Thai movie - Selected Theme
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Some folklore Thai movies are based on snakes influence in Thai culture. The snake is playing an important part in Buddhist culture (a snake or "NAGA" - นาค changed his appearance into a man in order to enter monkhood). Snakes can also be related to ghosts and spirits.
Year: 1961
Thai title: งูและคนรักกัน
English title: The serpent and the lovers
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Surasit Sattayawong,Chao Klaewklong
Main actress: Wilaiwan Watthanaphanit
Thai HK movie 毒蟒情鴛 / "The Lovers and the Python" / "The serpent and the lovers" was released in year 1961. It features Thai actress Wilaiwan Watthanaphanit and Thai actor Surasit Sattayawong. It was shot in year 1956 but only released in year 1961. It is a Hong Kong–Thailand– Japan co-production. The movie is lost in Thailand but it still can be found in Hong Kong Film Archives. It is available in beta max format, in black and white, in mandarin language only with no subtitles. The image is a bit dark but still sharp. Wen Chai (Surasit Sattayawong), wearing a suit, sees a young lady, called Milly Ko, on a bridge wearing a Cheongsam, Chinese dress. They talk together but it seems Wen Chai is asking too much questions so she leaves. Back home he meets his sister Anne (Wilaiwan Watthanaphanit). Wen Chai is then having a picnic with friends. Wen Chai meets again the same lady on a cliff. Milly Ko wishes to suicide. He stops her. She disappears again in the forest. Wen Chai has only her scarf that she dropped. Wen Chai assists to an exotic dance in a club. The beautiful dancer is using snakes. The same mysterious lady is coming to this club also. A governess is following her. Milly Ko asks Wen Chai to meet her at the cliff. A Chinese man comes to talk to the lady so she leaves. Wen Chai is back to the cliff. The governess brings him to a neighbouring home. Milly Ko is waiting on a bed. Wen Chai is puzzled. She begins to sing holding a rose. Long dialog happens with cries. They finally become lovers. The governess brings the lady away through a car. Wen Chai is back later but Milly Ko is not here anymore despite searching the whole house. In a room, he finds a disfigured lady who chases after him. She is finally hit by a car and dies. While driving, Wen Chai hears a woman singing. It is his mysterious lady. It looks like their love is impossible due to some mysterious reasons. Later on, Wen Chai goes back to the house. It is closed. He forces his way inside but Milly Ko is no longer there. Later on, the young lady has arguments with her governess Ma. Finally Wen Chai meets Milly Ko again. They love each other. She sings for him again. Milly Ko wears many beautiful Cheongsams in this movie. Milly Ko tells him that she is a rich leper. It is the tradition of the place, a leper must have sexual intercourse with opposite sex before marriage in order to get off the disease, therefore Wen Chai has the infection. Wen Chai is willing to sacrifice for her. The father seems unhappy with his daughter. Back to her house, Wen Chai finds she is not there anymore. It looks like the father has other ideas in mind to choose a husband for her. A handicapped man seems to be the one. Milly Ko tries to flee at nighttime but her mother stops her. Wedding announcement are printed in newspaper so Wen Chai is aware. Wen Chai wishes to go back to Thailand. Milly Ko misses him as she is too late to airport. Wen Chai’s friend helps. Wen Chai is back to Thailand but even Thai dances (รำวง) or Thai song cannot rejoice him. Wen Chai is unhappy and is not able to write a letter. Milly Ko arrives to Thailand by plane. She travels by taxi showing Bangkok in the 1950s through the Victory Monument, Royal Palace and airport. Wen Chai is sick. His face is swollen. He is locked but succeeds to escape. Milly Ko arrives to his house. Wen Chai’s mother seems upset. Thai veteran actor (Chao Klaewklong?) welcomes her to his home. They look for Wen Chai. Wen Chai keeps hiding in the forest as he is disfigured. His body is deformed by leprosy. Milly Ko sings in the forest hoping Wen Chai will come but he flees. Coming to the houses, his face makes the servant afraid so she flees. Milly Ko runs after. In the jungle, a tremendous big snake attacks Milly Ko but Wen Chai protects her and kills the snake. Afraid to show his face, he dives in the pond, drinking the serpent’s poison. Emerging from the pond, the buttons have disappeared as the poison is a medicine to cure leper. He is normal again. Milly Ko comes with help and support from Chao Klaewklong. The Chinese actress is Du Wang Wing Yuan (Chung Chin). A movie storybook of 32 pages is still available in HK film archives with text in Chinese and many pictures.

