young man, named Niphon, is back just on time for his wife's funeral. The father Kampon refused that his daughter Ann married with Niphon (นิพนธ์ ยูนิพันธ์). The daughter Ann (Darin Kornsakoon) was upset that her father had a new wife. As her father Kampon refused to break up with his new wife, she drank a poisonous drink. Ruffians shoot Niphon but he jumps from a bridge and disappears. Ruffians believe he is dead. The father has taken revenge as he believes Niphon is responsible of his daughter's suicide. Niphon is not yet dead and and while being injured, he recalls his childhood. His family was visited by ruffians. Ruffians wished to buy the family land, but the father refused. They shot the father and mother. The kids had time to flee. Niphon was separated from his younger brother. Uncle Ta helps Niphon, who is injured following his fall from the bridge. Eung (Darin Kornsakoon) has the same face as Ann. Eung is a relative of Ta. The ruffians' leader has a big ongoing deal. The goods are stolen by mysterious attackers. The leader Kampon suspects there is a traitor among them. Ta discloses that Eung and Ann are twins. When they were kids, Kampon killed their parents but only succeeded to kidnap Ann. Niphon has to take revenge against Kampon as he is responsible for his parents' deaths and causes Niphon to be separated from his younger brother. Niphon tries to kill Kampon but he fails. He gets injured in the leg. The younger brother is now working for Kampon. Niphon recognizes two hitmen working for Kampon and who killed his parents. The hitmen shoot Uncle Ta. They try to abuse Eung but she shoots them. Knowing the truth through Uncle Ta's death, it is time for Eung to get revenge over Kampon. Niphon's younger brother identifies Niphon as his lost elder brother as Niphon sings a song, he used to listen to when he was a kid. Eung, Niphon and his lost younger brother fight together to defeat Kampon.

Year: 1997
Thai title: 18 ฝนคนอันตราย
English title: Bullet Teen
Rating: 5/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Suchao Pongwilai,Pongsak Pongsuwan
Main actress: Naowarat Yooktanun
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Dong (โด่ง) is released from prison. His friend Tor (ต่อ), his brother Ta (ต๊ะ) and his girlfriend Ploy are waiting for him. Ta is mute. They work in a family garage repairing cars. Ta and Dong try to become good teens now. They also try to have happy love stories but fights often happen with local gangsters. Dong loves Ploy, sister of Kong, a local gangster leader. One day Ta’s girlfriend Ying is gang raped in front of him by four men from Kong's gang and Ta cannot help. Revenge is inevitable. They storm Kong's gambling den. Following gun fight, one of the ruffians is shot dead. It turns badly (ทางที่ไม่ต้องการ). They kidnap Kong's girlfriend as protection ( ตัวประการ) and also grab a bag containing money and amphetamine drugs (ยาบ้า). Police is involved through inspector Sarawat (สารวัตร), who is wearing amazing colorful “Luk thung” clothes. The father is disappointed by his sons (ลูกชั่ว). The teens are misunderstood but they cannot turn back anymore. Kong is chasing them for the bag not for his girlfriend. Veteran actor Sorapong Chatree is playing the bad corrupted cop. He seldom plays bad guys. Veteran actor Suchao Pongwilai is playing the honest cop Vilai. It is ironic that he plays the rightful policeman this time as normally he always plays the corrupted official role. Things get out of control. Kong and the inspector try to catch them. Following a gun fight, a policeman is shot by the corrupted inspector and the teens get accused again. There is no rightful law in this modern society. There is a 2 millions baht reward to catch them. Ta is injured. Even Ying is endangered in the hospital. They help her on time and bring Ploy as nurse to take care of Ta. Ta leaves a love message for his father (ผมรักพ่อ). Surrounded by the police, they have to jump from a Bangkok bridge. Vilai starts to notice the close relationship between Kong and Sarawat. They take shelter in the Christian church in Thonburi. Kong attacks the parents’ house. The father is injured and Ta dies. Only Dong and Tor are left but Ploy prevents them to rush for revenge (ใช้่อารมณ์). Forced by Kong, Ploy refuses to leave for Hong Kong. Relations get sour between the police officer and Kong. The police officer kidnaps Kong's young brother to get a ransom. During the exchange, Dong and Ta irrupts causing a mess and gun fights between all. The movie then features 15 last minutes of intense action and bloody scenes. It ends tragically for all protagonists. The movie song is sing by Seua Thanapol (เสือ ธนพล). Due to 1997 Asian financial crisis, the movie didn’t perform as good as it should have at Thai box office (25M baht).

Year: 1997
Thai title: ปีนเกลียว 3
English title:
Rating: 4/5
Main actor: Krissanapong Rachata,Jai Juntamooltreem,Tony Jaa
Main actress:
Thai movie ปีนเกลียว 3 (Jai Juntamooltree, ประภาพร สุนารถ, Krissanapong Rachata) was released in year 1997. It lasts around 1h18mn. A man called Son (Jai Juntamooltree) quits the Buddhist monastery and Luang Pho tells him to always keep cool temper. A Buddhist amulet helps him to stay calm under any circumstances. He is a former Thai boxing champion. Biaw, a tough man, prevents the workers to work. He hits all the men and promises to come back. Son arrives in this company to meet an old friend called Khaek. The owner’s brother is a ruffian and asks for half of the paternal house. The company owner refuses as he respects his father’s decision and the brother already got a lot of money previously. Biaw is now working for the ruffians' leader. Tony Jaa, assistant of a bigger ruffian, is playing a gay fighter. Taem is the beautiful daughter of the company owner. Biaw is back to prevent workers to work again. Son refuses to fight with him. Biaw finally leaves as Taem threatens to call the police. While Taem and his friends (Kaew, Kam) are visiting a temple, Biaw intervenes again. Son get severely beaten by Biaw as he refuses to fight. Kaew or Taem both start to like Son. Who will get Son's love? Taem brings Son on her motorbike. While they are eating a noodle soup, the ruffians arrive again. Humiliation continues but as one of the ruffians tears off Son's Buddhist amulet, Son gives them a harsh lesson as he is not hindered anymore by his promise to Buddha. It is Taem’s birthday. Having a small gift compared to Kam, he doesn’t dare to join the birthday party. Taem asks Son to teach her Thai boxing. The ruffians intensify their attack and now use guns to shoot the workers. Khaek, Son’s close friend, is killed. The business is stopped. Taem is kidnapped but Son is following the kidnappers through a motorbike. He is captured in the ruffians' den. The ruffians mock him (ดอกฟ้ากับหมาวัด). Final fighting happens with ruffians through gun, rifle shootings and Thai boxing. Son defeats Biaw, Tony Jaa and finally the big boss. As usual, there is full action in movies directed by Panna Panna Rittikrai's team (138/1 production).

Year: 1997
Thai title: ล้างเมืองคนดุ 2
English title: Dangercity II
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Pao Porapak
Main actress:
Thai movie ล้างเมืองคนดุ 2 / Dangercity II was released in year 1997. It lasts 85mn. It was released under VCD format by Thai company Lepso but it doesn't feature a very sharp picture. It was also released under VHS format many years ago. Before dying, a father recognizes he kidnapped his two children, Paopan and Ai, when they were just born. Many years passed. Ruffians attack a resort under construction. Police inspector Prai (สารวัตรใจเพชร) (เผ่าไท พรพิสิฐ) uses a plane to arrive on site and gets support from Police officer Paopan (เผ่าพันธุ์ พรพิสิฐ). Ruffians are pushed back and flee in the jungle. Panna Rittikrai is one of the ruffians’ leaders. Police officer Paopan has to ordain (บวช) to honor his father memory. Shootings do happen during the ordination ceremony as ruffians are looking for revenge. Police inspector Prai chases the shooter up to an outdoor cinema (หนังกลางแปลง). Prai asks Paopan to stay calm and to continue being a monk. He will manage the ruffians by himself. The big boss Choomporn is looking for war weapons (อาวุฒิสงคราม). Phayak (Pao Porapak), as hitman, is hired to get rid of other ruffians’ opponents. A young man, called Ai, (ไอซ์ พีระพัฒน์ - his first movie) comes to visit the monk, his younger brother. His target is to catch the ruffians. The resort’s owner is kidnapped by Panna and his ruffians during his birthday celebration. As the owner refuses to collaborate, the leader Choomporn asks Phayak to kidnap the daughter. The young man, part of CIA, meets Prai and they start working together. The daughter is kidnapped. The supermarket owner Ploy, Prai’s sweetheart, is also kidnapped. Police inspector Prai, police officer Paopan and the young man Ai finally storm the camp. Panna, Phayak and the leader Choomporn are killed. There is an excessive use of action as the heroes always succeed to escape the grenades and bullets but it remains a full action-packed movie targeted for Thai provinces. Other actors and actresses include สกุลตา. Dangercity I was released in year 1992. The movie Dangercity II got four Thai cinema awards in 1997.

