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As belief in spirits ("PHI" - ผี) is present in everyday life (Buddha amulets, spirit doctors), it is not surprising that horror movies (หนังผี) are very popular in Thailand. There is an ongoing cultural relevance of the horror films in Thailand. Ghost movies have constantly enjoyed their popularity among the Thai movie going public. Thai horror movies themes are based on Thai old stories ("MAE NAK" ghost - แม่นาค), Thai old beliefs and folklore (ghosts or spirits such as "PHI KRASEU" - ผีกระสือ, "PHI TAI HONG" - ผีตายโหง, "PHI POP" - ผีปอบ, "NANG FA THANI" - นางฟ้าตานี...), ghost possession, love potions, black magic. The theme regarding the dead wife that becomes a ghost and refuses to leave her husband is often recurrent. In early ghost movies, female ghosts emerge mostly. Many male ghosts, except "POO SOM FAO SAP" (ปู่โสมเฝ้าทรัพย์), were created from pure imagination, while most female ghosts are linked in folk tales dating many generations back. In Thai tradition, a ghost can be a protector and an antagonist. But women are generally chosen to be vengeful female ghosts to represent bad deeds and misconduct against social norms. The ghosts represent human maliciousness, so the spirits are a symbol of punishment to encourage people not to commit bad deeds.

Year: 1959
Thai title: มัจจุราชประกาสิต
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: Sor Asanajinda,Neramit
Main actor: Luechai Natnat,Sor Asanajinda,Surasit Sattayawong,Lor Tok
Main actress: Prapan Narkthong
Thai movie มัจจุราชประกาสิต was released in year 1959. It is a lost movie in Thailand but a sequence of 26 minutes is still available. The sequence is still very colorful. It is an horror movie with a strange style. Main actor is Luechai Natnat and main actress is Prapan Narkthong. Directors are Sor Asanajinda and ครูเนรมิต. Actress จรัสศรี สายะศิลป์ also plays. It is a movie about hell mixing with human society. The god of death (ยมบาล) is played by Surasit Sattayawong. He sends to hell a wrong person (Luechai Natnat) so needs to bring him back to human world with additional power of being able to answer to various blessings. The human world being messy and deceitful (jealousy from women, lust), Luechai wishes to die again and be back to hell. Poster advertisement mentions that the movie cost 0.5M Baht to be produced in 1959.

Year: 1964
Thai title: ภูตพิศวาส
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chaiya Suriyun,Lor Tok,Sukon Koewliam
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat,Preeya Roongrueng,Mom Chan Phuangwan,Malee Wetpraseri
The movie name "ภูตพิศวาส" means "ghost love". Three young men students with suitcases are looking for a place to sleep. One of them is called Marut. They stay in a temple but the temple keeper asks them not to open door or windows at night time or go out if somebody calls them. Marut doesn't listen and sees a beautiful lady. In the morning one of the three students is found dead. There is two holes in the arm as if somebody sucked his blood (ผีดิบ). The next night sounds of a lady crying can be heard. Then in the morning the second friend is found dead also. According to the temple keeper, they die because of lying and unfaithful behavior with ladies. The temple keeper is a sorcerer (หมอผี) also. Marut meets Dao (Petchara Chaowarat), who is a ghost. A love story happens between human and ghost. Marut's mother wants to fiance him with a young lady called Buma (Preeya Roongrueng) coming from a rich family. The fiancee Buma is invasive and strongly encourages Marut to kiss her. Marut presents Dao, the ghost, to her mother, who faints when understanding that Dao is a ghost. Lor Tok plays an exorcist master (อาจารย์) again. The grandmother uses him to chase the ghost. Buma supports the idea. Marut wants to bring Dao back to life (เกิดใหม่) but other ghosts try to prevent this. Marut needs to pray every night one hour during 20 days, eat vegetarian (กินเจ), drop blood drops inside the food offered to Dao. Evil ghosts prevent Marut to free Dao but the temple keeper provides support. 20 days have passed. The temple keeper does a ceremony. Dao is now an human (เป็นคน). Issue with Buma arises. Following the kiss, she complains she is soiled (ตัวเสีย) as she wants to accelerate wedding date. The wedding happens but on the night before the wedding Dao becomes Marut's real wife. Buma wants to secure Marut's love by using magic spells so she contacts again the exorcist master. This one provides love filter (น้ำมันพราย). Buma wants to chase Dao. Marut accepts as Buma uses charm filter (ถูกเสน่ห์). Finally as Dao is pregnant with Marut and being already Marut's wife, Buma has to retreat and is finally arrested by police for colluding against Dao. This old movie has an image damaged but still colorful. It also has a new soundtrack as many 1960s movies were shot in 16mm without synchronised sound. It is a pleasure to watch Thai stars Chaiya Suriyun and legendary Petchara Chaowarat. Chaiya Suriyun received a Thai oscar (รางวัลตุ๊กตาทอง) for his best actor performance.

Year: 1967
Thai title: นางพรายตานี
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat
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A spirit Nang Fa Thani (นางฟ้าตานี) has done mistakes in the Gods heaven, so she is condemned to stay on earthy world and to live in a banana plant tree. She is fond in love with a man called Thap. Thap previously loved a lady called Theva. Nang Fa Thani used artifacts to get Thap's love. Thap faces issues with a group of bad people. Those, believing that Nang Fa Thani hides a treasure inside the banana tree, decide to cut the tree causing the death of Nang Fa Thani. She then becomes a powerful ghost called นางพรายตานี, chasing and killing those who have cut the banana tree. She then wants to stay with Thap but it is not possible as she is a ghost. Seeing the interest of Theva into Thap, she threathens to kill all villagers. She finally accepts her death following a monk's mediation.

Year: 1968
Thai title: พรายพิศวาส
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: ฉลวย ศรีรัตนา
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha,Sukon Koewliam,Pramin Jarujareet
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat,Preeya Roongrueng,Malee Wetpraseri,Chadaporn Wachirapranee,Manee Maneewan
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Thai movie พรายพิศวาส was released in 1968 and lasts 2h25mn. The movie was released under VCD format by Lepso Company. Fx special effects are limited to image surimpression to simulate ghost apparition. Thai actors and actresses include Mitr Chaibancha, Sukon Koewliam, Pramin Jarujareet, Petchara Chaowarat, Preeya Roongrueng, Malee Wetpraseri, Chadaporn Wachirapranee, Manee Maneewan, วิชิต ไวงาน, นวลศรี, ปราณีต คุ้มเดช, อาภรณ์, ก๊กเฮง. One man called Narin (Mitr Chaibancha) and two young women have a car accident. Narin dies but his spirit (วิญญาณ) is hanging around. He attends to his own funeral (ยังไม่ตาย!). As he is a spirit, he is able to see that his father (Pramin Jarujareet) has a mistress (เมียน้อย) called Vilai and a son. He can see the family hidden secrets (หลับ). His mother (Malee Wetpraseri) acts as a pawner and seizes belongings when people cannot reimburse. He meets an old aunt (Chadaporn Wachirapranee). She died 20 years ago when giving birth to a daughter. She asked him to help her daughter called Noi (Petchara Chaowarat) who is now in the ghost realms. He also visits the hell (นรก) directed by Yama (พระยม). Adultery is severely punished. Guardians stick sinners with forks. After checking the book of the deads, Narin still has 30 years to live and duties (ภาระ) to do. He is a lawyer. He negotiates advice from Yama regarding Noi as compensation. He is sent back to human world (โลกมนุษย์) during his funeral! A middle age lady called Phayo has debts with Narin's mother. Phayo has a daughter, called Pratheuan (Preeya Roongrueng), going to university. Narin's mother wants to exchange the debts against a wedding promise with her son. To help Phayo, Narin agrees to do a fake engagement ceremony so that Phayo can get back her debt papers but Pratheuan wishes to really marry Narin. Narin then contacts uncle Suk (Sukon Koewliam), a sorcerer (หมอผี). They go into a remote cave to find Noi (Petchara Chaowarat). She is a ghost (ผีดิบ). Noi is staying in a closed room but domestic servers heard strange noise. A domestic helper warns the mother. Narin has to perform specific ceremonies during seven days and Noi can become human (เป็นคน) again. He has to wear white clothes, should not touch any woman including his own mother during this period, eat vegetarian (กินเจ) and practice meditation. Pratheuan understands she has a risk to lose Narin so she tries to entice him. Narin's mother is also aware that he is dating a ghost so she decides to accelerate the wedding date. It shall happen within three days. His father has a brain hemorrhage and before dying, he asks Narin to help regarding his second family. As the father gives everything to his mistress in the testament (พินัยกรรม), Noi frightens the mistress Vilai (Manee Maneewan) so that she agrees to burn it in order to have a more equitable testament. Noi is now a human but Narin cannot marry her as he still engaged with Pratheuang. Uncle Suk gives to Narin a special temporary medicine to eat in order to appear having leprosy. Pratheuan (Preeya Roongrueng), seeing her own interest, refuses to love and care for Narin as he is disfigured. She asks to withdraw the fiancee promise (ถอดหมั้น). Narin can now happily marry Noi.

Year: 1968
Thai title: พิศวาสไม่วาย
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sombat Methanee,Phirapon Piyawan,Lor Tok
Main actress: Pawana Chanajit,Mom Chan Phuangwan,Metta Roongrat
The movie พิศวาสไม่วาย was released in year 1968. It features Pawana Chanajit as main actress and Sombat Methanee as main actor. The movie is lost in Thailand but a 3 minutes trailer is left to be seen. Other actors are Mom Chan Phuangwan, Metta Roongrat, เมืองเริง, ไสล, ทานฑัต, ดุษฏี เถาเสถียร, พูลสวัสดิ์, ทองฮะ, ทองถม, Lor Tok, Phirapon Piyawan, ชื้นแฉะ, ลุงโกร่ง. The sequences shown in the trailer are related to the usage of a shaman (หมอผี), Pawana and Sombat having a kid, Sombat being aggressed, Pawana being a spirit, Metta slapping Pawana, Pawana protecting her son while still being a spirit. As the movie is in 16mm format and in mute state as such movies need to be dubbed, it is not easy to understand the story. Pawana is at the same time a fearful and commiserate ghost. Thai movie พิศวาสไม่วาย (1968) was sometimes confused with movie แว่วเสียงยูงทอง (1965) as it also features Pawana Chanajit and Sombat Methanee.

Year: 1969
Thai title: ปีศาจเสน่หา
English title:
Rating: 4/5
Director: Phan Kam
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha,Sukon Koewliam,Choomporn Theppitak,Preuhat Boonlong,Krai Kanchit
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat,Kaenjai Meenakanit,Boosara Narumit,Wilaiwan Watthanaphanit
Kangwan (กังวาน) and Karaket (การะเกด) meet each other in a Buddhist temple at night time. Kangwan, young and rich bachelor, is studying magic and ghosts knowledge (วิชาชุบชีวิต). Karaket brings flowers to her mother grave, Nang Sopha. Ladies O and Karaket are half sisters, i.e. same father but different mothers. O's mother was the main wife. Karaket's mother, Nang Sopha, was the minor wife (เมียน้อย). Kangwan's father and the two daughters' father agreed to have Kangwan marry one of the two daughters. O and her mother are jealous towards Karaket especially as Kangwan has more interest into Karaket than into O. The mother decides to have Karaket killed. She is already responsible of Karaket's mother death twenty years ago by poisoning. The mother and her maid try to poison Karaket's drinking water. Nang Sopha ghost protects her daughter but no killing shall be done to avoid adding more sins to her karma (กรรม). The poisoning attempt fails thanks to the ghost intervention. The bad mother then uses a monk to purify the house and install a sacred thread around the house to prevent ghosts from entering. Kangwan has to go to India to continue his studies. Meanwhile the bad mother attempts another trial to kill Karaket by putting a snake inside a box. This time due to sacred tread (สายสิญจน์) the ghost cannot help her and she dies following the snake bite. Kangwan is at Taj Mahal when Karaket's spirit asks for help. It is time for judgement in hell and Phra Yom (God of the underworld) takes Karaket with him. Kangwan has to fulfill the earlier promise between both families and is forced to marry O. But thanks to his knowledge in white magic, his soul (วิญญาณ) goes to hell to pick up Karaket and brings her back in the living world. The trueness behind Karaket's death is known. The mother sizes a gun and kills her maid, who has revealed the truth, and is strangled by Nang Sopha ghost before being able to kill Karaket a second time. Kangwan and Karaket can marry happily. In this old movie, there are typical dog howlings to indicate ghosts coming and Fx effect are limited to images superposition for ghosts apparition. This great old 1960s movie with superstars Mitr Chaibancha and Petchara Chaowara is typical of old Thai movies with the bad girl (นางอิจฉา) trying everything to be the main actor's girlfriend and always trying to get rid of the leading actress (นางเอก).

Year: 1969
Thai title: คฤหาสน์รัก
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: ประกอบ แก้วประเสริฐ
Main actor: Luechai Natnat,Sukon Koewliam,Pipop Pupinyo,Tawan Siriwat,Sithao Petcharoen
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat,Preeya Roongrueng,Sasithorn Phetrung
Thai movie คฤหาสน์รัก was released in year 1969. The film was never released on VHS / VCD / DVD format and was lost in Thailand. A last copy of the movie was found as a 16mm format film and lasts 2h05mn. The movie summary and the dubbing chapters (บทพากย์) are lost. Main actor is Luechai Natnat and the main actress is Petchara Chaowarat. Movie director is ประกอบ แก้วประเสริฐ. A Chinese vendor faces ghosts coming to eat at his shop. Even the police face ghosts when patrolling at nighttime. Those lengthy comic sequences (หนังผีตลก) last more than 40 minutes. Policemen call their boss, Luechai Natnat, to investigate. While entering a haunted house, Luechai is greeted by a beautiful lady (Sasithorn Phetrung) in Thai traditional dress and then by Petchara Chaowarat. Then Preeya Roongrueng brings drinks. The other policemen discover Preeya is a ghost and her other friend, a vampire. The woman wearing a Thai traditional dress, Sasithorn Phetrung, is also a ghost. While taking a picture, it is discovered that Petchara is also a ghost. Finally, Luechai is also aware. The house is fully haunted. Another real Petchara is coming from the airport. Policemen including Sukon Koewliam get confused between Petchara 1 and Petchara 2. It is disclosed that Petchara 1 and all house's inhabitants were killed by ruffians. Veteran comic actor Sithao Petcharoen is also playing as spirit house ghost. Pipop Pupinyo has a small role of being a ghost. Petchara 2 is captured by the same ruffians to force her to sign a document, but she refuses. Finally, Luechai is informed that Petchara 2 is held captive. Police storm the house, but ghosts (including Pipop Pupinyo) have already taken their revenge. During a final duel between Luechai and Tawan Siriwat, Petchara 1 strangles Tawan. All ghosts must quit this world being called by the king of hell. This small movie features Luechai Natnat as main actor at a time the main popular actors were Mitr Chaibancha and Sombat Methanee for many years. Horror movies from the 1960s despite missing FX effects still have a nostalgic feeling of a forever gone era.