Year: 1966
Thai title: งูผี
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Mitr Chaibancha
Main actress: Petchara Chaowarat,Prim Praphaporn
A couple is catching and selling snakes in Chiang Sen. The husband wants to catch a huge white snake (งูขาว) living in a cavern. Local people don't want to help as this snake is supposed to be a local spirit (งูเจ้าแม่). This causes his death and his wife's death. Only the young baby survives. The young baby is saved by local villagers and called Boonleua. She is educated with a younger sister called Waen Fa (Petchara Chaowarat). The movie takes place in 2453. Many young people died mysteriously. Phrakit (Mitr Chaibancha) is sent by Bangkok centralized Thai administration to enquiry on the deaths. During Songkran festival, he met with Waen Fa. Boonleua likes Phrakit also a lot and asks Waen Fa to help her. Phrakit inquiried on the deceased corpses but in coffins, bodies have disappeared and be replaced by a snake. A ghost appears to challenge Phrakit. A necromancer announces that the snake spirit was supposed to stay in the cavern. As he is now roaming outside, the spirit is killing young people. The necromancer doesn't know in which body the spirit is hiding. It is in fact in Boonleua body. Boonleua hypnotizes her sister Waen Fa to catch a young girl. Villagers believe the spirit is hiding in Waen Fa's body and try to burn her. Phrakit tries to help but he is overcome by the villagers. Boonleua, possessed by the snake spirit, kills her father who tried to save Waen Fa. Only a monk can save them by confirming that Waen Fa is not possessed by the spirit. The monk confirms that Boonleua is the one to be possessed and asks Waen Fa to put a magic necklace around her neck to neutralize the spirit. Waen Fa has pity on her sister and asks her to promise stop killing people. She does promise but fails to do so. She seduces Phrakit same as Demon Mara tactics, hypnotizes Phrakit and brings him in her cave to stay as her husband. The second part of the movie is less interesting and is mainly a forward and backward chase between the snake spirit, Waen Fa and Prakit. This old movie has a new soundtrack but a damaged image. Colors are partially gone.

Year: 1972
Thai title: แม่งู
English title: Snake Queen
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Chaiya Suriyun,Ruj Ronnapop,Sithao Petcharoen,Sukon Koewliam,Lor Tok,Sawin Sawangrat,Krai Kanchit
Main actress: Aranya Namwong,Metta Roongrat,Prim Praphaporn,Sasima Singsiri,Orasa Isarangkul
Booloi and Chom are chased by ruffians. They take refuge in the snake cave (ถ้ำแม่งูสักศีษ). Booloi is pregnant. Ruffians flee as the snake cave has bad reputation. Chom loses trace of his wife. Some snakes transform themselves into young ladies and help Booloi to deliver a baby girl called Haofa. 18 years have passed. Haofa (Aranya Namwong) is now a grown up adult. Haofa still misses her parents. The snake queen selects her as the next queen. This decision makes Haodam (Metta Roongrat) upset. There are fights between ladies during Haofa's crowning. The snake kingdom only includes young ladies and an old sorceress (แม่มด). No men in the cave. In Bangkok, a young man called Tira wishes to ask for young lady Mareudi’s hand. Some ruffians, specialized in human trade overseas (รับแขก), keep asking Mareudi to join them for a trip to Japan. She always refuses. Tira’s boss called Phanom (Chaiya Suriyun) is playing the matchmaker (เฒ่าแก่) for Pira. Phanom and Pira go to Mae Sai for scientific studies. The ruffians are also going in Mae Sai area to recruit young girls. Ruffians hear about a place near a waterfall with many beautiful girls swimming. So they are hanging around as beautiful girls have been seen bathing. The girls are then attacked by the ruffians but Phanom, being around, is helping and protecting Haofa. They are snakes but Haofa is an human being. A romance is starting between Phanom and Haofa but he cannot go in the cave as it is guarded by snakes. Haodam discloses the incident to the snake queen. According to the snake Queen’s rules, nobody is allowed to meet human beings. Chom is accompanying Phanom and is still longing for his lost wife and baby. There is a funny interlude when veteran comic actor, Sithao Petcharoen, is tortured by a fat amazon. Phanom is captured when entering the cave. The Snake Queen condemns him to death but Haofa helps him to flee. Meanwhile snake hunters are back again to attack the hill around the cave. The ruffians are using experts (Lor Tok! Sukon Koewliam!) able to catch snakes (หมองู). Comic sequences happen as they are all useless to charm snakes. The ruffians finally capture the snake girls and the Queen is even shot. The end of the snake kingdom is a disaster. Phanom promises to take care of Haofa and helps to find her father. Haofa wishes to release her other snake sisters. The ruffians try to abuse the snake girls and use them as prostitutes but they transform themselves into venomous snakes. Police finally catches all the ruffians but it is too late as all snakes have been killed. Snakes are really killed and cut in this movie. Only one snake girl, Haodong, survives and she goes back to the snake cave. Haofa is finally reunited with her father. This movie can also be found under Chinese name "蛇國女王'' in China and distributed by Great China Film Co (H.K.). Different character names are used in the Chinese version (Ng Chung for Phanom, Ho Hua for Haofa, Hsiao Hua for Haodam, Chung Shan for Chom, Mei lee for Booloi). The original Thai version of แม่งู lasts 2 hours 50 minutes. The Chinese version has been reduced to 1h30mn only. “Once upon the west” soundtrack is used in the Chinese version. All songs have cut in the Chinese version. Similar to many 1960-1970s Thai movies, it features a long running time and a dozen of songs.

