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How many Thai movies have you seen?
ThaiWorldView movie database contains 1544 records.
ThaiWorldView movie database is divided in following genres:
- Action - 319 movies -
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- Buddhism - 34 movies -
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- Comedy - 116 movies -
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- Crime - 99 movies -
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- Drama - 141 movies -
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- Erotic - 36 movies -
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- Folklore - 79 movies -
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- Historical - 50 movies -
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- Horror - 175 movies -
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- Musical - 32 movies -
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- Romance - 289 movies -
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- Sci-Fi - 10 movies -
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- Social - 81 movies -
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- Teen - 51 movies -
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- Thriller - 32 movies -
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Why Thai cinema is different from other cinemas?
Thai cinema has a complex and interesting history.
Click on our Thai cinema history summary
Thai culture, Thai history, Thai litterature, Thai society precepts and Thai Buddhist beliefs are always present in Thai movies, making them a refreshing alternative to occidental movies. Unfortunately mainly Thai actions movies and Thai horror movies are well-known outside Thailand.
We want to stimulate interests among Thai people and foreigners in regarding Thai movies as national treasures. Thai movies form a new and ongoing cultural force of Thai life, starting more than a century ago.
Who is your favorite actor?
Sorapong Chatree (1950-2022) - สรพงษ์ ชาตรี

Click on our Sorapong Chatree's partial filmography (229 movies) :

Sorapong Chatree, like many Thai older actors, are less used in Thai movies but still used in Thai TV series. In foreign cinema such as French movies, older actors such Gerard Depardieu, Alain Delon, Jean-Paul Belmondon can still have the first role in a movie. Thai society like young faces in Thai movies and TV series. It is a pity that such great actor as Sorapong Chatree is not used anymore at his right value. The Thai cinema industry spoiled the market by having young actors play the role of senior characters.
Which other Thai actors are famous?
141 Thai actors are represented in ThaiWorldView movies database.
Who is your favorite actress?
Jintara Sookkapat (1965) - จินตรา สุขพัฒน์

Click on our Jintara Sookkapat's partial filmography (34 movies) :

In the 1960s-1980s, there was a booming movie business and a hysteria for screen actors (Mitr Chaibancha, Sombat Methanee, Sorapong Chatree, Petchara Chaowarat, Aranya Namwong, Jarunee Sooksawad, Jintara Sookkapat...). Today, simply switching on a TV has made soaps ("LAKORN TORATAT" - ละครโทรทัศน์) more accessible than movies. Since the 1980s Thai soap operas have been very popular by being broadcasted at prime time. By the late 1980s, Thai soap operas programs came to rival Thai films in popularity.
Which other Thai actresses are famous?
139 Thai actresses are represented in ThaiWorldView movies database.
Who is your favorite director?
ChatriChalerm Yukol (1942) - ชาตรีเฉลิม ยุคล

Click on our ChatriChalerm Yukol's partial filmography (23 movies) :