Year: 1969
Thai title: ตุ๊กแกผี
English title: Gecko ghost
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Surayut-Chaiyayut Vetchayan,Sukon Koewliam
Main actress: Sasithorn Phetrung,Yaowaret Nisakorn,Marasri Bangchang
Thai horror movie ตุ๊กแกผี was released in year 1969. A father (ประดิษฐ์ กัลย์จาฤก) is married with a woman (มารศรี ณ บางช้าง) and have three grownup children, one boy (Surayut- Chaiyayut Vetchayan) and two daughters including Sasithorn Phetrung. His wife is severely sick. So the husband tries to bring in the house a new younger minor wife (Yaowaret Nisakorn). The children disagree with the new minor wife but the father keeps protecting her. Arguments occur and the mother dies due to shock. Her spirit enters a gecko. The son of the minor wife, Phalalop (พัลลภ พรพิษณุ), likes Sasithorn Phetrung. The mother ghost threatens the new wife not to bother her children. Sukon Koewliam is used as a spirit doctor (หมอผี) but he is chased away by the gecko ghost. The ghost lady is having multiple dots on the face similar to a gecko. A famous scene is when the ghost is putting live small mouses in her mouth to eat them. Surayut- Chaiyayut kidnaps a young lady, daughter of the new wife. Her brother Phalalop releases her. Arguments and fightings happen Surayut-Chaiyayut and Phalalop. Phalalop falls from a high cliff and is left as dead. Romance happens between Surayut- Chaiyayut and the minor wife’s daughter. Phalalop isn't dead. A romance also happens between Sasithorn Phetrung and Phalalop. Thanks to a second spirit doctor, the second wife neutralises the ghost as a sacred cloth seals the coffin. Meanwhile Phalalop is having a new girlfriend to the high disappointment of Sasithorn Phetrung. Surayut- Chaiyayut finally finds the sacred cloth and removes it. To ruin the reputation of Sasithorn Phetrung, the minor wife hires a man to rape her and a photographer to take dirty pictures but the mother ghost kills the rapist first. A third spirit doctor gives an exorcist knife (มีดหมอ) to stab the body of the ghost mother on the 15th day of lunar calendar. The ghost wakes up on time and order the minor wife to stab herself. The father organizes ceremonies for both spirits to find peace. The two young couples can wed.

Year: 1969
Thai title: เดชนางพราย
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Man Teeraphol,Lor Tok,Sukon Koewliam,Joomjim Khemlek
Main actress: Sasithorn Phetrung
Thai movie เดชนางพราย was released in year 1969. Main actor is Man Teeraphol and main actress is Sasithorn Phetrung. The movie is lost in Thailand but a 3mn30s trailer remains to be seen. This movie is a comedy horror movie. It features Man Teeraphol, Sasithorn Phetrung, วิน, กมลพันธ์, อัจฉรา, อุไรวรรณ, น้ำเพชร, พีระ, Joomjim Khemlek, ทศ, Lor Tok. The left sequence show a ghost transforming itself into a beautiful lady (Sasithorn Phetrung), the romance between Man Teeraphol and the ghost, a black magician (หมอผี) used to chase the ghost. Man Teeraphol and Sasithorn Phetrung are seldom the main stars in movies. As it was a small horror comedy movie, there was no need to have big stars such as Mitr Chaibancha and Petchara Chaowarat.

Year: 1969
Thai title: เจ้าแม่สาริกา
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: เชษฐ ชัยชนะ
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha,Chao Klaewklong,Sawin Sawangrat,Adinan Singhiran,Sukon Koewliam,Krong Kangkengdaeng
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Wassana Chalakorn
Thai movie เจ้าแม่สาริกา was released in year 1969. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Mitr Chaibancha, Aranya Namwong, Wassana Chalakorn, ฤทธี นฤบาล, อุไรวรรณ จันทร์ทิพย์, บุษกร, Chao Klaewklong, วิน, Sawin Sawangrat, Adinan Singhiran, ขอใจ, Sukon Koewliam, Krong Kangkengdaeng. Movie director is เชษฐ ชัยชนะ. The movie is lost in Thailand but a sequence lasting 47 minutes (2 first reels only so the movie is incomplete) remains to be seen. The image is colorful and sharp. The remaining film is in 16mm format, so it is in mute state as such format requires live dubbing. A dubbed version was shown in Thai Film Archives in 2020. The story is a bit similar to to เจ้าแม่ตะเคียน or แก้วกาหลง. Kaew (แก้ว - Mitr Chaibancha) and Sarika (สาริกา - Wassana Chalakorn) marry as they love each other since a long time. Wit (วิทย์ - ฤทธี นฤบาล), local ruffian, is upset as he also loves Sarika but nothing he can do. On Sarika’s side, her younger sister Ranjuan (รัญจวน - Aranya Namwong) also likes secretly Kaew. After the wedding, Kaew receives a government assignment to be a soldier in Vietnam. Kaew goes fighting in Vietnam with his friend Pai (ไผ่ - วิน วิษณุรักษ์). Sarika is pregnant. One day she heard that through a letter that Kaew had disappeared during fighting in Vietnam. It makes Sarika very worried as she doesn’t know if Kaew is still alive or not. To change her mind, she goes wandering around the waterfall. Wit and Pikun (พิกุล - อุไรวรรณ จันทร์ทิพย์), a young lady loving Kaew, put in place a plan to get rid of Sarika. While Sarika is walking near the waterfall, an acolyte working for Wit pushes her. She falls and dies. Everybody thinks it is a suicide as Sarika was depressed after learning sad news about Kaew. While the funeral ceremony is happening, Kaew and Pai are coming back from Vietnam. Kaew meets a friend coming back from the ceremony. The friend is about to say that Sarika has died but her ghost appears, and the friend doesn’t dare to say anything to Kaew. Sarika behaves as if she was still alive. She brings Kaew to her parents’ house and pretends there is a relative’s funeral ceremony. Everybody is surprised as they thought Kaew died in Vietnam. Nobody dares to tell the truth to Kaew. Kaew goes back home and sleeps. Sarika and his baby are there. In the morning Kaew doesn’t see Sarika and his baby so he visits Ranjuan, who disclosed the truth to Kaew. The remaining film is ending there. The remaining part of the story can be found in old Thai cinema magazines. When Pikun knows that Kaew is back, she asks a shaman to make a love philter to seduce Kaew. She plans to kill him and to get his heritage. Ranjuan helps Kae. Gradually love merges between Kaew and Rajuan. It makes Sarika to be very upset (ออกอาละวาด) as she is afraid to lose Kaew. Villagers use a shaman to calm down Sarika but the sham has pity for Sarika. The shaman asks Kaew and Rajuan to talk to Sarika so that she can understand. Sarika finally understands and requests that a spirit house be built near the waterfall where she died so that there is proof of her love towards Kaew.

Year: 1970
Thai title: ปี่แก้วนางหงษ์
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha,Adul Dulyarat,Sompong Phonmitr,Sukon Koewliam,Thuam Thoranong,Daonoi Duangjai
Main actress: Suthisa Putnuch,Yaowaret Nisakorn,Kantima Daraphan
Thai movie ปี่แก้วนางหงษ์ was released in year 1970. The movie is lost in Thailand but there is a sequence of 5mn30s left to be seen. Main actor is Mitr Chaibancha and main actress is Suthisa Putnuch. Other actors and actresses are Adul Dulyarat, Yaowaret Nisakorn, Sompong Phonmitr, Sukon Koewliam, Thuam Thoranong, Kantima Daraphan (กันทิมา ดาราพันธ์). During the sequence left to be seen, it shows Mitr and Sompong boarding a plane, Mitr and Sompong discussing in an hotel room, Mitr talking to Suthisa through a door, a group gathering around a nun and performing a ceremony to chase a spirit away, funny scenes with a comic actor afraid of a talking skeleton, Mitr discussing with Kantima Daraphan at airport, Kantima talking to another lady and arguments are occurring. Thai movie ปี่แก้วนางหงษ์ is known as a horror movie. Mitr Chaibancha is playing two roles. Six songs were featured. The movie was also adapted through TV series in years 2009 and 2014. Actors Daonoi Duangjai, Sompong Phonmitr, Sukon Koewliam, Thuam Thoranong are playing comic roles adding comedy to this light horror movie. The movie starts during Rama V reign. The scene when Mitr is knocking at Suthisa’s door and talking to her happens during this era. Mitr is learning music with Suthisa’s father and finally he marries Suthisa. Later on, Mitr marries another lady causing Suthisa’s sadness. But she still needs to play music. Suthisa plays music flute (ปี่แก้ว) until a blood vessel breaks in her neck. Mitr realizes his mistake but it is too late as Suthisa is already dead. On the way to Bangkok, the spirit of Suthisa appears causing fear to Mitr. He dies while jumping from a boat. The movie jumps to modern times. Mitr is now a rich man’s son, who is back after overseas studies. It can be seen through the sequence where Mitr is boarding a plane. Mitr is back to his house, where the spirit of Suthisa is still waiting for him. Love happens between a human and a spirit. It causes fear to all people around.

Year: 1971
Thai title: ยมบาลเจ้าขา
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Sawin Sawangrat,Lor Tok,Sithao Petcharoen,Kwanchai Suriya,Daonoi Duangjai
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat,Malalin Bonnak,Charuwan Sawirayong
ยมบาลเจ้าขา (1971) is a Thai movie, which was never released in any format (VHS, VCD, DVD). An extract of 54mn can still be seen despite the whole remaining footage is around 1h40mn. It is a 16mm movie so no original sound is available as such movies were dubbed. There is no more poster available. ยมบาลเจ้าขา is a horror movie with a comic twist. Most former Thai horror movies have more comedy than real horror (หนังผีตลก). While her husband is away, Petchara Chaowarat is aggressed and raped by Sawin Sawangrat so she gets suicide. Daonoi (ดาวน้อย ดวงใหญ่), Sithao, Lor Tok are playing comic characters. They are aware Petchara is dead. Two other veteran actresses are involved in this movie, i.e. Malalin Bonnak (มาลาริน บุนนาค) and Charuwan Sawirayong (จารุวรรณ สวีรวงศ์), spouse of Mitr Chaibancha. It was her first movie. Charuwan Sawirayong was married to Mitr Chaibancha from 1959 to 1963. The movie scenario is a bit similar to Mae Nak story. All know Petchara has died except her own husband Kwanchai Suriya. Kwanchai Suriya (ขวัญชัย สุริยา) is a new actor and part of the numerous tentatives to find a proper candidate to replace superstar Mitr Chaibancha, who unfortunately died in year 1970. Kwanchai Suriya was quite shy when acting so he only played 2 movies as main actor and then only secondary roles. When Kwanchai realizes his wife is now a ghost (รู้เป็นผี) so he flees from his home but Petchara is still looking for him. Sawin is back from Bangkok with a man and they do visit a cemetery with a spirit doctor (หมอผี). It is a fiasco. Meanwhile Kwanchai and his friends also hire a spirit doctor. As Petchara ghost refuses to be born again, it is imprisoned in an earth clay pot. Many spirit doctors (หมอผีแขก, หมอผีจีน, หมอผีไทย) intervene but fail to control the ghost. Following all the deaths, Kwanchai agrees to go with Petchara ghost to stop the killings. He gets estranged and both go to hell judgment. The hell king refuses to accept Kwanchai as it is not his time to die yet. Before leaving, the Hell King shows him around. It features two songs in the Hell Kingdom. Through a touching song, Petchara tries to convince the Hell guardian but to no avail. Finally Kwanchai is sent back to earth but all his friends believe he is a ghost too! The movie ends with Kwanchai convincing them that he is still alive. The movie features a total of three songs.

Year: 1973
Thai title: ดรุณีผีสิง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Phairoj Jaising
Main actress: Suthisa Putnuch,Chomchay Chatwilai
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An aunt is pushing her own daughter towards a rich bachelor. She denigrates Darunee, a young lady, in love with the rich bachelor. Following a fatal love triangle misunderstanding, she kills herself but her ghost is back to get revenge from the aunt...

Year: 1973
Thai title: กระสือสาว
English title: will-o’-the-wisp
Rating: 4/5
Director: ส.เนาวราช
Main actor: Sombat Methanee,Choomporn Theppitak,Sawin Sawangrat,Lor Tok,Songthong,Man Teeraphol,Tat Ekathat,Chao Klaewklong
Main actress: Pissamai Wilaisak,Metta Roongrat,Sulaleewan Suwanthat,Orasa Isarangkul
Thai movie กระสือสาว / "will-o'-the-wisp" was released in year 1973 and lasts 1h43mn. The movie was never released under VHS/VCD/DVD format in Thailand. Thai movie กระสือสาว was released in 35mm film format and brought new Fx effects in 1973 such as double impression to show the spirit quitting the dead body. It took 3 to 4 months to be shot in the jungle. Thai Film Archives has still a 16mm copy as, in 1973, 16mm projectors were still popular in provinces. Thai Film Archives got it from a donation from a company showing outdoor movies in villages (หนังขายยา). The movie is a bit like the “Nang Nak” movie scenario. It was released under VHS format in Sweden with the original picture, Thai sound and with Swedish subtitles, under the name "Ghost of Guts Eater". The original movie is probably a bit longer as some still pictures show sequences are not present in the Swedish VHS. In the 1970s, a few Thai movie rights were sold in Scandinavia. This movie shows interesting traditional behaviors and patterns such as traditional baby delivery, staying above a hot pot after delivery (การอยู่ไฟ), 100 days ceremony after a relative death, vision of people without head indicating forthcoming death, hidden treasures kept by deity and signalled by an ignis fatuus, Kraseu ghost belief, love filters. Thai movie กระสือสาว is about a traditional folklore ghost called Kraseu (กระสือ). It is a filth-eating floating ghost with a head, a trailing heart and intestines. This ghost loves to eat cordon umbilical and placenta from newborn babies (ผีกระสือจะมากินรกเด็ก). Thai movie กระสือสาว scenario was written by ทวี วิษณุกร and released in two cartoon books in year 1968. Villagers found many dead chickens in their farm. They were eaten by a Kraseu ghost. Villagers followed the floating ghost and hit it critically. A grandmother (Sulaleewan Suwanthat) was in fact possessed by the ghost. Before dying, she gives a ring to her granddaughter, Bua Klee (บัวคลี่)(Pissamai Wilaisak), and asks her not to burn her corpse (so opposite of Thai tradition เผาศพ). Bua Klee then becomes possessed by the Kraseu ghost (ถูกวิญญาญกระสือ). Boon Muang (บุญเมือง)(Sombat Methanee) is her husband. Chat (ฉัตร)(Man Teeraphol), a local thug, still tries to seduce her. Phi Chood (จู๊ด)(Choomporn Theppitak), Boon Muang’s closest friend, and Boon Muang chase Chat away. Bua Klee is now pregnant. The Kraseu spirit is inside the ring and is hungry (ไปหากิน). Bua Klee goes outside to look for filthy food and is identified by a villager. She is named as Krasao Sao (กระสือสาว) as the ghost has a young and pretty face! A fight erupts between Chat and Boon Muang as all villagers claim she is a ghost (ผีกระสือ). Boon Muang refuses (ไม่เชื่อ) such allegations but the villagers push him to verify if his wife is a ghost. So he hits her with a stick to chase the ghost but nothing is happening except tears from Bua Klee. A local shaman (หมอผี) Pradit (Tat Ekathat) invokes a dead spirit (ผีโขมดพราย) to take revenge on Boon Muang and Bua Klee. Yomatut, the hell guardian, comes to get his life as he is a nasty man (ลงนรก). Boon Muang decides to leave the village. They take refuge in a relative home, i.e. uncle Chaeng (Sawin Sawangrat). Bua Klee meets another Kraseu old ghost in the village. Bua Klee is delivering her baby in traditional Thai way by holding a rope attached to the ceiling. The Kraseu old ghost and its husband try to steal the baby. Boon Muang fends them off and hits back. The husband (ผีกะหังและกระสือแก่) dies and the Kraseu old ghost dies in the early sunshine. Boon Muang visits the sub district headman of Dong Dok Kaew area (Chao Klaewklong) to bring him some gifts from uncle Chaeng. Madeua (Metta Roongrat) is the daughter of the sub district headman and is fond of Boon Muang. While accompanied by Madeua, Boon Muang is shot in the arm by Chat. Madeua is disappointed to learn that Boon Muang is already married. She used love potions trick to make him forget his wife and son (เสน่ห์ยาแฝด). Meanwhile Bua Klee wishes to get a treasure (สมบัติ) by seeing an ignis fatuus. When a flame is coming from the ground, it is a spirit haven according to traditional belief. She can get the treasure by showing her nudity! But finally, she needs to give the treasure back to the guardian as she still needs to pay for karma (กรรม). Boon Muang and Madeua marry. Following Bua Klee’s request, Uncle Chaeng goes to the subdistrict headman home. The son Chiep is also coming with a sacred thread to recover his father. On the way Chaeng and Chiep see each other without a head! This is a bad omen indicating a forthcoming death! Uncle Chaeng has to shoot Madeua to protect Chiep. The sub district headman wishes to avenge his daughter. Uncle Chaeng and Chiep are shot dead during the fight. Chood is beaten by Chat. Bua Klee finds uncle Chaeng and Chiep dead bodies. Both Chood and Boon Muang are captured by Chat and the sub district headman. Bua Klee interferes as a Kraseu ghost and causes the sub district headman and Chat to shoot each other. Boon Muang refuses to go back with Bua Klee as she is a Kraseu ghost. Following advice from a hermit, finally the body of the grandmother is burnt, and Bua Klee becomes a normal human being again.