Year: 1979
Thai title: นาคี
English title: Nakee
Rating: 3/5
Director: รัตน์ เศรษฐภักดี
Main actor:
Main actress:
Thai movie นาคี was released in year 1979 and lasts 2h04mn. Director is รัตน์ เศรษฐภักดี. Actors and actresses are เบญจวรรณ บุญญกาศ, ทินกร ปฎิพัฒน์, รังสิต จันทรนิยมานนท์, ปิยะรัตน์ ปรัชชญา, สุทัศน์ อินทรานุปกรณ์, ศรีพงษ์ มานิตย์, ก. เก่งทุกทาง, กาญจนา กิจสง่า, ทองฮะ. This movie doesn't feature any famous actors or actresses. The same story was also released two times through Thai TV series (in 1988 with Ekapan Banleurit and in 2016). Following the popularity of Thai TV serie Nakee in year 2016, the 1979 version was released again in DVD format. A VHS version was also released many years ago. It is a shorter version lasting only 1h26mn but the image is much sharper and recorded from TV channel 3. A few songs are featured as this was often a tradition in 1970s movies (หนังเพลง). There are also some Molam songs. Phi Kaem has captured a big snake (งูขาว) for a foreigner. One young lady is upset by this as she believes it is sacred deity (งูเจ้าแม่). She even claims to be Nakee (เจ้าแม่นาคี) herself. At nighttime the snakes escape. The snakes hunters are all killed. The young lady remains with her baby. 20 years have passed. A group of students with their teacher (อาจารย์) are investigating on an old site in Isan area. They found a Nakee mummy (รูปปั้น). One of the students sees the mummy becoming a real woman but nobody believes him. While they are travelling on a raft, an eclipse occurs. The raft hits the cliff and all fall in the water. Four students only are left over following the accident, 3 men and one woman. An undertaker helps to keep 4 corpses. The remaining students are unsure if it is their friends or not. The undertaker opens the coffins but only snakes can be found. The undertaker himself falls in a coffin and dies. Two students died because of snakes. As the village leader refuses to launch an investigation as they are afraid of Nakee, the students and teacher threaten to complain to police. As one of the students, called Kosakon, insults the snake deity as a lure invented by the local shaman (หมอผี), the villagers throw him in a dark cave, where resides Nakee. The student finds a beautiful lady in the cave and they become lovers. Her name is Kam Kaew (คำแก้ว). The student is under the influence of Kam Kaew (ตกในอำนาจของคำแก้ว). An old man is back to the village and warns the student that his wife is a ghost (ผี). The old man wishes to take revenge over Nakee. The student Kosakon puts a sacred necklace around Kam Kaew's neck to neutralize her. She takes refuge in her cave. She has to fast 100 days to become human per advice of เจ้าปู่ศรีสุทโธนาค. Meanwhile villagers decide to storm the cave. The villagers wish to burn the mother and Kosakon in order to force Nakee to exit from the cave. About to become a human, Nakee gives up in order to help Kosakon. She becomes a giant snake and kills the bad villagers. Kosakon wishes to be reunited with Kam Kaew but she is now dead. The only way he can help her is to become a monk and to pray for her redemption in next life.

Year: 1984
Thai title: นางพญางูผี
English title: Ghost Snake Queen
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Toon Hiransap,Sor Asanajinda
Main actress: Naowarat Yooktanun,Pornpan Ketmamatsu,Namgneun Boonnak
Some villagers are hired to catch snakes. A big snake (งูใหญ่) remains to be caught. Chat is one of the villagers. His wife is about to deliver. During a storm, Chat is killed by a huge snake and the baby girl is possessed by a snake. The little girl renamed Boonmee is rescued by a family, who also has a baby girl called Kamfa (Naowarat Yooktanun). They are now grown up beautiful women. Boonmee (Pornpan Ketmamatsu) always think her parents love Kamfa more than her. It is Songkran day. Some Bangkokian people, undercover policeman Cha (Toon Hiransap) and professor Phalat (Sor Asanajinda), come to the village. Young and old people often die in the village so they come to investigative. Nobody knows the real death cause. Some bodies are kept in Wat Khun Duang. Songkran is celebrated there so Cha meets Kamfa and Boonmee. Brother (พี่) Inta is jealous. Both ladies like Cha very much. The temple coffins only contain snakes but no corpses. Villagers afraid of the evil (งูผี). In order to get rid of the evil spirit, there is a need to identify in which body the spirit has taken refuge in. Boonmee brings jealousy in Ita's heart versus Cha. The subdistrict headman's daughter is bitten by a snake. Cha goes to city to bring back a real doctor as he doesn't trust the local shaman (หมอผี). Boonmee (นางปีศาจ) causes the spirit to possess Kamfa and to kill the subdistrict headman's daughter. Villagers now believe Kamfa is the evil spirit (งูผีร้าย). Boonmee kills her own father to prevent him to help Kamfa. Kamfa is captured and will be burnt (เผ่า) in front of the subdistrict headman's house. Cha comes on time but Inta and villagers prevent him to help. Cha and Kamfa shall die on a real stake. A forest monk (พระธุดงค์) stops the fire and announces Kamfa is not the evil spirit that villagers are looking for. The monk asks Kamfa to put a sacred necklace around Boonmee's neck to neutralize the spirit. Kamfa is concerned that her mother shall not stand losing her husband and then one daughter. Boonmee apologizes to her sister and promises not to kill anyone again. The old sorcerer spirit has to bite villagers and drink their blood to remain young. Boonmee seduces and hypnotizes Cha. Kamfa and Phalat have to find a way to release Cha. Boonmee captures her own sister to give her for sacrifice to the snake spirit showing no gratitude to her mother. At nighttime the mother sneaks in the cave and sends on time the sacred necklace on the spirit’s head breaking all spells. Evil is defeated and the cave is sealed. It is a remake of 1966 Thai movie “งูผี” with Mitr Chaibancha and Petchara Chaowarat. Compared to 1966 version, Boonmee is much more temptress and is helped by a bunch of sexy amazones. Modern disco and even James Bond soundtrack are used. It is a typical horror movie from 1970-1980s mixing scaring and funny sequences. A second opus of นางพญางูผี was released in 1990 with Bin Banleurit.

