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Once a year, a big ritual (งานปีไหว้ครูบาอาจารย์) is celebrated with
abundant offerings and gathering of spirit mediums.
Outdoor kitchen
The house of a Spirit Medium can feature an impressive altar with
statues, garlands, big candles...
Big loudspeakers are diffusing Indian music or local
Thai music.
Food preparation
Like any Buddhist rituals, local people help each other to prepare the food.
The food is paid by one or several sponsors
Food preparation
Preparing food is done by women and the atmosphere is very cheerful.
The food is prepared outside under an outdoor roof covered
Food preparation
Delicious Thai dishes are under preparation.
Food will be offered for free to the various participants
to Spirit Medium rituals.
Big loudspeakers
Thanks to the noisy loudspeakers, nobody in the village can ignore the coming
Spirit Medium ritual.
The first day is mainly the preparation of food and various
sacred items.
Spirit Medium ritual
The first day is almost over. At evening time, people are gathering and chatting.
Spirit Medium ritual
Such kind of events is always an opportunity for local community gathering.
Village main road
Some fluorescent neons in the village indicate the way to the Spirit Medium ritual.
Spirit Medium altar
Inside the Spirit Medium house, an impressive altar with
statues, garlands, big candles can be seen.
The altar is located in a special room separated from the other
Spirit Medium altar
This altar is called หิ้งบูชา ("HING BUCHA" - worship shelf)
or โต๊ะครู ("TO KRU" - table for the teacher spirit).
These elaborate shelves feature many deities including the Buddha
statue at the top shelf.
Spirit Medium altar
Images or statues of famous monks are arranged and placed on the second level from the top,
one shelf below the image of Buddha.
Indian deities should be one level below the Budddha image
and Buddhist monks. Chinese deities such as Guanyin should even be one shelf lower.
Royal spirits such as former kings or local guardian and other spirits
(เจ้าพ่อ, เจ้าแม่) are
at the same level as Chinese deities. Flowers are located on the floor.
Food buffet
Glasses filled with tea and soft drink bottled are part of the offerings
to the spirits.
Fan gifts
Fans are stored in the house and ready to be offered to the monks after
the traditional morning prayers.
Food buffet
Huge flowers garlands offerings are also performed during this ritual.
Firecrackers preparation
Some villagers are working on the firecrackers preparation. Big noise expected!
Firecrackers preparation
Time to wake up the spirits thanks to this long firecracker preparation...
Firecrackers explosion
Better stay far away from the firecrackers exploding and waking up the whole
Spirit Medium altar
Food is also offered in front of the main altar inside the house. Then the offerings
are moved outdoor and placed in front of the smaller altar.
Naga statue
On top of the huge Phayanak statue, there are also two smaller Naga statues
Food buffet
Impressive food buffet offered to the spirits and teachers!
Spirit Medium ritual
A ritual is happening during earlier morning and featuring a
few spirit mediums only.
Spirit Medium ritual
Spirit possession does happen in this morning session. Main teacher is
worshipped (งานไหว้ครูปู่).
Spirit Medium ritual
Each time a spirit medium is possessed then one of them is using
a conch shell to do a loud signal.
Food Buffet
Incense sticks are then inserted inside the food items and lit. It is
a way to share with the spirits and pay respect to the teachers.
Breakfast time
Once the ritual is over, the food is brought from the altar to the kitchen. It is then
shared and eaten by the followers and participants.
Buddhist monks
Nine monks arrive in the morning to pray in the medium spirit's house.
Buddhist monks
Such event really shows the syncretism of Buddhism and Animism in Thailand.
Such animism belief is severely fought by some Buddhist monks.
Buddhist monks
Buddhist monks are starting their prayers. On the altar near the monk,
a head / mask of the teacher can be seen.
Buddhist monks
One of the monk is preparing holy water. A sacred thread is linked to the altar and hold
by each of the monk.
Food for monks
Once the prayers are over, food is brought for the Buddhist monks.
Buddhist monks
Time for meal but a last prayer is done by Buddhist monks before starting to eat.
Buddhist monks
The nine Buddhist monks are now leaving. They get envelopes with money
inside and a small fan as appreciation gifts.