Year: 1975
Thai title: โรงแรมผี
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Nard Poowanai,Kanchit Kwanpracha,Manop Aussawathep,Lor Tok,Sayan Chantaraviboon,Chana Sriubon,Sithao Petcharoen,Boo Wibunnan,Tat Ekathat
Main actress: Piyamas Monayakol,Mayurachath Muarnprasitivej,Metta Roongrat
Khun Samong comes in a hotel for one night as it is raining heavily. Her husband chases her but she refuses to follow him up. During the night, she dies being strangled. Footprints on the floor show that the killer is handicapped. The day after a young lady Wilai is coming one night in the same hotel to meet an older man called Siu. He has many banknotes in his suitcase. He also dies and the money disappears. Wilai also dies. The hotel manager Pan finds the money inside his desk drawer. With his partner, he decides to throw away the money in the sea but the banknotes come back with the tide. Khun Samong's husband believes that the hotel management is responsible of his wife's death and the money robbing. So he tries to take revenge over them but it fails. Police is investigating. Khun Samong's husband is also found dead. Finally it is identified that a ghost is living in the hotel. He possessed the hotel manager causing him to walk like a disabled man. Following a chase with the Police, the hotel manager Pan dies. His partner tells a story. Before World War II, Pan flees with a young lady called Sarapee. Sarapee was promised to an older man. This one becomes disabled during World War II due to bombs. He never forgives to Pan and Sarapee. After his death, a house belonging to the older man is given to Pan and Sarapee through legacy. They transform the house into a hotel. Now the ghost is willing to kill all hotel family member one by one, starting with Pan, then his partner. Finally the younger people found that the ghost body is still kept in a crypt below the hotel. They manage to kill the ghost thanks to a sacred Budha image. This movie is different from other Thai horror movies from 1970s decade and more realistic as there are not the usual traditional clown characters that accompany the leading actor.

Year: 1975
Thai title: ครรภ์ผี
English title: The Possessed
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Krung Srivilai,Lo Lieh,Luechai Natnat,Lak Apichat,Chao Klaewklong
Main actress: Runglawan Sripatimakul
Thai movie ครรภ์ผี - 鬼胎 - The Possessed was released in year 1975 and lasts 1h32mn. This movie is only available though VHS in a Chinese or a Thai version. It was certainly longer but VHS movies were often cut to 90 minutes. A Chinese couple in love, Kung Ta (Lo Lieh) and Lei Ting (Runglawan Sripatimakul), are riding a motorbike. They fall from it and the bike cannot be restarted. As rain falls heavily, they take refuge in a cave. This cave features scary statues and human bones. They finally make love in the cave and it wakes up a spirit hidden in a statue. He possesses the man, while he is making love to Lei Ting. Back to Bangkok, Lei Ting is going to hospital, where her father (Chao Klaewklong) is dying. Shek Chiao (Krung Srivilai) as lawyer, is reading the testament. The father disliked Kung Ta as he believed he is lazy. Shek Chiao still loves Lei Ting but she announces him that she is going to marry Kung Ta. Lei Ting names her new husband Mr Pan as managing director. On the wedding night, she cannot stand it and refuses anymore contact with Kung Ta. Luechai Natnat is playing a driver and domestic helper. Lei Ting is finally pregnant. Kung Ta is spoiling the business and is taking his secretary as mistress. Lei Ting discovers her husband is cheating her. Lei Ting is now pregnant for 14 months. Shek Chiao announces to Lei Ting that Kung Ta left for Hong Kong. A baby daughter is born but she has teeth already. This pregnancy was weird indeed. Shek Chiao proposes to be the father but Lei Ting refuses as she has still hope that Kung Ta will come back. Luechai Natnat tries to abuse Ting Lei. He follows a lady (วันทนา บุญบันเทิง) in the garden, who ends up to be a vampire. Lak Apichat as policeman enquiries on the murder. The gouvernante tries to get favour from Ting Lei but luckily Shek Chiao arrives on time. The little girl can transform herself into a beautiful young woman and the governante is also killed. Later on, the vampire tries to get rid of Shek Chiao and policeman Lak Apichat. Shek Chiao’s life is spared as the vampire is afraid of Buddhist amulet. Kung Ta is just back and chases the police when they claim his daughter is a vampire. Kung Ta finally realises his daughter is really a vampire. Police brings Buddhist monks to the cave to exorcise the evil. Finally both Kung Ta and the daughter die in the cave crushed by a big statue.

Year: 1980
Thai title: ผีหัวขาด
English title:
Rating: 4/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Lor Tok,Settha Sirachaya,Pinyo Parnnui,Siripong Isarangkul
Main actress: Wassana Sitthiweth
Thai movie ผีหัวขาด was released in year 1980. It is a lost movie in Thailand. Luckily it was released under VHS format in Taiwan under the name “Siamese curse” / 鬼貢头 in year 1980. It was also released in year 1984 in Malaysia under the name “SUMPAHAN SIAM”. SUMPAHAN SIAM was released in Malaysia so it is dubbed in Malaysian. The VHS features subtitles in English, Chinese and Malaysian! It only lasts 1h17mn. A remake was released in year 2002. Chiao (Sorapong Chatree) and young lady Hsiao Feng (Wassana Sitthiweth) are close friends. Chiao dreams about marrying Hsiao Feng. Settha Sirachaya is Chiao’s close friend. Lor Tok is one of the village masters (หมอผี). Settha Sirachaya asks for love oil to master Lor Tok. Villager Ken's head is found by Lor Tok during incantations. Those repetitive deaths are worrying so village leader asks for defense troops volunteers in order to protect villagers. Chiao (Sorapong Chatree) and Settha are volunteers. Another villager Ah Hing disliking Chiao is volunteer also. Chiao loves Hsiao Feng but refuses to use love oil done by master Lor Tok. Ah Hing has arguments with Chiao. Ah Hing’s father is played by Siripong Isarangkul. A festival is happening so ruffians wish to steal the golden Buddha statue located in the local Buddhist temple. Chiao visits his master, who warns him that he is in danger. He should ordain as monk the day after to avoid losing his life. Chiao acknowledges and leaves. On the way home, a storm occurs, and he looks for a shelter. He ends up in the village Buddhist temple and sees ruffians stealing the golden Buddha statue. He tries to prevent the robbery, but he is killed by ruffian Pinyo Parnnui. His head is cut, and his body hidden in the graveyard. The ruffians fail to steal the Buddha statue. On the following day, Chiao cannot be found in the village. While looking for dead bodies to do corpse oil, Lor Tok finds Chiao's body. Villagers are now aware of his death. The master promises to find the head in order to do a proper cremation ceremony. Meanwhile Chiao’s body wakes up and is looking for his head. He frightens villagers. Ruffians try to steal the golden Buddha again but Chiao stops them. Finally Chiao finds his head. During the village festival, Lor Tok stains Hsiao Feng’s dress by mistake. She goes to the nearest house, i.e. Yin Hing's place, to clean it. There Hsiao Feng finds all the Buddha statues’ stolen heads, so the ruffians have to kill her. Settha interferes and is injured. Villagers try to stop them. Ah Hing threatens to kill Hsiao Feng. Chiao chases them but Siripong involves one skilled master also to fight against Chiao and his master. Chiao’s master is defeated. Chiao breaks his opponent's spells. Siripong and Pinyo get killed. The master burns in the fire. Chaio’s body and his head get cremated in the big fire.

Year: 1981
Thai title: ผีตาโบ๋
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Porjed Kaenpetch,Lor Tok,Sahat Piempongsan,Sithao Petcharoen,Sompong Phonmitr,Thep Thienchai,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress: Naowarat Yooktanun,Preeya Roongrueng,Chosri Misommon
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A fake taxi driver (No taxi meter in 1981 on taxis!) captures a young lady student. His boss, a mysterious and unscrupulous doctor (หมอ) Kampon, takes away her eyes. One of the eyes cannot be used as the fake taxi driver punches her. Da, the doctor’s wife, is blind following a car accident so Kampon needs to find new eyes (ดวงตา). Noi (Naowarat Yooktanun) and Pol,a young couple, are married but have financial difficulties. Pol is looking for a job. The bad servants capture a drunken tramp to steal his eyes. His eyes cannot be used as they are sick (ตายฟรีๆสองคน!). So Kampon shall select next time the donor by himself. Kampon meets Pol and is immediately interested by his eyes. Nang Soi (Preeya Roongrueng), Kampon's servant, is possessed by the two dead spirits (ผีเข้า), i.e. the lady student and the tramp, while walking near their graves. A shaman (หมอผี) is needed. The shaman recommends to put drawing representing religious mystical symbols (ยันต์) and sacred threads (สายสิญจน์) in front of the house to repel ghosts. Kampon's servant comes to take Pol to work. It is a trick to take his eyes to give to his blind wife. The body is thrown away in the same cemetery as the previous bodies (ศพ). Noi has bad premonition about her husband. One of servant Off wishes to help some villagers friends to make love filters so he tells them where to find a fresh dead body, i.e. Pol, to make corpse oil (น้ำมันพราย). Thanks to Pol’s eyes, Da can see again. A shaman (อาจารย์) wakes up Pol's spirit by wishing to get corpse oil (ผีตาโบ๋). It turns to a fiasco. Pol wants his eyes back (เอาลูกตาของกูคืนมา) and wishes to kill Kampon. Noi is worried about her husband and visits Kampon to get news. There is opposition between the modern doctor (นักวิทยาศาสตร์) and the ghost. The doctor has to accept ghost reality and asks help from a traditional shaman called Ket! Pol ghost visits his own house and discusses with his youngest daughter. Only young children are not afraid of ghosts. Pol ghost terrorizes local villagers. Pol appears in Noi's dreams and asks her to remove the sacred items in front of Kampon's house. He is now able inside the house, gets revenge and his eyes back. Shaman Ket cannot help and escapes death as Noi asks Pol ghost to stop his killings. Pol ghost is reduced to ashes and worms as the sunny morning arrives. There is a short funny apparition of legendary comic actor Lor Tok as a guy stealing coconuts at nighttime. As usual in 1980s movies, there is mix of slight horror and comedy with simple Fx effects.

Year: 1981
Thai title: เงินปากผี
English title: Ghost Money
Rating: 3/5
Director: Chana Kraprayoon
Main actor: Jatuphol Poopirom,Lor Tok,Suchao Pongwilai
Main actress: Naowarat Yooktanun,Nipaporn Nongnuch,Chosri Misommon
Malee (Chosri Misommon) is married to Lor Tok, an alcoholic caretaker. Lor Tok has a daughter called Lao (Nipaporn Nongnuch) and a son called Lo. Malee has also a son from a previous wedding. He is called Mon (ทะลึ่ง). Lor Tok is a husband believing his wife more than his children so relationship is very bad between his children and the new wife. Teacher Awan (Naowarat Yooktanun) meets Pop (Jatuphol Poopirom) visiting the countryside per invitation from his friend, a policeman played by Suchao Pongwilai. The father doesn't give money anymore to his children so Lo thinks about stealing the coins from dead corpses (เงินปากผี). With two friends (Biaw and Pui), Lo goes in a Buddhist temple at night time to steal coins from corpses stored in a morgue. The teacher brings Pop to a famous sacred cave where birds can be heard but not seen. Many people died there. The three children spent all their pocket money so decide to go to the sacred cave to look for additional coins. They dig up a coffin with a corpse still in perfect condition (ผีเขมร). One of the kids forces to open the mouth in order to get the coin so causing the dead spirit to be very upset. Biaw dies because of the ghost. The boy Lo wishes to give back the coins to the spirit but Mon has stolen the coins and plan to sell them in Bangkok. The policeman enquiries on the coins found on Biaw. Biaw's mother gives the coins to the teacher. The spirit then possesses the teacher and frightens Pui at night time. Pui is found with burnt hands. As Lo recognises his stealing, the spirit doesn't hurt him but forces him to watch Pui digging endlessly. The spirit is now after Malee and sends hell birds (นกนรก) to punish her as she is a liar. Pui finally dies. A spirit doctor (หมอผี) arrives in the village and warns the teacher Awan that she is possessed. He asks to meet her in the sacred cave to perform an exorcist ceremony (พิธี) but he is found dead. The spirit kills both Malee and Mon. Villagers finally request the help of a Buddhist monk in order to neutralize successfully the evil ghost. In 2014, this movie was fully restored in beautiful colorful HD version by Five Star company.

Year: 1981
Thai title: แก้วกาหลง
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree,Joomjim Khemlek
Main actress: Apaporn Kornthip,Ampha Pusit
Kaew is a slave at the beginning of 20th century. He has an affair with Kalong, his master's daughter. They love each other and she becomes pregnant. Being aware of the situation, the master beats Kaew every day and Kalong is secretly hidden and kept by the master's servants. One of them, drunk, kills Kalong while she is giving birth. Kalong becomes a ghost and kills those who hinder her. Following the abolition of slavery by Rama V, Kaew quits his master's home and settles in another village where he meets a lady called Sonklin. Love goes beyond death and Kalong searches for Kaew. She finally finds Kaew and stays with him. Kaew ignores that his wife is a ghost. Finally Kalong is recognized as a ghost and wants to kill Sonklin and brings Kaew with her. A buddhist monk has to calm down Kalong so that she accepts her death and wishes to meet Kaew again in their next life. The scenario has many similarities with "MAE NAK" ghost (แม่นาค) story. Same as Mae Nak, there is art of compromise in film ending instead of one party winning. This is part of Thai culture. It is a remake of the movie shot in 1967 with legendary stars Mitr Chaibancha and Petchara Chaowarat.

