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The Central plains area is the area around Bangkok.
It is often called the rice attic of Thailand as there are three rice harvests per year.
Farmers rely on rice for the living but nowadays on many other activities also!
Fish net
Fish net
Here is an ingenious fence across a small sluice. Once the fishes enter in the baskets, they
cannot exit anymore.
The Thai King has tried to convince farmers to go for self
sufficiency and avoid mono cultures.
Fish net
Many former rice fields have been transformed into ponds where villagers can breed fishes.
This man sets a net to catch fishes for his diner.
Fish net
The "YO" (ยอ)
is a square dip net, i.e. kind of fish-trap.
Such Thai fish trap is used by river folks to catch small fish.
It represents a traditional livehood tool and still survives
in river nooks and inlets.
Fish net
During end of afternoon, this old man is trying to catch small fishes
for his diner into a communal moat.
Fish net
This fish trap is located across a small sluice. There is a kind of fish-trap
to catch fishes wandering around.
Catching fish
This lady is catching fishes along a small canal with a square dip net.
Quantity and size of fishes can vary. Most of the time, it is for own use
and not for selling on local market.
Catching fish
Fishes are then stored in a small bucket. It is better to well stabilize the bucket as
it can happen that all fishes fall back to the canal if a wrong move occurs and the bucket
This man is a fish hunter. He is using a special arbalete in
order to catch fishes.
Village house
This is a typical house in Central plains area's villages. Most of
the time there is no wall around the house.
Thai neighbours are very close. Doors are always opened
during the day. Neighbours help each other. It is very common to pay for bills of neighbours
if they are out of town.
Small stream
In villages motorbikes are often used. Better be careful as teens are often
racing at full speed.
Village landscape
Thai traditional house
Such Thai traditional houses are still very numerous in Thai Central plains
Village house
Some old style Thai village houses have the lower part built with bricks
and the upper part built with wood.
Local clinic
As hospitals are more likely to be located in cities, many big villages do have a
local community Health Centre (สวนสขภาพ).
Local clinic
Such local community Health Centre are important facilities to follow villagers and
avoid crowded hospitals.
Spirit houseศาลตายาย - "SAN TA YAI" is the shrine for
the "Grandfather and Grandmother" or the local guardian spirits.
Ice factory
A small ice factory is making big blocks of ice on demand. Whenever there are local Buddhist festivals
such as monk ordination, big buckets full of ice are used to keep bottle of water, soft drinks, beers
in cool condition.
Thai cows
Thai cows
As cows like to roam the fields, a guardian is responsible to keep watching them.
In the past, children were guarding cows. Those children were often coming from very
poor families and were not going to school. They were called the Buffalo boys
Thai cows
Local Thai farmers are bringing back their cows before sunset time.
Thai cows
Nowadays buffaloes are more and more seldom. A buffalo price
can reach 50,000 baht. Cattle is raised for beef and not for milk.
Thai cows
At nighttime, Thai cows are back to the enclosure to avoid them being
attacked by wild animals or robbed.
Thai cows
During daytime, Thai cows enjoy eating fresh grass.
Local truck
Hay is stocked for Thai cows and will be used as additional food for them.
Miscelleanous animals
Small turkeys
Multiple turkeys are wandering around the village roads.
Raising porks
On countryside, big pork farms can be seen. Due to strong odor, it is possible
to detect such farm from far away.
Multiple ducks are wandering near a small canal. They will flee when a
stranger approaches them.