Year: 1997
Thai title: มังกรเยาวราช
English title:
Rating: 3/5
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Thai movie มังกรเยาวราช was released in year 1997. It lasts 1h13mn. Probably the movie has been cut or censored as this is an unusual movie length. Some movie showcards show some hot scenes deleted or censored from the movie. Actors/actresses include สุนิต กฤษณะโชค and บุษรา ชลาสัย. A man called Mangkorn protects Sia. As Sia refuses to pay protection fee, fighting occurs between Mangkorn and ruffians. Upset, the mafia wishes to force Mangkorn to meet them but Sia asks Thai police to manage. Two ruffians are killed so the mafia shoots Sia as retaliation. Mangkorn has to find a new job. He works in a print shop but the old manager brings trouble. Mangkorn and his friend Ae have to intervene again. Sequence in dance show. The print shop owner, Sia Tookae, needs to pay protection fee to mafia but his daughter Lin is fed up by this practice. The former manager kidnaps Lin and asks for a 2M baht ransom to Sia Tookae. Mangkorn promises to help. Mangkorn and Ae succeed to release Lin. So they win Sia Tookae and Lin's trust. Tia will be 60 years old soon so he plans to hand over his company to his daughter (ดูแลงาน). Lin asks support from Mangkorn and Ae. They add a new singer, friend of Ae, in the cafe. They refuse to pay the protection fee to mafia anymore so the restaurant is strafed. Sia Tookae recommends to continue to pay the fee to avoid bigger problems. Mangkorn and Ae get rid of the mafia leader (เจ้าพ่อ) but they have to quit Bangkok to avoid Police. They refuse money for having killed the mafia boss as it is a good action towards the district. Meanwhile they become guardians of underground casino (คุ้มบ่อน). Nit, a friend of the singer, convinces Ae to quit Mangkorn and to join her casino. Mangkorn and Ae split (เพื่อนร่วมตาย). Seeing her casino unsuccessful, Nit convinces Ae to put the mess in the casino protected by Mangkorn. The two friends become rivals. Through a final fighting, all of them die.

Year: 1997
Thai title: ผู้หญิงดับตะวัน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Pao Porapak
Main actress:
Thai movie ผู้หญิงดับตะวัน was released in year 1997 and lasts 1h22mn. Main actors / actresses featured are แจ๊กกี้ เชน and กิตติ อัญชลี. The movie was released under VCD format by Lepso company. Hot scenes are maybe censored as the movie is unusually short and a scene shown on the poster is not present in the VCD. Young women Nancy (แจ๊กกี้ เชน) and Sairung are close friends. Nancy wishes to revenge about a few men, who hurt her (ความแค้น) before. While Nancy was with her boyfriend San, four men entered in their room, killed San and raped Nancy. Nancy and Sairung go to Pattaya to continue their investigation on those men. They stay in uncle Chat’s resort (Pao Porapak). Young handsome man Suriyan helps a drunk lady aggressed by four ruffians in Pattaya. Ruffians are doing women traffic. Nancy and Sairung are attacked again by the four ruffians and get help from Suriyan and his friend Somporn. Friendship starts. Suriyan wishes to help Nancy (งานล้างแค้น). Suriyan brings Nancy (สินค้า) to ruffians in order to act as a Trojan horse. Aggressed, she kills one ruffian, but gets captured. Assamuya is the ruffians’ leader. Uncle Chat is killed as he couldn't repay his debts. Without news from Nancy, Sairung and Suriyan decide to storm Assamuya's place. They succeed in releasing her. Assamuya is captured alive but others are all killed during the fighting.

Year: 2003
Thai title: จังหวัด 77
English title: Province 77 Los Angeles
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Pete Thongjure
Main actress: Metinee Kingpayome
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It is dealing about Thai people emigrating to USA. Most of them start to settle in Los Angeles in an area called "Thai town" or the Thai 77th province as many Thai people live there. A father with three children is facing issues with his restaurant. He still wants to apply Thai traditional values, but his eldest daughter is living with an American man and his son is frequenting a local gang. Only his youngest daughter still try to follow his advice. The father hires a new Thai immigrant in his restaurant. This man is a former cop who has come to put an end to criminal gang. Through confrontation with the local gang, the Thai family unifies again. Since the 1970s, "Thai town" area has been the gateway for Thai immigrants coming to Southern California. Of the 50 000 Thai residents in Los Angeles County, a good portion are believed to live around "Thai town".

Year: 2004
Thai title: บอดี้การ์ดหน้าเหลี่ยม
English title: The bodyguard
Rating: 3/5
Director: Mum Jokmok
Main actor: Mum Jokmok,Tony Jaa,Chusak Aiemsuk
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Pumwaree Yodkamol
After the bodyguard fails to save his father's life, a young man refuses to be protected anymore by this man. But the new bodyguard guard team is wiped out by unknown gunmen and the young man hides in a slum. Following the young man's disappearance, the bodyguard searches for him to prevent the gunmen to find him first... This movie mixes action and comedy.

Year: 2019
Thai title: บอดี้การ์ดหน้าเหลี่ยม
English title: The Protector
Rating: 3/5
Director: Pipat Jomkoh
Main actor: Mum Jokmok,Thep Po-ngam,Ekkachai Srivichai,Chusak Aiemsuk
Main actress:
Thai movie บอดี้การ์ดหน้าหัก / The Protector was released in year 2019 and lasts 1h19mn. The movie director is Pipat Jomkoh. Mok Jokmok already played in the movies "Bodyguard" 1 in 2004 and 2 in 2007. It is a mix of comedy and action. Kam Kon (Mum Jokmok) is a guard in a bank. He is an expert with sling. Choon is an Indonesian businessman. One evening, an Indonesian man puts a USB key in Choon's pocket. Ruffians led by Ed Carabao try to kill him. Kam Kon meets Choon by luck in a noodle soup shop. As the ruffians shoot people in the shop, Kam Kon helps Choon's bodyguard to push back assaillants with his sling. As Choon's bodyguard is shot, Kam Kon becomes his protector. The ruffians, led by the Indonesian ambassador, capture Choon's daughter. Taking the profit that Kam Kon goes to buy some food, the ruffians capture Choon. Ruffians features the Carabao group members, Thep Po-ngam and singer Ekkachai Srivichai. Kam Kon meets Dim (หรินทร์ สุธรรมจรัส) and relates what happened. Mobile phones have been exchanged by mistake and the USB key is now with Kam Kon. Ruffians threaten Choon and his daughter, but the USB key is not with him anymore. The ruffians identify that Kam Kon is a former commando soldier. Both groups identify their location thanks to the phone. Kam Kon calls his friend Pai (สิตางศุ์ ปุณณภพ) to support him. The group led by Kam Kon attacks the ruffians' secret location. Ruffians are defeated and Choon agrees for his daughter to marry Dim.
Since years 2000s action movie featuring martial arts is another emerging winner. Three Tony Jaa movies, Ong Bak (2003), Tom Yum Goong (2006) and Ong Bak 2 (2008), have each of them raked in over 100 million baht at home and the same amount abroad. Those movies spearheaded the movement. Action movies featuring martial arts movies have become the icons of contemporary Thai film. Now there is a female action star like Yanin Vismistananda in 'Chocolate' and child action stars in 'Somtam' and 'Power Kids'. There is an expansion to different groups (women, children) in terms of the action movies.

Year: 2003
Thai title: องค์บาก
English title: Ong Bak
Rating: 4/5
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Main actor: Tony Jaa,Mum Jokmok,Suchao Pongwilai
Main actress: Pumwaree Yodkamol
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"Ong Bak" is a Buddha statue located in a remote northeastern Thai village. One day, the statue head is stolen. A young man is going to Bangkok in order to get back the stolen head. He is a old style Thai boxing expert. In Bangkok, he is getting the help from a teenage girl and a fellow coming from the same village. They are facing a dangerous gang specialized in stealing old Buddhist artifacts. It raises opposition between village life (peace, slowness, culture respect, local Buddhist traditional festivals, villagers unity...) and Bangkok city life (danger, drug, prostitution, gambling, materialism, foreigners...). This movie contains art martial scenes that Hong Kong movies can envy. It grossed 120 million baht in Thailand. "Ong Bak" has been awarded the Action Asia prize at France's Deauville Asian Film Festival. The Culture Ministry registers 25 Thai classic films each year at the National Film Heritage Registry. This movie is part of the 25 films heritage list announced on 04 October 2015, which is Thai Movies Conservation Day.

Year: 2004
Thai title: เกิดมาลุย
English title: Born to fight
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Santisuk Promsiri
Main actress:
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A Police team is successfully catching a ring leader selling drugs. Later on a sportmen team and the police inspector are going to a remote village in Northern Thailand to make donations (ของบริจาค). They feature demonstration of famous Thai sports (รำมวย, ตะกร้อ). The village is then attacked by mercenaries wearing a red scarf similar to Khmer Rouge soldiers. Santisuk Promsiri is playing the head of the mercenaries and excels in a bad guy role. The abbot, the headman of a tambon (กำนัน) and the village headman (ผู้ใหญ่บ้าน) are killed. All Thai authorities symbols are dead. The mercenaries take the whole village in hostage in order to negotiate the freedom for their group leader. The central power needs to help the provinces. The merciless mercenaries have a missile and threathen to launch it on Bangkok. Villagers shall decide to fight or die (ยอมตายหรือสู้). At 8 AM in the morning the villagers and sportsmen decide to rebel when listening to the King royal anthem. Everybody is fighting against the mercenaries, i.e. young, old, handicapped, men and women. The movie takes a nationalist turn and looks like a modern "Bang Rajan" as it also deals about a Thai village resistance against invaders. Similar to old 1970s action movies, the way for Thailand to survive is to protect the nation, the religion and the monarchy. Thanks to villagers collaboration and the sportmen skills, the mercenaries are defeated. With Panna Rittikrai as director, great cascades and explosions can be expected (ทำจริงเจ็บจริง). The director, Panna Rittikrai, is famous for stunt choreography. Panna released in 2004 his first big-budget studio movie called Born to Fight. He made no fewer than 50 budget movies during the past two decades. เกิดมาลุย is a remake of one of his first movies.