Year: 1989
Thai title: แม่เบี้ย
English title: MaeBia
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Likit Eakmongkol,Sor Asanajinda
Main actress: Passorn Boonyakiat,Apiradee Pawaputanon
Mekhala is a rural young attractive lady living in a old house. Tourists groups are frequently visiting the house to buy local products. Chanachol, urban educated businessman, is visiting the house and there is an immediate match between Mekhala and him. Mekhala is living with Pa, Lung and a little girl. The previous owners of the house and their child drowned but the corpse of the child was never found. Chanachol has the feeling that he already comes before in this old house. Chanachol is already married and have two children. Finally Chanachol has a liaison with Mekhala. A supernatural jaleous cobra is protecting Maekala. The cobra tries to send Chanachol away but Mekhala refuses and protects Chanachol against the snake. Phot, a local resident, also wishes to marry Mekhala but she refuses. The cobra sends him away. Phot comes back to Mekhala's house in order to catch and kill the cobra. He gets bitten and dies. Meanwhile Chanachon's wife realises that her husband has an extra-marital affair. She tries to threathen Mekhala. Still loving strongly Chanachon, Mekhala decides to break with him in order not to wreck his family. Chanachol cannot stand this separation and go back to the old house. On the way back, the cobra makes him fall from the boat and he drowns. It seems that Mekhala's previous suitors ended up dead and a new one is already courting Mekhala...

Year: 1990
Thai title: นางพญางูผี 2
English title:
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Bin Banleurit,Somsak Chaisongkram,Kowit Wattanakul
Main actress: Trirak Rakkarndee,Sararat Rumreuangwong
Thai movie นางพญางูผี 2 was released in year 1990. It is the same story as movie งูผี (1966) featuring Mitr Chaibancha and Petchara Chaowarat. Snake hunters are afraid of a big holy snake (งูเจ้าแม่). Chat is the hunters' leader. His wife Lamai is pregnant. Both of them die following the spirit's wrath. Only the baby survives and is adopted by a villager, who named her Boonme. They have already a daughter called Kamfa. Years have passed and the two daughters are now adults. Boonme is lazy. Kamfa has always gratitude over her parents. Many deaths happen in the village located in North of Thailand. Somsak Chaisongkram is the subdistrict headman (กำนัน). Chatree (Bin Banleurit) is sent to investigate the multiple strange deaths but prefers to be seen as a tourist. He meets Kamfa (Trirak Rakkarndee) in a Buddhist temple during Songkran festival but also Boonme (สรารัตน์ หรุ่มเรืองวงศ์). Inta, a strong local villager, is jealous of Boonme's interest towards Chatree. Chatree asks the caretaker in cemetery to see the corpses but only snakes (งูผี) remain. They consult a local spirit medium (ปู่เจ้า) who gives them a charm to identify in which body the evil spirit (นางงูผี) is hiding. Boonme orders Inta to kill Chatree but he fails. The subdistrict headman's daughter is bitten by a snake and is now resting in the spirit medium's house. The evil spirit orders Kamfa to bring back the little girl to her. As she screams, Kamfa is wrongly identified as the evil spirit (นางงูร้าย) by villagers. Meanwhile Boonme kills her own father (ลูกอพรี). Villagers led by the subdistrict headman wish to burn Kamfa. Chatree tries to help but gets condemned also. Hopefully a wandering monk (พระธุดงค์) (Kowit Wattanakul) stops the fire. The monk gives a holy necklace (ประคำ) to Kamfa to neutralise Boonme but Kamfa gets a promise that Boonme will stop killing people so she doesn't use the necklace. The evil spirit needs human blood to keep her eternal youth (นางปีศาจ). Boonme uses her magical power to convince Chatree to follow her up to her cave. Finally Kamfa uses the holy necklace to wake up Chatree. Through a daring finale, Boonme tries to kill Kamfa but Chatree then uses the necklace towards Boonme. Kamfa and Chatree succeed to escape from the cave before it collapses.