ChatriChalerm Yukol was supposed to write a Citizen III movie. The Citizen is actually part of a trilogy, i.e. The Citizen, Freedom of the Citizen and Citizen Go Home. He has made two. He never made the third one.
Which other Thai directors are famous?
39 Thai directors are represented in ThaiWorldView movies database.
What means your rating?
- 5/5 = Highly recommended (136 movies) -
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- 4/5 = Great (265 movies) -
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- 3/5 = Enjoyable (884 movies) -
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- 2/5 = Below average (189 movies) -
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- 1/5 = Forget it (67 movies) -
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What are your top 12 favorite Thai movies?
- The Overture (2004) - โหมโรง
- Nang Nak (1999) - นางนาก
- Virgin Market (1988) - ตลาดพรหมจารี
- The Elephant Keeper (1987) - คนเลี้ยงช้าง
- Freedom of Citizen (Citizen II) (1985) - อิสรภาพของ ทองพูน โคกโพ
- Butterfly and Flowers (1985) - ผีเสื้อและดอกไม้
- The MP outside the Parliament (1983) - ผู้แทนนอกสภา
- Gunman I (1983) - มือปืน
- Kha Nam Nom (1981) - ค่าน้ำนม
- The Yellow Sky (1980) - อุกาฟ้าเหลือง
- Rural Teacher (1978) - ครูบ้านนอก
- The Angel (1974) - เทพธิดาโรงแรม
Why are you interested in Thai cinema?
I am interested in anything related to Thai culture and Thai society. So I love studying movies, TV series, books, photographs, newspaper articles, history, research papers regarding Thailand.
When did you start to be interested in Thai cinema?
Starting in 1998, I watched Thai TV series to improve my Thai language knowledge. The Thai first movie that I watched was "Nang Nak" in 1999. Then I started to buy Thai VCD movies everytime I went to Thailand two or three times a year.
What is your favorite film genre?
I like Social problem films (หนังสาธรสังคม or หนังสาธรปัญหาสังคม) stories as they point to injustice in Thai society. This genre is not popular among audiences because the stories do not support the law of karma. The villains are not punished. The social problem films in Thailand boomed from the 1970s through the mid 1980s. After the events of 14 October 1973 Thai people enjoyed a form of democracy that was provided with increased freedom. As a consequence, Thai people became more openly interested in politics and social problems.
Some social problem movies deal about farmers' difficult life and their migration to Bangkok. Some social problem movies deal about conflicts between poor people, government officials (policemen, soldiers, bureaucrats) and businessmen. The plots of these films usually involve the conflicts between classes such as poor people and their oppressors. Many social problem movies present the problems of poor people such as prostitutes, peasants, and slum-dwellers.
Some Thai social movies may not be at international standard levels from a picture or soundtrack point of view but their moral message given is meaningful to Thai society. Nowadays Thai audiences are not all that hungry for well-made productions with a social or moral message. They prefer simply and easy-to-digest entertainment. Social movies are no longer popular and began to disappear from the local film market in 1990s.
Why most of the movies in website are old movies?
Despite the popular notion that old films are outdated, irrelevant or just plain boring, there is a wealth of historical and cultural detail to be found in old film footage, without which our understanding of Thai national heritage would be so much weaker.
- Our 1920s decade (2 movies) -
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- Our 1930s decade (0 movies) -
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- Our 1940s decade (4 movies) -
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- Our 1950s decade (32 movies) -
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- Our 1960s decade (187 movies) -
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- Our 1970s decade (317 movies) -
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- Our 1980s decade (407 movies) -
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- Our 1990s decade (229 movies) -
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- Our 2000s decade (232 movies) -
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- Our 2010s decade (133 movies) -
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- Our 2020s decade (1 movies) -
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What are the main characteristics of Thai 1960s movies?
- Our 1960s decade (187 movies) -
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- Action - 35 movies
- Buddhism - 1 movies
- Comedy - 3 movies
- Crime - 21 movies
- Drama - 30 movies
- Folklore - 13 movies
- Historical - 7 movies
- Horror - 11 movies
- Romance - 58 movies
- Sci-Fi - 0 movies
- Social - 2 movies
- Teen - 0 movies
- Thriller - 5 movies