Year: 2005
Thai title: ต้มยำกุ้ง
English title: Tom Yum Goong
Rating: 3/5
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Main actor: Tony Jaa,Mum Jokmok
Main actress:
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A young man named Kham faces an international mafia syndicate, that captures his two beloved elephants and smuggles them to Sydney. So he has to venture into Australia. He gets help from a Thai police Sergeant based in Australia and Pla, a Thai girl forced into prostitution. They face the gang of Madame Rose, whose staff include a Vietnamese thief and martial arts expert and some hulking bodyguards. The film reigned as the box office's champion when it grossed 200 million baht (second in history after Suriyothai).

Year: 2005
Thai title: เสือคาบดาบ
English title: The Tiger Blade
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Phongphat Wachirabanjong
Main actress:
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Tiger Blade is like a B serie movie based on manga style. A secret police unit member called Yos is attacked by ruffians while in his home. Using his expert fighting skills, he succeeds to get rid of them. He chases the ruffians up to a disco. Police tries to arrest them but their leader Mahesak has special supernatural fightings skills thanks to sacred tattoos. Yos asks to work with young lady Duangdao. This gang of criminals with supernatural powers, led by Mahesak, releases a rebel Karen warlord Phunphan (Phongphat Wachirabanjong) out of prison. They target to steal the national treasury of Thailand in order to fund Phunphan's fight against Burmese junta. The secret police unit, led by Yost, fights the criminals in various battles. Yos and Duangdao are fighting against strong opponents. They need to use magic to defeat them so Yos succeeds to get a mysterious blade (ดาบ) from a Thai Buddhist temple. Only this blade allows getting rid of criminals protected by sacred tattoos. Various fightings happen and two main criminals are neutralized. Phunphan told Yos that Duangdao is a traitor in his team. Uten is finally the real traitor. An impressive karts chase happens in Bangkok. A bank robbery is organized by Phunphan. Finally multiple treacheries happen as the big amount of money attract many people. Yos, Duangdao and Phunphan stop the criminals and money is given back to Thailand except one bag kept by Phunphan! It is a movie fully packed with action scenes but the scenario is a bit complex to follow.

Year: 2006
Thai title: มนุษย์เหล็กไหล
English title: Mercury man
Rating: 3/5
Director: Bandit Thongdee
Main actor:
Main actress: Metinee Kingpayome
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Ruffians are looking for powerful sacred amulets in Tibet. They succeed to steal them despite the opposition of a guardian lady called Purima. There are a cold and a hot amulet. In Thailand Charn is a fireman. He always tends to follow his own intuition instead of following orders from his boss. A corrupted prison guard lets the same ruffians enter a prison to free a dangerous inmate. Those ruffians use the amulets power to achieve their evil goal. Their intervention causes a fire inside the prison so firemen are called. Charn is injured by the ruffians. The inmate is a dangerous terrorist muslim that wishes to defy America. Charn realizes his body characteristics have changed following the injury he got from the ruffian using the amulets. He has now super powers. The lady guardian Purima finds Charn and explains to him how to control his powers. Charn's brother makes a Spiderman like superhero costume for him. Charn captures robbers, uncontrollable elephants, rapist, helps young beggar kid having issues with a drunken driver, college students fights. Those are many ills happening in modern Bangkok. The ruffians kidnap Charn's mother to exchange her versus the amulet but the amulet is inside Charn's body. The terrorists wish to explode an US boat containing chemical weapons as they believe Americans will use these weapons in the Middle East. They plan to blow the whole Sattahip area and they do not mind about children visiting navy boats on Children's day. Charn, his brother and Parima fight the ruffians to prevent the ship explosion. This movie is a well done movie with good fx compared to Thai standards. This martial arts action film is made by the same team, who did Ong Bak and Tom Yum Goong so it was a good candidate for movie export. Depicting muslims as the bad guys is certainly a very sensitive issue with current political situation in South of Thailand. Charn's brother is played by Nong Tum, whose real life was depicted in movie Beautiful boxer. Charn's brother (Nong Tum) is a katoey (กะเทย) with fighting skills and ironics repartees about his known condition.

Year: 2007
Thai title: ไชยา
English title: Muay Thai Chaiya
Rating: 4/5
Director: Kongkiat Khomsiri
Main actor: Akara Amarttayakul
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Muay Thai Chaiya is set in 1970s Thailand, and follows the exploits of three friends from southern Thailand as they come to Bangkok and then take divergent paths in the difficult world of Thai boxing. Two of the friends enter the mafia world and one of the friend enters the official boxing competition world. Sooner or later, they will meet each other again...

Year: 2007
Thai title: อก 3ศอก 2กำปั้น
English title: Fighting Beat
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Yodchai Meksuwan,Khaosai Galaxy
Main actress:
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Khaem is a temple boy (เด็กวัด) living on Phi Phi island. He is helping a monk, Luang Pu (Yodchai Meksuwan), every morning during alms. His father was killed by ruffians when he was still a kid. He is working for Uncle Fot (former Boxing champion Khaosai Galaxy). Uncle Fot has two daughters, i.e. Deuan and Dao. To make a living, Khaem and his friends are bringing tourists for daily diving sessions. During evening they organize fake Thai boxing matches to attract customers in their open bar. Khaem practises Muay Chaya style. One night, some ruffians bring troubles to them. Ruffians led by David wish to buy the bar but Deuan's father refuses. Ruffians get pushed back severely. Khaem continues his learning with a new teacher as Muay Thai is only for self-protection or to protect people under threat (คนเดือดร้อน). Finally while Khaem is away with Luang Pu, the ruffians succeed to convince the father to give away the bar by threatening his daughters. Khaem is now back and willing to take back the selling promise. David is helped by a strong fighter just released from prison. This man is the one who killed his father before.Dao is kidnapped. Final thrilling fights are happening between Khaem and the ruffians.

Year: 2008
Thai title: ช็อคโกแลต
English title: Chocolate
Rating: 3/5
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Main actor: Phongphat Wachirabanjong
Main actress: Yanin Vismistananda
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This movie is done by same director that realized famous movies "Ong Bak" and "Tom Yum Goong", which received international success. The main actor is a young lady who has autist problems. She has half Japanese and half Thai so she is called "Chocolate". Her Japanese father has to go back to Japan many years ago following a conflict with a Thai mafia boss. As her mother is very sick, she has to retrieve money from men who owned money to her mother. They are not willing to pay back so she has to use her incredible Thai boxing skills to convince them... The Thai mafia boss has decided to get rid of them so her Japanase father has to come back in order to confront the Thai mafia for an ultimate revenge.

Year: 2008
Thai title: หนุมานคลุกฝุ่น
English title: Hanuman: The White Monkey Warrior
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Choomporn Theppitak,Phairoj Jaising,Kowit Wattanakul,Koeti Aramboy
Main actress:
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Yot has been trained many years as a white monkey warrior by his master. A rival master is willing to take back some segments of a sacred book to seek absolute power. A mafia guy called Stephen and the rival master command a group of bad guys including three warriors having skills and tatoos related to crocodile, tiger and Jaguar. Those dark side warriors killed Yot's master, Yot's girlfriend and had her sister be paralysed. Yot then finds a shelter inside an up-country school teaching traditional Thai boxing for boys and traditional dance for girls. Once the three bad warriors have killed almost everybody in the school and take away the paralyzed little girl, Yot goes on rampage to fight them and get back the young girl. This movie tries to include recipes that were successful for Ong Bak 1. It includes Thainess through Thai boxing, Thai traditional dance, respect to teacher, sacred tatooes... But the main actor is not as skilled as Tony Jaa. Foreigner are really the bad guys destroying sacred altars and having no respect for teachers and ancestors. 50 years ago mothers mentioned the Chinese Zee Oui (ซีอุย) as a monster to frighten their children, now they can use the bad foreigners!

Year: 2008
Thai title: องค์บาก 2
English title: Ong Bak 2
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Tony Jaa,Santisuk Promsiri,Saranyu Wongkrachang,Nirut Sirijanya
Main actress: Patama Panthong
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During Ayuthaya period, a teen, called Thien, following a fight with slaves merchants, is rescued by Cheu Nang. Cheu Nang is the village head of a group of warriors and fighters. Thien is the son of Lord Sihadecho, who has been assassinated by Lord Rachasena. Thien is trained to become a powerful fighter in Thai boxing and weapons handling such as sword, spike, nunchaku, rope, bomb etc... Becoming an adult, he helps to stop the former slaves merchants that held him and to release their slaves. He then succeeds to kill Lord Rachasena in his palace but when going back to Cheu Nang's village, he is attacked by score of fighters and is overcome by them. Lord Rachasena is not dead. During a final fight forced by Lord Rachasena, Thien has to compete against Cheu Nang. Ong bak 2 is not a second Opus of Ong Bak as the previous one was taking place in modern Bangkok. At the end of movie, Thien is captured and Lord Rachasena promised him a long and painful agony. Ong Bak 3 is on the way for 2010! Many incredible action scenes are involving Tony Jaa and real elephants. The 2009 Thai Films Award Best Supporting Actor for "Ong Bak 2" was for actor Sorapong Chatree.

