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Mamee Nakprasitte
Mamee Nakprasitte (1981) - นภคปภา นาคประสิทธิ

This Mamee Nakprasitte movie page contains 4 records.

Year: 2008
Thai title: ลองของ 2
English title: Art of The Devil 3
Rating: 3/5
Director: Kongkiat Khomsiri
Main actor:
Main actress: Mamee Nakprasitte,Paweena Chareefsakul
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This movie is in fact a prequel to the 2005 Art of The Devil 2. A family was having happiness after the birth of a son and a daughter. The father used a woman teacher, Panor, to help his son during homework time. The teacher became the father's mistress. The mother, Deuan, died by suffocating but in fact she was poisoned by her husband. The grandparents have kept her body. By using a man expert in black magic, they transfer the spirit of Duean inside the body of Panor. The expert in black magic is rotten inside and is looking for a three-eyed devil magic to cure him-self. Duean, after being dead for 13 years, still has visions and can see spirits around her. She doesn't accept her new body and wishes to take revenge on her previous family. She kills them one by one through usage of black magic despite the attempt of the expert to stop her. A monk provides her advice that she will get peace as she is still using black magic.

Year: 2005
Thai title: ลองของ
English title: Art of The Devil 2
Rating: 3/5
Director: Kongkiat Khomsiri
Main actor:
Main actress: Mamee Nakprasitte
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The teacher Miss Panor has six students. She is the stepmother of one of the student. She is having an affair with another teacher. The students decide to play a cruel prank on Miss Panor and her reputation is ruined. The teacher then turns to black magic to exact gruesome revenge.

Year: 2004
Thai title: เจ้าสาวผัดไทย
English title: Pad Thai Story
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Thep Po-ngam,Somchai Sakdikul
Main actress: Mamee Nakprasitte
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Phet (เพชรา) is a young lady from a Thai Chinese family. Today there is happiness as it is her younger sister's wedding. She is still single (หาผัวไม่ได้). She puts hope in an office colleague but she discovers that he is gay. Phet losts her job but doesn't dare to announce this bad news to her father. The father is having a local restaurant business specialized in Thai Fried Noodles. She meets a teacher Surachat (อาจารย์สุระชาติ) but misunderstandings happen between them. Her father finally discovers she is out of job and she accepts to work as cook (แม่ค้าผัดไทย). There is tension between Soi (ซอย) inhabitants as a multinational company wishes to buy the houses in order to build a department store. Not all accept. One of the side-street leader is played by veteran actor Thep Po-ngam. He protests every day. Phet's father has a health weakness while Phet is out to watch a movie with the teacher. She has arguments with her sister claiming that as she cannot find a husband she should better take care of their father. Phet claims that whoever will come to eat 100 times to her Thai Fried Noodles shop will become her husband. This statement makes noise in the community. A TV producer learns about this and helps to organize a TV game. There is one million baht and Phet's hand for the winner. The game name is Thai Fried Noodles love (ความรักผัดไทย)! Feminist activists complain and call it ผัดไทยขายSex. Many people join (farang, indian, gay and even a former boyfriend Surachsi). Every day, a few people give up as they cannot stand Thai Fried Noodles overdose. At the end, only 3 candidates remain, a lady boy, the teacher and the former boyfriend. The teacher loses as Surachsi gives him a bad medicine to get sick (ท้องเสีย). He is finally qualified again as it is discovered that the lady boys were twins cheating. As the TV producer is found to be out of pennies, the former boyfriend stops also as he was only interested in money prize. Only the teacher remains and wins Phet's heart. The multinational company also finally gives up.

Year: 2001
Thai title: แม่เบี้ย
English title: MaeBia
Rating: 3/5
Main actor: Akara Amarttayakul
Main actress: Mamee Nakprasitte
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A married man has a liaison with a woman, who is protected by a jealous supernatural snake. This passion is fatal for all. This movie is a remake of the previous movie แม่เบี้ย shot in year 1989.