The below characteristics are based on a limited selection of 187 movies so it will be updated from to time when more 1960s movies are added to our movies database. Around 605 movies were shot during 1960s decade.
In 1960s decades the popular profile of a film star was a dark-skinned, muscular hero, weightlifting type such as Mitr Chaibancha or Sombat Methanee. Normally, movie stars wouldn't lower their rank to appear on TV. Nowadays movie stars try to build a fan base with TV shows. Movies have little interest in stories that feature seniors in the lead. Many actors who were famous two, three decades ago found themselves unemployed and in certain cases ended up living their last corners of life in poverty.
Thai moviemakers generally preferred the 16mm format with no sound. Some live dubbing was required at each screening. The dubbers were the stars and each province had its own famous film dubbers.
Mainstream movies at that time tended to drag the audience away from reality. Many typical 1960s movies always included same cast of characters, i.e. a leading actor (พระเอก) coming from rich background, a leading actress (นางเอก) coming from a poor background, villains (ตัวกง) wishing to hurt the leading actress, funny comedians supporting the leading actor (ตัวตลก), bad girls (นางอิจฉา) trying to take away the leading actor from the leading actress. Such movies mixed action, love, comedy and drama.
Top favorite Thai movies for decade 1960s are:
- Pisat Saneha (1969) - ปีศาจเสน่หา
- Lakorn Rae (1969) - ละครเร่
- Nora (1966) - โนห์รา
- The Battle of Bang Rajan (1966) - ศึกบางระจัน
What are the main characteristics of Thai 1970s movies?
- Our 1970s decade (317 movies) -
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- Action - 89 movies
- Buddhism - 2 movies
- Comedy - 12 movies
- Crime - 26 movies
- Drama - 36 movies
- Folklore - 12 movies
- Historical - 5 movies
- Horror - 10 movies
- Romance - 82 movies
- Sci-Fi - 4 movies
- Social - 17 movies
- Teen - 4 movies
- Thriller - 5 movies
The below characteristics are based on a limited selection of 317 movies so it will be updated from to time when more 1970s movies are added to our movies database. Around 999 movies were shot during 1970s decade.
The three years democratic window between 1973 and 1976 saw a tremendous upsurge in creative expression in film. Issues that have not been able to be represented publicly under military rule became the focus of considerable public attention.
Thai movies after 1973 can be divided into two groups, those focusing on sex and violence and those with a strong political bias. Freedom was taken to the extreme. There was many movies where crude language was used and which put the stress on sex. The issue of bisexuality surfaced in film for the first time. It has never been talked before. Male nudity and men being represented as sexual objects of female desire also hit the news in the mid 1970s. First Thai films about male prostitution appear.
The decade of the 1970s is also a decade of change and development in the cinema, particularly in the emergence of a socially critical cinema (topics related to corruption, underground power, unfair local administrative bodies). Films were dealing with contemporary issues in a realistic manner which is a sharp contrast to the content of 1960s movies.
Some movies presented an ideology strongly anti-communist such as action movies where the villains were always the red communists.
Top favorite Thai movies for decade 1970s are:
- Mountain People (1978) - คนภูเขา
- The Rural Teacher (1977) - ครูบ้านนอก
- The old scar (1977) - แผลเก่า
- Damned life (1977) - ชีวิตบัดซบ
- Taxi Driver (Citizen I) (1977) - ทองพูนโคกโพ ราษฏรเต็มขั้น
- Tong Pan (1976) - ทองปาน
- The Angel (1974) - เทพธิดาโรงแรม
- Dr. Khan (1973) - เขาชื่อกานต์
- Choo (1972) - ชู้
What are the main characteristics of Thai 1980s movies?
- Our 1980s decade (407 movies) -
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- Action - 98 movies
- Buddhism - 8 movies
- Comedy - 35 movies
- Crime - 27 movies
- Drama - 41 movies
- Folklore - 21 movies
- Historical - 5 movies
- Horror - 26 movies
- Romance - 83 movies
- Sci-Fi - 1 movies
- Social - 35 movies
- Teen - 12 movies
- Thriller - 3 movies
The below characteristics are based on a limited selection of 407 movies so it will be updated from to time when more 1980s movies are added to our movies database. Around 1233 movies were shot during 1980s decade.
Politics gradually disappeared from Thai films in the 1980s.
Very commercially successful in the 1980s were gangsters films modeled on Hong Kong genre including a vast amount of gunplay and general quarrels. Actions movies where the leading actor was confronting a local mafia were also very popular.
Movies were so numerous so they often displayed at the end "See you in movie xxx" (พบกันใหม่) to incite fans to come to see their favorite stars in the next movie.
Top favorite Thai movies for decade 1980s are:
- Virgin market (1988) - ตลาดพรหมจารี