Year: 2009
Thai title: จีจ้า ดื้อสวยดุ
English title: Raging Phoenix
Rating: 2/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Yanin Vismistananda
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This movie features the new Thai martial arts feminine star nicknamed Jija. Jija's mother dropped her, her music band group drops her. She feels lonely and indulges in alcohol. Then she gets kidnapped by a mafia group but is rescued on time by Salim, part of drunken martial arts expert team. Their goal is to stop the kidnapping organization. They teach her but finally drop her also as she doesn't fit into their plan. She succeeds to beat the leader and gets her place back in the team. The kidnappers are looking for specific woman scent to make perfume. She acts as a bait and gets kidnapped again. She helps Salim, who is looking for his wife captured a long time ago, and defeats the gang. The movie is having a basic scenario and mixes various ambiances (Mad Max 2, Perfume - The Story of a Murderer, Hip Hop and breakdance). It is still enjoyable thanks to Jija and her partners martial arts impressive skills. The movie boasts to be the first one introducing a new form of martial arts that combines Thai boxing with breakdancing. Viewers looking for action and martial arts skills won't be disappointed. Viewers looking for a good and original scenario may take a rain check.

Year: 2009
Thai title: ท้าชน
English title: Fireball
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Suchao Pongwilai,Kowit Wattanakul
Main actress:
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Tan (แทน) is in coma state in hospital. He was severely beaten. He needed money to pay the caution for his brother Tai (ไท) to be released from prison. They are twin brothers. Pang, Tan's girlfriend, is still waiting for his hypothetical wake up. Tai is a former player of fireball basketball, which is a mix of basketball and Thai boxing. Tai wants to understand who did injure his brother. He is recruited by a boss building a new team made of Zing, Iq, Muk. A few famous veteran actors are present in this movie, i.e. Suchao Pongwilai, Kowit Wattanakul. Den is the team boss. Misunderstanding happens inside the team as it is a more of collage of individuality. Tai finds the man who crushed his brother. But revenge can only happen during an official match to avoid team disqualification. Pang will not drop Tan as he helped her a lot to pay for her studies. Matches are very violent and competition is harsh to reach the final. Iq dies during the second match. Muck tries to throw the third match away for money. He is beaten to death by the mob. Due to Pang's debts to cure his brother, Tan is forced to accept a money deal to lose the final. Tai's condition is getting critical and a lot of money is needed to pay for an operation. Pang is worried Tai will end up like Tan. During a thrilling final, Tai's team wins and the man who injured Tan is defeated. But only Zing survives during the final game. Tan wakes up at the moment Tai dies. This recent Thai action movies surfs on the Thai Muay action movies wave. The movie made 8M Baht in year 2009 and well below its 35M Baht budget.

Year: 2010
Thai title: โคตรสู้ โคตรโส
English title: Bangkok Knockout
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Sorapong Chatree
Main actress: Supaksorn Chaimongkol,Pimchanok Leuwisetpaiboon
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Mr Sneed, a despising foreigner, and Dr Dachanon, head of arts performing department, are organizing a fight contest. Pod is the leader of one team called “Fighting Club” (Ao, Ed, Pom, Lerm, Ko, James). Two teams fight for a ring. The winning team will go to Hollywood. Pod's team celebrates their victory. But due to strong alcohol flooding during the celebration party, they have arguments with the waiters. They wake up with no phones, no cars, no motorized vehicles. They have been drugged. Some ruggedised cars try to smash them. Meanwhile Joy is kidnapped. Joy is Ram's daughter (Sorapong Chatree). Two men loves Joy, i.e. Pod and Pom. Kidnappers are masked and wear ninja clothes. They are led by Parina (Panna Rittikrai), an old art martial expert. In fact it is a wargame organised by Dr Dachanon to test the team and verify if they are really true friends. Mr Sneed is getting international gamblers to bet big money on the best fighters to win. It is game up to death. The action takes place in a disaffected factory. Ao and Ed win against three opponents. James and Pom move to the wrong side due to money matters. Strong group fights take place and finally the “Fighting Club” team wins. A final fight against master Parina happens. Pod's mum is held captured to influence him negatively. Anyway they defeat the master as he needs some respiratory medicine. A final epic fight happens on moving trucks. Gamblers are also punished. Panna Rittikrai trained actor Tony Jaa so fights are always intense and real. Some acrobatic jumps on motorbikes or high jumps from buildings are really impressive. The movie scenario is simple but Panna Rittikrai’s fans want to see true fights only. This movie is similar to video game concept.

Year: 2010
Thai title: องค์บาก 3
English title: Ong Bak 3
Rating: 3/5
Director: Tony Jaa,Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Tony Jaa,Mum Jokmok,Nirut Sirijanya,Choomporn Theppitak,Saranyu Wongkrachang
Main actress: Patama Panthong
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Ong Bak 3 movie is a follow up of Ong Bak version 2 where Tien was defeated and captured by King Jom Rachan soldiers. Tien (Tony Jaa) is condemned to death by the King Jom Rachan (Saranyu Wongkrachang). His body is broken and beaten harshly. Insurrection is ongoing against the King Jom Rachan (พระองค์) but this latter eliminates all his opponents (Choomporn Theppitak). On the execution day, Tien is saved at last minute and sent to Ayutthaya. Bad omens are seen by the King. To try to influence the future, he sends some ninjas to kill Tien in Ayutthaya. They fail thanks to some courageous Ayutthaya soldiers. Thanks to Buddhist prayers, offerings, casting of a Buddha statue, dances and Buddhist monk's (Nirut Sirijanya) healing skills, Tien is cured. But full recovery is difficult. He considers suicide as he is almost infirmed. Through inner peace, meditation and efforts (ฝึก), he starts to recover management of his limbs. A new fighter take over the King Jom Rachan looking for power only (อำนาจ). Aware of Tien recovery, the new King sends soldiers to catch him and burns his village. Tien is wearing white clothes (purity) while the new King is wearing dark clothes (evil). Tien has no choice but to go to the King palace to defy him in order to release the villagers and his love. Following epic fights including jumping from one elephant to another or using real elephant tusks to fly, Tien defeats the evil King. As usual in Tony Jaa’s movies, actor Mum Jokmok is played a relief character. In Ong Bak 2 there was an action scene with two elephants. In Ong Bak 3, the actors were among more than 20 elephants. Tony Jaa introduces Nattayut in Ong Bak 3. It is a dharma martial art that can protect soul from bad deeds. It is a kind of meditation that can heal heart and soul.

Year: 2011
Thai title: วอนโดนเตะ
English title: The Kick
Rating: 3/5
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Main actor: Mum Jokmok
Main actress: Yanin Vismistananda
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A Korean couple (อาจารย์ Moon) was participating to Taekwondo events during Olympic games. The wife won her final but the husband failed. Twenty years have passed and they have now three kids. Two of them are now two grown up teenagers, i.e. Tayang and Tae Mi. The father Moon is having a Taekwondo school in Thailand and still trains them to excel in Taekwondo. A mysterious business man from Korea wishes to steal an old Thai blade (สมบัติของชาติ). Tayang sees the robbers and intervenes. The parents are also involved with the robbers’ driver. The blade is taken back but the robbers succeed to flee. Ruffians are looking for revenge and storm the Korean couple’s house. Tayang wishes to be a dancer and not a Taekwondo champion as requested by his father. The father failed to get a gold medal 20 years ago and wishes his son to get one. Uncle Bom (Mum Jokmok) brings the children outside Bangkok as it starts to be dangerous for them. They meet Wawa (Yanin Vismistananda), who is a Thai boxing champion (มวยไทย). Korean Taekwondo is meeting Thai boxing! Tayang flees at nighttime to join the last audition to become a dancer (dream project). While he is away, the campement is attacked. He helps on time but cannot prevent his youngest brother to be kidnapped. To get back his son, the father needs to exchange him with the precious blade to be stolen during an exhibition. Despite getting the blade, the head of the ruffians refuses to honor his promise. Final fights happen in Bangkok zoo. As often in modern Thai martial arts movies, fightings involve elephants. The movie director is Prachya Pinkaew, who directed Ong Bak. Panna Rittikrai is used again as action supervisor. The Kick (วอนโดนเตะ) was released in year 2011.

