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In Tai Hang area, in CauseWay Bay district, fire
dragon dances (龍火坑大) are performed over three nights.
Tai Hang fire dragon
A few days before Mid-Autumn festival in year 1880, a powerful typhoon struck
Hong Kong.
A huge python entered Tai Hang village and was killed
by villagers. A few days later cholera broke out in the village.
The python was the son of Dragon King.
Tai Hang fire dragon
As the Dragon was scared of fire, the villagers danced with a fire dragon for three
nights continously to threaten him and stop the Cholera.
Tai Hang fire dragon
Villagers are making a big fire dragon made of straw and put burning incense
all over the dragon's body.
Villagers dance with the fire dragon, roam through
all the lanes of Tai Hang village.
Tai Hang fire dragon
Since year 1880, until today, villagers have maintained the custom
every Mid-Autumn festival.
Tai Hang fire dragon
The Dragon is 220 feet long and has a team of 120 dancers. It
consists of the head, a body made of 32 segments and a tail.
It is preceded by
two dancing Dragon Pearls or "Lung Chu" whose purpose is to attract the
Dragon forward.
Tai Hang fire dragon
The Dragon is accompanied by a noisy drum and clashing cymbals that are
running behing him.
Tai Hang fire dragon
The Dragon is accompanied as well as by banners and costumed children
carrying lanterns.
Tai Hang fire dragon
This custom has been followed every year since 1880, with the exception of the
Japanese Occupation and during the 1967 disturbances.
Tai Hang fire dragon
Until recent years female participation was limited to the cutting of grass. Ladies were
not allowed to touch the Dragon and they were not admitted during
the Dragon's visit to the Lin Fa Kung Temple. Nowadays young ladies can be seen
holding the Dragon.
Tai Hang fire dragon
Each evening during three nights, the Tai Hang fire dragon dance
last around three hours.
Tai Hang fire dragon
Each evening, the burning incense sticks are changed once.