Year: 1992
Thai title: ตัณหาแม่เบี้ย
English title:
Rating: 1/5
Director: เพ็ญพักตร์ พรเพ็ญ
Main actor:
Main actress:
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Thai movie ตัณหาแม่เบี้ย was released in year 1992 and lasts 1h16mn. Main actors and actresses are กรวิภา กรกฎา, วรรณวิไล สุขสม, ยุวันดี แก้วเกตุ, เพ็ญพร ตรีเพชร, ปฐมพงศ์ พันธุ์ไทย. Movie director is เพ็ญพักตร์ พรเพ็ญ. It was released under VCD format by Lepso company under the false name เสน่ห์สาวนางงู. Sexy scenes are probably censored or cut as it is a short duration for a movie. Villager Pong is looking for งูผี, a big snake. He gets killed. A young man, Santit, willing to do business in herbal medicine (สมุนไพร) gets a recommendation letter from his father. He goes to the area where rumor of snake spirit is strong. The father's old friend is dead but his son, Pai, accepts helping after reading the letter. Santit comes with his girlfriend Mina and another friend named Tongchai. They enter the forest. Tongchai, Vina and helper Kraimuk get drunk on the first night. Tongchai almost dies in the snake spirit's arms. The expedition leader Prai asks them not to drink alcohol in the forest anymore as it is dangerous. Kraimuk drinks again and tries to abuse Vina. Later, Kraimuk is found dead by his colleagues. He was seduced by the snake spirit. Mina is Sansit's girlfriend but Santit is a bit tired of her. Santit meets a beautiful lady, Sitha, in the forest, who promises to give him herbal plants. It is the snake spirit… On the following night, the snake spirit tries to seduce Santit but hopefully Pai helps. Afraid of snakes, Vina asks to go home. Santit proposes she leaves first. Tongchai, drunk again, defies the snake spirit and almost dies. All want to leave but Santit asks to stay one more day. Santit meets secretly the snake spirit lady Sitha. She tries to chase Santit's friends away. Vina and Tongchai become lovers and leave. Pai is back to help Santit. Kraimuk's former red cloth has some magic power as it chases snakes’ spirits (โดนวิญญาณ) away. Santit is back to meet Sitha. Pai is back before the next full moon with additional sacred weapons. He finally releases Santit and gets rid of the snake spirit Sitha.

Year: 1993
Thai title: พญาแม่เบี้ย
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: จิตรกร
Main actor: Mum Jokmok
Main actress:
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Thai movie พญาแม่เบี้ย was released in year 1993 and last 1h25mn. It was released under VCD format by company Rose. Mae Bia (แม่เบี้ย) is a snake spirit protecting a woman. Three “Mae Bia” movies were released in 1989, 2001 and 2015. Phaya is a high-ranking title for nobility. So title พญาแม่เบี้ย highlights a powerful snake spirit. This B-movie may have surfed on the success of the 1989 movie version or the 1991 TV serie version by using a similar title, but it has a small budget. Many years after, such movies were released again in VCD format and highlighting the presence of famous comic actor Mum Jokmok despite he had only a second role. Thai actors and actresses featured are ยุทธนา ศิริวัฒนา, ศิริพร เพ็ญวิไล, Mum Jokmok, ติ๊ก กลิ่นสี, กาละแม กลิ่นสี, โป้ง ปราโมทย์, วิชุดา แสนงาม, จตุพร สุพรรณการ, จ่อยตราช้าง. Movie director is จิตรกร. The movie is a mix of comedy and horror. A few villagers including Mum Jokmok are trying to catch snakes. It turns badly as one of them is bitten by a snake and dies. The local shaman suspects a snake spirit (งูผีพญาแม่เบี้ย). Lamyong finds a big snake in her garden. She takes care of it and feeds it. The local village leader visits Lamyong but she is not interested in him. Being upset, the villager leader wants to force Lamyong to be her wife (เป็นเมียให้ได้). Hopefully the snake is protecting Lamyong. While Mum Jokmok and another villager peek at Lamyong taking a bath, the snake makes them flee. Mum Jokmok discloses there is a snake spirit in Lamyong’s house, so villagers are now afraid of her. Young man Sadipap (ยุทธนา ศิริวัฒนา), a crocodile farm owner, is blamed by Chaba, Lamyong’s sister, despite he is not responsible to spread rumours. Young lady Somsree arrives in the city but she cannot find any taxi so Sadipap agrees to send her back home. She is the local village leader’s younger sister. Somsree is fond of Sadipap and is very enterprising. Is it love or desire? Sadipap is not sure. Lamyong’s father wishes to donate to the local Buddhist temple. The monk asks the father what is going on in his house as villagers try to avoid him. Taking profit that Lamyong is alone, the village leader visits her and declares his love. As she refuses and pushes him back (ไม่เล่นตัว), he tries to abuse her, but she fights back. The snake finally saves her. Seeing the bad guys leaving, Sadipap comes to rescue Lamyong. Lamyong asks the snake not to harm Sadipap as he comes to help her. Somsree is jealous that Sadipap loves Lamyong and complains she is now his wife. She reports to her brother and asks him to prevent this love. The village leader uses poison to kill a poor lad to accuse Lamyong and her snake. The village leader asks the local shaman (หมอ) to get rid of the snake spirit but it fails. He tries again to convince Lamyong to stop seeing Sadipap but she refuses. Somsree asks Sadipap to stop seeing Lamyong (แม่มด) but Sadipap chases her away as he suspects her brother to have killed the poor lad. The ruffians kidnap Lamyong. The snake guides Sadipap and his friends to the place where Lamyong is held captive. Police arrive also. Somsree becomes crazy due to her fear of snakes. The village leader is bitten by a snake and Lamyong is released.