- Yeua (1987) - เหยื่อ
- The Seed (1987) - ด้วยเกล้า
- Butterfly and Flowers (1985) - ผีเสื้อและดอกไม้
- Freedom of Citizen (Citizen II) (1985) - อิสรภาพของ ทองพูน โคกโพ
- The MP outside the Parliament (1983) - ผู้แทนนอกสภา
- Gunman I (1983) - มือปืน
- Son of the Northeast (1982) - ลูกอีสาน
- Kha Nam Nom (1981) - ค่าน้ำนม
- The Yellow Sky (1980) - อุกาฟ้าเหลือง
What are the main characteristics of Thai 1990s movies?
- Our 1990s decade (229 movies) -
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- Action - 53 movies
- Buddhism - 3 movies
- Comedy - 6 movies
- Crime - 11 movies
- Drama - 8 movies
- Erotic - 26 movies
- Folklore - 12 movies
- Historical - 4 movies
- Horror - 40 movies
- Romance - 16 movies
- Sci-Fi - 2 movies
- Social - 14 movies
- Teen - 20 movies
- Thriller - 7 movies
The below characteristics are based on a limited selection of 229 movies so it will be updated from to time when more 1990s movies are added to our movies database. Around 607 movies were shot during 1990s decade.
Teen films with plots and themes centered on the classroom were very successful in 1990s decade.
Many Thai B grade movies were shot in 1990s decade.
In the 1990s, the number of Thai films being produced decreased dramatically. During this time Thai film genres such as Action movie, Drama movies, Social movies were no longer popular and began to disappear from the local film market. They were mainly replaced by American movies.
The style of films from the new directors (Pen-Ek Ratanaruang, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Nonzee Nimitbut...) in late 1990s was different from the previous decade. They presented films that were influenced by advertising and music video clips. There were more focus on urban life and people enjoying consumerism. The number of films that presented the story of urban life and middle class increased. On the other hand, the number of films for provincial people (Action movies and Ghost movies) declined.
Top favorite Thai movies for decade 1990s are:
- Nang Nak (1999) - นางนาก
- Dang Bireley and the Young Gangsters (1997) - 2499 อันธพาล ครองเมือง
- fun bar karaoke (1997) - ฝันบ้าคาราโอเกะ
- MUEN and RID (1994) - อำแดงเหมือน กับ นายริด
- Once upon a time... This morning (1994) - กาลครั้งหนึ่ง เมื่อเช้านี้
- Kawao at Bangpleng (1994) - กาเหว่าที่บางเพลง
- The Dumb Die Fast. The Smart Die Slow (1991) - กะโหลกบางตายช้า กะโหลกหนาำตายก่อน
- Salween (Gunman II) (1991) - มือปืน 2
What are the main characteristics of Thai 2000s movies?
- Our 2000s decade (232 movies) -
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- Action - 23 movies
- Buddhism - 8 movies
- Comedy - 43 movies
- Crime - 8 movies
- Drama - 13 movies
- Folklore - 14 movies
- Historical - 13 movies
- Horror - 58 movies
- Romance - 23 movies
- Sci-Fi - 3 movies
- Social - 7 movies
- Teen - 8 movies
- Thriller - 9 movies
The below characteristics are based on a limited selection of 232 movies so it will be updated from to time when more 2000s movies are added to our movies database. Around 378 movies were shot during 2000s decade.
In decade 2000s there are no more political films despite the liveliest politics, for example, and hardly films that represent regional issues and interests. Thai films, unlike 30 years ago, have become strictly middle-class, Bangkok-centric affairs. Social problem films that raise society issues such as farmers' difficult life, corruption, injustice, migration, the problems of poor people such as prostitutes, peasants and slum-dwellers are no more popular in year 2000s. Hopefully they are still a few Documentary or so-called docudrama Movies.
Horror movies have become the icons of contemporary Thai films.
Top favorite Thai movies for decade 2000s are:
- Bangkok Traffic Love Story (2009) - รถไฟฟ้า..มาหานะเธอ
- October Sonata (2009) - รักที่รอคอย
- King Naresuan 2 (2007) - ตำนานสมเด็จพระนเรศวรมหาราช
- Syndromes and a Century (2006) - แสงศตวรรษ
- Dorm (2006) - เด็กหอ
- Shutter (2004) - ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ
- The overture (2004) - โหมโรง
- Ong Bak (2003) - องค์บาก
- Mekhong full moon party (2002) - ๑๕ ค่ำ เดือน ๑๑
- Mon Rak Transistor (2001) - มนต์รักทรานซิสเตอร์
What are the main characteristics of Thai 2010s movies?
- Our 2010s decade (133 movies) -
Click on our selection
- Action - 15 movies
- Buddhism - 10 movies
- Comedy - 16 movies
- Crime - 2 movies
- Drama - 9 movies
- Folklore - 6 movies
- Historical - 12 movies
- Horror - 26 movies
- Romance - 15 movies
- Sci-Fi - 0 movies
- Social - 5 movies
- Teen - 7 movies
- Thriller - 3 movies
Which Thai companies are selling old Thai movies?
Some old Thai movies are difficult to find. Nowadays DVD have replaced VCD. Following the lesser interest in old Thai movies, some companies only adapt popular old movies to DVD format. Some major companies still distribute old movies, i.e. Lepso Studio, Premium, Solar Marketing, Rose, APS, Happy Time Marketing Co, Mongkol, Pantamit, Tiga.