Year: 2011
Thai title: บางกอกกังฟู
English title: Bangkok Kung Fu
Rating: 3/5
Director: Yuthlert Sippapak
Main actor: Arak Amornsupasiri,Mario Maurer
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Thai movie บางกอกกังฟู / Bangkok Kung Fu / Bangkok Assassins lasts 1h40mn and was released in year 2011. Child trafficking happens and some children are used as beggar. As children rebel, one of them is made blind (ตาบอด), another gets his tongue cut, another one becomes retarded as his head is hit severely, one of them is made deaf. An old Chinese man (อาจารย์) helps them to flee. 15 years have passed. They took refuge in Wat Tham Seua in Kanchanaburi. Pong (Arak Amornsupasiri), who is mute (ใบ้), left them 3 years ago. He is now a hitman. He has a girlfriend but Pong cannot speak properly as his tongue was cut. Kaya, rescued before by the teacher, still loves Pong since childhood but this love is not reciprocal. Some ruffians are looking to take revenge over the Chinese master. Jit is blind but he is a serious fighter as all of them have been trained by the Chinese master. Even Na (Mario Maurer) wishes to be trained but the master is reluctant as he is afraid he will not be able to master his skills as he is retarded. The teacher is killed by a mysterious man wearing a monkey mask. Na is hurt also. All of them wish to revenge their master (รังแกอาจารย์). They finally find the thugs, who are using children as beggars, and kill them. Meanwhile the ruffians’ leader captures Kaya and plans to eat her heart to get her special power transmitted by the Chinese master. The four friends succeed to defeat the ruffians’ leader but Jit loses their life.

Year: 2012
Thai title: ดุ ดวล ดิบ
English title: Fighting Fish
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Suchao Pongwilai
Main actress:
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Mike Thomas arrives in Bangkok for the first time and wants to discover Thai boxing (มวยไทย) at Lumpini stadium. On the way back, he gets robbed despite strong resistance. Out of money, he needs to sell his watch to a pawnshop. He meets Yo while fleeing police due to illegal betting. Yo has an handicapped girlfriend called Toon following a car accident. He needs money to cure her. Mike is a former Thai muay boxer, who quit his own country as he killed accidentally another boxer during a fight. Mike needs to find a job so asks Yo to help him. Yo brings him to a Thai boxing ring (สนามมวย) with no rules. Yo has to participate to get money. There are hidden heavy bets behind. Mike wishes to participate and wins his first match. Suchao (Suchao Pongwilai), mafia leader, likes his style. Mike's financial value in underground betting boxing world starts to go up after a few winning fights. Mike wishes to enter the fighting fish contest in order to gain 1.3M baht and help to cure Toon. The opponent is a strong fighter called Mad Dog. Same as Siamese fighting fishes contest, the rule is that the loser is killed after the fight is over. Yo asks to join to protect Mike as it is a deadly fight. He replaces Mike and gets defeated by Mad Dog. On the verge to be executed by the mafia thugs, he fights back and flees. Unfortunately Toon is kidnapped by the mafia. Mike and Yo has to rescue Toon from the mafia led by Suchao. Following impressive fightings, the mafia and its leader are defeated by Mike and Yo but Mike dies while protecting Yo and Toon.

Year: 2013
Thai title: ต้มยำกุ้ง 2
English title: The Protector 2
Rating: 3/5
Director: Prachya Pinkaew
Main actor: Tony Jaa,Mum Jokmok
Main actress: Yanin Vismistananda
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Kham's (Tony Jaa) elephant is stolen as he refuses to sell it. His elephant is like a brother for him as they have been together since his youth. Kham follows the robbers up to Bangkok. He finds the leader but he has already been killed through a few severe hard punches. His two daughters (including Yanin Vismistananda), believing Kham killed their father, chase him. Kham meets again the Australian policeman (Mum Jokmok) but he lets him go knowing Kham is too nice to kill somebody. The ruffian having stolen the elephant is also an organiser of illegal fights. Through Bangkok, Kham is facing the ruffians through many thrilling fightings (against bikers on rooftop, in a factory, on metro railroad tracks, in a room on fire...). The ruffian leader is in fact working with some generals coming from a small kingdom. Following a rebellion in this Kingdom, a peace truce shall be signed in Phuket, Thailand. An elephant shall be given as a peace symbol. It is in fact Kham's elephant whose tusks have been filled with explosives. Many CGI are used in Tom Yam Koong 2 movie. A huge budget was spent but the box office sales were disappointing. Only 56M baht were reaped in Thailand. Even Tony Jaa didn't join the movie promotion in Thailand as he was already involved in “Fast and Furious” sequel 7. The movie was released in many other countries such as Hong Kong. Panna Rittikrai was also involved. Prachya Pinkaew was the director. It is a 1h44mn movie with non stop action. It took two years to be released.

Year: 2014
Thai title: เร็วทะลุเร็ว
English title: Vengeance Of An Assassin
Rating: 3/5
Director: Panna Rittikrai
Main actor: Kowit Wattanakul,Dam Datsakorn
Main actress:
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Thai movie เร็วทะลุเร็ว / Vengeance Of An Assassin was released in year 2014. It is the last movie directed by Panna Rittikrai before his death. This movie lasts 1h30mn. A young boy called Phiti wishes to know what happened to his parents, who died earlier. The uncle has been raising the two children but refuses to disclose anything as it can only bring troubles to them. The uncle keeps indulging in beers to forget. He holds a key to a secret cabinet. It includes secret documents and VHS tapes featuring military trainings. Dam Datsakorn, now a monk, was former colleague of the father. Phiti wishing to know the truth leaves the uncle's home and goes to find Dam. Than, his younger brother stays with the uncle. Phiti meets also Athong, former friend of his father and now understands the truth. He gets revenge one by one through some impressive killings (in a restaurant with shootings happening at waist level, in a golf course...). The ruffians’ leader is traitor Kowit Wattanakul, who was also one of the father’s former friends. The boy helps a young lady wearing blond wig, in traditional costume (นางรำ) and chased by a killer. The girl was used as bait. Her teacher (ครู) is killed. Dam is also killed. The boy succeeds to defeat the ruffians but is severely injured. A doctor (หมอจีน) helps them and they take refuge in the uncle's house. Ruffians follow them there. The young lady is kidnapped and fightings happen on a moving train. Through daring final fightings, ruffians are defeated.

Year: 2016
Thai title: วานรคู่ฟัด
English title: Monkey Twins
Rating: 4/5
Main actor:
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Thai movie วานรคู่ฟัด / Monkey Twins was released in year 2016 and lasts 1h43mn. Young man Neua is selling coconuts and is having a smart monkey. Neua has issues with local ruffians. He luckily gets help from a young lady called Lin. So has been released from prison thanks to the bad influence of his father, trying to become local deputy. So has an old debt against Neua and tries to have him killed a few times. Lin's father doesn't want Neua to meet his daughter. The father had two daughters, Lin and Apple. He believes Neua has some responsibilities in his eldest daughter's death. A friendly policeman always protecting Neua is seriously injured by ruffians. A friend recommends Neua and his grandfather (ปู่) to leave the place temporary. Lin's father wishes her to sing Chinese Opera like her elder sister Apple did but she likes martial arts much more (ร้องงิ้วไม่เป็น). Neua wishes to learn real Thai boxing from his grandfather but this latter is worried he cannot learn properly as he has always bad temper. Seeing that Chinese opera as no success, Lin’s father opens a restaurant featuring martial arts performance involving monkey fighters. Characters are played by Lin and Neua. During an accident in a pub a few years ago, Apple died. During fighting, Neua thrown alcohol bottle causing a disfiguration to So so he is still looking for revenge. During those shootings, Apple received a lost bullet. Ruffians try to kill the grandfather and also to disrupt business in the restaurant. This time, So kidnaps the grandfather and also Lin in order to attract Neua. Fierce fightings do happen between Neua, Lin and So's henchmen. So injures Neua and Lin but finally gets defeated. So ends up in jail again and his father's reputation is forever tarnished so getting him to commit suicide. Neua and Lin continue to do art martial shows in the restaurant.
Some action Thai movies (หนังบู๊) deals with gunmen. Hitmen ("MEU PEUN" - มือปืน) are often used in Thailand to get rid of journalists, activists, political opponents, business partners and even family members. Many stories relate Thai wives accused of hiring hitman to get rid of their foreign husbands. Gunmen are mainly from poor areas but some policemen or military men also become gunmen. Several hundred gunmen are for hire across the country, with most of them living in Chon Buri, Phetchaburi and Uthai Thani provinces.