Year: 1994
Thai title: เมียงู
English title:
Rating: 2/5
Director: ชัยณรงค์
Main actor:
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Thai movie เมียงู was released in year 1994 and lasts 1h27mn. It was released under VCD format by company Rose and company Happy Time Marketing. Movie director is ชัยณรงค์. Thai actors and actresses featured in this movie are เกรียงไกร มาก, ดวงเดือน แสงรัศมี, แอม ตรีรัก, สุกัญญา โพธิ์พันเมฆ, ยุ้ย ยิ้มสยาม, สงัด เหงือกงาม, ลูกน้ำ เพิ่มสกุล, ด.ญ.เกศสุดา หลวงสิริราช, แก้ว คุ้มสุพรรณ, อ๋อง ดับเบิ้ลบ๊องส์, ป้อม บ้านหล่อ, ปฐมชัย ชมสีเมฆ, ปั๊ก เครน, ดำ ยามาฮ่า, ทองมาก กล้า, จ๊อต พลูหลวง, สงวน พลูหลวง. Pai has a wife called Kwan but Kwan was not able to give him a child, so Pai is also married to Chon (เมียน้อย) and has one daughter Kwang. Kwan gets abused by a snake and becomes a "snake wife" (เมียงู). A bad local villager, called Lit, wants to abuse Kwan while Pai is away but the snake protects her. A second villager dies also so all the villagers do a snake battue to kill it. Kwan protects the snake by preventing villagers to check inside her house. Villagers suspect something fishy between Kwan and the snake. Villagers even use an Indian snake charmer (หมอแขค) but to no avail. While visiting a relative with her friend Baan Yen, Kwan and Chon meet each other accidentally. Pai is in trouble. Chon gets bitten by the snake, but a monk amulet protects her. Chon and Kwan meet each other again and fight. Put under pressure with the two women, Pai needs to choose (ใครเป็นน้อย ใครเป็นหลวง). Kwan had a lover in her previous life, but he got killed as Kwan's family rejected this union. The lover has reincarnated into a snake, which is now protecting Kwan. Villagers warn Pai that his wife is now a "snake wife" (เมียงู). He can see it by himself as he is spying Kwan. Pai and Chon use a sorcerer to kill the snake but as their daughter Kwang was the reincarnation of the man who killed Kwan's lover in previous life, she also dies. This movie is putting the stress on Buddhist karma and the consequences of previous acts.

Year: 1995
Thai title: งูเก็งกอง ภาคพิเศษ
English title: Devil Medusa
Rating: 3/5
Director: จรินทร์ พรหมรังสี
Main actor: Thuam Thoranong
Main actress: Tasawan Saneewong
Thai movie งูเก็งกอง ภาคพิเศษ was released in year 1995 and lasts 1h34mn. It was released under VCD format in Thailand and under laserdisc format in Hong Kong. Chinese title is 人蛇大战之蛇魔转世 / Devil Medusa. It was released in 2001 and Hong Kong. It features the same content and lasts 1h30mn. It is Thai HK production. Thai actors and actresses include Tasawan Saneewong, Thuam Thoranong, ขวัญภิรมย์ หลิน, วิทิต แลต, miss เหม่ยหลิน, mister หงฟง. Movie director is จรินทร์ พรหมรังสี. A woman, called Suey (ขวัญภิรมย์ หลิน), helps a giant snake about to be killed by hunters. Later, as she is about to drown, the snake helps her. At nighttime, she is courted by the giant snake, so Suey becomes pregnant. The baby born from their love has hair made of small snakes. Suey is the shame of the village as there is no father. The village leader (Thuam Thoranong) wishes to know. Local villagers disdain the mother and her daughter Fa Sai. While playing with other children, she falls. Due to the pain, the snakes into her hair appear. Another child removes her bandana and her hair with snakes is disclosed (เป็นปิศาจ) to all. Villagers burn their house as they believe they are demons. The village leader tries to prevent them. Luckily, a storm occurs, so the fire is extinguished, and they can flee to take refuge in a cave. Their cave becomes full of snakes. The daughter grows and becomes a beautiful woman (miss เหม่ยหลิน). Fa Sai meets a Bangkokian young man, named Vitaya, studying forest and animals. As her mother is sick, she must go back to the city to buy medicine. Vitaya meets Fa Sai again and follows her. A snake attacks Vitaya and Fa Sai saves him. Vitaya and Fa Sai become lovers. Vitaya wishes to marry Fa Sai. Drug traffic is happening in the jungle. A Thai Chinese business is dishonest. Lakchai (วิทิต แลต), his son, likes Fa Sai. Lakchai wants the village leader to act as matchmaker (พ่อซื้อ) with Fa Sai but she is not interested. Lakchai has already three wives. He gets killed by a snake while trying to abuse Sai Fa. His father is looking for revenge. As he could not find Fa Sai, he kills her mother. This time, it is Fa Sai's turn to look for revenge. All members in the house are bitten by venomous snakes. After burying the mother, Vitaya and Fa Sai leave together.

Year: 2001
Thai title: แม่เบี้ย
English title: MaeBia
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Akara Amarttayakul
Main actress: Mamee Nakprasitte
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A married man has a liaison with a woman, who is protected by a jealous supernatural snake. This passion is fatal for all. This movie is a remake of the previous movie แม่เบี้ย shot in year 1989.