Their collection is named "Movie in my heart" (คิดถึงหนังไทย) and includes 100 titles. It is also called XxX (Triple X). Their old movies are often higher quality as they are involved in cinema business since a long time. They are even the owner of famous movies such as "อัศวินดาบกายสิทธิ์". For some movies they restored the image or put a new soundtrack and dialogues. So their movies are often sold more expensive than the other brands. Pantamit focus on movies 30-40 years old. Unfortunately Pantamit company with their "Movie in my heart" collection went bankrupt as they could't sell enough old movies to survive. Many Beta VHS tapes were still in stock in "Pantamit" but were not released due the insufficient interest of Thai movies fans.

Lepso Studio's movies collection always display "40 years Thai historical movies" (40ปีหนังไทยประวัติศาสตร์) or "25 years historical Thai movies" (25ปีหนังไทยประวัติศาสตร์). Very often, the cover given with the VCD is wrong and belongs to another movie. Even worst, the cover can be a fake cover photoshopped from other movies. Many movies from Lepso Studio are Grade B action movies from 1990s.

Happy Home Entertainment stock includes movies never released before in VCD/DVD format, i.e. เตือนใจ, เมืองในหมอก, แหกนรกเวียดนาม. Each movie is around 69 to 89 Baht. Thai movies fans shall purchase them so that Happy Home can release more batches in the future. Unfortunately in year 2013, Happy Home Entertainment movies were sold 3 DVDs for 100 Baht so certainly indicating it was not a successful business despite releasing 50 great old movies.

Vcd are less than 100 baht except for Pantamit movies, which are often sold more than 120 baht. Other brands are far below 100 baht despite higher sticker price displayed on their cover.
Why Lepso Studio VCD releases are sometimes controversial?
Lepso Studio company has a big Thai movie catalogue. It is well known for its wrong and misleading
VCD covers to oversell or resell the same old movies. Click on this link
to discover Thai movies posters from Lepso Studio.
Which old Thai movies are you still looking for?
Around 4000 Thai movies have been produced since 1927. Around 2000 are stored at the Thai Film Archives. Many 16mm colour movies are lost. There was never an original negative to hold on to, let alone archive. The camera original and any additional exhibition prints were circulated to cinemas around the country. The prints were screened and rescreened until they became scratched beyond repair.
There is still some hope or dream that some movies can be found overseas. Thai producers developed their film in Hong Kong in 1970s so some films negatives might still be there. Recently some lost movies in Thailand were found in Sweden such as กระสือสาว (1973 - Ghost of Guts Eater) where they have been released in VHS or betamax format decades ago.
I am still struggling to find below old Thai movies.
Click on this link
to know some old Thai movies I am looking for.
Where can I download Thai movies for free?
Thai VCD are cheap. So please help to support the Thai cinema industry by buying genuine copies.
Can I download Thai movies for free from your website?
No you cannot download any movies here.
Do you sell Thai VCD or DVD?
No but you can buy movies from online Thai store website such as :
Where can I buy old movies in Bangkok?
Many shops are selling recent Thai movies. Old Thai movies are more difficult to find.

