Deity Festival
The event is happening in a Chinese shrine. Free food is offered. There is free Chinese opera
during two days but the festival lasts three days.
Deity Festival
This troupe is the famous modern Chinese opera troupe Sai Yong Hong
Thailand Teochew Opera Troupe Sai Yong Hong has even a
facebook page.
Deity Festival
In front of the Chinese shrine, there is even a beautiful Lord Brahma shrine
flanked with elephants.
Deity Festival
The main stars of Sai Yong Hong troupe are coming from mainland China.
Today a new opera (งิ้ว) is performed.
Deity Festival
As it is a festival, there are of course some shops selling artifacts such as
masks for kids.
Deity Festival
Various offerings are done for the deity. It includes fruits and sweets.
Deity Festival
Chinese shrines are always colorful and feature many
statues. This deity is sitting on the back of a buffalo.
Deity FestivalDeity Festival
Deity Festival
A big gate allows to enter inside the Chinese shrine. Those yearly festivals
are important to create local community cohesion.
Deity Festival
This red color public notice with Thai and Chinese characters announces that the
deity festival is taking place from 25 Dec 2014 to 27 Dec 2014.
Deity Festival
Performers have tents below the stage. Backstage is pretty small.
Deity Festival
During the peak season, Sai Yong Hong is staying around Bangkok. It is currently
the most demanded troupe.
Deity Festival
The Chinese opera performance is starting at 7PM so local artists are busy
finalising their makeup.
Deity Festival
Today there is a big audience but it is mainly elderly Thai people.
Deity Festival
Troupe owners or managers seems to be three people, i.e. one man helping on everything,
an elderly woman checking the progress of the story and giving reminder to the performers,
another woman checking makeup and clothes.
Deity Festival
Various offerings are done for the deity. It includes fruits and sweets.
Deity Festival
Today opera is based on a legend taking place during Ayothaya era. A Chinese
man arrives in Pattani and marries a local lady. Her sister, not receiving news
from her brother, arrives there and tries to break up the marriage. Unable to
succeed, she finally gets suicide to show her disapproval to her brother.
Deity Festival
Special scenes are happening under the water so there is the king of fishes,
some mermaids and light is made dimmer. A special gun is used to make the water sound
Today opera even features folk dances with Indian songs!
Deity Festival
The story is taking place during Ayothaya era and is located
in South of Thailand so some performers wear Indian style clothes.
Thai performers often smile or joke but also get
reprimanded by the boss if he is not happy.
Deity Festival
This is kitchen where food is prepared for performers. There are even young
children in the troupe. When getting older, the children stay in relatives' homes
as they need to go the same school every day but their parents are changing place
every few days.
Deity Festival
It is never an issue to be able to go in the backstage in Chinese Opera
performances happening in Thailand.
Deity Festival
Normally troupe owner always allows as long as the performance and performers
are not disturbed.
Deity Festival
Today performance was not perfect as it was the first time for this new opera inspired
by a folk legend. New opera performances are often introduced in smaller festivals in order
for the troupe to get accustomed to it before performances in main festivals.
Deity Festival
Money is offered to performers. 2000 baht for the main star.
500 baht for smaller stars and 100 baht for small role. It can be a source
of conflict in the backstage. If the main star is generous, his amount can
be shared between the smaller roles.
A strong usage of Facebook to share pictures of the performers or
to share location of the next performance is done. Some Facebook live videos are sometimes
even recorded when performers are doing make up session (แต่งหน้าดี).
Deity Festival
Comic interlude happens with one actor wearing modern policeman clothes and
asking for money as it is end of the year :-)
Today Chinese opera is a modern application
of Chinese opera in Thailand. Purist may not like but anyway it is important
for folks arts to evolve if they want to survive in this modern world.