Year: 1982
Thai title: กระสือ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: โกมินทร์
Main actor: Porjed Kaenpetch,Kokheng,Banglae,Sithao Petcharoen,Pipop Pupinyo
Main actress: Apaporn Kornthip,Rossarin Jantra,Pissamai Wilaisak
Thai movie กระสือ was released in year 1982 and last 1h57mn. It was released on various formats including VHS from a video broadcast on TV CH7 (1h28mn) and also a longer version (1h57mn). It was released under VCD format by company Mongkol. Movie director is โกมินทร์. In 1982, the movie was released at the same time in 7 Asian countries, i.e. Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Thailand. Young lady Lam Pleung (Apaporn Kornthip) receives a telegram from her grandmother Sai and has to come back to her home immediately in the countryside. Grandmother Sai wishes Lam Pleung to stop her studies and to take care of the house. While eating with her friend Nuan (Rossarin Jantra), Lam Pleung is annoyed (รังแก) in a restaurant by two village men despising her father and her grandmother as “kraseu” (กระสือ). Kokheng tries to protect her, but she doesn’t need help. Lam Pleung teaches them a lesson. She meets doctor Wittaya (Porjed Kaenpetch) while bringing Banglae and Nuan to make bandages after fighting the two village men. At nighttime, Lam Pleung sees a strange floating light going in her grandmother Sai's room. As the grandmother refuses any allegations, they believe it was just a firefly. Wittaya and Lam Pleung sympathise. It makes Wittaya's girlfriend, Suda, upset. Suda says bad things about Lam Pleung and her grandmother Sai, arguing they are “kraseu”. Lam Pleung finds that her grandmother Sai is really a “kraseu”. Lam Pleung marries doctor Wittaya. They have a son. Grandmother Sai discloses that the family wealth is coming from the fact she became a “kraseu” before. She is about to die and her daughter Waew, a nun (แม่ชี), being a ghost (Pissamai Wilaisak) warns her, but the grandmother is still looking for somebody to take over the spirit. Meanwhile Lam Pleung provides a sacred ring to a friend's mother (วงทอง ผลานุสนธิ์) being possessed. Suda spies the grandmother Sai and discovers she is a “kraseu”. Suda and her father Sithao Petcharoen, being a spirit doctor, try to hurt the grandmother Sai. Waew, the daughter, helps her mother Sai a last time as Suda and her father are trying to hurt her. Lam Pleung still tries to clarify if her grandmother is a “kraseu” or not by asking Banglae. The mother is feeling better thanks to the sacred ring provided by Lam Pleung. Suda and her father ask the husband, Pipop Pupinyo, to borrow the sacred ring. Grandmother Sai is having torments. Banglae warns Lam Pleung, but she has gratitude over her grandmother. So she accepts to become a “kraseu” for her grandmother to stop suffering. Meanwhile ruffians kidnap Lam Pleung’s son. The grandmother Sai visits Lam Pleung in her dreams and asks her to visit nun Waew. Waew recommends Lam Pleung to ordain as nun for one month. Meanwhile shooting happens between ruffians. Knowing the news about ruffians kidnapping her son, Lam Pleung disrobes. She contacts a master (อาจารย์) for him to swap the sacred ring with a fake one. Suda tries to seduce doctor Wittaya, but Lam Pleung discovers them. A misunderstanding occurs between the doctor Wittaya and his wife Lam Pleung. Police surround the ruffians led by Phi Kroi and his wife Wien (รุ่งนภา กลมกล่อม). Police ask them to give back child Eh, Wittaya and Lam Pleung’s son. Shooting happens. Phi Kroi shoots by mistake his own wife Wien. He decides to ordain for the whole life. Eh is released. Suda and her father prepare a plan to hurt Lam Pleung. The father succeeds in getting her saliva. Suda prepares cakes for Eh to eat so that he becomes a krahang spirit (กระหัง). Then her father will catch both Lam Pleung and her son. By mistake, Suda drinks a drink prepared for Eh with tainted saliva. Suda is now a “kraseu”. She gets injured with a knife by a master. Her father becomes a krahang spirit as he drinks a coffee with Suda’s saliva. Before dying, Suda absorbs the “kraseu” spirit from Lam Pleung, so that Lam Pleung can have happiness with Wittaya.
Thai horror movies (หนังผี) includes a mix of comedy and horror. There are a very few scary sequences but a lot of repetitive sequences where a comic character group (ตัวตลก) trying to escape ghosts, running for their lives and failing to get rid of the spirits. Many Thai horror films in 1980s and 1990s decades have flimsy effects and facetious tone. Buddhist monks or "spirits doctors" ("MO PHI" - หมอผี) often help in order to get rid of powerful ghosts in Thai horror movies. In earlier Thai horror movies only a few monks were able to control and get rid of the evil spirits. Now ghosts have become smarter and Thai horror movies often feature exorcists, necromancers and religious men from other cults. These films show that these doctrines are just frauds but they also reflect the weakness in Buddhism.

Year: 1983
Thai title: แก้วขนเหล็ก
English title: The Dracula
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Toon Hiransap,Somphob Benjatikul,Rith Luecha,Somchai Samipak
Main actress: Apiradee Pawaputanon,Mayura Thanabutr,Pornpan Ketmamatsu
Thai movie แก้วขนเหล็ก / The Dracula was released in year 1983 and lasts 1h22mn. It features some background music by Jean-Michel Jarre and also from James Bond movies. Movie director is สุริยน ดวงทองดี. Wat (Toon Hiransap), Dom (Somphob Benjatikul) and Nin (Apiradee Pawaputanon) are discussing. Dom just gets a heritage (มรดก). It is an old haunted abandoned house. He decides to stay there and so starts restoring it (ตกแต่งห้อง). Rose (Mayura Thanabutr), his fiancee (คู่หมั้น), finds that he changed a lot. An old uncle tells the story of the house. Sir Maekin (ท่าน เมฆินทร์) (Rith Luecha), previous prince (ลูกเจ้าพระยา), wished to marry a young lady (played by Apiradee) but the father refused as the lady was already promised to somebody else. So Maekin kidnapped the lady. His father (Somchai Samipak) imprisoned him for a few days until the wedding was over but Maekin disappeared. Legend said that he become a ghost. Toon helps an old uncle aggressed by two ruffians. He gives him a ring supposed to push back ghosts. One night, Dom is possessed by vampire Maekin. Rose's birthday will happen soon. Dom places a transparent coffin in the house's underground (ห้องใต้ดิน). Dom becomes normal while holding a Buddha amulet, which burns his hand. Maekin possesses him again. Wat uses Tibetan prayers to neutralize the vampire (ผีดิบ). The vampire possesses Wat's young brother (ปรัชญา) in order to shoot Wat. Under Maekin’s influence, Dom kidnaps Nin. Wat has no choice but to affront the vampire and use the special ring… A first version was released in year 1971 with Petchara Chaowarat and a later one in year 2003.

Year: 1983
Thai title: ปีศาจมันสมอง
English title: The Black Magic with Buddha
Rating: 3/5
Director: Lo Lieh
Main actor: Lo Lieh,Boo Wibunnan,Pumi Patanayut
Main actress: Candice Yu,Sinjai Hongthai
Thai HK movie ปีศาจมันสมอง / 腦魔 / The Black Magic with Buddha was released in year 1983. It lasts 1h32mn. The movie is lost in Thailand but was recovered from HK. The remaining version has Chinese and English subtitles but has been dubbed also in Thai. Thai VCD was released under the name ปีศาจมันสมอง. A poster under the name อาถรรพณ์สมองผี can also be found. Ben went to Indonesia to recover some sacred item. It is a mummy brain. He shall worship it, asks for a single wish and then destroys it thanks to holy water. If he is greedy, it will backfire on him. He is now back to Bangkok. He wishes to marry Annie (Candice Yu) but Annie's brother Kit (ภูมิ พัฒนายุทธ) refuses until Ben has 1M USD in bank. Boo Wibunnan is Annie’s father. Ben asks a wish to the sacred brain. He asks money to his sister. As she refuses, he curses her. Later on, the evil spirit kills her. He then inherits 1M USD and can marry Annie. He worships again the brain to have a happy wedding. Strange accidents happen around his home, animals without brain are found dead. Ben asks for 2M USD from his father-in-law for a risky gold investment but Kit refuses. Kit finally dies as Ben asks the spirit to help him. Annie breaks accidentally the holy water bottle while cleaning Ben's room. Mary, Kit's wife (Sinjai Hongthai), and the father come to stay with Ben and Annie. The spirit starts to be more menacing. Ben buries the brain and puts a big stone on it to avoid it can escape. Annie and Mary decide to put a Brahma shrine in their house to stop the bad luck happening to the family. Annie changes a lot. She becomes vegetarian and refuses contacts with Ben. The spirit also attacks Ben. Ben decides to consult a famous master (อาจารย์) (Lo Lieh) who exorcises him but he cannot remove completely the evil spirit. Ben finally becomes a living evil spirit with his face becoming a brain. The master and Brahma god join their effort to fight and destroy the evil spirit.

Year: 1984
Thai title: ผีเอ๊าะ เอ๊าะ
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: นฤชา
Main actor: Porjed Kaenpetch,Lor Tok,Note Chernyim,Krai Kanchit
Main actress: Anchalee Chaisiri
Thai movie ผีเอ๊าะ เอ๊าะ was released in year 1984. It was released under VCD format by Rose company. Movie director is นฤชา. A Thai husband called Sankap (Krai Kanchit) comes to rest in a remote house with his wife Oon (Anchalee Chaisiri), a domestic helper and his teenage daughter, Kaew (วัยหวาน อลิษา มิลเล่อร์). Ting is the mute (ใบ้) guardian of the old house. He is similar to a Quasimodo. Strange and scary noises can be heard at nighttime especially in the attic. Bones (ที่เก็บกระดูก) are found there. Kaew has her periods for the first time (เป็นสาวแล้ว). Through hidden passages in the house walls, the guardian spies the family. Through incantations, the guardian is calling an old spirit (ปลุกวิญญาณ) in front of a skeleton. The spirit needs a virgin (หญิงพรหมจารี) and pure blood. The spirit extended his life since more than 100 years thanks to virgin blood (บริสุทธิ์). Kaew is finally possessed (ถูกผีเข้า), speaks with a male voice and has extreme strength (แรงมาก). She tries to strangle the domestic helper. While her father is out to get a doctor, Kaew continues her rampage towards her mother and the domestic helper. The mother and domestic helper are not strong enough to face such a hell spirit (ผีนรก). The domestic helper is killed. Sankap arrives too late with a doctor. The doctor is even thrown out of the window and dies. Vichan (Porjed Kaenpetch), Sankap’s friend, visits them and is surprised to find the house very quiet. He also sees the two corpses. He has difficulties to believe in ghosts until the spirit wakes up. Vichan suspects the guardian so he follows him up inside his hut. Oon suggests to call a shaman (หมอผี). The guardian is neither mute neither handicapped. Some zombies try to catch Vinchan. Meanwhile the spirit lies to Oon and convinces her to open the locked door. A fight happens between the spirit and Sankap. Despite cutting its arms and head, Sankap is overcome by the spirit. Sankap and Oon are killed. A purification fire started by Vichan burns the skeleton and wax effigies. Spirits are defeated. Vichan promises to take care of Kaew. Compared to other contemporary 1980s Thai horror movies, this movie doesn't have much comic relief despite Lor Tok and Note Chernyim acting, so it is more similar to western standards despite having simple Fx. It could be the Thai version of "The Exorcist"!

Year: 1984
Thai title: เดชผีดิบ
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Lor Tok
Main actress:
Dr Montree is a middle age man celebrating his birthday. He receives a big gift from England. It contains a coffin with an embalmed body inside. During the next full moon happens, the body wakes up. It is a vampire (ผีดิบดูดเลือด) but a foreign vampire (ผีฝรั่ง). Few gags happen as the foreign vampire has difficulty to get along with Thai ghosts. This vampire has the physical appearance of Frankenstein. He brings a young lady to his coffin and makes her his wife. A love story starts between human and ugly vampire. The vampire wishes to change his voice as it is too sharp. He proposes an exchange to Dr Montree. The vampire can now sing folk (ลูกทุ่ง) songs with a pitched voice. When the vampire realizes he lost his masculinity, he chases Dr Montree (เอาของกูคืนมา) to get it back. This is really a crazy movie and Lor Tok's performance is not enough to avoid the sinking. This movie uses Culture Club's Boy George as soundtrack. It lasts only 1h10 so either the montage is really bad or it has been censored. เดชผีดิบ first movie with Sombat Methanee was released in year 1968.

Year: 1984
Thai title: เสน่ห์นางพราย
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Lor Tok,Note Chernyim,Krai Kanchit
Main actress:
Thai movie เสน่ห์นางพราย was released in year 1984 and lasts 1h42mn. It was released under VCD format by company Lepso. Three young adults (an engaged couple and a bachelor called Itthi) visit a countryside village and deliver books to the subdistrict headman (กำนัน)(Krai Kanchit). The subdistrict headman has a young new wife called Mon and a young daughter called Chamrien from his first wedding. Both women have sexy tempers. Chatree loves Wan, his fiancee (คู่หมั้น), a lot. Itthi is a young bachelor, played by Note Chernyim. They want a quiet place to rest and to study to prepare exams. The subdistrict headman likes to talk to monks (คุยกับพระ) and is very interested by Buddhist prayers (สนใจ). His main wish is to extend the local Buddhist temple (ทำบุญ). So his wife Mon is very bored. She is having an affair with villager Jom (เก็บเรื่องนี้เป็นความหลับ). Mon is also wandering around Chatree. Meanwhile Chamrien is wandering around Itthi. The subdistrict headman's male helpers, Jom and Kaem, are unhappy about this and complain about Bangkok people (คนกรุง). At nighttime, a ghost (Nang Phanee) appears. Chatree sees Nang Phanee bathing in a river (classical Thai movie scene with the Thai actress using a tight sarong [ผ้าถุง] and bathing in a stream). Nang Phanee is ภูติรักยั่วสวาท, i.e. a ghost, who still wishes to seduce men, The charm of Nang Phanee causes instant love from Chatree. The following day, Nang Phanee also seduces Itthi. Wan believes Chatree is becoming crazy (คนบ้า) as he is giving kisses to an invisible ghost. Nang Phanee enjoys playing tricks with Chatree and Itthi. Mon declares her love towards Chatree to Wan. The subdistrict headman's helpers try to abuse Wan (สาวกรุงเทพ) but Nang Phanee defeats them. The subdistrict headman's helpers are chased from his house. They contact a master (อาจารย์) (Lor Tok) to have him doing magic filters (ทำเสน่ห์ให้). He is half crazy. He is also contacted to remove infidelity from the body of sub-district headman's wife and the students. He needs to face Nang Phanee and chases her (ไล่ผี). But the master is in fact very smart. He chases another ghost and keeps Nang Phanee for him!!