Around 1978-1979, old Thai movies could be rent as video. Then no more old movies video on the market until year 2000-2001 when company Pantamit released Thai movies in vcd format. To put old movies in video format companies need to buy original film and pay copyright. It takes time to negotiate for those copyrights as often the original owner may be dead. The cost is not so high, around 10000 to 15000 baht per movie. Many movies have disappeared as the film was not kept. Cinemas throw them away.
Uncle Chai is involved in cinema since he is 17-18 years old. He was drawing posters for cinema and also photographer in a few movies. Uncle Chai's full name is เจตน์ วัฒนพฤกษ์. His shop is located at ย่าน 5 แยกปากเกร็ด (Pakkret intersection).
As uncle Chai was getting older, he had stopped selling movies. The shop is now destroyed and the area is under redevelopment. Nobody around the area knows his whereabouts. He was quite old and is hopefully enjoying his retirement. He was a rare expert about Mitr Chaibancha.
Why image quality from Thai old movies is sometimes not so good?
Many old movies are originated from films to betamax, VHS and then to VCD and DVD. In many cases, the original film is no longer available, so it is impossible to restore the movie in a better condition. On top of this, Thai people's interest in old movies is pretty limited so no companies anymore dare to release restored old movies as they are worried to lose movie. During year 2014, Five Star Movie company restored many movies from their catalogue. But those movies are only available for download or viewing through itunes but not under DVD format.
Many old movies were degraded by getting a VHS or VCD release. Their format was changed from 16:9 to 4:3 so part of the original picture is cut. Old movies were often longer than 2h30mn (A 16mm film is using between 4 to 5 reels. Each reel is around 40mn long). Many old movies released in VCD format were cut as a VCD can contain 2h30mn maximum.
Why Thai posters are so famous?

Which Thai movie has the highest number of remakes?
The movie "Mae Nak" (แม่นาค) has been shot over 20 times over 50 years. It is about a love beyond death from a woman towards her husband. In year 2013 the movie "Pee Mak Phra Khanong" has become the highest-grossing film in Thai history.
Which Thai romance movie still remains as one of the most popular?
The movie "Mon Rak Luuk Thung" (มนต์รักลูกทุ่ง) has been shot 3 times for cinema and 3 times for television serie. It is about love stories between poor farmers and young women coming from a richer family.
What is written at the end of Thai movies?
When a Thai movie is finished, a sentence "สวัสดี" is displayed. It is similar to "The End".
Which Thai movies got award outside Thailand?
Here is a partial list.
- Santi Veena (1954) - cinematography and art direction awards at the First Southeast Asian Film Festival in Tokyo in 1954.
- The Scar (1977) - แผลเก่า - Top award at Festival des 3 Continents in Nantes, France in 1981
- The story of Nampoo (1984) - น้ำพุ - Best Actor award at First Southeast Asian Film Festival
- Butterfly and Flower (1985) - ผีเสื้อและดอกไม้ - Best Picture from the Hawaii Film Festival in 1986
- Bangkok dangerous (1999) - บางกอก แดนเจอรัส - Fipresci international award
- Nang Nak (1999) - นางนาก - winning awards for the best director, best art director, and best sound at Asia-Pacific Film Festival in 1999
- 6ixtynin9 (1999) - เรื่องตลก69 - awards at Berlin and Brooklyn film festivals
- Tears of the Black Tiger (2000) - ฟ้าทะลายโจร - Dragons and Tigers Award for Young Cinema in Vancouver
- Blissfully yours (2001) - สุดเสน่หา - "Un Certain Regard" award at 2002 Cannes Film Festival
- Last Life in the Universe (2003) - เรื่องรัก น้อยนิด มหาศาล - Venice Film Festival
- Ong Bak (2003) - องค์บาก - awarded the Action Asia prize at France's Deauville Asian Film Festival
- Tropical Malady (2004) - สัตว์ประหลาด - Special Jury Prize at the Cannes International Film Festival
- Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010) - ลุงบุญมีระลึกชาติ - Palme d'or at the Cannes International Film Festival
What are the top highest-grossing Thai movies of all times?
- Pee Mak Phra Kanong (2013) - พี่มาก.. พระโขนง - 500+฿ millions
- Suriyothai (2001) - สุริโยไท - 500฿ millions
- King Naresuan 1 (2007) - ตำนานสมเด็จพระนเรศวรมหาราช 1 - 237. ฿ millions
- King Naresuan 2 (2007) - ตำนานสมเด็จพระนเรศวรมหาราช 2 - 234.7฿ millions
- Tom Yum Goong (2005) - ต้มยำกุ้ง - 182฿ millions
- Bang Rajan (2000) - บางระจัน - 151฿ millions
- Nang Nak (1999) - นางนาก - 150฿ millions
- Bangkok's Traffic Love Story (2009) - รถไฟฟ้า..มาหานะเธอ - 150฿ millions
- The Holy man (2005) - หลวงพี่เทง - 141฿ millions
- My Girl (2003) - แฟนฉัน - 137.6฿ millions
- Hello Stranger (2010) - กวนมึนโฮ - 125฿ millions
- Killer Tatoo (2001) - มือปืนโลกพระจัน - 124฿ millions
- Phobia 2 (2009) - สี่แพร่ง 2 - 113. ฿ millions
- Shutter (2004) - ชัตเตอร์ กดติดวิญญาณ - 110฿ millions
- Ong Bak 2 (2008) - องค์บาก 2 - 101 ฿ millions
- Ong Bak (2003) - องค์บาก - 100฿ millions
- Hello Yasothon (2005) - แหยม ยโสธร - 99฿ millions
The top three movies were productions bankrolled by the government, who mounted nationwide promotional campaigns based on historical nationalism that resulted in their phenomenal revenues. Source: "The future of Thai cinema" by Sanchai Chotiroseranee.
How is Thai cinema censorship in Thailand?
Before the October 14 1973 uprising, the state and political right perceived a communist threat from the outside so was censoring films from abroad with any perceived leftist content. After the October 6 1976 massacre, the threat was internal and many social realist films were consequently banned such as ทองปาน (1976).