Year: 1977
Thai title: ไฟเหนือลมใต้
English title: Danger Love
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Krung Srivilai,Phairoj Jaising,Choomporn Theppitak,Thep Thienchai,Pan Borapet
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Kantima Daraphan,Janthana Siriporn
Thai movie ไฟเหนือลมใต้ was released in year 1977. It features Krung Srivilai as main actor and Aranya Namwong as main actress. The movie is lost in Thailand but a sequence of 1h01mn remains to be seen. Sia (Choomporn Theppitak) is playing pool. Krot (Krung Srivilai) arrives in the game room and shoots him. He then flees. Sia killed Krot’s whole family so Krot is taking revenge. Chit (Phairoj Jaising) is upset that his older brother Sia was shot by Krot, a close friend. Chased by ruffians, Krot succeeds to flee by a train going to Hat Yai. A hitman called Takro is killing many people. He finally gets killed due to a trick played by 3 ladies including Linda (Janthana Siriporn) (ไม่น่ามาฅายเพราะว่าข่าอ่อนแบบนี้เลย). The local mafia leader needs to find a new hitman and asks for Krot. Meanwhile Chit finds Krot again and gives him a lesson as he is drunk. Krot succeeds to flee thanks to a taxi driven by Aranya Namwong. Aranya finds a woman picture in Krung’s jacket pocket. Probably his former wife killed by Sia. Krot shots 3 drugs traffickers. Chit still tries to catch Krot and a fighting happens on a moving truck. Aranya is in fact a policeman. Krot shots Aranya with a sniper rifle despite Aranya saw him. Krot flees and boards a plane to Chiang Mai. His co passenger is similar to Aranya! Her father just died. Two songs are featured in nightclubs. Linda is also killed by Krot. Aranya is surprised that he is so cruel (หน้าตาดีแต่ใจโหดร้าย). Krot is a professional killer (มือปืนรับจ้าง). Police wants to get him alive to know who are the sponsors behind (ผู้ติดต่อ). So Aranya is assigned to this dangerous task. The remaining sequence ends up here. It could be that Aranya plays two roles. Other actors are กันทิมา, แพน, เทิด, ศักดิ์ชัย, ธานินทร์. A summary of the movie is still available through old Thai stars magazines.

Year: 1981
Thai title: มือปืน กระดูกเหล็ก
English title: Iron Bone killer
Rating: 3/5
Director: Payoong Payakul
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Nard Poowanai,Dam Datsakorn,Porjed Kaenpetch,Lak Apichat,Phairoj Jaising,Sithao Petcharoen
Main actress: Thitima Sangkapitak,Supansa Nuengpirom,Moeifa
Thai movie Iron Bone killer / มือปืน กระดูกเหล็ก was released in year 1981. It is directed by famous action movie director Payoong Payakul. It lasts 1h56mn. While driving back from an underground casino, Kit Meka (Sorapong Chatree) finds a dead man lying on the road with a pod full of money. Kit gets shot and injured by two men but succeeds to flee after shooting them. Another car chases him. He takes refuge at a doctor's home but the ruffians do a rampage there. He finally ends up in a neighbouring house where a young enthusiastic lady welcomes him warmly. He leaves to go to funeral of his friend Phi Kamnan Pan. He meets Seua Tot (Nard Poowanai) and Moeifa there. Kit escapes to ruffians again and is rescued by a young lady called Pim. The ruffians' leader, Pho Luang (Dam Datsakorn), is upset that his men are not able to catch Kit named as มือปืน กระดูกเหล็ก so he has to be involved himself. Pho Luang's girlfriend is called Taorung (Thitima Sangkapitak). Porjed Kaenpetch, playing a policeman, is investigating on the ruffians' activities. Pim is the niece (หลานสาว) of Seua Tot. Lak Apichat is part of Seua Tot's team. Kit helps Tot betrayed by one of his teammates. Meanwhile Pim is disfigured and raped by Pho Luang's ruffians. Seua Tot promises revenge. Tot takes revenge on Pho Luang's mother. They also kidnap Pho Luang's wife Taorung and ask for 500 000 baht (ผู้นรก) ransom. Pho Luang and his men chase after them. They take refuge in a Christian village (หมู่บ้านศาสนา). Kit and Seua Tot's team diverge and split. Seua Tot’s team falls into an embuscade and Seua Tot is left for dead. Fed up to always been chasen, Kit decides to counterattack. Kit shoots Pho Luang's men and through a final fight, both Pho Luang and Kit fall from a cliff but only Kit survives. Ot (Phairoj Jaising) takes over Pho Luang’s illegal business. Some ruffians led by Ot try to kill Kit. Kit ends up facing the policeman Pat (Porjed Kaenpetch). Pat is former lover of Taorung and still loves her. Taorung’s heart is still split but promises forever love to Kit (ดวงเดียว). Meanwhile Kit only sees himself as a staff of Taorung. He meets Farung (Supansa Nuengpirom) and asks her father (Sithao Petcharoen) to teach him Thai boxing. Ot and his men decide to get rid of Kit. Pat chases the ruffians and ends up in a duel with Ot. Kit helps Pat before Ot can shot him. Seua Thot also saves Kit but dies, being shot by Ot. All ruffians being neutralized, Kit ends up with both Taorung and Farung.

Year: 1985
Thai title: สองคน สองคม
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chatchai Plengpanich,Apichat Halamjiak
Main actress: Pissamai Wilaisak
It is the story of two brothers. One is a heroin mafia boss, who wants his brother to study at university and supports him with the money earned from dealers. Once studies finished, the brother becomes a policeman and discovers his brother's job. What is he going to do?

Year: 1986
Thai title: ลูกปืน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chatchai Plengpanich
Main actress:
It is the story of two brothers. One is a killer ("MEU PEUN" - มือปืน), who wants his brother to study at university and supports him with the money earned from murders. Once studies finished, the brother becomes a policeman and discovers his brother's job. What is he going to do? Shall he forget the gratitude ("KATANJOO" - กตัญญู) towards his brother?

Year: 1986
Thai title: โอวตี่
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chatchai Plengpanich,Sorapong Chatree
Main actress: Chalita Puttamapun
Oti (Chatchai Plengpanich) is a tough guy sent to prison because he hit two guys flirting with the girl he loves. He is living in Yaowarat, Bangkok Chinatown district. When he was a child, his father was killed in front of him. He is now out of prison. He has a hot temper or ใจร้อน. He is violent due to his difficult childhood. The policeman (Sorapong Chatree) who caught him earlier is now an inspector (สารวัตร). He is helping Oti to find a job. He is also causing trouble to local mafia. They try to get rid of him without success. During a trip of the inspector abroad, Oti is involved in a fight during a Chinese temple festival. By mistake, he shot the son of a local godfather. To protect his mother against revenge, he has to shot this godfather. Oti is now employed by another godfather as a hitman. He has now a lot of money but his mother doesn't want dirty money or a new house. She wants a son that respects law. She wants to be proud of her son. She rejects him. The new godfather uses another hitman to kill the inspector but he is only injured. Bashed by his mother again, Oti kills the hitman and flees to South of Thailand. He has to come back to Bangkok as his boss tries to have him killed. He helped his girlfriend kidnapped by the godfather's tough guys. Finally as his girlfriend is pregnant, he surrenders to the police and promises to become a good father when he will exit from prison. A second opus with different actors was released four years later.

Year: 1988
Thai title: มือปืน 2 ไอ้มือดำ
English title: Gunman 2 Ai Meu Dam
Rating: 4/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Chatchai Plengpanich,Ron Rittichai
Main actress: Jarunee Sooksawad
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Thai movie มือปืน 2 ไอ้มือดำ was released in year 1988 and lasts 1h45mn. It was released under VCD format by Rose company and features a sharp and colorful image. The scenario has many similarities with movie มือปืน 1 released in year 1983. ผู้กอง Aklai (Chatchai Plengpanich) is a traitor. He is selling M16 weapons to ruffians and rebels. Meanwhile Thai soldiers led by Sorapong men are facing striking attacks from rebels. A helicopter is rescuing the survivors. Sorapong, injured in the leg, is left behind as Uat (Ron Rittichai) abandons him. Four years passed. Aklai is now renamed as Sutham and he is trying to rob an illegal casino. Former head of ruffians Somchai is now a politician and a mafia leader (เจ้าพ่อ). Uat is married with Soma (Jarunee Sooksawad). Uat is now a famous policeman called ไอ้มือดำ as he is wearing a black glove when shooting ruffians. He is very busy with his work and he has never time for his wife Soma. Sutham wishes to become rich so he accepts to be a hitman for Somchai but increases his price each time. Uat waits for proofs (หลักฐาน) to arrest Sutham. Sorapong succeeds to escape from Burma and stays in a Thai farmer family near the border. Having happiness there, he asks for lady Lampoei's hand. Meanwhile Sutham becomes the new mafia boss by getting rid of Somchai. Lampoei is pregnant. Sutham is having issues due to war between mafia bosses. Uat is also causing troubles to Sutham. A hitman injures Uat causing Soma to be very upset as this warning doesn’t hamper Uat to slow down. Sorapong brings Lampoei to Bangkok. As the pregnancy is getting worse, a cesarean operation (ผาตัด) is needed but Sorapong doesn't have enough money. Then he has to gamble his life to get money. Despite having lost, the casino owner Sutham lets him go and even gives him money as they know each other. Sorapong has now a moral debt with Sutham and is used by him as a hitman. A child is born but Lampoei dies. Fed up, Soma finally leaves home and she sympathizes with Sutham causing Uat to be very upset. Other mafia leaders kill Sutham’s mother and relatives during a birthday. He is left for dead. He then storms a diner gathering the mafia leaders to get revenge. Uat intervenes also. A final striking scene occurs between Sorapong, Uat and Sutham. Sorapong as hitman has to choose between shooting Uat or Sutham, between a man who abandoned him among Burmese soldiers or a man who betrayed his country...

