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Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham is located in Yuen Long District.
In Hong Kong, Thai people can celebrate mainly on Sundays due to work. There are
four main big Thai Buddhist temples in Hong Kong, three in Yuen Long districts and one near Tai Wo.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham (วัดพุทธวิปัสสนาธรรม) is a Thai Theravada
Buddhist Monastery. It is located near Shap Pat Heung area in Yuen Long district.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
This sign shows the Buddhist temple's full name in Thai as วัดพุทธวิปัสสนาธรรม
and in English "Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham".
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham does have a blog also! Their URL is
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham is considered as a Thai new temple by the Thai community.
Events such as Visakabucha day (วันวิสาขบูชา)
in Hong Kong are celebrated at the Thai temple in Yuen Long. Other events such as Songkran or
Robes offering ceremony are also performed there.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham is built on a mountain slope. Three Thai monks
are leaving there.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham offers stunning landscape views over south of Yuen Long.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham features many Thai and Chinese deities statues.
Chinese people cannot throw away deities statues. So there are some places such as
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham where those statues are accepted.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Same as in Thailand, people would send old spirit house to the Buddhist temple
as it is not proper to throw them away like rubbish.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham features many Thai Buddhist objects coming from
Thailand such as Buddha statues, decorative panels, gong...
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Thai traditional New Year or Songkran is celebrated in Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham.
This event is also called water festival. So kids and teens enjoy splashing
each other.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Weather is so hot that receiving a bucket full of water can be really refreshing
at Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
New Buddha statues are offered to the monks at Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
In Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham, the houses for monks or "KUTI"
(กุฎิ) are well decorated.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
A big display board features recent pictures with Buddhist events
taking place in Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Those monks robes have just been cleaned and are now drying under harsh sun.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
This decoration on one of the small houses for monks shows Buddha meditating
under Bohdi tree.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
The gong is used during daily life in a Thai Buddhist temple. It helps
indicating daily important events such as wake up, time for meals...
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
Local Thai people give money donation to the Thai Buddhist temple.
Some money is given through a money tree (เงินต้น)
or through putting money in donation boxes (ตู้บริจาค).
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
The alms round is also done at Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham. Food, flowers,
bottles of water, money are given to monks.
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
As too much food is given, some men help to empty the monks' bowl when it is
full of food..
Wat Buddha Vippassana Dham
No food is wasted. Once the monks have eaten, the remaining food is shared between all
people who come to Songkran festival on that day.