Year: 2001
Thai title: งูเก็งกอง
English title: Snaker
Rating: 2/5
Director: Fai Sam Ang
Main actor: Vinai Kraibutr
Main actress: Pich Chanboramey
Thai Cambodian movie งูเก็งกอง / Ngu Keng Kong was released in year 2001 and lasts 1h48mn. It was released under VCD and DVD format. Ngu Keng Kong is actually a joint production between Khmer and Thai. It is directed by Fai Sam Ang, who is Khmer, but it was filmed by a Thai production team. The main actor, Vinai Kraibutr, is a Thai actor. In 2001, it was advertised as the first full-length feature film to be produced in Cambodia since the Khmer Rouge era. The film is a remake of a 1970s film. In 1970 Cambodia released Ngu Keng Kong movie, starring Chea Yuththorn and Dy Saveth, based on a folk legend in which a woman is courted by a giant snake. The baby born from their love has hair made of small snakes. Local villagers disdain the mother and her daughter. It was a big hit in Cambodia and Thailand. Later on, a few Thai movies (งูเก็งกอง) were done as remakes of the original Cambodian movie. Nee and Manut are married together and have a daughter. Nee meets a snake in a forest. Nee is not happy as her husband is often drunk and neglects her. He is going to the city to work as looking for herbs in the forest is not enough to get a decent living. In a rich family, wife Bupha faints. The doctor is called and finds that Bupha is pregnant. Jealous woman Preeya visits a sorceress (แม่หมอ) as she wants to get a child also. She is doing intrigues so that Bupha has a deadly accident and she can get pregnant with her husband. She has a daughter named Ratree. While Nee and her daughter are looking for herbs in the forest, a tool falls in a hole. The snake (งูเจ้า) asks to become Nee's lover in order to give back the tool. Afraid of the snake, Nee reluctantly accepts and the snake visits her when the husband is away. A love story starts and Nee finally gets pregnant. The husband comes back and is informed about the snake by his daughter. Manut kills the snake thanks to his daughter's feedback. In anger, he then cuts his wife's belly and small snakes escape from it. He kills them except one. Manut then slips on a rock and dies. The surviving baby snake is rescued by a Brahmin. It becomes an human and is named Suriya (โสรยา). When growing up, Suriya is a beautiful girl with snake hairs. She wants to play with other kids but Ranee and Charee reject her as she is a poor child. Only Veaha protects her. While being an adult, Suriya meets Veaha (เวหา), being a nice and handsome man. Veaha has fallen from a waterfall following an argument with Charee. Suriya helps Veaha, who is injured. The Brahmin gives her a magic ring to transform her snake hair into normal hair. If she loses her virginity, she will become a snake again. Love emerges between Suriya and Veaha but Ranee (รานี), Veaha's fiancee, and her mother Preeya try to stop Suriya (ผู้หญิงบ้านป่า) by all means such as pushing Charee to rape her, filter potions, sorceress (แม่หมอ) to fight the Brahmin. All attempts fail. This movie is similar to 1980s Thai movies with a handsome leading actor, a beautiful leading actress, the jealous girl and her mother intriguing to break the relationship with them. The movie ends happily with the bad people being punished. Suriya and Veaha love can finally blossom.

Year: 2008
Thai title: ปาฏิหาริย์รักต่างพันธุ์
English title: Deep in the Jungle
Rating: 2/5
Main actor: Jesdaporn Pholdee
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Nawin, an army secret service agent is protecting a young woman called Jin. She is chased by men from International forces lead by a felon guy. She is extracted from a Myanmar village and separated from her brother. Jin and her brother are undergoing a strange transformation within their body as her blood circulates through mutation. The International forces are after the young woman only. The felon guy claims they are not human, being a half breed mix between animal and human. Being followed up in Bangkok, Nawin helps her to escape the felon guy and its strong men. Nawin has pity for Jin and love emerges. He takes Jin back to her birth place. But the International forces found her again, destroy the village and kill all villagers. Finally both the brother and sister transform themselves into powerful giant snakes. They get rid of all bad soldiers and felon guy. Unfortunately Nawin cannot stay with her in the jungle.