Year: 1990
Thai title: ชะตาคน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Choomporn Theppitak
Main actress: Darin Kornsakoon
Sia, local godfather, tries to corrupt a judge in a drugs case. As the judge refused, he gets killed (ไม่ยอมรับสินบน). Chem, his son, comes back from overseas. As the police is too slow, Chem takes his own revenge. He gets a list from his friend Thep regarding people that had issues with his father. Chem meets Kaet, a young lady, whose father is a small godfather. Chem has high interest into Kaet. Chem wishes to clean Thai society from bad people. He first check some liars pretending getting money for Buddhist temples (บริจาค). Those people harm Thai buddhism (จรทำร้ายศาสนา). Thep (รับจ้าง - คนกลาง) gets the job as middleman but Chem (มือปืน), the hitman, does the dirty job and gets paid. Chem always gives the money to a Buddhist temple. Kaet's father is threatened by Suthon, another mafiosi, who tries to force him to give his daughter as wife. The father uses Thep to find a solution to get rid of Suthon. Chem shall do the dirty job but doesn't want any money. Kaet sees him but Chem refuses to acknowledge his involvement. Kaet uses his name for a temple donation to thank him. Godfather (เจ้าพ่อ) Sunsit wants to get rid of Kaet's father. Chem refuses (ไม่ยอมรวมมือ) the job due to his personal honor code. Sunsit is unhappy that the hitman refuses the job and forces Thep to give his name by threatening his younger sister. Thep has to give up and is finally killed. Chem is shot and injured. Chen still wishes to clean society from bad people (สมควรตาย) but finally promises to Kaet to stop when Thep will be revenged. He finally punishes Sunsit and surrenders to the police to the despair of Kaet. Chem is played by actor พงษ์ศักดิ์ สวนศรี , who is more famous for his "Like" theatrical performances. (Nota: As often with Lepso Studio, the cover given with the VCD is wrong and belongs to another movie!).

Year: 1990
Thai title: เพชรผ่าปืน
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Chaiyan Sorakrai
Main actress: Sinaporn Philailak
Phet (เพชร), former hitman (มือปืน), receives an offer of 100 000 baht to kill one man. He shall shot Kamrung (คำรน), rich (รวย) man with a high position (ระดับ). It is the last time he wants to be involved in such killing. With his brother Porn (พล), they take care of their old father. There is a land title issue so Phet needs money. Phet shots successfully Kamrung. He sees Sophi, Kamrung's mistress, and falls for her. Kamrung's daughter Yuwadee (ยุวดี) wishes to know the truth about her father’s death. The heritage needs to be shared between Sophi and the daughter. Porn, who is a journalist, helps her to investigate on the truth but a mysterious hitman tries to kill Yuwadee. Porn is able to help and save Yuwadee. It looks like Sophi would be the main beneficiary regarding Kamrung's death. Phet visits Sophi at nighttime. Heritage decision gives the house and land to Yuwadee but Sophi can stay until Yuwadee is married. The money and jewels have disappeared from the safe. The lawyer is corrupted by Sophi. Some ruffians put pressure on the newspaper editor to push Porn to stop investigating. Sia is the leader of the ruffians linked to Sophi. Sia hires Phet to kill his brother. Phet cannot do that and finally only the editor is shot in order to scare away Porn. Porn now knows his brother is involved. Sia sends ruffians to kill Phet as he cannot be trusted anymore but they fail. Sia's ruffians now try to kill Porn to stop the investigation. While rescuing his father, Porn is ambushed (วันนี้ตายแน่) but rescued by Phet. Sophi suggests to kidnap Yuwadee to catch the two brothers. Sophi plays men vs men (lawyer, Phet, Sia) using her charms. Porn needs Phet, the hitman, to testimony as a witness in order to accuse Sia. Yuwadee kidnapping fails thanks to Porn. The two brothers finally fight when they meet. Bad people pay for their sins as Sophi is shot by Sia and Sia is shot by Phet. There is a final duel between the two brothers and their father. Phet refuses to surrender to the police (ทำผิดต้องรับผิดชอบ) and prefers to die. Sorapong Chatree seldom plays the bad guy so it is interesting to watch this small low cost budget movie with a “Brother vs Brother” scenario, i.e. the good guy vs the bad guy even if Phet is only a bad guy forced by life circumstances (น้องมือปืน).

Year: 1990
Thai title: โอวตี๋ 2
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Samart Payakaroon,White Padungkan,Tongchai Prasongsanti
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee,Marasri Isarangkul
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Thai movie โอวตี๋ 2 was released in year 1990 and last 1h30mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso Co Ltd and previously under VHS format (1h34mn). Movie โอวตี๋ part 1 was released in year 1986. Main actor changed from Chatchai Plengpanich to สามารถ พยัคฆ์อรุณ. Oti (สามารถ พยัคฆ์อรุณ - Samart Payakaroon) is released from prison. He is a former ruffian (วงการนักเลง). His son is tall now. His mother is played by Marasri Isarangkul. His wife is sick, but she hides it. Local mafia leader Saeng asks help from him but Oti refuses (นักเลงหัวไม้). Former colleagues and enemies (ศัตรูเก่า) are looking for troubles with Oti. It is hard for Oti to have a new life as former people still try to interact with him. Oti is hired by Saeng to get rid of godfather (เจ้าพ่อ) Seua. Oti accepts for a last time and asks not to be disturbed anymore. Young lady Trirak Rakkarndee is ordered by Saeng to follow Oti and to ensure the job is done properly. She starts to appreciate Oti but Oti is married. Saeng has promised to leave him alone but... Oti kills godfather Seua while his powerful hitman Dam is out of town. Saeng wishes to get rid of Oti as he doesn't want to join him. Trirak tries to warn Oti but he is not willing to listen as he is worried Trirak will cause misunderstanding with his wife. Saeng's team puts a bomb under his car. Oti and his son escape to death but his wife and mother die. He shelters his son in his close friend Seeoui’s home (Tongchai Prasongsanti). It is revenge time for Oti. ไอ้ Dam also wishes to revenge Seua and kill Oti. Among Saeng's team, there is also ไวท์ ผดุงการ (White Padungkan). To force Oti, Saeng kidnaps his son. Trirak still wishes to help Oti despite his refusal. Oti finally accepts and both storm Saeng’s place. Heavy fighting and shooting occur. Ruffians are defeated. Saeng and Dam are killed. Oti surrenders to Police and is sent back to jail with Trirak.

Year: 1990
Thai title: เพชฌฆาตดำ
English title: Black Killer
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Panna Rittikrai,Bin Banleurit,Tony Jaa
Main actress:
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Thai full packed action movie เพชฌฆาตดำ (Black killer) was released in year 1990. The movie lasts 1h30mn. A young lady Candy is looking for uncle Chiem (เรื่องสำคัญ). Her parents have been killed in Japan. Three Thai ninjas are looking for documents showing corporate wrongdoing so are trying to catch Candy. Thanoo (Bin Banleurit) is a hitman hired to kill people but he is still having a good heart such as helping people who borrow money (กู้เงิน) at excessive rate. He normally kills only sinful people. Two Interpol policemen (ตำรวจสกล) are also looking for the young lady. Dam (Panna Rittikrai) is the leader of a small ruffians gang. Dam's team steals Candy' s bag containing important documents. Thanoo has been hired to shoot uncle Chiem. Uncle Chiem refused to sell his land to businessmen wishing to build a factory. Thanoo was lied to kill uncle Chiem presented as a corrupted village headman (กำนันอิทธิพล). Seua Leu has been hired to kill Thanoo once he completes the job. Seua Leu and Thanoo have a duel won by Thanoo but he is severely injured. Dam accepts to give the envelope against 100 000 baht. Finally all parties meet and final fightings involve the three ninjas and their boss versus Thanoo, Dam and Interpol officers. They finally win despite injuries. Seua Leu beats Thanoo in the final duel but loses to his kindness (แพ้น้ำใจ).

Year: 1991
Thai title: ท้าลุย
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Panna Rittikrai,Lak Apichat
Main actress:
Two ruffians leaders, Seua and Kachon, meet. A competition between the two mafia leaders is organized by recruiting expert hitmen (มือปืน). Various hitmen characters are depicted. An expert likes to use female make up before killing. Another expert needs to be drunk (ขี้เมา) before shooting accurately. Another one is selling sweets with his son. Another one is Han having great guns. Who will win (ใครเป็นหนึ่งคนเดียว)? Thanong (Bin Banleurit) is a former policeman who quit following a wrong shooting (เลิกวงการ). There is 10M baht for the winner. Seua wants to force Thanong to participate. The vendor finally meets the drunkard as his son is sick. He helps him. Kachon encourages six hitmen to support each other and fight against Han and Thanong as they have no chance in one to one duel. Seua kidnaps Thanong's pregnant wife to force him to participate to the hitmen contest. 100 hitmen gather for the contest including a Kathoey (กะเทย) and a glutton (กินก่อนยิ่ง) characters. Thanong warns his policeman friend Phan (Panna Rittikrai) to come to the contest with policemen. Han, knowing he was used as a toy, kills the two contest organizers. He even releases Thanong's wife but he is not interested in 10M baht. All he wants to be is to be the hitman number 1. As Thanong refuses to fight, he kills his wife to force him. Both Han and Thanong finally shoot each other. All other hitmen also die. The sweet seller with the support of the drunkard dies while protecting his son. Being a hitman is death guarantee at 99.99%. This B grade action movie is part of the numerous movies Panna Rittikrai has played in.