Censorship undermines creativity. After many complaints and protests, the new Film Act was approved in 2008 to replace the one that had been used since 1930! In year 2009 a new ratings system was introduced. The system stipulates seven ratings: General, 13-plus, 15-plus, 18-plus, 20-plus, a ban and the "P" rating for films deserving to be promoted by the state.

Often on DVD and VCD movies, there are warning captions regarding depictions of certain dubious behaviours of Buddhist monks, alcohol and smoking bad effects.

Films that contain scenes of Buddhist monks running away from ghosts and falling into a toilet are not censored because that is not considered actually as bad publicity for Buddhism. Thai movie "Syndromes and a Century" / แสงศตวรรษ was banned in year 2006. Thai Censorship Board objected to depictions of monks and doctors in this movie.

The censorship system leads to standstill in the movie industry. Anyone who produces outside their frame will be ordered to readjust.
Any book you recommend about Thai cinema?
Yes, you can check my list about Thai Cinema Books.
Any website you recommend about Thai cinema?
- ThaiCinema is a website with English-language updated news on the Thai cinema as the Thai film industry has developed into a big hit in the recent years.
- Thai Film DB is a website containing a Thai Film database.
- The Southeast Asia Movie Theater Project is a photographic archive of derelict or converted movie theaters in Southeast Asia.
- The Thai Film Journal is a website containing regularly updated news on Thai and Asian films and culture from Wise Kwai, a Thai film fan and copy editor.
- Thai Film Foundation is a website established by film activists to promote the film culture in Thailand. Don't miss the forum section with thousands of old pictures and posters.
- Enjoy Thai Movies is a Thai Movie Blog with Reviews and Trailers from Thailand.
- CinemaThai is the first Internet website in both Chinese and English providing information specifically on Thai cinema.
- Bangkok1080 is a new Thai movies guide website.
- Best Thai Movies website includes reviews of the best Thai movies with English subtitles.
What are the last Thai movies you have seen?
You can check our "what is new?" page about Thai Cinema.
How many Thai movies are shot each year?
Year | Number | |
1955 | 68 | Our partial filmography of 6 movies |
1956 | 62 | Our partial filmography of 1 movies |
1957 | 60 | Our partial filmography of 3 movies |
1958 | 46 | Our partial filmography of 8 movies |
1959 | 36 | Our partial filmography of 9 movies |
1960 | 42 | Our partial filmography of 5 movies |
1961 | 48 | Our partial filmography of 8 movies |
1962 | 56 | Our partial filmography of 11 movies |
1963 | 44 | Our partial filmography of 6 movies |
1964 | 46 | Our partial filmography of 9 movies |
1965 | 68 | Our partial filmography of 24 movies |
1966 | 71 | Our partial filmography of 28 movies |
1967 | 68 | Our partial filmography of 25 movies |
1968 | 79 | Our partial filmography of 36 movies |
1969 | 83 | Our Partial filmography of 35 movies |
1970 | 73 | Our partial filmography of 36 movies |
1971 | 74 | Our partial filmography of 26 movies |
1972 | 71 | Our partial filmography of 22 movies |
1973 | 81 | Our partial filmography of 21 movies |