Year: 2015
Thai title: แม่เบี้ย
English title: Maebia
Rating: 4/5
Director: Pantewanop Tewakul
Main actor: Shahkrit Yamnarm,Ananda Everingham,Kriengkrai Unhanan
Main actress: Karnpithchar Katemanee
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Thai movie แม่เบี้ย was released in year 2015. It lasts 2h. Miss Thailand World 2009 second runner-up Karnpithchar "Oam" Katemanee was selected for the challenging role of Mekhala. Compared to previous versions in 1988 and 2001, this version is highlighted by a beautiful picture as usual with movies from director Pantewanop Tewakul and also an important dose of erotism with many love scenes. The elder brother khun Charachon (Shahkrit Yamnarm) wishes to buy an old house (เรือนโบราณ). The owner of the house is a beautiful lady called Mekhala. Charachon visits the house with his younger brother Prapoum. The house is showing traditional puppet events. While the elder brother enjoys the show and is attracted by the beautiful owner, the younger brother is having an affair with one of the dancers. Charachon wishes to meet Mae again. Charachon is married to Kaew and has a daughter. Mekhala is having a lover called Pot already but he dislikes a snake always around. Pot is the son of political party owner. Charachon wishes to have a diner with Mekhala but she prefers to organise it in her home... Pot cannot come that night as Mekhala is busy already. Pot sends some men to get rid of the snake (งูผี) but they die. Pot is also married. The snake ghost is jealous about men being close to Mekhala. Charachon has to meet again Mekhala as he fully attracted by her. While riddling on the river, they fall from the boat as the snake (งูเห่า) was about to attack. Charachon doesn't know how to swim. Charachon feels so well in Mekhala's old house that he forgets going home (ไม่เหมาะ) despite his wife waiting. The spirit has the appearance of a beautiful young lady at nighttime. Charachon has weird dreams and wishes to understand the significance. Charachon sees Mekhala talking to a big snake (ทีนี้ไม้ใช่ที่ของคุณ). They finally become lovers. Mekhala tells the story of the snake (คุณ), who was already protecting her mother. On his side, Charachon is an adoptive child. He doesn't know his biological parents. In the morning, while wandering with Mekhala, the cobra attacks Charachon again. Thanks to the spade (ดาบพิเศษ) given by Lung Tim, Charachon pushes back the snake. Lung Tim warns Charachon not to come back to this house. Pot is chased away by Mekhala as she has Charachon now. Aware of Charachon's outside activities with Mekhala, Charachon's wife, Kaew, asks her to stop taking her husband (แย่งผัวชาวบ้าน). Meanwhile Pot dies while trying to kill the snake. The house is damned (บ้านของบาป, บ้านมีกรรม) with lust and death. Charachon realises he is not the real son of Kriengkrai Unhanan. Perplex, he finds his own brother Prapoum in bed with his wife Kaew. Deceived by life, Charachon goes back to Mekhala’s home knowing she is not here and knowing that death is waiting for him there. A few months later, Prapoum brings his new boss (Ananda Everingham) to visit Mekhala...

Year: 2018
Thai title: นาคี 2
English title: Naki 2
Rating: 4/5
Director: Phongphat Wachirabanjong
Main actor: Piya Trakulrard
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Thai movie นาคี 2 / Naki 2 was released in year 2018 and lasts 1h30mn. It made 440M THB revenue. It is one of the biggest success in Thai movies history. Movie director is Phongphat Wachirabanjong. It is based on a Thai TV serie นาคี who was aired in year 2016 on CH3 TV channel. The original idea was to do another TV series called นาคี 2 but it finally became a movie. Main actor as Thosapon (ภูภูมิ พงศ์ภาณุภาค) and actress as Naki (ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์) from TV serie นาคี are still in นาคี 2 / Naki 2 making the link between the two versions. The TV series Naki is based on Thai movie Nakee / นาคี released in year 1979. This movie takes place in Loei, where a local shrine is dedicated to local deity Mae Naki (แม่นาคี). A new police inspector (สารวัตร) Pong Prap (ณเดชน์ คูกิมิยะ) arrives in the city. People died recently so the new police inspector has to investigate. A man pushes young lady Soi (อุรัสยา เสปอร์บันด์) trying to protect the statue. The man, who insulted the statue, is found dead. Villagers believe it is due to Phajanak (พยานาค), a huge mystic snake. Pong Prap doesn't believe this despite big bites are found in the dead body. It is only a traditional belief of local people. A man is suspected. Pong Prap captures him but he later died in his cell. Soi is a medium and has vision if people are going to die. Huge snake prints are found. Deity Mae Naki (ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์) performs a rampage (อาละวาด). A foreigner arrives to catch Mae Naki. Soi tries to discourage him. Four tourists are found dead as they were taking incorrect pictures near the Chao Mae Naki statue. Soi is seen on their pictures so villagers suspect her. Pong Prap has to stop villagers trying to do justice by themselves. The police inspector visits the statue at nighttime and is attracted by Soi. A monk visits the statue also. The foreigner and his assistant are found dead. Seven deaths occurred so the village leader (Piya Trakulrard) decides to recruit a spirit doctor (หมอผี). The spirit doctor warns them about the Phajanak. They suspect Soi to be the vector of Chao Mae Naki (นาคน้อย). They decide to chase Soi out of the village. Villagers are looking for Soi and finally capture her. Police cannot stop them. They prepare to burn her. Another lady, called Lamjiek (ลำเจียก), who died already and had wished to be reincarnated as a mystical snake, is the one behind the multiple deaths. The monk, being Thosapon, confirms. Burning Soi would a sin (บาปกรรม). Lamjiek, being upset by the monk Thosapon, transforms herself in Phayanak and kills him. Nakee, saddened by Thosapon death, also transforms her into a mystic snake. Finally, both mystical snakes are fighting, i.e. one lead by Naki and one lead by Lamjiek (นางพญานาคี). Naki is defeated but Soi transforms herself in a smaller mystical snake to protect Naki but to no avail. About to be killed by Lamjiek, a giant garuda deity captures and takes away the evil snake. Peace is back in the village. Reincarnations of Naki and Thosapon can love each other again.
This selected theme contains 16 movies.
ThaiWorldView's film database contains 1544 movies.