Year: 2000
Thai title: บางกอก แดนเจอรัส
English title: Bangkok dangerous
Rating: 4/5
Director: Oxide Pang,Danny Pang
Main actor:
Main actress:
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This is the story of a mute killer ("MEU PEUN" - มือปืน), i.e. how he becomes a killer, his impossible love story due to his bad job, the sob awareness of his job (killing good people) and his final destiny. This movie gets a Fipresci international award. In 2008, a US remake directed by Oxide Pang and Danny Pang was released. It was starring Nicolas Cage and Shahkrit Yamnarm.

Year: 2005
Thai title: ซุ้มมือปืน
English title: Hit Man File
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chatchai Plengpanich,Santisuk Promsiri,Nirut Sirijanya
Main actress:
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Tantai, a smart hit man is hired to silence some powerful godfathers. Caught between rival Triad bosses, mercenary policemen and power hungry parliamentarians, Tantai becomes the country's most wanted target. Detective Chat is secretly watching all the event, waiting for his time to clean up the outlaws. The studio achieved limited returns from Hitman File with only 10 millions baht.

Year: 2010
Thai title: มือปืน/ดาว/พระ/เสาร์
English title: Saturday killer
Rating: 4/5
Director: Yuthlert Sippapak
Main actor: Suchao Pongwilai,Chusak Aiemsuk
Main actress: Sirin Horwang
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Tee Rifle is a hitman. He is shy with ladies. He likes to walk or run around Bangkok even passing by the Red Shirts barricades! As he is a hitman, he likes to wear wick to change his appearance. He has some sexual control issues with his little bird (ลูกพ่อ) when a beautiful woman touches him such as the gym dance teacher, Chris, whom he loves her secretly. He visits a doctor to get medicine but as the medicine fails and the doctor refuses to give back the money, he takes revenge over the doctor. The gym dance teacher has arguments with her father regarding green and purple clothes colors. Her father is the political leader of the Green Shirts. There is sarcastic irony and allusion from director Yuthlert Sippapak regarding the Yellow and Red Shirts fights in Thai modern politics. With Tee Rifle, the hitman symbol is demystified as he feels guilty each time (รู้สึกผิดทุกที่). Tee Rifle meets Chris in a bar and presents himself as Mark. Tee Rifle is hired for a new job. He shall shoot all the green leaders including Chris’ father. A second medicine fails to recover his little bird (ฉันไม่ใช่กะเทยแต่ผู้ชายโชคร้าย). Political leaders use violence. Win hatred with hatred. Is it the solution to political problems? Brown, purple, green political parties. All leaders are shot by Tee Rifle. The next job is to shoot Chris! The hirer is the wife of Chris' boyfriend. Chris was not aware that her boyfriend was married already! She still meets Mark at the same usual bar and a friendship starts. Tee Rifle shots Chris’ boyfriend to close the dispute! Thanks to a good friend, Chris is aware that Tee Rifle shot her father so she wishes to take revenge. Tee Rifle is recruited for a new contract. The target has rent a hotel for his birthday. Chris knowing that the hitman will act and so she enrolls herself as a coyote dancer to be able to catch him. Seeing Chris dancing lively, Tee Rifle has a control crisis and cannot execute his job. Chris now knows that Tee rifle and Mark are the same man. Following some shooting into impressive unfinished 1997 villas, Mark succeed to escape from Chris. Chris finally catches him in a Christian church. She spares his life not because of love but because Thai politicians are the real responsible. Thailand would be a better place without politicians so as a hitman, she shoots all Thai politicians leaders! This movie mixes comedy and action. It also gives a strong social message regarding politicians that are judged responsible of the current mess in Thailand (Yellow Shirts versus Red Shirts). It features a funky soundtrack. “Saturday killer” is part of a trilogy including “Sunday Killer” and “Friday Killer”.

Year: 2011
Thai title: ฝนตกขึ้นฟ้า
English title: Headshot
Rating: 4/5
Director: Pen-Ek Ratanaruang
Main actor: Nopachai Chaiyanam,Saranyu Wongkrachang
Main actress: Sirin Horwang
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A hitman (Nopachai Chaiyanam), called Ton, shaves his head and wears monk clothes. During the alms round ceremony, he guns down his target. He is also shot and injured by body guards. He wakes up at hospital still alive after three months. 7 years ago Ton was a former policeman and working closely with Saranyu. During a drug traffic case, Saranyu was shot. Corrupted lawyer tried to buy Ton in order to drop the drug traffic case. Ton despised evil (ความชั่ว) and refused. Ton met Soi, a gorgeous lady. After a wild night together, he woke up finding the girl's bloody body in the hotel room. He fled. It was a trick from the mafia as pictures with him and the girl were taken. Ton still refused to bend to the lawyer and was sent to jail after hurting him. The movie is going back and forth between present and past. Ton is released from hospital but following injuries he sees everything bottom up. After his injury, he is not able to kill properly, feels fed up and wishes to stop. But karma (กรรม) will not let him go... Ton was released from prison after three years. Ton was extracted from the prison and used by a mysterious doctor to be a hitman killing people with bad influence (อิทธิพล). Soi was not dead. Soi or Teewa, her real name, was waiting for him. Ton proposed to marry Teewa (ผมไม่ชอบคนดี. ตายเร็ว). Ton is finally captured by ruffians who use torture to know who orders the killings. He doesn't reveal any name and succeeds to escape. He hijacks a car going to Chumphon. A young lady called Lin (Sirin Horwang) is driving. He sympathizes with the driver. Ton takes refuge in a Buddhist temple as he feels lost in his heart and mind. Teewa has earlier died of an overdose. There is no rightful in this world (ยุติธรรม). It needs to be built by ourselves. Ton finally becomes a monk. Peace of mind doesn't last long as ruffians find him. He needs to disrobe. While fleeing from the temple, he hijacks a car with Lin inside again! It was part of a trick to make Ton lead to the mysterious doctor. During shootings, ruffians are killed and the doctor badly injured. Ton terminates the doctor as he caused Teewa to die earlier. After spending a few years again in prison, he ordains again. One day, he gets shot in the back while wandering for alms... The movie Headshot (ฝนตกขึ้นฟ้า) was selected as Thailand representative movie for Oscar submissions for the Academy Awards. In Thailand movie Headshot got four Golden Swan at the subhanahongsa Awards in 2012. Compared to his previous movies, director Pen-Ek Ratanaruang has done a movie closer to mainstream but still having his own touch. It also highlights corruption presence in Thailand.

Year: 2011
Thai title: หมาแก่อันตราย
English title: Friday killer
Rating: 4/5
Director: Yuthlert Sippapak
Main actor: Thep Po-ngam,Kowit Wattanakul,Sithao Petcharoen,Choomporn Theppitak
Main actress: Wiyada Umarin,Ploy Jindachot
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P Uzi (Thep Po-ngam) is released from prison and injured by a blade expert (มือมีด). Dao (Ploy Jindachot) visits her dying mother Deuan (Wiyada Umarin) at the hospital. She announces to her daughter that her father is a hitman (มือปืน) just released from prison. Deuan accepted to be a hitman's wife but didn't want her daughter to be a hitman's daughter. While recovering at the hospital, P Uzi receives also a letter from the mother announcing his real paternity. Dao's stepfather (Kowit Wattanakul) tries to rape her sister Phet. P Uzi, trying to contact Dao, helps to prevent the rape by hitting strongly the stepfather but finally gets accused of the murder. Dao is a policewoman and wishes to revenge her stepfather. P Uzi's house in Chantaburi is occupied by a small man wearing same clothes as "Kill Bill" movie and acting very weirdly so he has to retreat. Ong (Choomporn Theppitak) is P Uzi's former boss. While withdrawing money from ATM machine, P Uzi is threatened by 5 gangsters with deformed face reminding of famous actor Songthong and promoting a politician who believes he can buy all Thai people (ซองเงิน) to be elected and then gets back his money through overpriced commissions during public tenders. Hitman myth is demystified in Yuthlert Sippapak’s movies. P Uzi has even vision problems. Dao arrives in Chantaburi to look for P Uzi but finally arrests the blade expert and crazy "Kill Bill". P Uzi is recruited to get rid of one corrupted politician's helper. Meng, a corrupted politician, is looking for P Uzi’s head. Reusi does an eye chirurgical operation but the doctor, friend of Meng, makes it a failure on purpose. P Uzi wishes to kill Meng. Ed Carabao is even having a small cameo role. Meng is still not dead so P Uzi continues to chase him as Meng's men have butchered his old friend Ong. Dao chases P Uzi and shoots him while he was trying to get something from his jacket. It was not a gun but a letter. At the last minute, he finally replaces the touching letter with full explanations by a laconic letter asking for funerals. Sometimes it is better not disclose the truth. Movie "Friday Killer" (2011 ~ 3M baht revenue) is part of a trilogy including "Sunday Killer" and "Saturday Killer" (2010 ~ 15M baht revenue). "Sunday Killer" was not released in 2012. Maybe due to bad revenue results of "Friday Killer"? As usual there is a great soundtrack. This Yuthlert Sippapak movie mixes action, social messages and great humor. This movie has won the best cinematography and jury awards at the Shanghai International Film Festival.
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