Year: 1984
Thai title: ยันต์สู้ผี
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: บุษกร
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress:
Thai movie ยันต์สู้ผี was released in year 1984. Company New Royal Group released the movie on one VCD disc only and its lasts 1h18mn. The movie was also released under VHS (1h46mn). Many horror movies from 1980s had erotic sequences (โป๊แก้หมด). Those sequences were then cut when VCDs were released in decade 2000s. Such movies had limited budget but did well on box office especially in second class theaters (โรงหนังชั้นสอง). During this period, VHS players were still too expensive, so such movies had good commercial success. Famous actresses in such kind of movies were Praew Mardmarud, ใจกานต์ จิตปฏิมา. Movie director is บุษกร. Actors and actresses featured in this movie are Tanit Pongmanoon, วัลลภ นพสมบูรณ์, Somsak Chaisongkram, นที บุนนาค, เนตร นที, สงัด เพ็ญแข, รพีพรรณ จันทรา, ปรางค์, นาคบุน, น้อย โพธิ์งาม, ยาว น่ารัก, เดช ดำเกิง, ชีวิต อิสระ, ยง หน้ามอต, บรรพต พลขันธุ์, จริยา สอนเขียว, ทม ศรีวัฒนา. Most of the actors and actresses are unknown. Kwan tries to stop his younger brother Dao (Tanit Pongmanoon). Dao is disappointed that his girlfriend Deuan marries another man due to gratitude debts between parents. Nat (Somsak Chaisongkram), son of a rich man, shall marry Deuan but Deuan doesn't love him. Deuan gets suicide on the wedding day. The groom's father chases all of them. Deuan's father is upset and sends spirits to get revenge. A local master (อาจารย์) Saming chases the spirits away. Dao still misses Deuan. While Dao and Kwan are away, their sister Kanya is raped by Nat and his men. Rung, Kanya's boyfriend, wishes to get revenge over Nat. Fighting occurs between all of them. During fighting, Nat falls in the kitchen fire and dies. The master Saming proposes to Nat's spirit to enter into a new body (ร่างใหม่) as his current body cannot be used anymore due to burnt eyes and face. Master Saming finds corpses (เก็บศพ) for Nat to choose. Choices are limited so finally Nat enters in the body of a young man named Dam, who just died. A local sorcerer (แม่หมอ) is invoking Deuan to get news. Deuan tries to face master Saming but fails as he is very powerful. Deuan visits Dao at night time as she misses him. Wilai and Kwan are also having a romance. Saming has a plan to kill Kwan and Wilai. The father wishes to get back his daughter Wilai but she refuses to leave her husband Kwan. Fighting and magic spells occur. Deuan is able to defeat Dam and ensures that Nat will not rebirth again. A monk intervenes and neutralises Master Saming. Deuan finally accepts her death and leaves this world. Dao becomes a monk.

Year: 1984
Thai title: ผ่าโลง
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: น้ำมนต์
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress:
Thai movie ผ่าโลง was released in year 1984 and lasts 1h56mn. It was released under VCD by Lepso company Ltd and also under VHS format. Movie director is น้ำมนต์. Thai actors and actresses are Tanit Pongmanoon, วัลลภ นพสมบูรณ์, Somsak Chaisongkram, นที บุญนาค, ปรางค์ นาคบุญ, บรรพต พลขันต์, สงัด เพ็ญแข, ยงค์ หน้ามอด, เดช ดำเกิง, new actress สรัญญา เสนีย์, sexy actress รพีพรรณ จันทรา. When this movie was projected, an advertisement was announcing that special scenes were present (ฉากพิเศษ / ฉากเรทR). Many horror movies (such as แม่หมอน้ำมันพราย, อาถรรพ์น้ำมันพราย, ค้างคาวทอง, เดชผีดิบ...) followed this trend as adding erotic sequences was a guarantee for good earnings. Such special scenes were shown in stand-alone theaters (โรงชั้นสอง) during late night projection or on the first projection of the day in the morning. It was also a concern to show such movies during outdoor cinema sessions as there were often children. Sometimes the special scenes were collected on one reel and shown all together at a late time when children were back home. Finally, less people went to see outdoor cinema sessions as such movies were targeting male audiences only. One erotic sequence is featured in Thai movie ผ่าโลง. An extraordinary lighting makes sorcerer spirit (แม่หมอ) Nuan to wake up and to be back. She releases her werewolf called Cham. They are looking for revenge towards the village leader Tap. Teacher Yot (Tanit Pongmanoon) is going to welcome a friend, being a doctor and visiting the village. The village leader Tap wishes to send his daughter Tap Tim to Bangkok to study sewing. The teacher is wishing to help. Local shaman Kong (หมอผี) has a younger wife named Chom. Cham changes himself into young lad Det to attract Chom. Kom helps his wife and Cham flees. Cham possesses the village leader Tap, who becomes a werewolf also. The next day, a woman's dead body is found. Many scratches are found on her body. The sub-district officer Somsak (Somsak Chaisongkram) asks the doctor for advice. Nuan kills another shaman. Teacher Yot sees the scene and is chased by Nuan in order to silence him. Nuan can transfer herself into a powerful owl to chase her victims. Yot fights against Nuan and hopefully a chinese Shaman rescues Yot. A werewolf (หมาป่า) attacks and kills Choompu, Choo’s wife. Choo is the henchman of the sub-district officer Somsak. At the same time, Yot, with clothes full of blood as being injured, exits from the forest. The villagers believe Yot is the werewolf. About to burn Yot, the doctor intervenes to stop villagers. To avoid burning an innocent, the sub-district officer Somsak agrees to wait one day to see if Yot becomes a werewolf. Meanwhile the village leader Tap, being a werewolf, becomes human after meeting his daughter Tap Tim. Village leader Tap kills three guards to release the teacher Yot. Yot takes refuge in a Chinese temple. Villagers arrest the doctor as they believe he released his friend Yot. Shaman Kong announces to sub-district office Somsak that the werewolf is the village leader Tap. Daughter Tap Tim warns her father Tap, the village leader, so that he can flee. The doctor and young lady Soi follow the village leader Tap to know Yot whereabouts. Unfortunately, the doctor and Soi are killed by the village leader Tap becoming a werewolf again. Shaman Kong, knowing that his wife has an affair with young lad Det, sends werewolf Cham to kill both Chom and Det. The corpses are found but the subdistrict headman Somsak is concerned that their injuries are different from werewolf scratches. The sub-district headman Somsak suspects Shaman Kong and tries to catch him but Kong sends Chom spirit to kill Somsak. Finally, Nuan kills Somsak. Teacher Kathin's father is killed by werewolf Tap. Finding where teacher Yot is hiding by following Tap Tim and Kathin, Choo tries to kill Yot but fails. Choo is also finally killed by the werewolf Tap. Nuan defies Kong and following an epic battle, Kong is defeated. Teacher Yot promises to help Kathin. Yot and two ladies are attacked by werewolf Tap. Tap Tim, in order to protect Yot, has to stab the werewolf Tap, being her father. She gets hit by the werewolf and dies. Tired by Nuan’s exactions, the Chinese shrine spirit has to defy Nuan. Nuan and Cham are defeated and held captive in a bottle. Yot, carrying Tap Tim’s body, and Kathin are leaving.

Year: 1984
Thai title: ค้างคาวทอง
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: น้ำมนต์
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress:
Thai movie ค้างคาวทอง / Gold bat was released in year 1984 and lasts 1h51mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company Ltd. Sexy scenes are censored in the VCD. Thai actors and actresses featured are Tanit Pongmanoon, โอมาร์ ลาวัลย์, วัลลภ นพสมบูรณ์, Somsak Chaisongkram, น้อย โพธิ์งาม, ขวัญใจ สรัญญา, ยง, ชีวิต, บรรพต, สงัด, รพีพรรณ จันทรา. Movie director is น้ำมนต์. Chaoba, a widowed lady, has a baby. Middle- aged man Boonleut is brought by the village leader to her house. The village leader receives money as reward. Boonleut abuses her. Chaoba leaves her baby daughter to a grandfather and wishes to take revenge over Boonleut. Years have passed. Chai (Tanit Pongmanoon) is part of a Likay troupe. A golden bat attacks a few villagers during the performance. Chai helps to push back the golden bat, trying to grab a young girl. Boonleut's daughter, Rarai, likes Chai. Nieng is the daughter of local shaman (หมอ) Takier (Somsak Chaisongkram). Takier accepts helping for a fee of 50,000 THB. Kae Son, daughter of Chaoba, is the golden bat. Takier captures her and she is held prisoner in a bottle. Chai and his brother Chit wish to go to the city to look for good fortune, but their mother is reluctant. Takier proposes to Chit to learn magic skills (เล่นวิชา). Takier faces sorceress Chaba and uses Chit as a hunchback. Chaoba retreats. Chaoba takes her revenge by luring Takier's son, Seuak. Chaoba releases the golden bat but it refuses obeying to her and flees. Chit, being a hunchback, goes back to see his family but he is perceived as a monster. A fight erupts with his brother Chai. The father is attacked by the golden bat and is injured. The golden bat needs blood. Kae Son wishes to stop being the golden bat and to be a human again, but she has to behave well for three months. Chaoba wishes to partner with shaman Takier to capture the golden bat. Takier's daughter, Nieng, discloses the truth to Chai about Chit becoming a hunchback. His father dies by heart attack when knowing the truth. Takier orders Chit to kill his own family. The golden bat helps Chai against Chit (ทำความดี) but the mother dies. Boonleut is captured by ruffians led by Seua Yai. Rarai comes to help. Ruffians ask for ransom. Ruffians are shot by Rarai and her brother Seuak. Chaoba is calling Rarai through remote possession. Chaoba also kidnaps Boonleut's youngest daughter. She wishes to hurt Boonleut by hurting his family. Takier attracts Rarai to his home. Her father Boonleut is following with ruffians to help but Takier sends Chit to block them. Chaoba is reunited with her daughter Kae Son. Nieng tries to convince Takier (หมอลามก) not to hurt Rarai. Fighting occurs. Boonleut's son is killed. Chit dies. Takier is defeated. The golden bat becomes a human. Chai leaves and carries his brother's dead body.

Year: 1984
Thai title: นางพรายคะนองรัก
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: ศุกร์ 13
Main actor: Krai Kanchit,Lor Tok,Note Chernyim
Main actress:
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Thai movie นางพรายคะนองรัก was released in year 1984 and lasts 1h37mn. it was released under VCD format by company Premium. Movie director is ศุกร์ 13. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Krai Kanchit, Lor Tok, Note Chernyim, ยอด นครนาย, เบิ้ม, ยักษ์, ซาษา, หนึ่งฤทัย, รัตติยา ทิพาพรรณ, พรรณธิกา ดาราพร, เพ็ญแข ปัญโส. Young men Pon and Yot have issues with the village leader's son while eating with young ladies Raem (นาเดียร์ แอลโดซาลี) and Soi. A fight occurs between the men. Raem's mother is sick and needs to stay in the village clinic. Krai (Krai Kanchit), new stepfather, is attracted to young lady Raem. Raem is raped by her stepfather (พ่อเลี้ยง). She discloses the truth to her boyfriend พี่ Pon (ชาตรี ธนะพงษ์) but he accuses her to be an easy girl (ใจง่าย). Disappointed by her stepfather and being misunderstood by Pon, Raem leaves the house. The mother comes back home but doesn't find her daughter Raem. Raem is finally found. She hangs up herself to a tree. The mother wants to understand why her daughter dies. Pon doesn't understand either. Young lady Deuan visits Pon. Pon cannot forget Raem. Soi wishes to help Deuan. Villagers discuss Raem being back as a ghost. Being drunk, the village leader's son visits the cemetery where Raem's body is resting. They face a skeleton being alive (ผีหลอก). They flee away as it is Raem. Raem ghost sees Pon and Deuan being lovers. Raem is concerned as two women, Deuan and Taeng Oon, love Pon. She asks Pon to be back with her. Pon cannot accept as they are not living in the same world anymore. Raem promises revenge over those who hurt her. She kills them one by one. The villager leader's son requests help from a local master (อาจารย์). Some villagers wear a dress (ผ้าถุง) as Raem is killing all men in the village. Taeng Oon visits the master to get a love philter to seduce Pon. The master (หมอผี) defies Raem (นางพราย) but gets defeated. Raem beheads him. The village leader asks all villagers to sleep together to be able to protect each other. A procession led by Note arrives in the village. A palanquin is used to carry Master Lor Tok and his young wife. They stop in the village. Raem is too strong for Master Lor Tok so finally Raem's mother spirit intervenes to stop her.

Year: 1985
Thai title: จอมเมฆินทร์
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Rith Luecha,Note Chernyim,Krai Kanchit
Main actress:
This movie related to a vampire is another B grade Thai horror movie. Dead bodies are found in a village. Doctor Solot is ordering his caretaker to find bodies part. Nobody in the village can meet or see doctor Solot. Doctor Solot has one exorbitant eye and needs to finish a mysterious job. He wishes to make a perfect creature with dead elements. Meanwhile a few Bangkokian friends (Eung, Dong, Vichak) arrive in the village. The Frankenstein creature created by doctor Solot is defeated. At the same time a vampire spirit (วิญญาณ) is released unfortunately by a villager lady called Tengnam. The spirit was prisoner of the bottle previously by the local sorcerer (หมอผี). The vampire, called Maekin (เมฆินทร์), takes possession of doctor Solot's body. He is looking for beautiful ladies blood. He likes a young lady called Eungkam. A nun (Nang Suchatada) arrives in the village. The vampire wishes to get nun Suchatada as his wife. The nun, the Bangkokian friends and Eungkam unify their efforts to fight against the vampire. The local sorcerer contacts an hermit (ฤาษี) to know how to get rid of the vampire. Three weapons are needed to kill the vampire, i.e. jasmine flower (ดอกมะลิ), a magic sword and blood from virgin. Tengnam is also under the vampire spell. She gives poisoned fruits to the local sorcerer who dies. Anyway the nun succeeds to get all ingredients to fight the vampire. The vampire is defeated by the nun but many villagers and Vichak die. This B grade movie has a little budget, simple Fx effects and features many deaths. It is a remake of the movie shot in 1973 with Sombat Methanee.

Year: 1985
Thai title: ระฆังผี
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Sithao Petcharoen,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress: Praew Mardmarud
Village leader (ผู้ใหญ่) Krai is a rich man. His wife Lamduan (ใจสัตว์) is having an affair with An, a local ruffian. Meanwhile An has made Dokmai, a local lady villager, pregnant and swears (สาบาน) to marry her. The child shall be born soon. Chot, Dokmai’s brother, is upset by this situation but cannot complain as An is his boss. There is a temple fair with musical folk drama (ลิเก) and a bell is offered to the temple. A nice Buddhist countryside ceremony is shown with the temple bell consecration. It ends tragically as the village leader is pushed into the bell in hot fusion and dies. An becomes the new village leader. A new visitor arrives in the village. His name is Chok and he has been hired by An to protect Pen and her sister Pol, daughters of former Village leader Krai. Lamduan is only their stepmother (แม่เลี้ยง). An will give their heritage back when they get married but he already started to spend a lot. An forgets Dokmai. Village leader ghost (ผีผู้ใหญ่) appears and visits his daughter Pen to tell her the truth and to beware of An. Chok is a hitman (มือปืน) so Pen doesn't trust him either. The ghost kills three ruffians involved in his murder. An still refuses to recognize Dokmai’s pregnancy. Dokmai dies in a fire set in her house by An's ruffians. Chot promises to revenge. Lamduan orders to burn both Pen and Pol but Chok helps them on time. Dokmai ghost appears to kill Lamduan as she has taken away An from her. The village leader ghost tries to kill both Lamduan and An as they planned to kill him. Luckily for them the abbot (หลวงพ่อ) amulet chases the ghost away. An recruits a master (อาจารย์) but he is useless. Dokmai ghost strangles Lamduan while she was having a bath so without any Buddhist amulet protection. An hires another master to fight the two ghosts (โจรเราไม่เลี้ยง). Dokmai ghost is neutralised. Chok is an uncovered policeman. He wishes to capture An but this latter escapes and is followed up by Krai ghost. Finally Chot and An kill each other (ทำความชั่วตายจากความชั่ว). Parts of the movie are missing.