1974 | 83 | Our partial filmography of 19 movies |
1975 | 91 | Our partial filmography of 26 movies |
1976 | 130 | Our partial filmography of 39 movies |
1977 | 115 | Our partial filmography of 40 movies |
1978 | 161 | Our partial filmography of 46 movies |
1979 | 120 | Our partial filmography of 42 movies |
1980 | 125 | Our partial filmography of 39 movies |
1981 | 138 | Our partial filmography of 32 movies |
1982 | 117 | Our partial filmography of 38 movies |
1983 | 109 | Our partial filmography of 36 movies |
1984 | 147 | Our partial filmography of 51 movies |
1985 | 148 | Our partial filmography of 49 movies |
1986 | 101 | Our partial filmography of 41 movies |
1987 | 121 | Our partial filmography of 56 movies |
1988 | 118 | Our partial filmography of 32 movies |
1989 | 109 | Our partial filmography of 33 movies |
1990 | 101 | Our partial filmography of 52 movies |
1991 | 104 | Our partial filmography of 34 movies |
1992 | 93 | Our partial filmography of 36 movies |
1993 | 75 | Our partial filmography of 18 movies |
1994 | 64 | Our partial filmography of 22 movies |
1995 | 56 | Our partial filmography of 18 movies |
1996 | 48 | Our partial filmography of 18 movies |
1997 | 42 | Our partial filmography of 15 movies |
1998 | 14 | Our partial filmography of 8 movies |
1999 | 10 | Our partial filmography of 6 movies |
2000 | 9 | Our partial filmography of 9 movies |
2001 | 14 | Our partial filmography of 14 movies |
2002 | 25 | Our partial filmography of 16 movies |
2003 | 47 | Our partial filmography of 32 movies |
2004 | 46 | Our partial filmography of 33 movies |
2005 | 38 | Our partial filmography of 21 movies |
2006 | 49 | Our partial filmography of 23 movies |
2007 | 48 | Our partial filmography of 27 movies |
2008 | 51 | Our partial filmography of 22 movies |
2009 | 51 | Our partial filmography of 35 movies |
2010 | 62 | Our partial filmography of 38 movies |
2011 | 52 | Our partial filmography of 19 movies |
2012 | 64 | Our partial filmography of 12 movies |
2013 | 44 | Our partial filmography of 9 movies |
2014 | 70 | Our partial filmography of 13 movies |
2015 | 63 | Our partial filmography of 12 movies |
2016 | 50 | Our partial filmography of 7 movies |
2017 | 62 | Our partial filmography of 4 movies |
2018 | 49 | Our partial filmography of 15 movies |
2019 | 56 | Our partial filmography of 4 movies |
2020 | 37 | Our partial filmography of 0 movies |
2021 | 19 | Our partial filmography of 0 movies |
2022 | 45 | Our partial filmography of 0 movies |
2023 | 77 | Our partial filmography of 1 movies |
2024 | xx | Our partial filmography of 0 movies |
Is there a Thai museum about cinema?
There is a National Film Archive and Museum (พิพิธภัณฑ์ภาพยนตร์ไทย) in Nakhon Pathom.
There is another small Thai cinema Museum (พิพิธภัณฑ์บ้านอาจารย์เจริญ สาดา) in Khon Kaen province, บ้านหนองบัวดีหมี. Many items are linked to actor and director Panna Rittikrai.
There is also a "THAI I-SAN FILM ARCHIVE" under consideration at Khon Kaen University in Thailand Northeastern region.
There is also a "MITR CHAIBANCHA" museum in Phitsanulok, Thailand Northern region. It is a private museum featuring many old items. The owner is Mr Bancha (คุณบัญชา วาจาสุวรรณ). He can be contacted at 0810363406.