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Temple fair
There are fairs to promote fund-raising in order to do work repair on the Buddhist
temple or build new structures. In famous temples, there is an annual fair
("GNAAN PRACHAM PI" - งานประจำปี)
with music concerts, outdoor activities, games and so on...
The Thai temple plays a community role and has social focal point.
Temple fair
Important restoration can last several years until the
complete funds are available.
Temple fair
Temple fairs happen every year. They usually last a few days or one full week.
Temple fair
Thai local people flock to the Buddhist temple and perform good actions
in order to get merits. They usually pray and donate money to the temple.
Temple fair
People cover the Buddha statues with a thin golden leaf to honour
Buddha teachings.
Temple fair
People stick small flags with a banknote as a donation inside a round structure.
It becomes a "money tree" (เงินต้น).
Temple fair
People can also rent Buddha statues from the temple. Thai people never
buy Buddha statues but rent them.
Temple fair
In Buddhist temples having a tall pagoda, people can write prayers and their name on a paper.
This paper is then inserted in a bell that is sent on the top of the pagoda, representing
the heaven.
Temple fair
Until late in the night, Thai people come to the temple to pray.
They lit the incense sticks, kneel
three times and put the incense sticks in front of the statue.
Temple fair
Some Buddha statues start to be deformed as golden leaves have been stuck during years
and years.
Temple fair
After prayers and listening to the monks preach, people
want to have fun. So they wander around the fair and its numerous stands.
Families, young couples, teenagers, kids and even monks
wander along the shops.
Temple fair
Food stalls propose delicious food (snacks, noodles, rice dishes and even bugs),
drinks and local sweets. Family with kids
have a good time.
Some vendors tour around Thailand going from one temple fair to
Temple fair
Young people wander around the pagoda. It is also an opportunity for young
people to court each other and stay late.
Temple fair
Any kinds of goods is sold during the temple fair, i.e. shampoos, beauty products, clothes,
shoes, posters and so on...
It is the rule for visitors to bargain before buying
goods in such temple fair.
Temple fair
DVD, VCD and CD are also available for sale. Genuine or fake? Anyway high volume
sound warns visitors that they are approaching a CD shop.
Temple fair
Local artists can portrait visitors very accurately.