Year: 1987
Thai title: เหตุเกิดที่ห้องไอซียู
English title: Ghost in ICU room
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Apichat Halamjiak,Kriengkrai Unhanan
Main actress: Pissamai Wilaisak,Naowarat Yooktanun,Apiradee Pawaputanon,Pen Pisut
Doctor (หมอ) Bucha saves Mrs Kamala life through reanimation. Mrs Kamala has heart problems since years and had helped to donate (บริจาค) money for the hospital construction. Mrs Kamala and her family, including her two daughters Koi and Kung, come to rest at a seaside resort. Doctor Bucha is married to Noon, who is always very jealous and doesn't like he spends too much time with patients. Koi and Kung are dragged in a dirty trick by Noon's brother following a party but the doctor, aware, can help the two sisters. Noon is jealous of Koi and Kung as she has concerns to protect her husband. Koi knows Bucha before Noon. Bucha and Noon is an arranged wedding and not a love wedding. Korn's brother, Nat, is a lazy guy, who wishes to marry Koi as she is coming from a rich family. A ceremony is organised for the new hospital building offered by Kamala. Noon jokes about entering ICU room to be close to her husband. This is a bad omen as she has a car accident while following her brother stealing goods from her home. But Noon spirit (วิญญาณ) is still around (พี่หมอค่ะ). A nurse trying to seduce Doctor Bucha is found dead. Bucha is accused by the police. Noon now threatens Koi and asks her to stop seeing doctor Bucha. At nighttime Noon frightens Mrs Kamala causing her to have a heart attack. Mrs Kamala seems to be dead but she suddenly resurrects being possessed by Noon. Mrs Kamala starts to behave like Noon and tries to seduce Doctor Bucha. A domestic helper understanding that Mrs Kamala is now a ghost gets killed also. Mrs Kamala's husband decides to consult a monk on spirit chasing. A sacred cloth is given. Mrs Kamala tries to kill her own daughter Koi but the usage of the sacred cloth neutralizes successfully the evil spirit. Bucha and Koi can now have happiness. This movie is 1h16mn only.

Year: 1987
Thai title: ผู้หญิงคนนี้ไม่ใช่ผี
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Pen Pisut
A woman has a very weird behavior. She is behaving like a ghost. His husband doesn't know what to do as doctors cannot find anything wrong. Her best friend, believing that she is possessed, decides to help by using a spirit doctor. A strange old man is seen wandering around the house. The old maid, taking care of the possessed woman, seems to know him. The husband, fed up by his wife's behavior, is spending time outside with a mistress. The best friend's willingness to help ends tragically by her death. Her boyfriend continues to investigate to reveal the truth.

Year: 1987
Thai title: ภูติเสน่หา
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Chatchai Plengpanich
Main actress: Jarunee Sooksawad
A woman is killed by three bad boys. Then she becomes a fearful ghost called "PHI TAI HONG" (ผีตายโหง). These spirits died of violent death (murder, crash car and so on...). The velocity of their death surprised them. She starts to kill many people and takes revenge. Her family tries to ease her wrath. Will she harm her own family?

Year: 1989
Thai title: ผีสองนาง
English title: Heavenly Spell
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Suchao Pongwilai,Paen Pleumsachai
Main actress:
Thai movie ผีสองนาง was released in year 1989 and lasts 1h13mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company. A VHS version was released in Hong Kong under the name of Heavenly Spell / 菩薩咒 / Heavenly Devil in year 1991. It was also released again in Thailand under the name of นิกายมนต์ดำนรก. Main actors and actresses are Bin Banleurit, Suchao Pongwilai, Paen Pleumsachai, วาสิฎฐี ศรีโรฟุ้ง, ศศิมาภรณ์ ไชยโกมล. Thai movie ผีสองนาง is based on a real legend in Nong Khai province. Two sisters drowned in the Mekong river with a treasure chest while escaping Vientiane during the Thai looting in year 1828. They become ghosts protecting the treasure chest. They can metamorphose themselves into giant mystical snake or พยานาค. The shrine is located in a Thai Buddhist temple in Sri Chiang Mai. A convoy led by two noble Laotian ladies is transporting a treasure. They are attacked by Thai robbers. Seeing the beautiful ladies, the robbers wish to abuse them. A young Thai man interposes but he is outnumbered. They have to flee. Both ladies fall in the river. The young man is only able to rescue one lady. The other lady drowns. The treasure has fallen in the Mekong river also. Later on, a shrine is built on the river bank as homage to the drown lady. A local young girl, named Lamyai, refuses to give respect to the shrine. At night time, the spirit kidnaps Lamyai. Snakes prints are seen. Lamyai is the district officer’s (Paen Pleumsachai) daughter. He asks help from witchdoctor (หมอ) Chook (Bin Banleurit). Chook promises to help to recover his daughter. He dives in the river to find Lamyai. Chook fights and defeats a big snake (งูเจ้าแม่). Lamyai doesn't wake up but finally the snake spirit accepts to release Lamyai’s spirit to ease tensions in the village. The snake spirit changes its appearance to lie to old villagers to get unction (ยาทำแผล) to cure the injury caused by Chook at its neck. If the snake spirit gets cured, it will be danger (อาละวาด) for villagers again. Chook makes special ceremony (พิธี). The snake spirit (พญานาค) hires two others black magic sorcerers to fight against him. Another witch doctor warns Chook (ของดีในตัว) that the snake spirit will try to hurt him again (ปล้ำ). Chook has to face a Cambodian black magic sorcerer looking for troubles. Chook dives in the river and gets the treasure back. Suchao Pongwilai is pushed by the snake spirit to defeat Chook. Knowing that the snake spirit has no more treasure, Suchao decides to play his own game to defeat both Chook and the snake spirit. He even destroys the ghost shrine (ไม่มีที่พักอัศาย). Finally understanding that Chook uses white magic and not black magic like the cheating sorcerer Suchao, the snake spirit helps in order to defeat Suchao. The snake spirit forgives Chook for taking initially the treasure chest and the ghost shrine is rebuilt. Do good deeds, get rewards. Do bad deeds, get death.

Year: 1990
Thai title: 7 ป่าช้า ตอนผีแหกท้อง
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
พี่ Phai is a young man keeping buffalos. Young ladies Lampoo and Reun have interest in Phai. But Phai cannot forget his former girlfriend Riem, who has left for Bangkok. She is now married and pregnant. Riem comes back to countryside as her husband, Pradet, is a bad guy. She dies when giving birth to her child. Her husband arrives on time for the funeral ceremony. He tries to force her sister Reun to become his new wife but Riem's ghost prevents this. Pradet recruits a master (อาจารย์) to provide him corpse oil (น้ำมันพราย) to make love filters (ยาเสน่ห์) in order to seduce Reun and help him to get rid of Riem ghost, who is a powerful spirit (ผีตายโหงทองกลม) because it has the power of two people (the baby and the mother). But the ghost breaks sacred threads (สายสิญจน์) and chases them (there is always the classic gag when many actors enter a water jar one by one to escape ghost and then flee one by one as there is already another ghost in the water jar). They request support of a monk. Riem listens to monk advice and give them a last chance of redemption. Pradet recruits another master from Cambodia, who also fails due his lust following a beautiful lady, who is in fact an ugly ghost. Kathin festival (ทอดกฐิน) happens. During the ceremony Pradet tries to kidnap Reun but it fails again. Riem comes for Phai and asks him to marry her young sister, Reun. A third master is used by Pradet to stop Riem but it fails again. Pradet, afraid of Riem, becomes crazy paying for his bad karma. Riem leaves after Phai promises in front of Reun to marry her. "7 ป่าช้า" is related to people involving in black magic (เล่นของ) with human bones or potions such as corpse oil. This movie is typical of Thai horror movies in end of 1980s mixing horror and comedy (ghost wishing to play cards, ghosts playing คู่กรรม role), dog howling announcing ghost appearance, American Halloween movie soundtrack used...

Year: 1990
Thai title: อาถรรพณ์ตุ๊กแกผี
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
A group of student is looking for house lizards. One of them is bitten by a magical house lizard and becomes bewitched. His behaviour starts to change; he protects and commands the house lizards. His girl friend also becomes bewitched. They start to transform themselves gradually in house lizard.

Year: 1990
Thai title: ตัณหาพระจันทร์ 1
English title: Midnights shade 1
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress: Darin Kornsakoon
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Thai movie ตัณหาพระจันทร์ 1 / Midnight Shade was released in year 1990 and last 1h24mn. It was released under VHS format and also VCD format by multiple companies (Lepso, Happy Time, APS). Thai actors and actresses featured are Darin Kornsakoon, เดชา เสนาวัฒน์, Somsak Chaisongkram, ชาตรี มณีวรรณ, วัสสรรค์ เพิ่มลาภ, จเด็จ อินทิแสง. Movie director is สันติ เอนกนนท์. Toranong Srichua was consulted as an advisor for this movie. Many Grade B Thai horror films from 1990s decade included erotic sequences and poor Fx effects. Budget was limited as the business target was often Thai provinces. A second opus of this movie was released in 1991. Young villager Yom is abused in her house by an invisible spirit (ผีเข้า). Sing (Somsak Chaisongkram), village leader, is living with his daughter Chaba (Darin Kornsakoon). Visitors from Bangkok are coming. Villager Mek loves Chaba but this love is not reciprocal. Mek doesn't like the Bangkokian guys to be around Chaba. Sing has a weird behavior… Sing recalls a relationship (ชู้) with another woman. He killed the husband during a fight as he was being uncovered. At nighttime Sing becomes a werecat following incantations and blood pouring on corpse oil (น้ำมันพรายเสือสมิง). He visits Yom again and kills her after having made love to her. He eats her flesh. Yom's husband has become crazy. Back home, Sing vomits so his daughter is concerned about his health. She asks one of the Bangkokian doctor to check him. Sing meets uncle Yong and asks him for help but Yong refuses as Sing is responsible of what is happening (ฅามกรรม). Sing wishes to avoid his daughter Chaba becoming a werecat like him. Sing finally dies and the spirit enters Chaba's body. As Chaba starts to vomit, Mek believes she is pregnant due to Bangkokian doctor. Villagers believe deaths are due to wandering tigers. Mek kills a villager and accuses the two Bangkokian visitors of being responsible for the deaths. Uncle Yong tries to convince people that the murders are linked to werecats (เสือสมิง). At nighttime Chaba, as werecat, kills Mek. Uncle Yong and the Bangkokian doctors help each other to chase the fearful spirit out of Chaba's body.

Year: 1990
Thai title: ภูตอเวจี
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Sorapong Chatree
Main actress:
In a previous life, a powerful Thai lord has many slaves. Acting brutally, he took advantage of slave women. One of them finally commited suicide and her ghost killed the Thai Lord. One hundred years later, the Thai lord reincarnation is back and is trying to seduce his previous slave woman.

Year: 1990
Thai title: ล้างเผ่าพันธุ์โคตรผีปอบ
English title: Holocaust of the ogre clan
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Lak Apichat,Joomjim Khemlek
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
Two young soldiers find a decomposed body in a bag floating on the river. They decide to bury it. A spirit exits from the tomb and transforms itself into a beautiful lady called Nuan (Trirak Rakkarndee). Nuan is given refuge in the soldiers’ home as she claims she is on the way to Bangkok but it is already nighttime. Nuan loves immediately Cheut as he is kind hearted man. It generates jealousy from Khun, the subdistrict headman’s (กำนัน) daughter, as she also loves Cheut since a long time. The subdistrict headman Son likes Nuan a lot and invites her to stay in his home as it is more comfortable than Cheut's home. Other ladies having interest in the subdistrict headman in the village start to be jealous of this Bangkok girl! The subdistrict headman follows up Nuan at nighttime but then she becomes a ghost again. The two ladies Kamlai and Kamlong visit an expert into magic (อาจารย์) to get special oil (น้ำมันพราย) to make a love filter (ยาเสน่ห์) to try seduce easier the subdistrict headman. Meanwhile the village ruffians flee away when Nuan, beautiful lady, taking a bath, becomes a ghost! The other villagers tell Cheut that Nuan is a ghost. He flees from home and shelters at subdistrict headman’s home. They ask for a local shaman’s (หมอผี) help. Nuan decides to get her husband back. But he refuses to join her again. Nuan forces Cheut's friend to play the bait. Cheut goes back to her as he is under a spell. Finally Nuan is defeated by the shaman. Many couples can now have happiness and marry. As often during years 1988s-1993s, Ekapan Banleurit and Trirak Rakkarndee are playing the main couple in those cheap horror Thai movies. Same old tricks are used with ghostly skeletons and simple basic FX effects. Such movie includes more gags than real horror. It was targeted for rural audience and not Bangkokian audience. The scenario is very similar to Mae Nak (แม่นาค) traditional old story where the young man loves and lives with a ghost without knowing it (ผีหลอก!). This movie is released by Lepso Studio. Image and sound quality are quite poor. Once again the title is wrong. It is named “ล้างเผ่าพันธุ์โคตรผีปอบ” (Holocaust of the ogre clan) but there is not a single ogre (ผีปอบ) in the movie. The VCD cover belongs to another movie called “ปีศาจแมงมุมสาว”. The real name of this movie seems to be "ต้นตระกูลปอบ".

Year: 1990
Thai title: ตัณหาน้ำมันพราย
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon,Somsak Chaisongkram
Main actress:
Thai movie ตัณหาน้ำมันพราย was released in year 1990. It lasts 1h25mn. Sanae (Somsak Chaisongkram) is a spirit doctor (หมอผี) abusing ladies. Teera (Tanit Pongmanoon) gives money to his mistress Pim (เมียน้อย) to build a house. Her younger sister Wan is worried that it may end up badly as Teera is already married with Nit (คุณจะเสียใจ). The movie features a few hot love scenes. Nit is very jealous and promises to Teera to handle this matter… Nit visits Pim and arguments occur (เสน่ห์แรง, แย่งผัวคนอื่น). Spirit doctor Sanae identifies that Teera was possessed (ถูกของ). He gives to Nit a potion to break the spell. Pim meets her former husband Sot, who went working to Singapore. He brings her to see Mae Mo, who gives her a statuette to place into Teera’s home in order to have him going back to Pim (ทำเสน่ห์). Sot behaves like a pimp (แมงดา) as he is no money and his wife has now a new rich boyfriend. Having lost her husband, Nit goes to see again spirit doctor Sanae, who gives her a powerful statuette (กุมารพราย). He has to provide oil corpse (น้ำมันพราย) to Nit also. Pim needs also oil corpse from Mae Mo. Her domestic helper Pliu comes to get the philter from Sanae, who seduces her. Pim has to meet again Teera to use the philter on him. The two women argue again (นางกากี, อีตัว). Pim gets Teera back as she waits until nighttime to use the philter on him. Nit decides to use black magic from Spirit doctor Sanae. So it becomes a deadly war between Mae Mo and spirit doctor Sanae. The movie ends up tragically as Mae Mo and Sanae send spirits to kill each other. Teera lost his arms as the evils spirits dismember him. Pliu and Sot are also killed. Pim and Nit remain possessed as evil spirits.

Year: 1990
Thai title: บ้านผีสาว
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: เสนีย์
Main actor: Tanit Pongmanoon
Main actress:
Thai movie บ้านผีสาว was released in year 1990 and lasts 1h39mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company. Movie director is เสนีย์. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are Tanit Pongmanoon, เมือง อพอลโล่, ศรีรัตน์ พินิจพรหม, ชนีรัช ธรรมศรี นำ, โป๋ เป่าปี่, สงัด เพ็ญแข, สุรเดช. Malai, daughter of village leader, and Praiyu (Tanit Pongmanoon) love each other. Ruffian Pleung loves also Malai. Ruffians use bad influence (ใช้อิทธิพล) towards villagers. Pleung’s father (เมือง อพอลโล่) is sub district headman. Mae Proi, mother of Praiyu, gets harassed by ruffians due to her debts. Her land is a mortgaged property with the sub district headman. About to be expelled from their land, Praiyu gets forbidden by his mother to meet Malai. Another lady, named Rarai, also loves Praiyu. Praiyu's mother pushes him to consider Rarai instead of Malai. Praiyu stops to see Malai (ลบหน้า). Pleung pushes Malai and mentions Praiyu has now Rarai as new girlfriend. He mentions Malai’s love towards Praiyu will be her death! Praiyu's friends hear that Pleung plans to kill Praiyu. Malai understands Praiyu's problems and promises to help. Malai is upset with Pleung and wishes to manage by herself. Fighting erupts again and Pleung is beaten. The sub district promises to avenge his son. Rarai wishes to help Malai as she considers her as her sister. Pleung's ruffians shoot Praiyu in order to kill him but he is only injured. Meanwhile Pleung tries to kidnap Malai. Rarai wishes to help Praiyu and her mother without thinking of any rewards. Meanwhile Malai has disappeared. She is found dead but her ghost is back... She wishes to go back with Praiyu. She wishes to get revenge towards the sub district headman and kills him. Pleung flees as Malai tries to kill him. Pleung takes refuge in a Buddhist temple and asks support from the abbot. Malai asks to talk to Praiyu and wishes him to love Rarai. The Buddhist monk prepares a ceremony but Malai refuses to be born again as she wishes to take revenge first. Pleung hires a spirit master to get rid of the ghost but he fails. Malai gets finally revenge over Pleung and can leave this world to pay for her karma.

Year: 1991
Thai title: ตัณหาพระจันทร์ 2
English title: Midnights shade 2
Rating: 2/5
Director: สันติ เอนกนนท์
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit,Kiet Kijcharouen
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
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Thai movie ตัณหาพระจันทร์ ภาค 2 / Midnight Shade 2 was released in year 1990. A few versions are available. It is available under VCD format with company Happy Time (1h07mn) and also with company Lepso (1h30mn). Lepso company version is coming from the VHS version. Happy Time version is censored as hot scenes are cut. The VHS version is also cut making the horror movie a bit awkward to watch. Such low cost budget movies mix horror, funny sequences, a few erotic sequences and limited Fx effects. It seems to be a popular pattern in Thai horror movies in 1985~1995. A new doctor (Ekapan Banleurit) is arriving in a remote village. On the way to the village, he found a dead body. It seems that such deaths are happening frequently and recently in the village. Pim and Somkiet (Kiet Kijcharouen), working in local clinic, welcome the new doctor and his two nurse assistants. An injured man is chased by three hunters. Champee (Trirak Rakkarndee) asks for doctor’s help but the injured victim is no longer there. Villagers believe in Phi Pop ghost. A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person in order to eat his intestine while also forcing him to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at nighttime. An old man Pho Khaem and his daughter Champee are accused to be Phi Pop ghosts as some villagers are killed. Uncle Boon is the one to spread those rumours. The doctor has to fight again the villagers' old beliefs and to find who has done the murders. Uncle Boon uses old methods such as whipping a sick young lady called Kathin having fever as he believes she is possessed. Doctor Ekapan disagrees (หมอยาเม็ด). Kathin dies but the doctor cannot do an autopsy to know the death symptoms. Lamduan, daughter of uncle Boon, is close to Champee and doesn’t believe her father. Uncle Boon (หมอ) provides an oil charm as one villager called Thap is enamoured with Champee. Uncle Boon uses black magic (วิชา) to control villagers with fear. Nurse OnNut is aggressed, raped and killed at nighttime by an evil spirit (วิญญาณร้าย). Lamduan is found dead. Villagers accuse Champee (ผีสิงในตัวของเขา). Doctor Ekapan helps her before the villagers shoot her. Thap is injured while protecting Champee. Ekapan notices that Pim takes a lot of blood from Thap during blood test. He follows her and understands that the blood is used to give life to an evil spirit (เสือสมิง). The evil spirit has possessed Pim a long time ago when she failed to execute properly black magic. The evil spirit kidnaps Champee and kills her father. Ekapan interposes but he is injured. Hopefully another spirit doctor helps to neutralise the evil spirit. Peace is back in the village.

Year: 1991
Thai title: ขบวนการอาจารย์โกย
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Director: ชาลี แย้มสมพงษ์
Main actor: Lor Tok,Mum Jokmok
Main actress:
Thai movie was released in year 1991. A few students face some ghosts in a village. The situation is getting worse as one of the ghosts believe a student was her former husband during a previous life.

Year: 1991
Thai title: ผีย้ายวัด
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Ekapan Banleurit
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
A group of friends are playing cards with a group of bad boys. They win against them and gain a lot of money. A fight starts and the bad boys have to retreat. In order to take revenge, they kidnap one of the girl. Fearing for her integrity, she commits suicide. Her ghost comes back and takes revenge over the bad boys. She also chases part of her former friends as they hide her coffin and also to convince them to stop gambling. This movie's coming up next part is "ผีย้ายวัด 2".

Year: 1991
Thai title: ปอบผีฟ้า
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Director: Payoong Payakul
Main actor: Yuranan PamornMontri
Main actress: Thida Thidarat
Thai movie ปอบผีฟ้า was released in year 1991 and lasts 1h24mn. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company. A cable TV version lasts 1h32mn. Thai actors and actresses include Yuranan PamornMontri, Thida Thidarat, รวิน ชุมเกษียร, กันตา ดานาว, สุริวิภา กุลตังวัฒนา, ยอด นครนายก, นันทิกา นวลระหงษ์, Mr แดน โอเซ่น, ด.ญ.ปัทมาพร ปิ่นทอง, ด.ญ.คัทลียา สุนทรนาค, ประภัสสร รัตนศิลป์, ธรรมศักดิ์ สุริยน, สมนึก อีแอม, ศุภชัย ไตรลาภ, ทวนทอง, ภคินี. Movie director is Payoong Payakul. Young villager Manoo (Yuranan PamornMontri) is back to his village with his Bangkokian friends. Villagers respect local spirit Phi Fa (ผีฟ้า). Young ladies Malee (Thida Thidarat), daughter of Malai, and Nuan, daughter of Pa Noi, like Manoo. Pa Noi is a kind of medium (หมอญา / แม่หมอ) and can cure local villagers. At nighttime Phi Fa visits Manoo and asks his help to release her. The next night, spirit Phi Fa visits Pa Noi and possesses her after biting her like a vampire. The next day, many animals are found killed in the village. Pa Noi says she cannot help as spirit Phi Fa needs blood. The Bangkokian people don't believe in this story. Phi Fa kills lady Malai as she was causing troubles to her. Her daughter Malee stays with the village leader family until the situation is better in the village. Nuan sees her mother, Pa Noi, eating human intestines with Phi Fa. One villager sees Pa Noi killing his chicken. Villagers know Pa Noi is a Phi Pop ghost (ผีปอบ) and chase after her. Phi Fa protects Pa Noi and kills two villagers. Villagers flee. Villager Boonting wishes to warn Nuan about her mother but he gets killed before. As Boonting has disappeared, then at nighttime, a big group of villagers and the bangkokian friends surround Pa Noi's home. Villagers search for Boonting. Spirits attack villagers but Malee pushes them back thanks to a sacred amulet. A small group of villagers led by Malee and Manoo gets a mission from the village leader to neutralize Phi Fa. The village leader gives them special knives to kill Phi Pop ghosts. They enter into the deep forest. Luckily, they get help from another spirit lady disapproving Phi Fa behavior. Phi Fa and Pa Noi are defeated.

Year: 1991
Thai title: ผีดิบดิบ
English title: Curse of the Zombi
Rating: 1/5
Director: Lee Ho
Main actor: Lau Siu Kwan,Kawee Sirikhanerut
Main actress: Tsang Siu Yin
Thai Hong Kong movie ผีดิบดิบ was released in year 1991. It lasts 1h19mn including 3 minutes of behind the scenes sequences. It was released under VHS format by ST Video. Movie director is Lee Ho. HK movie name is 屍降 / Curse of the Zombi. The movie features Thai and HK actors / actresses. It has a pretty short duration, so part of the movie might be cut or censored (ฉากโป๊). Many Thai HK horror movies during that period (ร้อยเล่ห์ ร้อยคาถา เพื่อให้ได้เธอมา - Evil Black Magic 1992, หม่ำต้มยำผี - Devil of love 1994 etc) were Cat III movies. Thai Hong Kong movie ผีดิบดิบ is announced as a Cat II movie. Three Hong Kong visitors, Michelle (Tsang Siu Yin), her brother Tanun (Lau Siu Kwan), and her fiance Chat Chai, arrive in Bangkok, Thailand. The brother likes to study ancient cultures. They meet Anna, who is Chat Chai’s younger sister. Phi Saeng (Kawee Sirikhanerut), a local ruffian, likes Anna. He is upset as Anna doesn’t show interest in him. Saeng sees Tanun as a rival. Anna dances (เต้นรำ) with Tanun. Saeng complains to his father Song, who is a local shaman (หมอผี) and asks for his help. The father gets a corpse and resurrects it. The two couples go into the jungle with some villagers guides to find a cave. Saeng and two of his men follow them. Several dead men are found in the village. Villagers suspect the shaman Song, so the village leader visits him. The shaman refuses to help so the village leader consults a female witch (แม่มด)(actress ปอบทองคำ). She gets possessed by a กุมาร ทอง (Sanctified young boy) and confirms the murders’ responsible is Shaman Song. The local shaman is captured by villagers led by the witch. As the shaman refuses to recognize his responsibility in the villagers murders, so the villagers burn him. His spirit takes refuge in a coffin. Meanwhile the four friends are attacked in the forest, but it is a trick set up by Saeng. Defeated, Saeng uses black magic to win Anna’s heart. A zombie is sent to the village to attack the house of the village leader. The witch sends a sanctified young boy (กุมาร ทอง) to affront him. The zombie is pushed back by the sanctified young boy. The four friends defeat the zombie by burning its coffin. Back to the village, all villagers are dead except the witch. They were all killed by Saeng. Saeng is finally defeated by them.

Year: 1992
Thai title: เซียนล่าปอบ
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Main actor:
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"BAAN PHI POP" (บ้านผีปอบ) movies serie had a huge popularity and has generated even worst movies trying to surf on a similar business wave. This low budget movie mixes horror, comedy and Hong Kong action style fight. Unknown actors are featured. Such B grade movies are often short films around 1h15mn and take place in countryside village. The soundtrack is using popular foreign songs. Tawan is a young man, disciple of a Chinese master (อาจารย์). The Chinese master is in quarrel with another master called Dang. They were also disciplines before but Dang turned to dark side. Tawan is in love with Chantra, young lady owner of a noodle shop. Four ruffians are digging in the Chinese cemetery to get bones to make magic filter. They aggress Chantra. Two Chinese ghosts help Chantra. In fact Tawan was disguised to spy for people stealing bones in the Chinese cemetery. Master Dang decides to use a strong demon (ปีศาจ) to defeat the Chinese master. He needs virgin blood (สาวบริสุทธิ์) to make his demon invulnerable. He has Chantra in mind. The demon (ผีดิบ) kills Dang and captures Chantra. Tawan follows the demon and succeeds to defeat it to free Chantra. Some parts are censored. They are at least cut in the VCD version. There is a guess that some luring parts have been removed. Some sequences are precursory of Ong Bak (องค์บาก) movie as action scenes are repeated two times through different angles and timing to show the action skills. Panna Rittikrai (พันนา ฤทธิไกร), stunt choreography, has been well-known to play and direct similar movies. Such B-grade action and horror movies were popular from the mid-1980s to 1997. They were popular among taxi drivers, spicy papaya salad (ส้มตำ) vendors, security guards and Isan coolies. Folk people in the far-out provinces enjoyed watching such low-budget outdoor movies. Such B grade movies received only limited releases in small provincial theatres. They have been recently resurrected by Lepso Studio in the form of 39-baht VCDs. Many of those movies are bad, made to gain just enough money to invest in the next movie!

Year: 1992
Thai title: ร้อยเล่ห์ ร้อยคาถา เพื่อให้ได้เธอมา
English title: Evil Black Magic
Rating: 2/5
Director: Ho Meng-Hua
Main actor: Bin Banleurit
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
Thai Movie ร้อยเล่ห์ ร้อยคาถา เพื่อให้ได้เธอมา / Evil Black Magic / 处女的诱惑 was released in year 1992 and lasts 1h31mn. It was released as a Cat III movie in Hong Kong as it includes erotic sequences. This Hong Kong movie was shot partially in Thailand and features some famous Thai actors and actresses. In Thailand, a sorcerer is digging in a cemetery. He brings back a woman corpse wearing a mask. A pin is put in her head and she becomes a lady vampire demon. The sorcerer sends her on a mission. Sophia (Trirak Rakkarndee) creates dwarves’ spirits to counter the sorcerer. The lady is dancing in a discotheque. A young lady asks help from the sorcerer as she has issues with a chinese man. The sorcerer sends the lady vampire demon to manage the man. The man realises too late she is a ghost and gets killed. Sophia tries to neutralize the lady vampire demon as the killed man was her father. The lady vampire demon is chased by the dwarves. Back in Hong Kong, two men, Meng and Yi, love the same woman Mei. Jealousy and deception occur with Meng. Meng goes to Thailand as the Amah recommends him to visit a sorcerer. When he arrives at the sorcerer house, the sorcerer is doing a spell for a woman willing to seduce a man. It works well as Bin Banleurit has now desire for the lady. Meanwhile the sorcerer is not willing to spend time with Meng, so he chases him away. Meng has to stay outside under rain and harsh sun to show his determination. Then he has to stay in a room with corpses, snakes, lizards, scorpions, salamanders to show his willingness. He is accepted as a novice. Meanwhile the Thai lady has issues with her boyfriend Bin as he is seducing another lady. A lady fight occurs in a hotel room. The Thai lady complains to the sorcerer. He promises to help again. Meng hires a lady to get hair and blood from Bin. The spell works well as Bin is back with the Thai lady. While the master sorcerer is drunk, Meng takes his magic ring and uses the lady vampire demon to steal money. He is now checking for another target. He is impacted by black magic and replaces the sorcerer. Meng is now back in Hong Kong. He visits his two friends. They are going to marry. Frustrated, he injures himself. About to die, he asks them to visit his master, being a sorcerer. It is a trick to bring them to Thailand. To help Meng, the master asks for hair and blood. Being possessed, Mei flees her room to join Meng. Sophia is proposing to help Yi. Finally Mei is released from Meng’s spell. Sophia neutralizes Meng and his body is burnt. Yi and Mei are back together.

Year: 1993
Thai title: แดร็กคูล่า&ปอบ
English title: Dracula&Pop
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Mum Jokmok,Morris K
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee
Thai movie แดร็กคูล่า&ปอบ / Dracula&Pop was released in year 1993 and lasts 1h20mn. It was released under VHS format and also under VCD format by Lepso. The movie is shorter than usual. Maybe some parts have been cut or censored. It is a horror comedy movie. Policeman Wut (กิตติพันธ์ พุ่มสุโข) is Kate's boyfriend (Trirak Rakkarndee). Kate's father is a doctor. The doctor imports a big box from overseas. Inside there is Dracula. As Thai Police is checking details, the box has to be thrown away. At nightime, Dracula (มอริส เค - Morris K) exits from the box looking for blood. ผีปอบ - Pop (Mum Jokmok) is also hanging around looking for blood and fresh intestines. Dracula from overseas meets Dracula Thailand, i.e. ผีปอบ! Both are vampires (ผีดิบ) but having different culture and different ways of getting blood. They work together to find fresh blood (ดูด). Police is investigating regarding the bodies found after their rampage. Dracula wishes to drink the blood of young lady Chaba (รักษ์สุดา สินวัฒนา) but Pop asks him not to kill her as she is his friend’s daughter. Following Dracula's bite, she becomes a vampire also. Dracula uses her to attract men to suck their blood. Wut's police colleagues play comic roles being afraid of ghosts. Police chases the vampires. Wut wants to use Kate to attract the vampire. The plan works as Dracula notices Kate in a discotheque. It starts failing when Wut loses track of Kate as she gets hypnotized by Dracula… Finally, Dracula is captured but Wut’s police colleagues, by having too naive, let him flee so he can reunite again with Pop.

Year: 1994
Thai title: เสกหุ่นไล่กามาล่าปอบ
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor:
Main actress: Natanee Sitthisaman
A "Phi Pop" (ผีปอบ) is an evil spirit believed to possess a person to eat his intestine while also forcing him to seek and consume raw animal organs and meat at night-time. Such evil spirit "PHI POP" is frightening a village. A young woman, who is coming back to her village, gives her life to contaminate the "PHI POP" as she is dying of AIDS.

Year: 1994
Thai title: หม่ำต้มยำผี
English title: Devil of love
Rating: 1/5
Main actor: Mum Jokmok,Pao Porapak
Main actress:
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Thai movie หม่ำต้มยำผี was released in year 1994 and lasts only 1h09mn. It is a Hong Kong movie Cat III called 淫魔暴行 / "Devil of love" and shot in Thailand. It is a horror R movie (R - Restricted) lasting 1h17mn. It is available under VCD / DVD format and was released by Happy Time Marketing Co company. It is possible that this HK movie was never released in Thailand. Many years later, such movies were released in VCD / DVD format and were highlighting the presence of famous comic actor Mum Jokmok despite him having only a second role. Due to marketing purpose, as Mum Jokmok was popular, the movie name was changed to หม่ำต้มยำผี (Mum Tom Yam Ghost). The movie is censored in order to be released widely under VCD format as love sequences are blurred or even cut. Master Mum Jokmok is fighting versus Pao Porapak. Both have supernatural powers. Elder brother Kwan is back from overseas studies. A will is opened as his father died suddenly. The daughter Chiep and the son Kwan get 100% of the heritage. The young mother-in-law (แม่เลี้ยง) Oi just gets authorisation to stay in the house. If anything happens to the children, then the heritage will be hers. Nattaporn, Oi’s lover, promises to manage this. Kwan is upset as his father died so fast. He has a bad relationship with the young mother-in-law. Kwan, his sister Chiep and her boyfriend have issues with ruffians hired by Oi in a discotheque. Nattaporn is doing black magic incantations to cause Kwan to have a motorbike accident. He falls in hell (เมืองผี) and meets his father! The father warns him about Oi and tells him how to go back to the earthen world. Nattaporn is some kind of vampire. Kwan is back as a ghost and contacts the lawyer, who is afraid of ghosts. Nattaporn kidnaps Chiep. Kwan asks for the lawyer's help. Kwan possesses Oi's body to kill Nattaporn but he fails. Master (อาจารย์) Mum is then involved in order to defeat Nattaporn. Following lengthy fighting, Nattaporn and Oi are defeated. The Thai version is cut too much to be appreciated and the release under a new name is just a commercial gimmick as Mum Jokmok has only a limited second role.

Year: 1995
Thai title: ภูตพิศวาส
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
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Thai movie ภูตพิศวาส was released in year 1995 and lasts 1h34mn. ภูตพิศวาส was released 3 times under movie format (1964, 1980, 1995) and 4 times under TV series format (1980, 1995, 2004, 2018). ภูตพิศวาส 1964 version is still available under VCD format but the 1980 version is lost. The 1995 version was released under VHS and VCD version. A lady ghost sucks the blood of a young man. Three young men come to rest in a house located in a Buddhist temple in order to prepare exams in a quiet environment. Marut (ศิริพจน์ เจนวัฒน์) is the main character. The local temple undertaker (สัปเหร่อ), called uncle Hin, warns them to follow three rules, i.e. stay in the room after midnight, do not open door or windows at night time, ignore if somebody knocks at the door. One of the friend, Pamat, dies and his blood has been sucked. Ladies are seen wearing Thai traditional dresses. Manat, another friend, dies also. A lady cries at nighttime. Her name is Dao (กวินนา สุวรรณประทีป). She is a vampire (ผีดิบ). Marut has pity on her so she spares Marut’s life. Dao needs to bring blood to her grandmother. Dao asks Marut for help as she is doomed (รับกรรม). First there is a need to move her coffin to another place. Bougna (นิออน อิศรา) is the fiancee chosen by Marut’s mother. The grandma asks Dao to be back but uncle Hin refuses. Magical fighting occurs. The mother is now aware that Dao is a ghost. There is a big headache for her to manage Dao and Bougna. Uncle Hin discloses a way for Dao to become human again but her grandparents don’t accept as they wish to continue using Dao as a slave. Marut needs to pray for 20 days (เจ้าชีวิต). A domestic helper informs Bougna so she tries to disturb the ceremony. Finally it succeeds (เป็นคนแล้ว). Marut is exhausted. Marut and Dao finally become lovers. The mother wishes to chase Dao but Marut refuses. Seeing Marut’s love going towards Dao, Bougna uses a love philter (เสน่ห์ยาแฝด) to get back Marut. They marry. Hin breaks the spell and Marut finally goes back to Dao, being pregnant and being his real wife.

Year: 1995
Thai title: มือผี
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Mum Jokmok
Main actress:
Thai movie มือผี was released in the year 1995 and lasts 1h22mn. It was released under VHS format. It is a mix of comedy and horror movies. Back to his home, a young man, named Sathi, hears weird noises in his home. He finally finds a skeleton hand in his fridge. Boonterm, young and beautiful lady, has disappeared. Her fiance Sathi cannot find her when visiting her. A burnt body is found later. A skeleton hand is left and belongs to Boonterm’s body as her elder sister identifies a ring she offered to her. The elder sister wishes to find who killed her younger sister but the elder sister also dies very soon after. Mum Jokmok is local spirit doctor (หมอผี). He has ideas about Boonterm death but no proofs. Boonterm’s spirit visits her former fiance Sathi. A man, named Likit, claims to have a strong secret master (อาจารย์). Nari has a love affair issue (ลงเสน่ห์ให้) with her husband. Likit wishes to make easy money and claims he can help through his master. He tells Nari’s husband that her wife won the lottery, so he is back to see her! A local spirit doctor (หมอเสน่ห์) performs a ceremony on a lady while some men are peeping through the window. The ghost hand helps the lady being aggressed by three ruffians. Santhi goes back to the countryside and stays in a friend's home in order to escape the visions he has about Boonterm. The friend's aunt has a similar face to Boonterm's elder sister. Sathi feels uncomfortable. Later on, the ghost hand (มือผี) continues to harass him while he is playing pool. Finally, an old man recognises him in a restaurant and calls the police. He saw Sathi dragging a body. Sathi discloses he is the one who dragged Boonterm from her home and she died as her head hit a rock. He made a lie to hide his responsibilities. Police arrests Sathi.

Year: 1996
Thai title: นางไม้
English title: Nang Mai
Rating: 3/5
Main actor:
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Thai movie นางไม้ / Nang Mai was released in year 1996. It only lasts 1h16mn so probably it was cut or censored. It was released on VHS and VCD. Like many movies in decade 1990s, there is a mix of comedy, scary sequences, few sexy sequences similar to บ้านผีปอบ. It often features a beautiful poster but at the end it was a low production often targeted for Thai provinces. Actors and actresses include สุริยา สุริยงค์, จิดาภา ดำรงค์ฤทธิ์, แพรว พร้อมพงษ์, ยุ้ย ยิ้มสยาม, สมศักดิ์ อ่อนวิมล, เก่ง วัชรา, เปี๊ยก ยิ้มสยาม, ทวี จันทิมาธร, ปริชาติ คงทอง, กาญจนา สิมาภรณ์, อินทรี พัฒนาการ, เพชร ภาคภูมิ, สงัด เหงือกงาม. No well-known actors in this low cost budget movie. Song and his acolytes attack a beautiful young lady, called Kanda, walking alone at nighttime. She is put to sleep through chloroform and Song is about to rape her. Nang Mai spirit (นางไม้) possesses the young lady's body and chases Song away (ผีหลอก). Song is a lazy son. He plans to go to Bangkok to look for a job but it is just another excuses to get money from his parents. Phet is back to the village. He learns that his mother died while he was in Pattaya. He visits his sister Plaew who is now a slave servant (ขี้ข้า) due to family debts interest. Their land is also lost. Phet asks help to Nang Mai to get the land back. Sia is very interested by Plaew. An old uncle warns Phet about falling in love with a spirit (ถ้านางไม้หลงรักจะยุ่งมาก). Phet meets Dao, who is a Nang Mai, i.e. a spirit residing in a tree. Love happens. A government officer, being an old friend, promises to help Phet financially in order to release Plaew. Sia plans a bad plan about Plaew. Hopefully Dao helps Plaew again. Even the household spirit (ผีเรือน) allows Nang Mai Dao to enter the house. Phet and Dao become lovers. Plaew is released from debt. Sia and Song want to get rid of Phet and Plaew to avoid giving back their land. An occult master (อาจารย์) recommend to cut the tree where Nang Mai is hiding. The old uncle asks Nang Mai to stop killings (อย่าทำบาป, รักษาศีล). Villagers are upset as Phet is sheltering Dao (เลี้ยงผี). A final fight opposing the old uncle and the occult master occurs. Song is finally killed but Dao dies in Phet's arms.

Year: 1997
Thai title: พลังจิตจอมคาถา
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Suchao Pongwilai,Paen Pleumsachai
Main actress:
Thai movie พลังจิตจอมคาถา was released in year 1997 and lasts 1h27mn. It was released under VHS format. It is Thai movie ผีสองนาง (1989) re-sequenced. Two spirit doctors (หมอผี), Rawin (Bin Banleurit) and Koi, are confronting each other. Master (อาจารย์) Koi is defeated and requests help from elder brother (พี่) Suchao Pongwilai to extract an arrow sent by Rawin. Two young rich ladies are travelling with their convoy. They are attacked by robbers. A local man helps them to flee but they are chased by the robbers and fall in the river. Their treasure also falls in the water. The elder sister drowns. The local man takes care of the younger sister. A shrine is built to remember the elder sister, who drowned there. Teenager Akio refuses to pay respect (ไม่เคารพ) to the shrine of the female guardian spirit (เจ้าแม่). During the night, the female guardian spirit drags her into the river. Uncle Ping (Paen Pleumsachai) consults master Rawin, who discloses the daughter was captured by the female guardian spirit. The female guardian spirit refuses to release Akio. Rawin promises to help. Rawin confronts the female guardian spirit, having a snake form, and defeats her. The female guardian spirit accepts reluctantly to release Akio. Suchao learns that the female guardian spirit was injured by Rawin so he wishes to defeat her to get all the merit. Meanwhile, the female guardian spirit changes her physical appearance to lie to elderly people. She asks them to get an unction from Rawin to cure her injuries. Being fooled, Rawin is worried that the female guardian spirit will attack villagers again. He blocks her spirit house, so she has nowhere to go. Rawin learns from a spirit doctor that a Cambodian teacher is also looking to harm him. The teacher is defeated by Rawin and requests help from master Poo. At nighttime, the female guardian spirit contacts Rawin and discloses to him where her treasure is hidden. She wishes to share it with poor people in the village to do good deeds and to ease her rebirth. Rawin promises to help the good-hearted female guardian spirit (เจ้าแม่ใจบุญ). Rawin plunges in the river and gets back the treasure as mentioned by the female guardian spirit. Master Poo is aware the treasure is now with Rawin. At nighttime, master Poo makes Rawin and friends to sleep, so they kidnap them and steal the treasure. The female guardian spirit helps by sending two figurines keeping her shrine to release Rawin. Meanwhile ruffians are out to burn the female guardian spirit shrine. The Cambodian master is killed by the female guardian spirit. Rawin is grateful for the female guardian spirit’s help. Aware, master Poo decides to strike back. A confrontation occurs between Poo and Rawin. Rawin is about to be defeated by Poo but the female guardian spirit interposes. She uses her sister and new husband to replace Poo's magic stick with a fake stick, so he can be defeated by Rawin. The movie ends with a big celebration around the female guardian spirit shrine to thank her for her treasure donation for the village.

Year: 1998
Thai title: 303 กลัว กล้า อาฆาต
English title: 303 Fear Faith Revenge
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Ananda Everingham,Jesdaporn Pholdee,Suchao Pongwilai
Main actress:
In 2503, it is the start of the new school year at St George School. All young boys are from rich noble families (ผู้ดี) except one poor boy, Chaiden, from North of Thailand. He needs to help cleaning the church. There are strong rules and hazing. Chaiden and 4 teens from the same room declare friendship. By checking old school pictures, they found that a former student, Mum Rachawong, who was a model of excellence, kills himself in 2495. Nobody neither wants to know more, neither wants to speak to them more on this topic. They become friend with Nam Khaeng, young daughter of the director. They decide to call Mum Rachawong's spirit (วิญญาณ) to know the truth through an occult ceremony. They learn he was killed. The students decide to enquiry to know the truth. The 2495 school record miss many signatures. Weird crimes start to happen. One student dies by falling from balcony. A second student dies by electrocution in shower room. The main priest (หลวงพ่อ) would like all students to exit the school but the bad weather prevents it. A third student dies killed by a spade. Sisamut, one of the teen, is always afraid, weak, always follow orders and is the other teens' black sheep. Chaiden and two friends are arrested due to Sisamut's delation. Murders continue. Nam Khaeng has disappeared. Sisamut performs killings in the school as a revenge of being others' black sheep. Sisamut is possessed by a ghost who already committed a killing rampage a few years ago as the school management, including the main priest, was pushing for student hard selection and elite perfection. During this rampage many teens were killed including Mum Rachawong. Chaiden and his friends help to release Nam Khaeng just in time and succeed to defeat the ghost thanks to Mum Rachawong's supernatural help. A new management team now rules St George school. There is no more forced hazing.
This Thai Horror movie page 1 contains 58 records.
ThaiWorldView movie database contains 1544 records.